(a) Establishment of Fund. The Downtown Neighborhoods Preservation Fund is established as a category four fund to receive fee revenue dedicated to affordable housing and other contributions to the fund. The fund receives money from:
(1) No less than a $7 million portion of Planning Code Sections 413 et seq. (Jobs-Housing Linkage Program) affordable housing fee payment that the Board of Supervisors waived for the Oceanwide Center project at 50 First Street. This payment is addressed in an ordinance concerning the street vacation of portions of Jessie Street and Elim Alley in connection with the Oceanwide Center project, which is on file with the Clerk of the Board of Supervisors in File No. 160382.
(2) An approximately $20 million payment of Planning Code Sections 415 et seq. (Inclusionary Housing Program) affordable housing fees that the Board of Supervisors waived for the Oceanwide Center project at 50 First Street in an ordinance on tile with the Clerk of the Board of Supervisors in File No. 160382.
(3) An approximately $13 million payment that is included in a purchase and sale agreement between the City and Oceanwide Development, LLC for the sale of City property associated with the street vacation of portions of Jessie Street and Elim Alley as set forth in the ordinance identified in subsections (a)(1) and (a)(2). The combination of the payment under subsection (a)(2) and (3) is the equivalent payment of an affordable housing percentage fee of 33% under Planning Code Sections 415 et seq.
(4) The Downtown Neighborhoods Preservation Fund shall total no less than $40 million comprised of the funds received from subsections (a)(1)-(3).
(5) Repayments of loans and other program income associated with investments initially made with monies from the fund.
(b) Use of Fund. The fund is to be used exclusively by the Mayor's Office of Housing and Community Development (MOHCD), or its successor, for the purpose of supporting affordable housing as specified in this subsection (b). Within the fund, all fees, repayments, and program income shall be separately accounted for in accordance with the uses set forth below in subsections (b)(1)-(4).
(1) The equivalent of the fee amount that the Board of Supervisors waived pursuant to Planning Code Sections 413 et seq. and as identified in subsection (a)(1) will be dedicated for the construction of new affordable housing and/or acquisition and/or rehabilitation of existing housing within a one mile radius of 50 First Street.
(2) The equivalent of the fee amount that the Board of Supervisors waived pursuant to Planning Code Sections 415 et seq. and as identified in subsection (a)(2) will be dedicated to the acquisition and/or rehabilitation of existing housing within a one mile radius of 50 First Street.
(3) The fee payment specified in subsection (a)(3) will be dedicated to the same purpose identified in subsection (b)(2).
(c) Exceptions to Fund Category. The Director of MOHCD shall approve all expenditures from the fund.
(d) Administration of Fund. The MOHCD shall administer the fund and shall report annually to the Board of Supervisors on the current status of the fund, the amounts approved for disbursement, and the number and types of housing units or households assisted. The MOHCD shall have the authority to prescribe rules and regulations governing the fund. Any unexpended funds remaining after 10 years from the effective date of the ordinance identified in subsections (a)(1) and (a)(2)shall be deposited into the Citywide Affordable Housing Fund as established in Administrative Code Section 10.100-49 or its successor fund.
(a) Establishment of Fund. The Downtown University Attraction and Retention Fund (the “Fund”) is hereby established as a category four fund to receive any monies appropriated or donated for the following purposes: (1) to provide financial incentives to attract public colleges or universities interested in having a physical presence in the South of Market, Union Square, and Financial District neighborhoods (“Campus Neighborhoods”), and (2) to purchase or lease property that is 100,000 square feet or larger for use as campuses (including classrooms, housing, administrative space, and/or other uses) for public colleges or universities in those neighborhoods. For the purposes of this Section 10.100-65, a “public college or university” is an accredited college or university operated by a State, subdivision of a State, or governmental agency within a State, including but not limited to universities in the University of California and California State University systems and community colleges.
(b) Use and Administration of the Fund.
(1) The Office of Economic and Workforce Development (“OEWD”) shall approve all expenditures from the Fund, consistent with subsections (b)(2) and (b)(3) of this Section 10.100-65.
(2) OEWD may use monies in the Fund to provide financial incentives to attract public colleges or universities interested in having a physical presence in the Campus Neighborhoods. OEWD shall promulgate rules defining the types and amounts of incentives that are available, the eligibility criteria for public colleges or universities to receive those incentives, and OEWD’s criteria for deciding which applicants will receive incentives. In developing these rules, OEWD shall consult with other City agencies, including but not limited to the Real Estate Division of the City Administrator’s Office, the Planning Department, and the Controller’s Office. OEWD shall publish on its website rules it adopts and shall submit a copy of the rules to the Board of Supervisors and the Mayor within 30 days after promulgating the rules.
(3) With the consent of OEWD and subject to the applicable provisions of Chapter 23 of this Code, and any required approvals thereunder, including Board of Supervisors approval, the Real Estate Division may use monies in the Fund, including monies appropriated from bond financing proceeds, to purchase or lease property that is 100,000 square feet or larger if the Real Estate Division and OEWD have a written plan describing the City’s intention to lease or otherwise convey the property as a campus for a public college or university in those neighborhoods.
(c) Sunset and Termination. Any monies in the Fund that the City has not expended or encumbered by July 31, 2034 shall be returned to the General Fund, and thereafter the City Attorney is authorized to cause this Section 10.100-65 to be removed from the Administrative Code unless the City enacts an ordinance extending it beyond that date.
(Added by Ord. 164-24, File No. 240440, App. 7/3/2024, Eff. 8/3/2024)
(a) Establishment of Fund. The E-Bike Incentive Fund (“Fund”) is hereby established as a category eight fund to support an electric bicycle (“e-bike”) incentive program aimed at promoting sustainable transportation, reducing traffic congestion, improving air quality, and supporting equity in transportation access across San Francisco.
(b) Sources of Funds. The Fund shall receive monies appropriated, donated, or granted for the purposes of supporting the e-bike incentive program.
(c) Use and Administration of Fund.
(1) Responsible Agency. The Department of the Environment (“Department”) shall administer the Fund. The Department may, in its discretion, adopt rules, regulations, and/or guidelines for the distribution of monies in the Fund, consistent with the criteria set forth in subsection (c)(2).
(2) Allowable Uses of Fund. Subject to the budgetary and fiscal provisions of the Charter, monies in the Fund may only be expended for the following purposes:
(A) Providing financial incentives and/or point-of-sale rebates to City residents for the purchase and/or maintenance of e-bikes that meet the definition of Safety-Certified Powered Mobility Devices in Section 325 of the Fire Code, as it may be amended from time to time, and related bike safety and/or security accessories, subject to the following restrictions:
(i) The Department shall make best efforts to ensure that 40% or more of funds disbursed over a fiscal year are disbursed to people who either are low-income, reside in City neighborhoods that are disproportionately burdened by pollution, or reside in City neighborhoods that are disproportionately lacking in public transportation. Individuals that meet these criteria include but are not limited to individuals from neighborhoods that are 1) identified on the California Air Resources Board’s Priority Populations Map as being a disadvantaged community and/or low-income community; and/or 2) identified on the San Francisco County Transportation Authority’s Equity Priority Communities Map as an Equity Priority Community.
(ii) Financial incentives and/or rebates shall only be available for purchases or services from retailers located within the City, except for adaptive e-bikes, for which purchases or services outside the City may qualify for incentives and/or rebates, in the Department’s discretion.
(iii) The Department shall prioritize distribution of funds to individuals with greater financial need.
(B) Outreach and educational programs to promote the proper use of e-bikes, including education on safe charging and disposal.
(C) Data collection, evaluation, and reporting on the impact and effectiveness of the e-bike incentive program and/or feedback from participants to inform other City policies, programs, and/or infrastructure projects.
(D) Administrative (e.g., labor and overhead) and contracting costs incurred by the Department or other City departments associated with the management and implementation of the e-bike incentive program, associated outreach and education programs, and associated data collection, evaluation, and reporting.
(d) Outreach and Coordination. The Department shall conduct outreach with the goal of ensuring equitable access to e-bike incentives. The Department shall conduct outreach aimed at reaching individuals who either are low-income, reside in City neighborhoods that are disproportionately burdened by pollution, or reside in City neighborhoods that are disproportionately lacking in public transportation, as described in subsection (c)(2)(A)(i). The Department shall conduct this outreach in coordination with the Mayor’s Office on Disability, community-based organizations, bike retailers, and/or other community partners.
(e) Reporting. The Department shall maintain a record of Fund revenues and expenditures. The Department shall provide reports to the Board of Supervisors on the program’s operations on the following schedule: the first report shall cover the e-bike incentive program’s first fiscal year of operation, and shall be submitted no later than October 31 following the first fiscal year throughout which the Department has operated an e-bike incentive program continuously; the second report shall be due no later than October 31 of year following submission of the first report, and shall cover the operation of the program during the fiscal year preceding the report submission; and subsequent reports shall be submitted as requested by the Board of Supervisors.
(Added by Ord. 268-24, File No. 240967, App. 11/14/2024, Eff. 12/15/2024)
(a) Establishment of Fund. The Emergency Communications 911 Emergency Response Fund is established as a category four fund to receive all monies collected pursuant to Article 10A of Part III of the San Francisco Municipal Code and any other monies transferred into the fund.
(b) Use of Fund. The fund shall be used solely for the following purposes:
1. For the payment of costs of acquiring land on which to locate a 911 communication system facility or backup 911 communication system facility, acquiring and installing computerized call delivery processing and dispatch equipment and software, and/or any other acquisition or construction necessary to combine 911 communication staff under a single uniform command structure and to house 911 communication system equipment and staff in a seismically safe and fireproof facility or backup facility, including any debt service payments related thereto;
2. For the payment of operating, repair and maintenance expenses for the 911 communication system and backup 911 communication system, including but not limited to costs for personnel, training, software and hardware maintenance and upgrades, facility maintenance and repair and attorneys fees;
The term "911 communication system" shall have the meaning set forth in Section 751(a) of Part III of the San Francisco Municipal Code.
(c) Administration of Fund. Expenditures from the fund shall be made upon the recommendation of the Director of Emergency Communications. Expenditures and encumbrances from this fund shall be subject to the budget and fiscal provisions of the Charter.
(Added by Ord. 316-00, File No. 001911, App. 12/28/2000; amended by Ord. 71-02, File No. 020193, App. 5/10/2002; Ord. 63-03, File No. 030301, App. 4/11/2003)
(a) Establishment of Fund. The Environment Cigarette Litter Abatement Fund is established as a category four fund as defined in Section 10.100-1 of the Administrative Code and shall receive all Cigarette Litter Abatement Fees imposed and collected under Chapter 105 of the San Francisco Administrative Code.
(b) Use of Fund. The City shall use this fund exclusively for the following purposes:
(1) Refunds of any overpayments of the Fee imposed hereunder;
(2) Costs of administration, collection and enforcement of the Cigarette Litter Abatement Ordinance, including but not limited to, the Tax Collector's personnel, training, space, equipment, materials and supplies, and systems programming expenses specific to collection of the Fee;
(3) Costs of public outreach and education to curb improper cigarette litter disposal; and
(4) Costs to collect and remove cigarette litter from City sidewalks, gutters and public spaces.
(c) Administration of Fund. Expenditures from the fund shall be made upon the recommendation of the Director of the Department of the Environment with the approval of the Controller. Expenditures and encumbrances from this fund shall be subject to the budget and fiscal provisions of the Charter.
(Added by 173-09, File No. 090724, App. 7/21/2009)
(a) Establishment of Fund. The Environment Construction and Demolition Debris Transporter Permit Fund is established as a category four fund as defined in Section 10.100-1 of the Administrative Code to receive all Construction and Demolition (C&D) debris transporter vehicle and C&D debris box fees imposed and collected under Chapter 14 of the Environment Code.
(b) Use of Fund. The City shall use this fund exclusively for the following purposes:
(1) Refunds of any overpayments of the fees imposed hereunder;
(2) Costs of administration, fee collection, and enforcement of Chapter 14 of the Environment Code, including but not limited to, the personnel, training, equipment, and materials and supplies; and
(3) Costs of outreach and education to increase compliance with Chapter 14 of the Environment Code and reduce C&D disposal and illegal dumping.
(c) Administration of Fund. Expenditures from the fund shall be made upon the direction of the Director of the Department of the Environment with the approval of the Controller. Expenditures and encumbrances from this fund shall be subject to the budget and fiscal provisions of the Charter.
(Added by Ord. 144-21, File No. 201151, App. 9/24/2021, Eff. 10/25/2021, Oper. 1/1/2022)