No officer, employee, department or agency of the City and County shall open a bank account or any other public time and public demand account for any monies or checks received for, or in connection with, the business of the City and County, without the express prior written consent of the Treasurer.
Monies and securities in possession of the Treasurer shall be deposited in a custody safe, the combination to which shall be known only to the Treasurer or to employees selected by him or her. The safe shall be opened only in the presence of two or more employees of the Treasurer. A complete record of monies and securities in the custody safe shall be kept and any additions or withdrawals shall be verified by the initials of the Treasurer or his or her designated employees.
The Treasurer is authorized to establish rules and regulations for the safe custody of all money and property in the possession or under the control of the Treasurer.
(Added by Ord. 316-00, File No. 001911, App. 12/28/2000. Former Sec. 10.81 added by Resolution No. 3469(C.S.)); repealed by Ord. 316-00, File No. 001911, App. 12/28/2000)
(Added by Ord. 90-86, App. 3/21/86; amended by Ord. 200-98, App. 6/19/98; repealed by Ord. 316-00, File No. 001911, App. 12/28/2000)
(a) "Cash Difference and Overage Fund." The Controller shall create a "Cash Difference and Overage Fund" for the use of any county officer or the administrative head of any county department or judicial district handling judicial funds into which all cash shortages and overages shall be deposited.
(b) Regulation of Cash Difference and Overage Fund. The Controller may increase, reduce, or discontinue any Cash Difference and Overage Fund. The Controller may issue regulations regarding management and reporting of such funds.
(c) Reports of Cash Deficits and Overage. Any officer or employee in any county office, or department, or judicial district in which a Cash Difference and Overage Fund has been created, who receives and disburses money placed in his or her custody as directed by law or by official authority, shall submit a written report, through his or her respective department head, to the Controller at a frequency to be determined by the Controller, but at least annually, setting forth the exact sum of any cash deficit or overage in his or her account for that reporting period. Failure to report on the cash deficit or overage as required by the Controller is a violation of this Section.
(d) Recordation of Deficit. When a cash deficit is reported to the Controller, as herein provided, the Controller shall direct how to record and report such cash deficit.
(e) Recordation of Overage. When an overage is reported to the Controller, the Controller shall direct how to record and report such cash overage.
(f) Reports to the Board of Supervisors. The Controller shall submit a written report to the Board of Supervisors after the end of each fiscal year identifying the Cash Difference and Overage Funds in existence during the fiscal year, the amount of those funds, and the department using the fund. The Board of Supervisors may require the Controller to give an account of the Cash Difference and Overage Funds at any other time.
(g) Administration of this Section. The Controller shall establish rules and regulations for the administration of the purposes of this Section.
(Added by Ord. 316-00, File No. 001911, App. 12/28/2000; amended by Ord. 173-11, File No. 110583, App. 9/12/2011, Eff. 10/12/2011) (Former Sec. 10.82 added by Ord. No. 2955(1939), Sec. 1; repealed by Ord. 316-00, File No. 001911, App. 12/28/2000)
The term "cash deficits" as used in Section 70.88 shall include deficiencies created by the receipt of counterfeit moneys and the surrender of the federal receipt for such counterfeit moneys to the Treasurer by any department.
(Added by Ord. 316-00, File No. 001911, App. 12/28/2000)
All moneys received from the sale of City/County-owned personal property, pursuant to the provisions of Section 7.100 of the Charter, shall be deposited to the credit of the fund of the respective departments, divisions or bureaus having jurisdiction or control over the personal property sold.
No City department may sell, loan for a period in excess of one year or otherwise dispose of any vintage transit equipment without approval by the Board of Supervisors after a public hearing. For purposes of this paragraph, "vintage transit equipment" means any Municipal Railway rolling stock or component thereof which is more than twenty-five years old. "vintage transit equipment" does not include any of the following:
(1) Components which are worn out, broken or otherwise unusable which will be replaced by components of a like kind designed to serve the same function.
(2) Usable surplus components which will be traded for other components in short supply.
(Added by Ord. 316-00, File No. 001911, App. 12/28/2000. Former Sec. 10.84. Bill No. 884, Ord. No. 9.04194(C.S.), Sec. 1; repealed by Ord. 316-00, File No. 001911, App. 12/28/2000)
The City and County shall not be liable when acting as disburses of Veterans' Administration funds in rendering aid to the trainee, either directly or indirectly as reimbursement, or by payment to the vendor for equipment furnished, or otherwise. No claim made by any vendor or trainee against the City and County based upon equipment furnished through the trainer-trainee program of Public Law No. 346 shall ever be valid against the City and County or any of its officers.
(Added by Ord. 316-00, File No. 001911, App. 12/28/2000. Former Sec. 10.85. added by Bill No. 884, Ord. No 9.04194(C.S.), Sec. 2; repealed by Ord. 316-00, File No. 001911, App. 12/28/2000)