
Publisher's Note: This section has been AMENDED by new legislation (Ord. 180-22
, approved 8/4/2022, effective 9/4/2022, oper. conditional). The text of the amendment will be incorporated under the new section number when the amending legislation is effective.
(a) Establishment of Fund. The Police Vehicle Theft Crimes Fund is established as a category six fund to receive money which reflects the California Department of Motor Vehicles' $1 surcharge on vehicles registered to a San Francisco address pursuant to California Vehicle Code Section 9250.14.
(b) Use of Fund. The fund shall be used exclusively for deterring, investigating or prosecuting vehicle theft crimes, and consistent with any state guidelines for their use. No costs which may be incurred by any City department in administering this fund shall be recovered therefrom.
(c) Exceptions to Fund Category. The Chief of Police may only authorize expenditures from the fund following acceptance of monies by the Police Commission. The balance remaining in this fund after December 31, 1995, shall be returned to the State Controller for deposit in the Motor Vehicle account in the State Transportation Fund.
(Added by Ord. 316-00, File No. 001911, App. 12/28/2000)
(a) Establishment of Fund. The Public Guardian/Public Administrator Fund is estab- lished as a category eight special fund, meaning that funds are automatically appropriated, inter- est shall be accumulated and that any fund bal- ance shall carry forward year to year. The Public Guardian/Public Administrator Fund shall con- tain all monies collected or appropriated by the Public Guardian’s Office for the uses described in subsection (b). The fund shall also be used as a gift fund to receive all donations of money that may be offered to the Public Guardian’s Office.
(b) Use of Fund. The S.F. Public Guardian is the official under the California Probate Code to serve as the conservator where there is no one else who is qualified and willing to act and where the Public Guardian’s appointment would be in the best interest of the individual as determined by the San Francisco Probate Court. Monies deposited in the fund shall be expended for the purposes designated by the Public Guardian and the Executive Director of the Department of Disability and Aging Services. The fund shall be used primarily to increase and enhance conservatorship services for individuals who are unable to meet basic personal needs for health, food, clothing, and shelter or who are substantially unable to manage their financial resources. The fund may be used to increase staffing and other resources to better provide services including, but not limited to the following: investigating and processing conservatorships; assessing physical, mental, and financial needs; ensuring appropriate medical care, social work services, and budgeting for conservatees; securing housing or shelter for conservatees; locating and managing the assets and income of conservatees; developing plans for both immediate and long-term care of conservatees; and advocating on behalf of conservatees to government agencies, private parties, relatives, and other individuals.
(c) Administration of the Fund. The Public Guardian and the Executive Director of the Department of Disability and Aging Services shall jointly administer the fund.
(a) Establishment of Fund. The Public Health Environmental Health Code Compliance Fund is established as a category eight fund to receive monies collected by the Department of Public Health Occupational and Environmental Health Section through enforcement and any other monies transferred into the fund.
(b) Use of Fund. The fund shall be used solely to support activities that achieve and maintain compliance with provisions of the San Francisco Health Code and other laws enforced by the Department of Public Health Occupational and Environmental Health Section, including environmental investigations, administrative and civil enforcement actions, remediation, and prevention targeted at adverse environmental health conditions in San Francisco.
(c) Administration of Fund. Expenditures from the fund shall be made upon the recommendation of the Director of the Department of Public Health or his or her designee. Expenditures and encumbrances from this fund shall be subject to the budget and fiscal provisions of the Charter.
(Added by Ord. 58-10, File No. 091443, App. 3/25/2010)
(Added by Ord. 316-00, File No. 001911, App. 12/28/2000; Ord. 120-07, File No. 070325, App. 5-25-2007; repealed by Ord. 200-24, File No. 240606, App. 7/31/2024, Eff. 8/31/2024)
(a) Establishment and Use of Fund. The Public Health Environmental Enforcement Fund is established as a category six fund to receive fines and penalties collected pursuant to the California Hazardous Waste Control Act and distributed by the California Department of Health Services to the local health officer under California Health and Safety Code Section 25192 as provided for in the Memorandum of Understanding between the California Department of Health Services and the City and County of San Francisco (hereinafter referred to as "MOU"), copies of which are on file with the Clerk of the Board of Supervisors.
(b) Use of Fund. The monies are to be used exclusively to fund the activity of the Director of the Department of Public Health to enforce the provisions of the Hazardous Waste Control Act in accordance with Health and Safety Code Section 25192. At the request of the Director of the Department of Public Health, funds shall be distributed to the San Francisco Police Department, the San Francisco Sheriffs Department or the California Highway Patrol, as provided pursuant to Health and Safety Code Section 25192(a)(3).
(c) Administration of Fund. Pursuant to the provisions of the MOU the Director of the Department of Public Health or his designee shall maintain for five years books, and records, documenting use of the funds, and shall report quarterly to the California Department of Health Services on the amount of funds received. Such quarterly reports shall contain the information and be filed on the dates specified in the MOU. The Director of Health shall forward copies of the reports submitted to the California Department of Health Services to the Clerk of the Board of Supervisors and the Mayor.
(Added by Ord. 316-00, File No. 001911, App. 12/28/2000)
(a) Establishment of Funds. There are hereby established category eight funds for the Department of Public Health for the purpose of receiving all gifts, donations and contributions of money or personal property of less than $25,000 in value or amount, which may from time to time be received by the City through the Health Commission to be used for the general benefit and comfort of patients of the Department of Public Health without expense other than what may be necessary for proper maintenance, are hereby accepted exclusively for such purposes. All cash received and accepted hereunder for the general benefit and comfort of patients of the San Francisco General Hospital shall be deposited in a special fund to be known as the "San Francisco General Hospital Gift Fund," a public trust; all cash received and accepted hereunder, for the general benefit and comfort of patients of the Laguna Honda Hospital shall be deposited in a special fund to be known as the "Laguna Honda Hospital Gift Fund," a public trust; all cash received and accepted hereunder for the general benefit and comfort of patients of any other division of the Department of Public Health shall be deposited in any appropriate special fund established for such purposes; and all cash received and accepted hereunder for purposes of methadone treatment shall be deposited in a special fund to be known as the "Public Health Methadone Treatment Fund." As to all other forms of gifts or contributions received and accepted hereunder, the Health Commission shall promptly inventory such gifts and contributions and provide the Controller with a copy of such inventory.
(b) Use of Funds. All expenditures from any of said funds shall be made for the purposes for which the gift or donation was originally made.
(c) Exceptions to Fund Category. All expenditures from the fund require the approval of the Public Health Commission.
(d) Administration of Fund. The Department of Public Health shall, on an annual basis, within the first two weeks of July, report in writing to the Board of Supervisors a listing of all gifts, donations and contributions of money or personal property of less than $25,000 in value or amount. The report shall list the nature, amount and disposition of these gifts, donations and contributions.
(Added by Ord. 316-00, File No. 001911, App. 12/28/2000)
(a) Establishment of Fund. The Public Health Laboratory Fund is hereby established as a category two fund for the purpose of receiving fees and gifts collected for the benefit of the Public Health Laboratory.
(b) Use of Fund. Said special fund shall be used solely for the following purposes: (1) Purchase of required materials for the conduct of laboratory educational programs (manuals, books, audio tapes, audio-visual aids); (2) staff development program in support of laboratory activities including travel, tuition, and fees; and (3) other expenses incidental to laboratory enhancement including equipment, materials and supplies.
(c) Administration of Fund. Expenditure of monies from the fund shall be shall be approved by the Director of Health and the Health Commission.
(Added by Ord. 316-00, File No. 001911, App. 12/28/2000)
(a) Establishment of Fund. The Public Health Laguna Honda Home Trust Fund is established as a category eight fund into which shall be placed deposits made by patients at Laguna Honda Home.
(b) Use of Fund. Any patient at Laguna Honda Home may deposit in this trust fund any money received by and belonging to him or her, and may, except as herein otherwise provided, withdraw such deposits as needed for his or her personal incidental expenses or other purposes; provided, however, that every patient who is obligated to pay for his or her care as determined under the provisions of Section 151.1 of Article 3, Chapter V, Part II of the San Francisco Municipal Code, shall deposit monthly in the trust fund an amount not less than the sum so set for monthly repayment by him or her to Laguna Honda Home for the cost of such care. Any money deposited to the account of such patient in excess of the amount to be so paid for care may be withdrawn by the depositor at any time, for personal incidental needs or otherwise. At the end of such month, the amount to be paid to Laguna Honda Home for the patient's care shall be transferred from the trust fund and credited to Laguna Honda Home; and the patient's trust fund account shall be so charged.
Upon discharge or withdrawal of a patient from Laguna Honda Home, any unearned portion of the monthly charge for institutional care will be refunded to the patient, together with any and all other amounts on deposit in his or her name in the trust fund.
For the purpose of facilitating the withdrawal of moneys belonging to the patients, the Superintendent of Laguna Honda Home may maintain, as a part of the trust fund, a revolving fund in such amount as shall be authorized by the Health Commission with the concurrence of the Controller. Such revolving fund may be maintained in cash at the office of Laguna Honda Home or may be deposited in such bank or banks as the Superintendent of Laguna Honda Home may direct.
(c) Administration of Fund. The Superintendent of Laguna Honda Home shall cause full, true and correct records to be maintained currently regarding the receipt and disbursement of all moneys belonging to any such patients on deposit in the Laguna Honda Home Trust Fund, and for that purpose shall maintain individual accounts for each such patient.
(Added by Ord. 316-00, File No. 001911, App. 12/28/2000)