(a) Establishment of Fund. The Public Utilities Commission's CleanPowerSF Customer Fund is hereby established as a category eight fund for the purpose of serving as a depository and operating fund used to procure clean and greenhouse gas free electric power for customers of the CleanPowerSF Community Choice Aggregation Program.
(b) Use of Fund. All monies deposited into the fund shall be expended for implementation, operation and maintenance of the CleanPowerSF Community Choice Aggregation Program. Allowable uses shall include the cost of electric energy, customer service costs, administrative costs and other related CleanPowerSF operating and maintenance costs as well as customer rate stabilization reserves.
(c) Administration of Fund. The General Manager of the San Francisco Public Utilities Commission is authorized to accept customer deposits into this fund and approve payments from this fund for electric energy provided through CleanPowerSF as well as associated costs, including reimbursement of CleanPowerSF Reserve Fund advances related to working capital or other CleanPowerSF related needs. Establishment of this fund is subject to final approval of the San Francisco Controller.
(Added by Ord. 200-12, File No. 111371, Eff. 11/4/2012)
(a) Establishment of Fund. The San Francisco Public Utilities Commission's CleanPowerSF Reserve Fund is hereby established as a category two fund for the purpose of serving as a fund to hold reserves for unanticipated fluctuations in the cost of energy, customer service payments, working capital needs, CCA Program Incentives for GoSolarSF for CCA Customers, CCA-Owned Generation and Energy Conservation & Efficiency for CCA Customers and other charges.
(b) Use of Fund. All monies deposited into the Reserve Fund shall be expended or otherwise utilized, to the extent appropriated above and therefore, for the implementation and operation of the CleanPowerSF Community Choice Aggregation Program to offer GoSolarSF for CCA Customers, CCA-Owned Generation and Energy Conservation & Efficiency for CCA Customers, and for termination costs in the event the program is discontinued.
(c) Administration of Fund. The General Manager of the San Francisco Public Utilities Commission is authorized to transfer moneys from the CleanPowerSF Reserve Fund to the CleanPowerSF Customer Fund as needed by that fund to smooth fluctuations in cash receipts and cash payments. Funds from the CleanPowerSF Reserve Fund that represent advances for working capital needs for the CleanPowerSF Community Choice Aggregation Program shall be administered consistent with the Board of Supervisor's approved power purchase contract between the San Francisco Public Utilities Commission and the CleanPowerSF power provider(s). Establishment of this fund is subject to final approval of the San Francisco Controller.
(Added by Ord. 200-12, File No. 111371, Eff. 11/4/2012)
(a) Establishment of Fund. The 180 Jones Street Affordable Housing Fund is established as a category four fund to receive fee revenue dedicated to affordable housing and other contributions to the fund. Monies in the fund shall include:
(1) A payment of $0.4 million in lieu of the Jobs-Housing Linkage Fee otherwise required under Planning Code Sections 413 et seq. but waived by Board of Supervisors for the 950-974 Market Street project. This payment is addressed in an ordinance concerning the waiver of the Jobs-Housing Linkage Fee and Inclusionary Housing Requirements, and authorizing other exemptions as well as a land dedication (the “950-974 Market Street Ordinance”), which is on file with the Clerk of the Board of Supervisors in File No. 161066.
(2) A payment of $10.85 million in lieu of affordable housing fees otherwise required under Planning Code Sections 415 et seq. (Inclusionary Housing Program) but waived by Board of Supervisors for the 950-974 Market Street project in the 950-974 Market Street Ordinance, on file with the Clerk of the Board of Supervisors in File No. 161066.
(3) A gift of $2.7 million from the Project Sponsor of the 950-974 Market Street Project, as authorized in the 950-974 Market Street Ordinance, on file with the Clerk of the Board of Supervisors in File No. 161066.
(4) Any other monies donated or appropriated to the fund.
(b) Use of Fund. The fund is to be used exclusively by the Mayor’s Office of Housing and Community Development (MOHCD), or its successor, for the purpose of supporting development and construction of affordable housing units at 180 Jones Street (Assessor’s Block 0343, Lot 14), and supportive services, operating subsidies, and/or rental assistance for tenants at said affordable housing units 1 If, however, the City fails to approve a revised project at 180 Jones Street within five years of the last payment to the Fund authorized by the 950-974 Market Street Ordinance, as amended by the ordinance in Board File No. 210534, the money in the Fund shall be deposited into the Citywide Affordable Housing Fund as established in Administrative Code Section 10.100-49, or its successor fund.
(c) Exceptions to Fund Category. The Director of MOHCD shall approve all expenditures from the fund.
(d) Administration of Fund. The MOHCD shall administer the fund and shall report annually to the Board of Supervisors on the current status of the fund, the amounts approved for disbursement,
and the number and types of housing units assisted. The MOHCD shall have the authority to prescribe
rules and regulations governing the fund. Except as provided in subsection (b), any unexpended funds remaining after 10 years from the effective date of the ordinance identified in subsections (a)(1) and (a)(2) shall be deposited into the Citywide Affordable Housing Fund as established in Administrative Code Section 10.100-49 or its successor fund.
(a) Establishment of Fund. The Youth Justice Reinvestment Fund is established as a category eight fund to receive monies appropriated for community-based alternatives to juvenile detention and other contributions to the fund.
(b) Use of Fund. The fund is to be used exclusively by the Director, for the purpose of supporting community-based alternatives to juvenile detention and the work of the Close Juvenile Hall Working Group established in Article XL of Chapter 5 of the Administrative Code.
(c) Administration of Fund. The Director,1
shall administer the fund and shall report annually to the Board of Supervisors on the current status of the fund, the amounts approved for disbursement, and the number and types of community-based alternatives to juvenile detention assisted. The Director shall have the authority to prescribe rules and regulations governing the Fund.
(Added by Ord. 117-19, File No. 190392, App. 6/28/2019, Eff. 7/29/2019)
(a) Establishment of Fund. The Workforce Education and Recovery Fund (“the Fund”) is hereby established as a category four fund to provide financial support to City College of San Francisco (“City College”) for workforce and professional development programs; student support and wrap around services supporting student retention; and social justice, equity, lifelong learning, and enrichment classes.
(b) Sources of Monies. The Fund may receive any legally available monies appropriated for this purpose.
(c) Administration and Use of the Fund. The Department of Children, Youth, and Their Families (“the Department”) shall administer the Fund and, at the beginning of each fiscal year, shall use:
(1) one-half of the monies in the Fund to support City College workforce and professional development programs, including but not limited to programs for health professionals, registered and vocational nursing, biotechnology, health education, aircraft maintenance, business, building trades and construction management, early childhood education, child development, emergency responders, custodial services, hospitality, culinary arts, digital media arts, photography, computer programming, computer networking, cybersecurity, information technology, and English as a Second Language;
(2) one-quarter of the monies in the Fund to support City College student support services, classified staff support and coordinators, wrap-around services supporting student retention, student employment, and classified professional development; to support disadvantaged, low-income, immigrant, Lesbian Gay Bisexual Transgender Queer, women, disabled, and veteran students; and to meet students’ basic needs, including but not limited to academic counseling and tutoring, childcare, rental assistance, and transportation assistance and subsidies like Clipper cards; and
(3) one-quarter of the monies in the Fund to support City College social justice, equity, lifelong learning, and enrichment classes, including but not limited to Ethnic Studies, African American Studies, Latin/Latinx Studies, Asian American Studies, Women & Gender Studies, Philippine Studies, LGBTQ Studies, Older Adults, Art, Music, Physical Education, Adult Basic Education, and World Languages and Cultures.
(d) Expenditure Plan and Oversight.
(1) The Department shall request that City College submit an expenditure plan to the Department, the Mayor, and the Board of Supervisors each fiscal year, and the Department shall not expend any monies in the Fund in a fiscal year unless City College submits a plan in compliance with this subsection (d). The Department must receive the plan by no later than June 30 of each year regarding monies to be received from the Fund for the upcoming fiscal year, and (b) no later than December 31, 2020 regarding monies to be received from the Fund for Fiscal Year 2020-21. The plan shall include a budget for the expenditures permitted under subsection (c), descriptions of programs and services, performance goals, target populations, hiring and recruitment plans for personnel, plans for matching or other additional funding, operating reserves, and any other matters that City College deems appropriate or the Department, the Mayor, or the Board of Supervisors requests.
(2) To the extent consistent with the civil service provisions of the Charter, the Controller shall select an independent auditor to audit City College’s use of monies disbursed from the Fund and that independent auditor shall prepare an audit report no later than six months after the end of each fiscal year. The Controller shall promptly deliver each annual audit report to the Board of Supervisors and the Mayor.
(Added by Ord. 238-20, File No. 200761, App. 11/25/2020, Eff. 12/26/2020)
(Amended by Ord. 57-82, App. 2/11/82; repealed by Ord. 316-00, File No. 001911, App. 12/28/2000)
(Amended by Ord. 57-82, App. 2/11/82; repealed by Ord. 316-00, File No. 001911, App. 12/28/2000)
(Ord. No. 125(1939), Sec. 4; repealed by Ord. 316-00, File No. 001911, App. 12/28/2000)
(Added by Ord. 294-78, App. 6/23/78; repealed by Ord. 316-00, File No. 001911, App. 12/28/2000)
(Added by Ord. 511-81, App. 10/22/81; repealed by Ord. 316-00, File No. 001911, App. 12/28/2000)
(Added by Ord. 421-83, App. 8/18/83; amended by Ord. 278-96, App. 7/3/96; repealed by Ord. 316-00, File No. 001911, App. 12/28/2000)
(Added by Ord. 311-85, App. 6/20/85; repealed by Ord. 316-00, File No. 001911, App. 12/28/2000)
(Added by Ord. 425-86, App. 10/31/85; amended by Ord. 450-88, App. 10/6/88; repealed by Ord. 316-00, File No. 001911, App. 12/28/2000)
(Added by Ord. 338-88, App. 7/28/88; repealed by Ord. 316-00, File No. 001911, App. 12/28/2000)
(Added by Ord. 46-93, App. 2/19/93; repealed by Ord. 316-00, File No. 001911, App. 12/28/2000)
(Amended by Ord. 267-85, App. 5/30/85; Ord. 325-93, App. 10/15/93; Ord. 156-99, File No. 990743, App. 6/2/99; repealed by Ord. 316-00, File No. 001911, App. 12/28/2000)
(Ord. No. 2565(1939), Sec. 1; repealed by Ord. 316-00, File No. 001911, App. 12/28/2000)
(Ord. No. 2565(1939), Sec. 3; repealed by Ord. 316-00, File No. 001911, App. 12/28/2000)
(Ord. No. 2565(1939), Sec. 2; repealed by Ord. 316-00, File No. 001911, App. 12/28/2000)
(Ord. No. 2565(1939), Sec. 4; repealed by Ord. 316-00, File No. 001911, App. 12/28/2000)
(Amended by Ord. 267-85, App. 5/30/85; repealed by Ord. 316-00, File No. 001911, App. 12/28/2000)
(Added by Ord. 379-89, App. 10/25/89; repealed by Ord. 316-00, File No. 001911, App. 12/28/2000)
(Added by Ord. 326-99, File No. 991619, App. 12/23/99; repealed by Ord. 316-00, File No. 001911, App. 12/28/2000)
(Amended by Ord. 15381, App. 4/3/81; repealed by Ord. 316-00, File No. 001911, App. 12/28/2000)
(Added by Ord. 392-59, App. 7/8/59; codified as Ord. 193-74, App. 4/18/74; repealed by Ord. 316-00, File No. 001911, App. 12/28/2000)
(Added by Ord. 392-59, App. 7/8/59; codified as Ord. 193-74, App. 4/18/74; amended by Ord. 288-93, App. 9/10/93; repealed by Ord. 316-00, File No. 001911, App. 12/28/2000)
(Added by Ord. 392-59, App. 7/8/59; codified as Ord. 193-74, App. 4/18/74; repealed by Ord. 316-00, File No. 001911, App. 12/28/2000)
(Added by Ord. 305-80, App. 6/27/80; repealed by Ord. 316-00, File No. 001911, App. 12/28/2000)
(Added by Ord. 268-61, App. 9/27/61; amended by Ord. 278-96, App. 7/3/96; repealed by Ord. 316-00, File No. 001911, App. 12/28/2000)
(Amended by Ord. 419-82, App. 8/20/82; Ord. 24-00, File No. 992319, App. 2/25/2000; Ord. 189-00, File No. 001009, App. 8/11/2000; repealed by Ord. 316-00, File No. 001911, App. 12/28/2000)
(Amended by Ord. 56-82, App. 2/11/82; repealed by Ord. 316-00, File No. 001911, App. 12/28/2000)
(Added by Ord. 63-93, App. 3/4/93; repealed by Ord. 316-00, File No. 001911, App. 12/28/2000)
(Added by Ord. 26-72, App. 2/10/72; repealed by Ord. 316-00, File No. 001911, App. 12/28/2000)
(Added by Ord. 154-72, App. 6/9/72; repealed by Ord. 316-00, File No. 001911, App. 12/28/2000)
(Amended by Ord. 156-72, App. 6/9/72; repealed by Ord. 316-00, File No. 001911, App. 12/28/2000)
(Added by Ord. 318-72, App. 11/2/72; repealed by Ord. 316-00, File No. 001911, App. 12/28/2000)
(Added by Ord. 83-73, App. 3/5/73; repealed by Ord. 316-00, File No. 001911, App. 12/28/2000)
(Res. No. 290-69, App. 4/23/69; codified by Ord. 193-74, App. 4/18/74; Ord. 278-96, App. 7/3/96; repealed by Ord. 316-00, File No. 001911, App. 12/28/2000)
(Added by Ord. 162-74, App. 4/5/74; repealed by Ord. 316-00, File No. 001911, App. 12/28/2000)
(Added by Ord. 475-74, App. 10/17/74; amended by Ord. 396-93, App. 12/16/93; repealed by Ord. 316-00, File No. 001911, App. 12/28/2000)
(Amended by Ord. 528-80, App. 11/17/80; repealed by Ord. 316-00, File No. 001911, App. 12/28/2000)
(Added by Ord. 15-76, App. 1/23/76; repealed by Ord. 316-00, File No. 001911, App. 12/28/2000)
(Added by Ord. 289-79, App. 6/15/79; repealed by Ord. 316-00, File No. 001911, App. 12/28/2000)
(Added by Ord. 311-80, App. 7/2/80; repealed by Ord. 316-00, File No. 001911, App. 12/28/2000)
(Added by Ord. 527-80, App. 11/7/80; amended by Ord. 269-98, App. 8/21/98; repealed by Ord. 316-00, File No. 001911, App. 12/28/2000)
(Added by Ord. 328-81, App. 6/19/81; repealed by Ord. 316-00, File No. 001911, App. 12/28/2000)
(Added by Ord. 395-81, App. 7/3/81; amended by Ord. 370-90, App. 11/13/90; repealed by Ord. 316-00, File No. 001911, App. 12/28/2000)
(Added by Ord. 274-82, App. 6/10/82; amended by Ord. 278-96, App. 7/3/96; repealed by Ord. 316-00, File No. 001911, App. 12/28/2000)
(Added by Ord. 308-82, App. 6/24/82; repealed by Ord. 316-00, File No. 001911, App. 12/28/2000)
(Amended by Ord. 291-83, App. 5/27/83; repealed by Ord. 316-00, File No. 001911, App. 12/28/2000)
(Added by Ord. 297-83, App. 5/27/83; amended by Ord. 279-92, App. 8/31/92; Ord. 362-93, App. 11/18/93; Ord. 278-96, App. 7/3/96; repealed by Ord. 316-00, File No. 001911, App. 12/28/2000)
(Amended by Ord. 250-85, App. 5/23/85; repealed by Ord. 316-00, File No. 001911, App. 12/28/2000)
(Amended by Ord. 80-84, App. 2/23/84; Ord. 278-96, App. 7/3/96; repealed by Ord. 316-00, File No. 001911, App. 12/28/2000)
(Added by Ord. 157-84, App. 4/11/84; repealed by Ord. 316-00, File No. 001911, App. 12/28/2000)
(Added by Ord. 61-85, App. 1/30/85; repealed by Ord. 316-00, File No. 001911, App. 12/28/2000)
(Added by Ord. 71-85, App. 2/7/85; repealed by Ord. 316-00, File No. 001911, App. 12/28/2000)
(Added by Ord. 310-85, App. 6/20/85; repealed by Ord. 316-00, File No. 001911, App. 12/28/2000)
(Added by Ord. 249-85, App. 5/23/85; repealed by Ord. 316-00, File No. 001911, App. 12/28/2000
(Added by Ord. 75-86, App. 3/14/86; repealed by Ord. 316-00, File No. 001911, App. 12/28/2000)
(Added by Ord. 239-86, App. 6/20/86; amended by Ord. 144-87, App. 5/1/87; Ord. 220-88, App. 6/3/88; repealed by Ord. 316-00, File No. 001911, App. 12/28/2000)
(Added by Ord. 461-86, App. 12/5/86; amended by Ord. 263-89, App. 7/14/89; repealed by Ord. 316-00, File No. 001911, App. 12/28/2000)
(Added by Ord. 462-86, App. 12/5/86; repealed by Ord. 316-00, File No. 001911, App. 12/28/2000)
(Amended by Ord. 494-86, App. 12/24/86; Ord. 153-88, App. 4/7/88; Ord. 194-97, App. 5/16/97; repealed by Ord. 316-00, File No. 001911, App. 12/28/2000)
(Added by Ord. 278-87, App. 7/2/87; repealed by Ord. 316-00, File No. 001911, App. 12/28/2000)
(Added by Ord. 277-87, App. 7/2/87; repealed by Ord. 316-00, File No. 001911, App. 12/28/2000)
(Added by Ord. 279-87, App. 7/2/87; repealed by Ord. 316-00, File No. 001911, App. 12/28/2000)
(Added by Ord. 246-87, App. 7/1/87; repealed by Ord. 316-00, File No. 001911, App. 12/28/2000)
(Added by Ord. 491-87, App. 12/23/87; amended by Ord. 278-96, App. 7/3/96; repealed by Ord. 316-00, File No. 001911, App. 12/28/2000)
(Added by Ord. 15-88, App. 1/21/88; amended by Ord. 278-96, App. 7/3/96; repealed by Ord. 316-00, File No. 001911, App. 12/28/2000)
(Added by Ord. 90-88, App. 3/3/88; repealed by Ord. 316-00, File No. 001911, App. 12/28/2000)
(Added by Ord. 274-88, App. 6/29/88; amended by Ord. 8-89, App. 1/12/89; Ord. 277-92, App. 8/31/92; repealed by Ord. 316-00, File No. 001911, App. 12/28/2000)
(Added by Ord. 121-88, App. 3/18/88; repealed by Ord. 316-00, File No. 001911, App. 12/28/2000)
(Added by Ord. 144-88, App. 3/30/88; repealed by Ord. 316-00, File No. 001911, App. 12/28/2000)
(Added by Ord. 185-88, App. 5/3/88; amended by Ord. 150-95, App. 5/5/95; Ord. 282-00, File No. 001801, App. 12/15/2000; repealed by Ord. 316-00, File No. 001911, App. 12/28/2000)
(Added by Ord. 183-88, App. 4/28/88; amended by Ord. 458-89, App. 12/21/89; Ord. 165-95, App. 5/19/95; repealed by Ord. 316-00, File No. 001911, App. 12/28/2000)
(Added by Ord. 205-88, App. 5/19/88; amended by Ord. 278-96, App. 7/3/96; repealed by Ord. 316-00, File No. 001911, App. 12/28/2000)
(Added by Ord. 448-88, App. 10/6/88; repealed by Ord. 316-00, File No. 001911, App. 12/28/2000)
(Added by Ord. 156-89, App. 5/19/89; repealed by Ord. 316-00, File No. 001911, App. 12/28/2000)
(Added by Ord. 189-90, App. 5/24/90; repealed by Ord. 316-00, File No. 001911, App. 12/28/2000)
(Added by Ord. 163-89, App. 5/25/89; repealed by Ord. 316-00, File No. 001911, App. 12/28/2000)
(Added by Ord. 47-89, App. 2/16/89; repealed by Ord. 316-00, File No. 001911, App. 12/28/2000)
(Added by Ord. 182-89, App. 6/5/89; repealed by Ord. 316-00, File No. 001911, App. 12/28/2000)
(Added by Ord. 278-89, App. 8/2/89; repealed by Ord. 316-00, File No. 001911, App. 12/28/2000)
(Added by Ord. 377-89, App. 10/25/89; amended by Ord. 453-89, App. 12/20/89; repealed by Ord. 316-00, File No. 001911, App. 12/28/2000)
(Added by Ord. 38-00, File No. 000068, App. 3/10/2000; repealed by Ord. 316-00, File No. 001911, App. 12/28/2000)
(Added by Ord. 406-89, App. 11/8/89; repealed by Ord. 316-00, File No. 001911, App. 12/28/2000)
(Added by Ord. 4-90, App. 1/5/90; repealed by Ord. 316-00, File No. 001911, App. 12/28/2000)
(Added by Ord. 4-90, App. 1/5/90; repealed by Ord. 316-00, File No. 001911, App. 12/28/2000)
(Added by Ord. 182-90, App. 5/24/90; repealed by Ord. 316-00, File No. 001911, App. 12/28/2000)
(Added by Ord. 390-90, App. 12/6/90; repealed by Ord. 316-00, File No. 001911, App. 12/28/2000)
(Added by Ord. 140-91, App. 4/15/91; repealed by Ord. 316-00, File No. 001911, App. 12/28/2000)
(Added by Ord. 104-91, App. 3/21/91; amended by Ord. 278-92, App. 8/31/92; repealed by Ord. 316-00, File No. 001911, App. 12/28/2000)
(Added by Ord. 267-91, App. 6/26/91; repealed by Ord. 316-00, File No. 001911, App. 12/28/2000)
(Added by Ord. 1-93, App. 1/7/93; amended by 103-94, App. 3/11/94; repealed by Ord. 316-00, File No. 001911, App. 12/28/2000)
(Added by Ord. 29-94, App. 1/14/94; repealed by Ord. 316-00, File No. 001911, App. 12/28/2000)
(Added by Ord. 448-96, App. 11/27/96; repealed by Ord. 316-00, File No. 001911, App. 12/28/2000)
(Added by Ord. 307-94, App. 8/17/94; repealed by Ord. 316-00, File No. 001911, App. 12/28/2000)
(Added by Ord. 207-95, App. 6/16/95; repealed by Ord. 316-00, File No. 001911, App. 12/28/2000)
(Added by Ord. 439-96, App. 11/8/96; repealed by Ord. 316-00, File No. 001911, App. 12/28/2000)
(Added by Ord. 112-97, App. 3/28/97; repealed by Ord. 316-00, File No. 001911, App. 12/28/2000)
(Added by Ord. 341-98, App. 11/13/98; repealed by Ord. 316-00, File No. 001911, App. 12/28/2000)
(Added by Ord. 341-98, App. 11/13/98; repealed by Ord. 316-00, File No. 001911, App. 12/28/2000)
(Added by Ord. 350-98, App. 12/4/98; repealed by Ord. 316-00, File No. 001911, App. 12/28/2000)
(Added by Ord. 409-98, App. 12/24/98; repealed by Ord. 316-00, File No. 001911, App. 12/28/2000)
(Added by Ord. 151-99, File No. 990737, App. 6/2/99; repealed by Ord. 316-00, File No. 001911, App. 12/28/2000)
(Added by Ord. 335-99, File No. 991923, App. 12/30/99; repealed by Ord. 316-00, File No. 001911, App. 12/28/2000)
(Added by Ord. 80-00, File No. 992317, App. 5/5/2000; repealed by Ord. 316-00, File No. 001911, App. 12/28/2000)