Monies and Securities in Treasury. | |
“Cash Difference and Overage Fund.” | |
Counterfeit Moneys. | |
Deposits of Proceeds of Sale of City/County-Owned Personal Property, Sale of Vintage Transit Equipment. | |
Funds from Veterans' Fund. | |
Public Health Payment of Certain Medical Services Claims from Funds Obtained through the Cigarette and Tobacco Surtax Initiative. | |
Declaration of Interest in Peace Officer Standards and Training Funds. | |
Administration of Special Funds. | |
Administrative Services Vehicle Leasing Program Fund. | |
Affordable Housing Enforcement Fund. | |
Forgivable Loan for First-Time Homebuyers Fund. | |
Airport Capital Improvement Promotion and Event Fund. | |
Animal Care and Control Welfare Fund. | |
Arts Commission Cultural Centers Fund. | |
Art Commission Market Street Art Maintenance Account. | |
Arts Commission Public Artwork Trust Fund. | |
Art Commission Public Arts Fund. | |
Arts Commission Street Artist Fund. | |
Art Commission Youth Arts Account. | |
Board of Supervisors Outreach Advertising Revenue Fund. | |
Building Inspection Fund. | |
CAAP Treatment Fund. | |
Central SOMA Legacy Business & PDR Support Fund. | |
City Administrator Convention Facilities Fund. | |
City Administrator Grants for the Arts Fund. | |
Citywide Affordable Housing Fund. | |
Cooperative Living Opportunities for Mental Health Loan Fund. | |
County Surveyor's Survey Monument Preservation Fund. | |
Disability and Aging Services Community Living Fund. | |
District Attorney Environmental Prosecution Fund. | |
District Attorney Family Support Bureau's Tax Intercept Program Revolving Fund. | |
District Attorney Neighborhood Justice Fund. | |
District Attorney State Forfeiture Fund. | |
Downtown Neighborhoods Preservation Fund. | |
Downtown University Attraction and Retention Fund. | |
Emergency Communications 911 Emergency Response Fund. | |
Environment Cigarette Litter Abatement Fund. | |
Environment Construction and Demolition Debris Transporter Permit Fund. | |
First Responder Student Loan Forgiveness Fund. | |
Food Empowerment Market Fund. | |
The Healthier, Cleaner, Quieter Communities Fund. | |
Human Resources Examination Research and Development Fund. | |
Housing Activation Fund. | |
Homelessness and Supportive Housing Fund. | |
Housing Stability Fund. | |
Human Services Agency's Working Families Credit Fund. | |
Hotel Room Tax Fund. | |
Jackson Playground Park Fund. | |
Library Construction Fund. | |
Library Gift Fund. | |
Library Special Collections and Services Fund. | |
Mayor's Convention Promotion and Services Fund. | |
The San Francisco Disaster and Emergency Response and Recovery Fund. | |
Mayor's Emergency Mercy Fund. | |
Mayor's Excelsior Youth Center Fund. | |
Mayor's Fund for the Homeless. | |
Mayor's Home Ownership Assistance Loan Fund. | |
Mayor's Housing Affordability Fund. | |
Mayor's Neighborhood Beautification and Graffiti Clean-Up Fund. | |
Mayor's Housing Programs Fees Fund. | |
Mayor's Nuisance Abatement Revolving Loan Fund. | |
Mayor's Performing Arts Loan Fund. | |
Mayor's Protocol and Host Fund. | |
Mayor's San Francisco Arts Wall of Fame Fund. | |
Mayor's Sister-City Committee Fund. | |
Mayor's Small Business Revolving Loan Fund. | |
Mayor's Supportive Housing Service Fund. | |
Mayor's Urban Development Action Grant Revolving Fund. | |
Mayor's Voluntary Arts Contributions Fund. | |
Medical Examiner's Peace Officers' Training Fund. | |
The Navigation Partnerships Fund. | |
Our City, Our Home Fund. | |
Planning Code Enforcement Fund. | |
Police Criminalistics Laboratory Fund. | |
Police DNA Testing in Sexual Assault Cases Account. | |
Police Fingerprint Processing Fund. | |
Police Hall of Justice Gymnasium Fund. | |
Police Officers' Training Fund. | |
Police Project Safe Fund. | |
Police Vehicle Theft Crimes Fund. | |
Public Guardian/Public Administrator Gift Fund. | |
Public Health Environmental Health Code Compliance Fund. | |
Public Health Environmental Enforcement Fund. | |
Public Health Gift Funds. | |
Public Health Laboratory Fund. | |
Public Health Laguna Honda Home Trust Fund. | |
Public Health Laguna Honda Home Workshop Fund. | |
Public Health San Francisco General Hospital Trust Fund. | |
Public Health Solid Waste Penalties Fund. | |
Public Health Tobacco Settlement Revenue Fund. | |
Public Health Substance Abuse and Crime Prevention Act Trust Fund. | |
Public Utilities Water Enterprise Environmental Enhancement Surcharge Fund. | |
Public Utilities Water Enterprise Capital Cost Recovery Payment Surcharge Fund. | |
Public Works Adopt-A-Tree Fund. | |
Public Works Excavation Fund. | |
Public Works Litter Control Fund. | |
Public Works Littering, Nuisance and Graffiti Violation Reward Fund. | |
Public Works Nuisance Abatement and Removal Fund. | |
Public Works Street Beautification Fund. | |
Recreation and Parks Animal Purchase and Exchange Fund. | |
Recreation and Parks Chinatown Open Space Fund. | |
Recreation and Parks Dolphin Club Fund. | |
Recreation and Parks Fish and Game Propagation Fund. | |
Recreation and Park Golden Gate Park Stables Matching Fund. | |
Recreation and Parks Golden Gate Pavilion Fund. | |
San Francisco Recreation and Parks Golf Fund. | |
Recreation and Parks Gift Fund. | |
Recreation and Parks Information and Publication Fund. | |
Residential Rent Stabilization and Arbitration Fund. | |
Retiree Health Benefits Fund. | |
San Francisco Automated Fingerprint Identification Fund. | |
San Francisco Capital Planning Fund. | |
San Francisco City College Financial Assistance Fund. | |
San Francisco City Services Preservation Fund. | |
San Francisco Department Awards Funds. | |
San Francisco Dispute Resolution Program Fund. | |
San Francisco Film Production Fund. | |
San Francisco Fire Victims Assistance Fund. | |
San Francisco Gas Tax Street Improvement Fund. | |
San Francisco Gift Funds. | |
San Francisco Homicide Reward Fund. | |
San Francisco Museums Admission Special Revenue Fund. | |
San Francisco Narcotics Forfeiture and Asset Seizure Fund. | |
San Francisco Seismic Safety Loan Fund. | |
San Francisco Self-Insurance Surety Bond Fund. | |
San Francisco Super Bowl 50 Impact Fund. | |
San Francisco Vital and Health Statistics Trust Fund. | |
Senior Operating Subsidies (SOS) Program Fund. | |
Sheriff’s Deputies Training Fund. | |
Sheriff's County Jail Prisoners Welfare Fund. | |
Sheriff's Special Maintenance Fund. | |
Status of Women Domestic Violence Program Fund. | |
Telecommunications and Information Services Cable Television Access Development and Programming Fund. | |
Traffic Congestion Mitigation Fund. | |
Treasurer's Deferred Payment of Settlement Trust Fund. | |
Trial Courts Courthouse Children's Waiting Rooms Fund. | |
War Memorial Maintenance and Capital Improvement Fund. | |
War Memorial Reserve Fund. | |
War Memorial Special Fund. | |
Mission Bay Transportation Improvement Fund. | |
Water Department Revenue Fund. | |
Child Care Planning and Advisory Fund. | |
Public Education Special Fund. | |
Octavia Boulevard Special Fund. | |
San Francisco HOPE SF Fund. | |
Department of Public Works Greening Fund. | |
CleanPowerSF Customer Fund. | |
CleanPowerSF Reserve Fund. | |
180 Jones Street Affordable Housing Fund. | |
Disposition Table | |
Derivation Table | |
Editor's Note:
Ordinance 316-00, File No. 001911, approved December 28, 2000, repealed and reenacted this Article in its entirety. Many of the current provisions are similar to former repealed sections. Appendices A and B to this Chapter set forth a disposition table for the superseded similar Code sections and a derivation table for the current provisions. Not all current sections have corresponding former provisions.
Ordinance 316-00, File No. 001911, approved December 28, 2000, repealed and reenacted this Article in its entirety. Many of the current provisions are similar to former repealed sections. Appendices A and B to this Chapter set forth a disposition table for the superseded similar Code sections and a derivation table for the current provisions. Not all current sections have corresponding former provisions.
(Amended by Ord. 352-64, App. 12/29/64; orig. Res. 27-58 codified by Ord. 193-74, App. 4/18/74; repealed by Ord. 316-00, File No. 001911, App. 12/28/2000)
(Added by Ord. 30-65, App. 2/5/65; repealed by Ord. 316-00, File No. 001911, App. 12/28/2000)
(Amended by Ord. 34-72, App. 34-72; repealed by Ord. 316-00, File No. 001911, App. 12/28/2000)
(Resolution No. 27-58, App. 1/15/58; codified by Ord. 193-74, App. 4/18/74; repealed by Ord. 316-00, File No. 001911, App. 12/28/2000)
(Added by Ord. 125-97, App. 4/9/97; repealed by Ord. 316-00, File No. 001911, App. 12/28/2000)
(Bill No. 746, Ord. No. 9.0431(C.S.), Secs. 1, 2; repealed by Ord. 316-00, File No. 001911, App. 12/28/2000)