(a) Definitions. The terms “Gas-Powered Landscaping Equipment” and “Replacement Technology” shall have the definitions set forth in section 2101 of the Police Code.
(b) Establishment of Fund. The Healthier, Cleaner, Quieter Communities Fund (the “Fund”) is established as a category eight fund to receive monies collected for penalties and fees assessed for violations of Police Code Article 21 requirements and regulations, and other monies appropriated or donated to the Fund.
(c) Administration and Use of Fund. The Department of the Environment (“Department”) shall administer the Fund, and the Director of the Department (“Director”) shall adopt rules for the distribution of monies in the Fund consistent with this Section 10.100-74. The Director shall use monies from the Fund only for one or more of the following purposes:
(1) For purchasing of Replacement Technology needed by City departments to comply with Section 12E.2 of the Administrative Code while continuing to perform their required City duties.
(2) To fund a buy-back and/or incentive program (“Buy-Back Program”) with the purpose of offsetting the cost to San Francisco residents and businesses of transitioning from the use of Gas-Powered Landscaping Equipment to the use of Replacement Technology. The Director shall initiate the Buy-Back Program as soon as funding for the program is available. The Director shall develop and publish criteria for eligibility of individuals and businesses to participate in the Buy-Back Program. The criteria shall prioritize support for individuals and businesses that have demonstrated compliance with Article 21 of the Police Code, businesses with two or more employees that have average gross receipts in the prior five years that do not exceed $2,500,000 and businesses and individuals that live, are based, or are operating primarily in San Francisco neighborhoods scoring 50 or higher on the CalEnviroScreen tool, compiled and maintained by the California Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment and available on their website at www.oehha.gov/calenviroscreen, or equivalent tool approved by California state or local governments to identify communities disproportionately burdened by pollution.
(3) To fund the safe disposal of Gas-Powered Landscaping Equipment that is no longer in use by City departments or that is provided by individuals or businesses participating in the Buy-Back Program.
(4) To fund the public education campaign described in section 2106 of the Police Code.
(Added by Ord. 202-22, File No. 220199, App. 10/6/2022, Eff. 11/6/2022)
(a) Establishment of Fund. The Human Resources Examination Research and Development Fund is established as a category two fund to receive monies received from the lease of examination material and the provision of consultant services. The Director of Human Resources is authorized to set fee schedules and negotiate contracts for the lease of confidential examination materials and for the provision of consultant services.
(b) Use of Fund. The fund shall be used exclusively for the purpose of examination, research and development.
(c) Exceptions to Fund Category. Any balance in the fund at the end of any fiscal year in excess of $10,000 shall be transferred to the General Fund.
(d) Administration of Fund. Examination material shall remain the confidential property of the Civil Service Commission and the specific details of leased materials shall not be listed in financial or other reports other than in confidential records of the Civil Service Commission. The provisions of Section 8.12 of Chapter 8 of this Administrative Code and other conflicting provisions of this Code shall not apply to documents leased under authority of this Section.
(Added by Ord. 316-00, File No. 001911, App. 12/28/2000)
(a) Establishment of Fund. The Housing Activation Fund (“Fund”) is established as a category four fund as defined in Section 10.100-1 of the Administrative Code, and shall receive all taxes, penalties, interest, and fees collected from the Empty Homes Tax imposed under Article 29A of the Business and Tax Regulations Code.
(b) Use of Fund. Subject to the budgetary and fiscal provisions of the Charter, monies in the Fund shall be used exclusively for the purposes described in Section 2958 of Article 29A of the Business and Tax Regulations Code.
(c) Administration of Fund. As stated in Section 2957(b) of Article 29A of the Business and Tax Regulations Code, commencing with a report filed no later than February 15, 2026, covering the fiscal year ending June 30, 2025, the Controller shall file annually with the Board of Supervisors, by February 15 of each year, a report containing the amount of monies collected in and expended from the Fund during the prior fiscal year, the status of any project required or authorized to be funded by Section 2958, and such other information as the Controller, in the Controller’s sole discretion, deems relevant to the operation of Article 29A.
(Added by Proposition M, 11/8/2022, Eff. 12/23/2022, Oper. 1/1/2024)
(a) Establishment of Fund. The Department of Homelessness and Supportive Housing Fund is established as a category eight fund to receive, and account for the expenditure of, savings realized through the implementation of Proposition N, or any other legislation that provides in-kind benefits in lieu of a full cash grant.
(b) Definitions. For the purposes of this Section 10.100-77:
The term "baseline figure" shall mean the number of homeless persons in each CAAP program (GA, PAES, CALM, or SSIP), out of a total of 3,000 individuals, estimated as of May 1, 2002.
The term "CAAP" shall mean the County Adult Assistance Program, consisting of the General Assistance (GA) Program (Article VII of Chapter 20 of the Administrative Code), the Personal Assisted Employment Services (PAES) Program (Article IX of Chapter 20 of the Administrative Code), the Cash Assistance Linked to Medi-Cal (CALM) Program (Article X of Chapter 20 of the Administrative Code), and the Supplemental Security Income Pending (SSIP) Program (Article XI of Chapter 20 of the Administrative Code).
The term "Commission" shall mean the San Francisco Human Services Commission.
The term "Department" shall mean the San Francisco Department of Homelessness and Supportive Housing.
The term "homeless" shall mean applicants or recipients in CAAP who identify themselves as homeless.
The term "Proposition N" shall mean Proposition N, or the "Care Not Cash Initiative," as adopted by the voters at the November 2002 San Francisco general municipal election.
(c) Revenues. The Fund shall include the following revenues:
Category One: Each year, the Commission shall, as part of its budget, estimate the number of homeless individuals it expects will participate in each of the separate CAAP programs (GA, PAES, CALM, and SSIP) during the upcoming fiscal year. If those numbers are less than the baseline figures, the City shall credit the Fund with the full amount of the average annual maximum cash grant for each program, multiplied by the difference between the baseline figure and the estimated number of homeless participants in each program for the upcoming fiscal year.
Category Two: Each year, the Commission shall, as part of its budget, estimate the number of homeless individuals in each of the separate CAAP programs (GA, PAES, CALM, and SSIP) the Commission expects will be provided in-kind benefits in lieu of a full cash grant for the upcoming fiscal year. The City shall credit the fund with the difference between the average annual maximum cash grant for each program and the average annual special allowance or other residual cash payment provided by the City, multiplied by the estimated number of homeless individuals in the program that the Commission expects will be provided in-kind benefits in lieu of a full cash grant during the year.
Fund revenues may also include any other monies donated or appropriated to the Fund.
(d) Uses of the Fund. The Fund shall be used by the Department to provide: (1) housing, utilities, and meals; (2) drug and alcohol treatment, including contingency management programs, such as a program established under the Cash Not Drugs Pilot Program, codified in Article XX of Chapter 20 of the Administrative Code, that include direct cash payments as a component of the program; (3) mental health care; and (4) job training, for homeless CAAP recipients whose monthly cash payments have been reduced. In providing these services, the Department may use monies in the Fund to pay for master lease contracts for SRO hotels, expanded shelter operation contracts, meal contracts, and other agreements to provide in-kind benefits. Nothing in this section shall be construed to prevent the City or the Department from providing the same services to other classes of recipients from other funding sources.
To the extent that the Department has met its obligations to provide the basic in-kind benefits listed above, it may also use money in the Fund to pay for job training, SSI advocacy, rental/move-in assistance, and any other services the Department deems necessary or appropriate to help move CAAP recipients in the City's shelter system into permanent housing or self-sufficiency.
The Department may not use any other portion of its overall budget for the direct costs of new care associated with the implementation of Proposition N, or any other legislation that provides in-kind benefits in lieu of a full cash grant; provided, however, that the City may continue to use any other source of funds to provide the same level of such services to homeless CAAP recipients as it already provided, without any reduction in cash assistance, before June 30, 2003 for Proposition N, or before the effective date for any other legislation covered by this ordinance. The Department may only use monies within the Fund for the provision of new care required to implement Proposition N, the Cash Not Drugs Pilot Program, codified in Article XX of Chapter 20 of the Administrative Code, or any other legislation that provides in-kind benefits in lieu of a full cash grant.
(e) Certification. The Human Services Commission shall conduct a public hearing or hearings and adopt findings prior to submitting the annual estimates required under subsection (c).
No later than 30 days after the end of each fiscal year, the Department of Human Services shall report on whether the estimates under subsection (c) were accurate for that year. The Controller shall review that report, and the Human Services Commission shall conduct a hearing and transmit its findings to the Board of Supervisors. The Board may hold additional hearings and may adjust any appropriations to the Fund; provided, however, that the Board may choose to reconcile the amounts in the Fund at the end of the fiscal year.
(f) Fund Limits. The Controller shall alert the Department, the Board of Supervisors, and the Mayor any time the revenues received by the Fund for any fiscal year exceed $11.9 million. The Department may only expend monies from the Fund in excess of the $11.9 million amount in any fiscal year by appropriation ordinance.
At the same time that the Department submits any such proposed appropriation ordinance in excess of the $11.9 million cap, it must also submit to the Board of Supervisors a plan explaining how the Department intends to spend the money. The plan must include, at a minimum, estimates of the amounts to be spent for various purposes, as well as an explanation of who is to benefit from these expenditures, how many people will benefit, and how the proposed benefits will be provided. The Board shall approve the plan by resolution before adopting the appropriation ordinance.
(a) Establishment of Fund. The Housing Stability Fund (the “Fund”) is established as a category four fund to receive any monies appropriated or donated for the purpose of providing funds for the acquisition, creation, operation, development, construction, or rehabilitation of Social Housing Developments as defined in subsection (e).
(b) Use of Fund. The Housing Stability Fund shall be used exclusively for the purpose of providing funds for Social Housing Developments including, but not limited to, the acquisition of land and/or improvements, preservation, development, rehabilitation, construction, operation, loans, grants, and other eligible uses determined by the Mayor’s Office of Housing and Community Development (“MOHCD”), and as included in any Housing Stability Fund regulations. Among the objectives of the Fund is to prioritize acquisition and creation of affordable housing that lacks access to traditional state and federal affordable housing funding.
(c) Administration of Fund. MOHCD shall administer the Housing Stability Fund, and in that capacity may expend funds for a range of eligible uses in accordance with annual program goals and priorities set for the F1
per subsection (d), and enter into loan or grant agreements under terms as determined in the Housing Stability Fund regulations.
(d) Reporting. MOHCD shall submit a report annually by February 15 to the Board of Supervisors and the Mayor, on the use of the Housing Stability Fund during the preceding calendar year, which shall include, but need not be limited to, the amounts approved for disbursement to specific uses, the number and size of sites acquired and type (including improved or vacant), the scope of rehabilitation work for improved sites, the number of units developed or assisted by the Housing Stability Fund, the neighborhoods/geography of projects funded, the impact on racial equity, and overall program implementation goals for the current fiscal year and proposed priorities for the next fiscal year. The report to the Board of Supervisors shall be accompanied by a draft motion for the Board to accept the report.
(e) Social Housing Developments. Social Housing Developments are housing developments that meet the following two criteria: (1) the City, a nonprofit, residents, or a residents association under binding regulatory agreement ensuring permanent affordability, retains an ownership interest in the land, improvements, or both, or has permanent loan and regulatory agreements for the property, and (2) the Social Housing Development serves all income qualified households with a maximum average of not more than 80% of median income across all units in a project, based on the median income within the zip code area where the project is located, as determined and updated annually and published by MOHCD and affordable to such households applicable to a unit. Social Housing Developments shall include, but not be limited to, community land trusts, limited equity cooperative housing, nonprofit housing corporation housing, and municipal housing. MOHCD shall establish minimum regulatory requirements for all Social Housing Developments, including but not limited to, enforceable income and affordability restrictions for the useful life of the property but no less than 99 years through a recorded restriction or ground lease from MOHCD.
(f) Fund Regulations. The Director of MOHCD, or the Director’s designee, is authorized to develop program rules and regulations regarding use of monies in the Housing Stability Fund, including regulatory agreements to ensure permanent affordability of Social Housing Developments funded under this program, to best achieve the purposes of the Fund. No housing funded under this program shall be allowed to be used for Short-Term Residential Rental in accordance with Administrative Code Section 41A.4.
(Added by Ord. 233-20, File No. 201183, App. 11/13/2020, Eff. 12/14/2020)
(a) Establishment of Fund. The Human Services Agency's Working Families Credit Fund is established as a category eight fund for the purpose of receiving all public monies and gifts, donations and contributions of money which may from time to time be received by the City and County through the Human Services Agency for the purpose of implementing the Working Families Credit Program established in Chapter 12S.
(b) Use of Fund. All expenditures from such fund shall be made for the purpose of administering and implementing the Working Families Credit Program established in Chapter 12S.
(Added by Ord. 194-04, File No. 040737, App. 7/30/2004; Ord. 308-06, File No. 061562, App. 12/18/2006)
Editor's Note:
Formerly Section 10.100-347.
Formerly Section 10.100-347.