(a) Establishment of Fund. The Navigation Partnerships Fund (the “Fund”) is established to pay for navigation services provided by the City or contracted community-based organizations. “Navigation services” provide low barrier-to-entry alternatives to shelter with the goal of moving homeless individuals off of the streets, providing case management and connection to social service benefits, with an ultimate goal of stabilizing these individuals in housing placements in San Francisco or otherwise resolving their homelessness. The Fund is a category eight fund, authorized to receive private donations, grants, gifts, and bequests of money which may be offered to the City to assist in the provision of navigation services.
(b) Use of Fund. Money received into the Fund shall be used exclusively for the provision of navigation services. No costs which may be incurred by any City department in administering the Fund shall be recovered therefrom. Monies in the Fund may only be drawn and expended when the City has appropriated an equal amount of funds for navigation services. Appropriations include, but are not limited to, the budget process set forth in Article IX of the Charter, supplemental appropriations, receipt of state or federal grants mid-year, and re-allocation of departmental budgets mid-year.
(c) Administration of Fund. The Department of Homelessness and Supportive Housing shall administer the Fund.
(d) Reporting Requirement. The Department of Homelessness and Supportive Housing shall report at least annually to the Board of Supervisors and the Homelessness Oversight Commission on private donations, grants, gifts, and bequests of money to and expenditures from the Fund.
(a) Establishment of Fund. The Community Reinvestment Fund (“the Fund”) is established as a category six fund to receive any monies appropriated or donated for the purpose of providing assistance to entities and organizations working to address the impact of: racially disproportionate arrests and incarceration, generational poverty, community degradation, housing insecurity, loss of educational and employment opportunities, disruption of family structures, and other burdens of the failed War on Drugs.
(b) Use of Fund. The Fund shall be used by the Director of the Office of Cannabis or his or her designee (“Director”) to provide the following types of assistance:
(1) Workforce development;
(2) Access to affordable commercial real estate;
(3) Access to investment financing;
(4) Access to legal services and business administration.
(c) Disbursement. The Director shall authorize disbursements to eligible Equity Applicants and Equity Operators on a case-by-case basis in accordance with the policy adopted pursuant to subsection (d).
(d) Administration of Fund. By no later than April 1, 2018, the Director shall adopt a policy for implementation of this Section 10.100-162, which the Director may modify from time to time as the Director deems necessary or appropriate.
(e) Annual Report. The Director shall submit an annual written report to the Mayor, the Board of Supervisors, and the Controller within the first two weeks of July, showing for the prior fiscal year donations or appropriations received, the nature and amount of such donations or appropriations, and the disposition thereof, together with a description of the individual payments made from the Fund.
(Added by Ord. 230-17, File No. 171042, App. 12/6/2017, Eff. 1/5/2018)
(Former Sec. 10.100-162 added by Ord. 316-00, File No. 001911, App. 12/28/2000; repealed by Ord. 65-10, File No. 100044, App. 4/2/2010)
(a) Establishment of Fund. The Our City, Our Home Fund (“Fund”) is established as a category four fund as defined in Section 10.100-1 of the Administrative Code, and shall receive all taxes, penalties, interest, and fees collected from the Homelessness Gross Receipts Tax imposed under Article 28 of the Business and Tax Regulations Code.
(b) Use of Fund. Subject to the budgetary and fiscal provisions of the Charter, monies in the Fund shall be used exclusively for the purposes described in Section 2810(b) of Article 28 of the Business and Tax Regulations Code.
(c) Administration of Fund. As stated in Section 2810(c) of Article 28 of the Business and Tax Regulations Code, commencing with a report filed no later than February 15, 2020, covering the fiscal year ending June 30, 2019, the Controller shall file annually with the Board of Supervisors, by February 15 of each year, a report containing the amount of monies collected in and expended from the Fund during the prior fiscal year, the status of any project required or authorized to be funded by Section 2810, and such other information as the Controller, in the Controller’s sole discretion, shall deem relevant to the operation of Article 28.
(Added by Proposition C, 11/6/2018, Eff. 12/14/2018, Oper. 1/1/2019)
(Former Sec. 10.100-164 added by Ord. 316-00, File No. 001911, App. 12/28/2000; repealed by Ord. 65-10, File No. 100044, App. 4/2/2010)
(a) Establishment of Fund. The Planning Code Enforcement Fund is established as a category four fund to receive funds collected for penalties and fees assessed for violations of Planning Code requirements and regulations.
(b) Use of Fund. Proceeds in the fund are to be expended as follows: (i) administration and enforcement of the Planning Code’s requirements and regulations, including but not limited to funding Planning Department personnel assigned to work on administration and enforcement of Planning Code requirements and regulations, and the services of the City Attorney; (ii) to the extent authorized by state law, penalties and fees collected by the City Attorney in any action to abate violations of the Planning Code’s requirements and regulations shall be used to fund administration and enforcement of the requirements and regulations, including the services of the City Attorney.
(Added by Ord. 71-01, File No. 001391, App. 5/18/2001; amended by Ord. 184-18, File No. 180583, App. 8/1/2018, Eff. 9/1/2018)
(a) Establishment of Fund. The Police Criminalistics Laboratory Fund is established as a category two fund to be designated as the Police Criminalistics Laboratory Fund for the purpose of receiving money paid by persons convicted of the controlled substance violations set forth in Section 11372.5 of the California Health and Safety Code, which provides that persons so convicted shall pay a criminal laboratory analysis fee.
(b) Use of Fund. The fund may be used for the following purposes: (1) costs incurred by the criminalistics laboratory in providing microscopic and clinical analyses for controlled substances; (2) the purchase and maintenance of equipment for use by the laboratory in performing the analyses; and (3) for continuing education, training and scientific development of forensics scientists regularly employed by the laboratory. In addition, monies from the fund may be expended to cover the costs incurred in administering the fund.
(c) Exceptions to Fund Category. At the end of each fiscal year, any amount of monies remaining in the fund after expenditures have been made for the purposes specified above shall be distributed annually in accordance with the allocation scheme for distribution of fines and forfeitures set forth in Section 11502 of the California Health and Safety Code (75 percent paid to State Treasurer and 25 percent retained by the City and County).
(Added by Ord. 316-00, File No. 001911, App. 12/28/2000)