(a) Establishment of Fund. The Public Health Laboratory Fund is hereby established as a category two fund for the purpose of receiving fees and gifts collected for the benefit of the Public Health Laboratory.
(b) Use of Fund. Said special fund shall be used solely for the following purposes: (1) Purchase of required materials for the conduct of laboratory educational programs (manuals, books, audio tapes, audio-visual aids); (2) staff development program in support of laboratory activities including travel, tuition, and fees; and (3) other expenses incidental to laboratory enhancement including equipment, materials and supplies.
(c) Administration of Fund. Expenditure of monies from the fund shall be shall be approved by the Director of Health and the Health Commission.
(Added by Ord. 316-00, File No. 001911, App. 12/28/2000)
(a) Establishment of Fund. The Public Health Laguna Honda Home Trust Fund is established as a category eight fund into which shall be placed deposits made by patients at Laguna Honda Home.
(b) Use of Fund. Any patient at Laguna Honda Home may deposit in this trust fund any money received by and belonging to him or her, and may, except as herein otherwise provided, withdraw such deposits as needed for his or her personal incidental expenses or other purposes; provided, however, that every patient who is obligated to pay for his or her care as determined under the provisions of Section 151.1 of Article 3, Chapter V, Part II of the San Francisco Municipal Code, shall deposit monthly in the trust fund an amount not less than the sum so set for monthly repayment by him or her to Laguna Honda Home for the cost of such care. Any money deposited to the account of such patient in excess of the amount to be so paid for care may be withdrawn by the depositor at any time, for personal incidental needs or otherwise. At the end of such month, the amount to be paid to Laguna Honda Home for the patient's care shall be transferred from the trust fund and credited to Laguna Honda Home; and the patient's trust fund account shall be so charged.
Upon discharge or withdrawal of a patient from Laguna Honda Home, any unearned portion of the monthly charge for institutional care will be refunded to the patient, together with any and all other amounts on deposit in his or her name in the trust fund.
For the purpose of facilitating the withdrawal of moneys belonging to the patients, the Superintendent of Laguna Honda Home may maintain, as a part of the trust fund, a revolving fund in such amount as shall be authorized by the Health Commission with the concurrence of the Controller. Such revolving fund may be maintained in cash at the office of Laguna Honda Home or may be deposited in such bank or banks as the Superintendent of Laguna Honda Home may direct.
(c) Administration of Fund. The Superintendent of Laguna Honda Home shall cause full, true and correct records to be maintained currently regarding the receipt and disbursement of all moneys belonging to any such patients on deposit in the Laguna Honda Home Trust Fund, and for that purpose shall maintain individual accounts for each such patient.
(Added by Ord. 316-00, File No. 001911, App. 12/28/2000)
(a) Establishment of Fund. The Public Health Laguna Honda Home Workshop Fund is established as a category six fund to receive any and all monies received from the sale of any articles, including baskets, rugs and other merchandise to be made by the inmates of the Laguna Honda Home. Authorization is hereby granted to the Director of Public Health for the sale of such baskets,
(b) Use of Fund. The fund shall be used exclusively for (1) payment of salaries to inmates working in the shop; (2) contractual services, materials and supplies and equipment for the shop; and (3) such things as may be for the general welfare of the inmates of Laguna Honda Home which are not provided for them by other appropriations, when such expenditures are approved by the Director of Public Health.
(Added by Ord. 316-00, File No. 001911, App. 12/28/2000)
(a) Establishment of Fund. The San Francisco General Hospital Trust Fund is established as a category eight fund into which shall be placed deposits made by long-term care patients at the San Francisco General Hospital.
(b) Use of Fund. Long-term care patients at the San Francisco General Hospital may deposit in this trust fund any money received by and belonging to him or her, and may, except as herein otherwise provided, withdraw such deposits as needed for his or her personal incidental expenses or other purposes; provided, however, that every patient who is obligated to pay for his or her care as determined under the provisions of Section 115.1 of Article 3, Chapter V, Part II of the San Francisco Municipal Code (Health Code), shall deposit monthly in the trust fund an amount not less than the sum so set for monthly repayment by him or her to the San Francisco General Hospital for the cost of such care. Any money deposited to the account of such patient in excess of the amount to be so paid for care may be withdrawn by the depositor at any time, for personal incidental needs or otherwise. At the end of such month, the amount to be paid to the San Francisco General Hospital for the patient's care shall be transferred from the trust fund and credited to the San Francisco General Hospital; and the patient's trust fund account shall be so charged. Upon discharge or withdrawal of a patient from the San Francisco General Hospital; any unearned portion of the monthly charge for institutional care will be refunded to the patient, together with tiny and all other amounts on deposit in his or her name in the trust fund.
For the purpose of facilitating the withdrawal of moneys belonging to long-term care patients, the Executive Administrator of San Francisco General Hospital may maintain, as a part of the trust fund, a revolving fund in such amount as shall be authorized by the Health Commission with the concurrence of the Controller. Such revolving fund may be maintained in cash at San Francisco General Hospital or may be deposited in such banks as the Executive Administrator of San Francisco General Hospital may direct.
(c) Administration of Fund. The Executive Administrator of San Francisco General Hospital shall cause full, true and correct records to be maintained currently regarding the receipt and disbursement of all moneys belonging to any such long-term care patients on deposit in the San Francisco General Hospital Trust Fund, and for that purpose shall maintain individual accounts for each such patient. Management of such individual accounts for long-term patients shall indicate the following:
Interest. Any deposit made by the patient in excess of $50; shall be placed in an interest-bearing account and such interest shall accrue for the benefit of the patient;
Quarterly Statements. Individual financial records shall be available through quarterly statements and on request of the patient or his or her legal representative; and
Death. Upon the death of a patient, the patient's funds and a final accounting of these funds shall be conveyed to the individual or probate jurisdiction administering the patient's estate.
(Added by Ord. 316-00, File No. 001911, App. 12/28/2000)
(a) Establishment and Use of Fund. The Public Health Solid Waste Penalties Fund is established as a category eight fund to receive civil penalties from the operators of solid waste facilities as required by California Public Resources Code Section 45010.
(b) Use of Fund. The monies are to be used exclusively for enhancing solid waste enforcement, including, but not limited to, all of the following:
(1) Increasing enforcement programs;
(2) Expanding the agency's enforcement capabilities;
(3) Bringing the solid waste facilities into compliance with state and local law; and,
(4) Remediating illegal or abandoned solid waste disposal sites.
(c) Administration of the Fund. The Director of Health shall approve all expenditures from this fund.
(d) In 2013 and 2014, before the Board of Supervisors considers the proposed budget for the Department of Public Health for Fiscal Year 2013-14 and Fiscal Year 2014-15, the Department shall submit to the Board of Supervisors a report stating the Public Health Solid Waste Penalties Fund balance, accrued interest, and amounts and description of all deposits to and expenditures from the Fund in the previous year.
(Added by Ord. 82-13, File No. 130133, App. 5/15/2013, Eff. 6/14/2013)
(a) Establishment of Fund. The Public Health Tobacco Settlement Revenue Fund is established as a category four fund. Within this fund, separate accounts shall be established and receive funds as follows:
1. The first $1,000,000 of monies received by the City and County of San Francisco (the "City") in each fiscal year pursuant to that certain Master Settlement Agreement dated November 16, 1998 (the "Agreement") shall be credited to an account known as the "Tobacco Education and Control Revenue Sub-account";
2. Any additional monies received by the City in each fiscal year pursuant to the Agreement shall be deposited into an account known as the "Tobacco Settlement Revenue Sub-account."
(b) Use of Fund. The monies deposited in the Tobacco Education and Control Revenue Sub-account shall be expended solely, for tobacco education, prevention and control purposes. The monies deposited into the Tobacco Settlement Revenue Sub-account shall be expended as follows:
1. For the payment of costs of acquisition, improvement, construction and/or reconstruction of a health care, assisted living and/or other type of continuing care facility or facilities to replace Laguna Honda Hospital (collectively, the "Project");
2. For the payment in any fiscal year of all principal, interest, premium and all other payments required pursuant to any documents authorizing any bonded debt or other evidences of indebtedness or lease financing issued, incurred, created by, or on behalf of, the City in connection with the acquisition, improvement, construction and/or reconstruction of the Project (the "Bonds");
3. From amounts received by the City under the Agreement and deposited into the Tobacco Settlement Revenue Sub-account prior to the issuance of the Bonds, for transfer in fiscal year 2003-2004 to the General Fund for payment of certain costs of the Department of Public Health, provided that the amount so transferred shall not exceed $25,005,644.60; and
4. For transfer to the General Fund only after making provision for the requirements of (1) through (3) above.
(c) General Fund Guarantee. If and when the Director of Public Finance certifies that (i) the City has not received Tobacco Settlement Revenues in amounts sufficient to contribute $100,000,000 to finance the Project and (ii) the Project requires a payment equal to the difference between $100,000,000 and the amount of Tobacco Settlement Revenues actually expended to finance the Project (the "Shortfall") to achieve completion, then the City shall transfer from the General Fund an amount equal to the lesser of the Shortfall or $25,005,644.60.
(Added by Ord. 316-00, File No. 001911, App. 12/28/2000; amended by Ord. 191-03, File No. 030992, App. 7/25/2003)