(a) Establishment of Fund. The San Francisco Narcotics Forfeiture and Asset Seizure Fund is established as a category eight special fund for the purposes of receiving money or tangible property which reflects the City and County's participation in acts leading to the seizure or forfeiture of property pursuant to 21 U.S.C. 881, and the seizure and forfeiture of property and/or property distributed to the San Francisco Police Department pursuant to Section 11470, et seq., of the Health and Safety Code of the State of California.
(b) Use of Fund. Money or property received into the fund shall, consistent with federal and state guidelines and restrictions governing their use, be used exclusively for law enforcement purposes to fund enforcement, training, prevention and prosecution programs related to, and to procure equipment to enhance the effectiveness of, the enforcement of narcotics laws.
(c) Exceptions to Fund Category. Subject to prior approval by the Mayor, the head of any law enforcement agency of the City and County is authorized to apply for, accept, and expend any such money or property received from the federal government, or from any state or local government entity.
(d) Administration of Fund. Quarterly reports reflecting the expenditures from this Fund shall be submitted to the Mayor and the Board of Supervisors. No expenditures in excess of $10,000 will be made from this Fund, with the exception of funds needed for criminal investigation services, without first receiving the approval, by ordinance, of the Board of Supervisors. No costs which may be incurred by any City department in administering this Fund shall be recovered therefrom.
(Added by Ord. 316-00, File No. 001911, App. 12/28/2000)
(a) Establishment of Fund. The San Francisco Seismic Safety Loan Fund is established as a category four fund to receive all proceeds from the sale of bonds under the Earthquake Loan Bond Program, 1992, as described in Ordinance 217-92 and in Chapters 66 and 66A of the San Francisco Administrative Code (other than any premium or accrued interest thereon).
(b) Use of Fund. The fund shall be used solely in accordance with Chapters 66 and 66A of the San Francisco Administrative Code, as amended from time to time, those regulations adopted by the Board of Supervisors or the agency or entity designated by the Board of Supervisors to administer the Seismic Safety Retrofit Program, and any resolutions adopted by the Board of Supervisors authorizing the issuance of bonds and sale of any series of bonds pursuant to the Earthquake Loan Bond Program, 1992.
(Added by Ord. 316-00, File No. 001911, App. 12/28/2000)
(a) Establishment of Fund. The San Francisco Bonding and Financial Assistance Program is created in Section 14B.16 of the Administrative Code. That section requires City departments, consistent with the budgetary and fiscal provisions of the San Francisco Charter, to contribute to the San Francisco Bonding and Financial Assistance Program. The San Francisco Self-Insurance Surety Bond Fund is hereby created as a category eight fund as defined in Section 10.100-1 of the Administrative Code and shall receive annual contributions as determined under the provisions of subsection (c) of this Section and charged against all City capital projects appropriated after the effective date of this Section.
(b) Use of Fund. Subject to the budgetary and fiscal provisions of the San Francisco Charter, the City may expend the monies in said Fund only for the purpose of conducting self-insurance programs for the San Francisco Bonding and Financial Assistance Program, including Risk Management Administration, City Attorney Claim Administration and Adjudication, and Human Rights Commission Programmatic Oversight.
(c) The Controller in consultation with the City's Risk Manager shall annually set a contribution rate for all City capital construction and improvement projects conducted under Chapter 6 of the San Francisco Administrative Code. The Risk Manger, not less than every five years, shall procure an actuarial study of the City's loss experience for capital projects that shall provide the basis for setting of the annual contribution rate to the Fund. The Risk Manager and the Controller shall periodically review expenditures from the Fund to determine whether any department's loss rate is significantly higher or lower than the Citywide loss rate. In the event the Controller finds any significant disparities he or she is authorized to make adjustments to appropriations to eliminate such disparities.
(d) Initial Contribution of the Fund. Subject to the budgetary and fiscal provisions of the Charter, each participating department shall contribute their proportional share of the two (2) million dollar initial contribution to the Fund in the current fiscal year of 2008-2009. The Controller, in consultation with the Risk Manager, shall determine each department's contribution based on each department's projected participation in the program. General fund departments may delay their initial contributions to the Fund and participation in the Fund until the fiscal year of 2009 to 2010 budget appropriations, when such funds shall be budgeted as part of their capital appropriations budgets and participation in the program may commence.
(Added by Ord. 315-08, File No. 081444, 12/19/2008)
(a) Establishment of Fund. The San Francisco Super Bowl 50 Impact Fund ("the Fund") is hereby established as a category four fund to be used to provide financial support to small businesses specifically impacted by Super Bowl-related events.
(b) Source of Funds. Monies from the following sources may be deposited by appropriation into the Fund: (1) donations or cost reimbursements related to any City-incurred costs associated with Super Bowl-related events; (2) surplus, discretionary General Fund tax revenues attributable to Super Bowl-related events, as estimated by the Controller's Office following an accounting of the events; and (3) any other sources.
(c) Use of Funds. The Board of Supervisors may appropriate monies from the Fund to provide financial support to reimburse (1) businesses, merchants, or individuals who paid the City a license, operating, or other fee tor the purposes of operating their business and were subsequently displaced as a result of the event, and (2) other businesses and merchants who were adversely impacted by Super Bowl-related events.
(d) Administration of Grant Program. Those street artists licensed through the Arts Commission that can demonstrate a loss of income related to the reduction of spaces resulting from covered events shall be eligible for a grant award equivalent to their income loss, not to exceed $600 per street artist.
Food trucks, restaurants, and other individuals and businesses permitted or licensed through the Department of Public Work's Bureau of Street Use & Mapping shall be eligible for grants equivalent in value to permit fee(s) for the period of time under the approved permit(s) during which the permittee was not able to make use of the permitted benefit. Such grants shall not exceed $600 per grantee. Utility-related permits or licenses are not eligible for such grants.
The Controller's Office shall develop and administer the grant application, calculation, award, and disbursement process, in consultation with the Department of Public Works and Arts Commission. The Controller shall proportionally reduce grant awards authorized above to the extent that total calculated awards exceed the available balance in the fund.
(a) Establishment of Fund. The San Francisco Vital and Health Statistics Trust Fund is established as a category two fund to accept deposits consisting of $1 out of each $2 fee imposed by existing law on birth, death, fetal death, marriage and marriage dissolution certificates, and collected by the Local Registrar, County Recorder or County Clerk, as the case may be.
(b) Uses of Fund. Proceeds of this fund will defray the administrative costs of collecting these fees and other costs as follows: (1) administrative and personnel costs; (2) modernization of vital record operations, including improvement and automation of vital record systems; and (3) improvement in the collection and analysis of health-related death certificate information and other vital record analysis as appropriate.
(Added by Ord. 316-00, File No. 001911, App. 12/28/2000)
(a) Establishment of Fund. The Senior Operating Subsidies (SOS) Program Fund (the “SOS Fund”) is established as a category four fund to receive any monies appropriated or donated for the purpose of providing project-based subsidies to new senior affordable housing developments funded by the City to maintain rents that are affordable to extremely low-income senior residents with incomes at or below 30% of area median income, as published by the Mayor’s Office of Housing and Community Development (“MOHCD”). It shall be the City’s intent to continue to fund the SOS Fund on an annual basis for the life of all senior affordable housing developments that remain restricted as affordable housing and receive funding from the SOS Fund.
(b) Use of Fund. The SOS Fund shall be used exclusively for the purpose of providing project-based subsidies to new senior affordable housing developments funded by the City so that the rent for designated units in such developments may be set and maintained at the maximum rent level that is affordable to senior households with an income of 15% or 25% of area median income, as published by MOHCD. The SOS Fund may also be used to establish funding for transition reserves to cover future years of project-based subsidies at a new senior affordable housing developments funded by the City. For purposes of this Section 10.100-324, “senior” means a person 62 years old or older, or as defined by the requirements of any funding for the affordable housing development. If initial funding of the SOS Fund is not encumbered within five years of the effective date of this ordinance in Board File No. 190684, the SOS Fund may be used for tenant-based subsidies for extremely low-income seniors in addition to project-based subsidies at new senior affordable housing developments funded by the City.
(c) Administration of Fund. The Department of Disability and Aging Services (“DAS”) shall administer the SOS Fund, and in such capacity shall enter into grant agreements for terms of no less than 15 years with operators of new senior affordable housing developments to subsidize rents of designated units so that they may be set and maintained at the maximum rent level that is affordable to senior households with an income of 15% or 25% of area median income, as published by MOHCD. The SOS Fund shall be distributed in a way to benefit more than one senior affordable housing development funded by the City. DAS shall submit a report annually to the Board of Supervisors and the Mayor on the use of the SOS Fund during the preceding fiscal year, which may include, but is not limited to, the amounts approved for disbursement and the number of units assisted by the SOS Fund.
(d) Eligible Affordable Housing Developments. DAS shall establish minimum requirements for project eligibility, including but not limited to: (1) the affordable housing development must be subject to enforceable income and affordability restrictions through a recorded loan, grant, or ground lease from MOHCD or the Office of Community Investment and Infrastructure; (2) the affordable housing development must contain residential rental units restricted to low-income senior households; and (3) the affordable housing development must have secured financing to restrict a portion of the residential units at or below 60% of area median income, as published by MOHCD. In its administration of the SOS Fund, DAS shall prioritize new affordable senior housing developments that are under construction or in predevelopment as of the effective date of the ordinance in Board File No. 190684 establishing this Section 10.100-324.
(e) Tenant Selection. Applications for units in senior housing developments that are subsidized by the SOS Fund shall be managed through the San Francisco Housing Portal (“DAHLIA”), a project of MOHCD.
(f) Fund Regulations. The DAS Executive Director may publish from time to time program regulations as appropriate to administer the SOS Fund.
(a) Establishment of Fund. There shall be established a category two fund to be known and designated as the Sheriffs Deputies Training Fund, into which shall be deposited all funds not to exceed $200,000 in any one fiscal year, allocated by the Commission On Peace Officer Standards and Training from the Peace Officers Training Fund maintained by the State Treasury to the City and County for use of the San Francisco Sheriffs Department, and any excess over and above $200,000 shall be deposited in the General Fund.
(b) Use of Fund. The Sheriffs Deputies Training Fund shall be used exclusively for the recruitment and training of members of the uniformed force of the San Francisco Sheriff's Department including but not limited to expenses incurred in the recruitment of qualified deputies; purchase of equipment and training aids; expenses incurred in attending seminars, training schools, and conferences; expenses incurred in training deputies who are on an overtime basis during training, expenses incurred in assigning deputies on an overtime basis to fill the regular duty assignments of deputies being trained; expenses incurred in hiring temporary deputies to fill the regular duty assignments of deputies being trained; and such other expenses as may be incurred in the recruitment and training of sheriff's deputies.
(Added by Ord. 316-00, File No. 001911, App. 12/28/2000)
(a) Establishment of Fund. The Sheriffs County Jail Prisoner's Welfare Fund is established as a category four fund for the purpose of receiving all gifts, donations and contributions of money which may from time to time be received by the City and County through the Sheriff for the purpose of aiding the welfare of prisoners confined in the San Francisco City and County jails.
(b) Use of Fund. All expenditures from such fund shall be made for the purpose of providing educational, vocational, recreational, medical, dental, and legal supplies, facilities, and equipment and for costs incurred in providing entertainment to consist of lectures, plays, concerts and similar programs, all for the use and benefit of prisoners confined in the San Francisco City and County Jails.
(Added by Ord. 316-00, File No. 001911, App. 12/28/2000)