When the Director sends a notice of initial determination, the Director shall serve the notice on the permittee or the permittee's agent. The Notice of Initial Determination may require that all tobacco sales cease. The notice shall state the basis for the Department's initial determination, including the alleged acts or failures to act that constitute a basis for suspension, revocation, and/or an administrative penalty as provided in this Article. After affording the permittee an opportunity to provide information contesting the initial determination, the Director shall issue a decision, including an order imposing an administrative penalty, if any. Copies of this decision and related order(s) shall be served upon the party served with the notice of initial determination. If no notice of appeal of the Director's decision is filed within the appropriate period, the decision shall be deemed final and shall be effective 15 days after it was issued.
(Added as Sec. 1009.69 by Ord. 254-03, File No. 030869, App. 11/7/2003; redesignated by Ord. 259-14
, File No. 141098, App. 12/19/2014, Eff. 1/18/2015)
Unless a timely notice of appeal of the Department's final decision is filed, the Department may require payment of any administrative penalty within 30 days of the Director's decision. The Department shall make a written demand for payment by personal delivery or certified mailed notice to the person sanctioned. Any administrative penalty assessed and received in an action brought under this Article shall be paid to the Treasurer of the City and County of San Francisco. The person against whom an administrative penalty is imposed also shall be liable for the costs and attorney's fees incurred by the City and County of San Francisco in bringing any civil action to enforce the provisions of this section, including obtaining a court order requiring payment of the administrative penalty.
(Added as Sec. 1009.71 by Ord. 254-03, File No. 030869, App. 11/7/2003; redesignated by Ord. 259-14
, File No. 141098, App. 12/19/2014, Eff. 1/18/2015)
(a) Right of Appeal. The final decision of the Director to deny, suspend, or revoke a permit, or to impose administrative sanctions, as provided in this Article, may be appealed to the Board of Appeals in the manner prescribed in Article I of the San Francisco Business and Tax Regulations Code. An appeal shall stay the action of the Director.
(b) Hearing. The procedure and requirements governing an appeal to the Board of Appeals shall be as specified in Article I of the San Francisco Business and Tax Regulations Code.
(Added as Sec. 1009.72 by Ord. 254-03, File No. 030869, App. 11/7/2003; redesignated by Ord. 259-14
, File No. 141098, App. 12/19/2014, Eff. 1/18/2015)
Nothing in this Article shall affect any other remedies which are available to the City and County under any law, including (1) Health Code Article 19D (regulating cigarette vending machines); (2) Police Code Section 4600.3 (regulating the self-service merchandising of tobacco products); (3) Health Code Article 19F (prohibiting smoking in enclosed areas and sports stadiums); (4) California Penal Code section 308 (regulating sales of tobacco products to minors); and (5) California Labor Code section 6404.5 (prohibiting smoking in enclosed places of employment).
(Added as Sec. 1009.73 by Ord. 254-03, File No. 030869, App. 11/7/2003; redesignated and amended by Ord. 259-14
, File No. 141098, App. 12/19/2014, Eff. 1/18/2015)
The Director may issue and amend rules, regulations, standards, guidelines, or conditions to implement and enforce this Article.
(Added as Sec. 1009.74 by Ord. 254-03, File No. 030869, App. 11/7/2003; redesignated by Ord. 259-14
, File No. 141098, App. 12/19/2014, Eff. 1/18/2015)
In undertaking the enforcement of this ordinance, the City is assuming an undertaking only to promote the general welfare. It is not assuming, nor is it imposing on its officers and employees, an obligation for breach of which it is liable in money damages to any person who claims that such breach proximately caused injury.
(Added as Sec. 1009.75 by Ord. 254-03, File No. 030869, App. 11/7/2003; redesignated by Ord. 259-14
, File No. 141098, App. 12/19/2014, Eff. 1/18/2015)
In adopting this Article, the Board of Supervisors does not intend to regulate or affect the rights or authority of the State to do those things that are required, directed or expressly authorized by federal or state law. Further, in adopting this Article, the Board of Supervisors does not intend to prohibit that which is prohibited by federal or state law.
(Added as Sec. 1009.76 by Ord. 254-03, File No. 030869, App. 11/7/2003; redesignated by Ord. 259-14
, File No. 141098, App. 12/19/2014, Eff. 1/18/2015)
In the event that a court or agency of competent jurisdiction holds that federal or state law, rule or regulation invalidates any clause, sentence, paragraph or section of this Article or the application thereof to any person or circumstances, it is the intent of the Board of Supervisors that the court or agency sever such clause, sentence, paragraph or section so that the remainder of this Article shall remain in effect.
(Added as Sec. 1009.77 by Ord. 254-03, File No. 030869, App. 11/7/2003; redesignated by Ord. 259-14
, File No. 141098, App. 12/19/2014, Eff. 1/18/2015)