Whenever the United States of America acquires real property in the City and County subsequent to the beginning of any fiscal year and is legally entitled, under the provisions of Section 4986 of the Revenue and Taxation Code of the State of California, to have the taxes on such real property for such fiscal year cancelled, the Tax Collector is hereby authorized to accept such sums as may be paid to him or her on the cancellation of such taxes on such property.
(Ord. No. 1909(1939), Sec. 1)
All amounts accepted by the Tax Collector under the authority of the preceding section shall be deposited by the Tax Collector to the credit of the general fund, for the account of miscellaneous receipts.
(Ord. No. 1909(1939), Sec. 2)
The Tax Collector is hereby authorized and directed, on behalf of the City and County of San Francisco, to accept from the Redevelopment Agency in-lieu tax payments received by the Redevelopment Agency from developers pursuant to disposition agreements for the sale of land in redevelopment projects. The said in-lieu tax payments shall be deposited with the Treasurer for the credit of the general fund of the City and County.
(Added by Ord. 147-62, App. 6/7/62)
Office of Economic Analysis. | |
Economic Analysis of Legislation. | |
Economic Development Plan. |
Former Secs. 10.31. through 10.36.
(Ord. No. 4538(1939), Sec. 1; amended by Ord. 278-96, App. 7/3/96; repealed by Ord. 296-00, File No. 001802, App. 12/22/2000)
There shall be an Office of Economic Analysis under the Controller. The office shall consist of two economists and such other staff as provided subject to the budgetary and fiscal provisions of the Charter. The Mayor and the Board of Supervisors may each make recommendations to the Controller from a list of eligible candidates for the economist positions.
(Added by Proposition I, 11/2/2004)
The Office of Economic Analysis ("the Office") shall identify and report on all legislation introduced at the Board of Supervisors that might have a material economic impact on the City, as determined by the Office. The Office shall solicit assistance from the Board of Supervisors' Budget Analyst, the Economic and Workforce Development Department, and such public or private economists or other experts or professionals as may be appropriate to analyze the likely impacts of the legislation on business attraction and retention, job creation, tax and fee revenues to the City, and other matters relating to the overall economic health of the City. Upon implementation of Section 10.33, the Office's analysis shall address whether the proposed legislation would promote or impede the policies contained in the most recent versions of the Economic Development Plan or Survey on Barriers to Employment Retention and Attraction provided for in that Section. The Office shall submit its analysis to the Board of Supervisors within 30 days of receiving the subject legislation from the Clerk of the Board, unless the President of the Board grants an extension for legislation of unusual scope or complexity. The Office's analysis shall be submitted to the Board of Supervisors prior to the legislation being heard in committee.
(Added by Proposition I, 11/2/2004)
(a) Within six months of the effective date of this Section, the Economic and Workforce Development Department shall prepare and present to the Board of Supervisors for its approval by resolution a long-term Economic Development Plan for the City and County of San Francisco. The plan shall cover a period of not less than three years, and updates shall be prepared no less often than every three years. The Controller's Office of Economic Analysis shall work with the Economic and Workforce Development Department on preparation of the Plan and periodic updates.
(b) The plan and periodic updates shall address, but not be limited to:
(1) Employment in the City, by public and private industries and job classification;
(2) The City's tax revenues, by industry type and firm size;
(3) The industries most likely to create significant numbers of jobs in the City in the period covered by the plan, together with an assessment of the skills and education typically required to obtain such jobs;
(4) Goals for private and non-profit sector job and revenue generation, describing the industries, wage levels, skills and education required for the jobs the City would like to attract, and the anticipated tax revenue these new jobs would create;
(5) Goals and strategies for protecting existing small businesses and neighborhood-serving businesses from displacement, while also growing new businesses;
(6) Goals and strategies for increasing employment opportunities for people with disabilities and vulnerable populations; and
(7) Any other topic the Economic and Workforce Development Department deems useful or appropriate.
(c) The plan and periodic updates also shall include:
(1) An analysis of the office and industrial markets in the City;
(2) A review of the physical, financial, market and organizational factors impacting the City's ability to attract, retain and increase private and non-profit sector jobs;
(3) Identification and analysis of other significant public and private sector economic plans and initiatives intended to promote economic development within the City and the region;
(4) An assessment of the City's competitive strengths and weaknesses with respect to other regional, state and national markets; and
(5) The identification of best practices that other jurisdictions have successfully implemented to create private and non-profit sector jobs within their respective communities.
(d) As part of the initial plan required by this Section, and concurrent with any periodic update of the plan, the Economic and Workforce Development Department shall conduct a survey of key industries and significant employment generators that identifies impediments to business and employment retention in and attraction to the City, such as changes in zoning or permitted uses, permitting, taxes and fees, regulatory schemes and other City policies, requirements and other matters that may inhibit economic development and job creation within the City. The Economic and Workforce Development Department shall publish the results of the study, to be entitled "Survey on Barriers to Employment Retention and Attraction," in conjunction with and at the same time as promulgation of the first Economic Development Plan required by this Section.
(Added by Proposition I, 11/2/2004)