(a) Establishment of Fund. The Union Square Park, Recreation, and Open Space Fund (the “Fund”) is established as a category eight fund to receive any monies collected pursuant to the Union Square Park, Recreation, and Open Space Fee, or donated to pay for City activities designed to address park, recreation, or open space needs in the C-3-R Downtown Retail Zoning District.
(b) Use of Fund. Monies in the Fund shall be used exclusively by the Controller or his or her designee (the “Controller”) to pay for new and improved facilities to meet the needs attributable to new recreation, park, and open space users in the C-3-R Downtown Retail Zoning District. The City Administrator shall propose specific projects for use of proceeds in the fund, subject to review, amendment, and approval by the Mayor and Board of Supervisor action through the City’s budget process.
(c) Administration of Fund. The Controller shall submit a written report to the Board of Supervisors at least every two years describing expenditures made from the Fund during the prior two fiscal years.
(Added by Ord. 23-19, File No. 180916, App. 2/15/2019, Eff. 3/18/2019)
(a) Establishment of Fund. The War Memorial Maintenance and Capital Improvement is established as a category four fund to receive all gifts, donations and contributions of money which may from time to time be received by the Board of Trustees of the San Francisco War Memorial for maintenance and capital improvements to the San Francisco War Memorial.
(b) Use of Fund. All expenditures from such fund shall be for maintenance, modernizations, additions and betterments of the San Francisco War Memorial, as approved by the Board of Trustees of the San Francisco War Memorial.
(Added by Ord. 316-00, File No. 001911, App. 12/28/2000)
(a) Establishment of Fund. The War Memorial Reserve Fund is established as a category six fund to receive 15 percent of the annual revenues derived from the use of the buildings under the jurisdiction of the War Memorial Board of Trustees as provided in Section 27.3 of the San Francisco Administrative Code.
(b) Use of Fund. Monies in the fund shall be expended for necessary improvements, additions and reconstruction and replacements due to physical and functional depreciation, to the buildings under the jurisdiction of the War Memorial. The Board of Trustees of the War Memorial shall have full power and authority to determine the character and the nature of the improvements, additions and reconstruction and replacements due to physical and functional depreciation to be made from the reserve.
(c) Exceptions to Fund Category. In no event shall the total amount in the reserve exceed $500,000.
(Added by Ord. 316-00, File No. 001911, App. 12/28/2000)
(a) Establishment of Fund. The War Memorial Special Fund is established as a category four fund to receive (1) funds appropriated by the City to the Board of Trustees of the War Memorial, (2) revenues derived from the use of the buildings under the jurisdiction of the War Memorial which are not appropriated to the War Memorial Reserve Fund, and (3) any other funds received for these purposes.
(b) Use of Fund. The fund is to be used solely to defray the costs of maintaining, operating and caring for the War Memorial buildings and grounds as described in 2A.165.2 of the San Francisco Administrative Code, which shall include the payment of principal and redemption price of, interest on, reserve fund deposits, if any, and/or financing costs for general obligation bonds issued for improvements to the War Memorial buildings.
(Added by Ord. 316-00, File No. 001911, App. 12/28/2000; amended by Ord. 169-02, File No. 021171, App. 8/2/2002; Ord. 163-13
, File No. 130538, App. 8/2/2013, Eff. 9/1/2013)
(a) Establishment of Fund. The Women’s Recognition Public Art Fund is established as a category eight fund into which shall be deposited all gifts, donations, and contributions which may be offered to the City and County, and all monies appropriated by ordinance, for the purpose of designing, constructing, repairing, maintaining, and improving statues and other works of public art depicting historically significant women, including the artwork depicting Maya Angelou required by the ordinance in Board of Supervisors File No. 170781. The Arts Commission shall have the authority to accept and expend any donation of funds, goods, or services in accordance with this Section 10.100-363 without further action by the Board of Supervisors.
(b) Uses of Fund. All monies in the Fund shall be expended solely for the purposes of designing, constructing, repairing, maintaining, or improving statues and other works of public art depicting historically significant women physically accessible to the public on City property.
(Added by Ord. 243-18, File No. 170781, App. 10/26/2018, Eff. 11/26/2018)