It shall be unlawful for any person to walk four or more dogs at any one time for consideration on Park Property without first having obtained a permit under this Article from the Director of the Animal Care and Control Department.
(a) Every person desiring a permit under this Article 39 shall file an application with the Director upon a form provided by the Department and pay a non-refundable permit fee.
(b) An application for a permit shall specify:
(1) The name and proposed business address of the applicant;
(2) Whether or not the applicant has ever been convicted of any crime involving the mistreatment of animals and if so convicted, the place and court in which the conviction was had, the specific charge under which the conviction was obtained, and the sentence imposed as the result of said conviction;
(3) Such information pertinent to the operation of the proposed business as the Director may require of an applicant in addition to the other requirements of this Section;
(4) The address to which notice, when required, is to be sent or mailed, and the name and address of a person authorized to accept service of process, if not otherwise set forth in the permit application; and,
(5) Whether the application is for a new permit or for the renewal of an existing permit.
(c) The application shall also include:
(1) A copy of a current valid City business registration certificate under Business and Tax Regulations Code Section 853 for the proposed Commercial Dog Walking business in the name of the proposed permittee or the permittee's proposed employer;
(2) Proof of completion of the training required under Section 3906; and,
(3) Proof of $1 million in general liability insurance, which the permittee must maintain for the full term of the permit.
(d) Every application for a permit under this Article shall be verified as provided in the California Code of Civil Procedure for the verification of pleadings.
(b) The Director shall base the amount of the fee upon the actual costs to the Department of processing the application and of administering and enforcing this Article 39, but shall not set the amount at greater than two hundred and fifty dollars ($250).
(c) Beginning with Fiscal Year 2016-2017, and every fifth year after that, the Controller shall adjust the cap on the permit fee set in subsection (b) without further action by the Board of Supervisors, to reflect intervening changes in the relevant Consumer Price Index, as determined by the Controller. No later than May 15th of each such year, the Controller shall file a report with the Board of Supervisors reporting the new fee cap and certifying that the amount of the cap does not exceed the costs of providing the services for which the fee is assessed.
(a) The Director may issue a permit within 21 days following the filing of a complete application as provided in Section 3903 if he or she finds, based upon the contents of the application and his or her own investigation:
(1) That the operation, as proposed by the applicant, if permitted, would comply with all applicable laws, including but not limited to, the City's Municipal Code.
(2) That the applicant and any other person who will be directly engaged in the management and operation of a Commercial Dog Walking business has not been convicted in a court of competent jurisdiction, by final judgment of:
(A) An offense involving the mistreatment of animals that amounts to a felony, or if committed outside the State of California would amount to a felony if committed within the State of California, provided that the conviction occurred within the past ten years;
(B) An offense involving the mistreatment of animals that amounts to a misdemeanor or infraction, or if committed outside of the State of California would amount to a misdemeanor or infraction if committed within the State of California, provided that such person committed three separate offenses within the past five years.
(3) That the applicant has not knowingly made any false, misleading, or fraudulent statement of facts in the permit application or any other document required by the Director in connection with the application.
(b) Only one Commercial Dog Walking permit shall be issued to any one person.
(c) No Commercial Dog Walking permit shall be assignable or otherwise transferable.
(d) The permit shall be delivered to the applicant by the Tax Collector upon the payment to the Tax Collector of the license fee required under Section 3910.
(a) All applicants for a new permit must first satisfy one of the following two training requirements:
(1) The applicant shall complete a training course approved by the Director consisting of at least 20 hours of classroom and hands-on training. The training course must cover each of the following subject areas: canine behavior, pack management, dog park etiquette, safety and fight protocols, local laws and regulations, canine first aid, and any other subject or subjects that the Director may determine is or are relevant to the health and safety of animals and the public in the conduct of a Commercial Dog Walking business; or,
(2) The applicant shall complete an apprenticeship program approved by the Director consisting of at least 40 hours of practical experience working under the direct supervision of another dog walker who (A) is doing business as a permittee under this Article 39, and (B) has operated a dog walking business, with a valid City business registration certificate under Business and Tax Regulations Code Section 853 (or equivalent license or certification from another jurisdiction, as accepted by the Director), for at least three years. The person or organization providing the apprenticeship program may, but is not required to, charge the applicant for the program. The apprenticeship program shall cover each of the subject areas identified for training in subsection (a)(1), and the person or organization providing the apprenticeship program shall provide the participant who successfully completes the program with written certification stating that those subjects have been covered as part of the apprenticeship. The permit applicant shall provide the Director with a copy of such certification along with his or her permit application.
(b) The Director shall adopt regulations setting forth the required content of a course under subsection (a)(1) or the criteria for an approved apprenticeship program under subsection (a)(2). After adoption of such regulations, the Director shall approve or disapprove, within 30 days of submission, any entity's proposal to offer the required Commercial Dog Walking training under subsection (a)(1) or (2).
(c) Notwithstanding the provisions of subsection (a), any person who, on March 1, 2013, has held for at least the past three consecutive years a valid City business registration certificate under Business and Tax Regulations Code Section 853 for a dog walking business (or equivalent license or certification from another jurisdiction, as accepted by the Director), or any person who as of that date has worked as a dog walker for such a business for at least the past three consecutive years, shall be deemed to have satisfied the training requirement of this Section. The Director may by regulation adopted under Section 3909 determine which other equivalent occupational experience, if any, provides similar training and may be substituted for dog walking under this subsection (c).