(a) Establishment of Fund. The Public Works Littering, Nuisance and Graffiti Violation Reward Fund (the "Reward Fund") is established as a category six fund to receive the administrative penalties authorized and collected pursuant to Police Code Section 37(c), Health Code Sections 283.1, 287, and 600, and Public Works Code Section 174.2.
(b) Use of Fund. Monies in the fund shall be used exclusively by the Director of Public Works ("the Director") to reward citizens in the following manner:
(1) Any person or persons providing information that leads, in the judgment of the Director, to the imposition of administrative penalties under Police Code Section 37(c), Health Code Sections 283.1, 287, and 600, and Public Works Code Section 174.2, shall receive 50 percent of the administrative penalties collected through that information pursuant to any of those sections, provided that the person or persons apply for the reward within 90 days of the imposition of the penalty. Administrative penalties that are not collected as a result of information provided by private persons, or not timely claimed for reward in accordance with this section, shall be used by the Department of Public Works to defray administrative and clean-up costs associated with litter and nuisance abatement and for any rewards specified in subparagraph (b)(2) of this Section.
(2) Any person or persons providing information that leads, in the judgment of the Director, to the arrest and conviction of a person who defaces public or private property with graffiti or other inscribed material in violation of California Penal Code Section 594(a)(1) shall receive $250 from this Reward Fund, provided that the person or persons apply for the reward within 90 days of the arrest and conviction.
(Added by Ord. 292-04, File No. 040561, App. 12/24/2004; amended by Ord. 90-05, File No. 050434, App. 5/20/2005)
(a) Establishment of Fund. The Public Works Nuisance Abatement and Removal Fund is established as a category six fund for the purpose of abating and removing nuisances in accordance with San Francisco Public Works Code Sections 174-174.13. Any monies appropriated by the Board of Supervisors or collected by the Director of Public Works for this purpose and sums received in consideration of the release of liens and payment of special assessments shall be deposited in the special fund.
(Added by Ord. 316-00, File No. 001911, App. 12/28/2000)
(a) Establishment of Fund. The Public Works Street Beautification Fund is established as a category eight fund for the purpose of receiving “in-lieu” fees required under Public Works Code section 2711(c).
(b) Use of Fund. Monies in the Street Beautification Fund shall be used exclusively for murals and other beautification projects in the public right-of-way. Public Works shall establish a mechanism for receiving applications for use of these funds for such purposes.
(Added by Ord. 316-00, File No. 001911, App. 12/28/2000; amended by Ord. 198-17, File No. 170442, App. 10/5/2017, Eff. 11/4/2017)
(a) Establishment of Fund. The Recreation and Parks Animal Purchase and Exchange Fund is established as a category six fund to receive funds derived from the sale or exchange of animals at the San Francisco Zoological Gardens, said special fund to be known as the Animal Purchase and Exchange Fund.
(b) Use of Fund. Said special fund shall be used solely for expenses necessary for, and incidental to the purchase, sale or exchange of animals for the San Francisco Zoological Gardens, including, but not limited to, the following:
(1) Administrative expenses other than the payment of salaries to City and County employees and officials;
(2) Freight or shipping charges;
(3) Insurance requirements;
(4) The purchase or construction of crates for transportation;
(5) Expenses incurred in obtaining any permits, including federal or state permits, or permits from foreign entities;
(6) Expenses arising when a quarantine of an animal is necessary; and
(7) The purchase price of animals.
(c) Exceptions to Fund Category. All expenditures in excess of $10,000 shall require approval of the Board of Supervisors.
(d) Administration of Fund. All expenditures and any remaining balances in the fund shall be reported to the Board of Supervisors each year concurrent with the submission of the budget.
(Added by Ord. 316-00, File No. 001911, App. 12/28/2000)
(a) Establishment of Fund. The Recreation and Parks Chinatown Open Space Fund is established as a category six fund for the purpose of acquiring, improving and/or maintaining open space resources and park land and park facilities as defined in Section 135.1 of the San Francisco Municipal, which is expected to be used solely or in substantial part by persons who live, work, shop or otherwise do business in the Chinatown Mixed Use Districts as defined in Sections 810.1, 811.1 and 812.1 of the City Planning Code and as identified on Sectional Map 1 of the Zoning Map of the City and County of San Francisco.
(b) Use of Fund. The fund shall be used solely for the purpose of such acquisition, improvement, maintenance and related expenses including the planning, design and engineering of specific projects. Expenditures from the fund shall be for facilities located within the Chinatown Mixed Use Districts.
(c) Exceptions to Fund Category. Expenditures from the fund shall be authorized jointly by the Recreation and Parks Commission and the City Planning Commission, consistent with the procedures described in (d).
(d) Administration of Fund. The fund shall be administered jointly by the Recreation and Park Commission and the City Planning Commission. The two Commissions shall conduct business related to their duties under this Section at joint public hearings, which hearings may be initiated by either the Recreation and Park Commission or the City Planning Commission. Recommendations shall be made annually for expenditures from this fund by the General Manager of the Recreation and Parks Department in consultation with the Department of City Planning and presented to both Commissions at a joint public hearing to elicit public comment on proposals for the acquisition of, improvement or maintenance of property using monies in the fund. Notice of any joint public hearings shall be published in an official newspaper at least 20 days prior to the date of the hearing, which notice shall set forth the time, place and purpose of the hearing. The hearing may be continued to a later date by a majority vote of the members of both Commissions present at the hearing. At a joint public hearing, a quorum of the membership of each Commission may vote to allocate the monies in the fund for acquisition of property and/or for the development, improvement or maintenance of property as established in Section 10.203(a), above, including property, such as an alleyway, which may not always be appropriate as a Recreation and Park property. The Controller's Office shall file an annual report with the Board of Supervisors, which shall set forth the amount of money collected in the fund.
(Added by Ord. 316-00, File No. 001911, App. 12/28/2000)
(a) Establishment of Fund. The Recreation and Parks Dolphin Club Fund is established as a category four fund into which shall be deposited all gifts, donations and contributions which may be offered to the City and County for the purpose improving the Dolphin Swimming and Boating Club located at Aquatic Park.
(b) Uses of Fund. All monies in the fund shall be expended solely for the purposes of constructing, reconstructing, restoring, repairing, or improving the grounds, buildings and/or facilities of the Dolphin Swimming and Boating Club located at Aquatic Park.
(c) Administration of Fund. All expenditures from such fund shall be made by the Controller to the Recreation and Park Department upon request by that department, provided that such request is accompanied by a written statement that the expenditures are solely for the purposes described above. The Recreation and Park Department shall, upon approval of the Recreation and Park Commission, authorize the expenditures of such funds solely for the purposes set forth above.
(Added by Ord. 316-00, File No. 001911, App. 12/28/2000)
(a) Establishment of Fund. For the purpose of carrying out the provisions of Sections 13000 et seq. of the Fish and Game Code of the State, insofar as the provisions of such section apply to the expenditure of moneys by the City and County for propagation and conservation of fish and game, the Recreation and Parks Fish and Game Propagation Fund is established as a category four fund into which shall be paid, all and singular, the moneys to which the City and County is entitled under and pursuant to the provisions of Sections 13000 et seq. of the Fish and Game Code of the State.
(b) Use of Fund. The fund, as provided in Section 13100 of the Fish and Game Code, are to be expended for the propagation and conservation of fish and game within or outside the City and County, or for educational and youth activities relating to fish and game. These funds shall not be expended for the protection or preservation of domestic livestock or poultry or for predator control unless the action is undertaken to benefit wildlife.
(Added by Ord. 316-00, File No. 001911, App. 12/28/2000)