The purpose of the Commission is to collect all information relevant to advising the Board of Supervisors and Mayor on the effects of legislative policies, needs, assessments, priorities, programs, and budgets concerning the children and youth of San Francisco. Before the Board of Supervisors takes final action on any matter that primarily affects children and youth of the City and County, the Clerk of the Board of Supervisors shall refer the matter to the Commission for comment and recommendation. The Commission shall provide any response it deems appropriate within 12 days of the date the Board of Supervisors referred the matter to the Commission. After the 12 day period has elapsed, the Board of Supervisors may act on the matter whether or not the Board has received a response. This referral requirement shall not apply to any matter where immediate action by the Board of Supervisors is necessary to protect the public interest. The Commission shall have the following duties and functions:
(a) Identify the concerns and needs of the children and youth of San Francisco; examine existing social, economic, educational, and recreational programs for children and youth; develop and propose plans that support or improve such programs; and make recommendations thereon to the Mayor and Board of Supervisors.
(b) Identify the unmet needs of San Francisco's children and youth through personal contact with these young people, school officials, church leaders, and others; and hold public forums in which both youth and adults are encouraged to participate.
(c) Elicit the interest, support, and mutual cooperation of private groups (such as fraternal orders, service clubs, associations, churches, businesses, and youth organizations) and City-wide neighborhood planning collaborative efforts for children, youth and families that initiate and sponsor recommendations that address the social, economic, educational, and recreational needs of children and youth in San Francisco. Advise the Board of Supervisors and Mayor about how such recommendations could be coordinated in the community to eliminate duplication in cost and effort.
(d) Advise about available sources of governmental and private funding for youth programs.
(e) Submit recommendations to the Mayor and Board of Supervisors about juvenile crime prevention, job opportunities for youth, recreational activities for teenagers, opportunities for effective participation by youth in the governmental process, and changes in City and County regulations that are necessary to improve the social, economic, educational, and recreational advantages of children and youth.
(f) Respond to requests for comment and recommendation on matters referred to the Commission by officers, departments, agencies, boards, commissions and advisory committees of the City and County.
(g) Report to the Board of Supervisors the activities, goals, and accomplishments of the Commission by July 1 of each calendar year, effective July 1, 1997.
Except as otherwise provided by this Charter, the responsibilities of each department within the executive branch shall be prescribed by ordinance.
The administration and management of each department within the executive branch shall be the responsibility of the department head. Such officials may:
1. Appoint qualified individuals to fill all positions within their departments which are exempt from the Civil Service provisions of this Charter;
2. Adopt rules and regulations governing matters within the jurisdiction of their respective departments, subject, if applicable, to Section 4.102; and
3. With the approval of the City Administrator, reorganize their respective departments.
No person serving on a board or commission created by state law to discharge a state function specifically within the City and County may be employed as a paid staff member to a board or commission created by this Charter.
The Police Department shall preserve the public peace, prevent and detect crime, and protect the rights of persons and property by enforcing the laws of the United States, the State of California, and the City and County.
The Chief of Police may appoint and remove at pleasure special police officers.
The Chief of Police shall have all powers which are now or that may be conferred upon a sheriff by state law with respect to the suppression of any riot, public tumult, disturbance of the public peace or organized resistance against the laws or public authority.
DISTRICT POLICE STATIONS. The Police Department shall maintain and operate district police stations. The Police Commission, subject to the approval by the Board of Supervisors, may establish additional district stations, abandon or relocate any district station, or consolidate any two or more district stations.
BUDGET. Monetary awards and settlements disbursed by the City and County as a result of police action or inaction shall be taken exclusively from a specific appropriation listed as a separate line item in the Police Department budget for that purpose.
POLICE STAFFING. By no earlier than October 1 and no later than November 1 in every odd-numbered calendar year, the Chief of Police shall transmit to the Police Commission a report describing the department’s current number of full-duty sworn officers and recommending staffing levels of full-duty sworn officers in the subsequent two fiscal years. The report shall include an assessment of the Police Department’s overall staffing, the workload handled by the department’s employees, the department’s public service objectives, the department’s legal duties, and other information the Chief of Police deems relevant to determining proper staffing levels of full-duty sworn officers. The report shall evaluate and make recommendations regarding staffing levels at all district stations and in all types of jobs and services performed by full-duty sworn officers. By no later than July 1 in every odd-numbered calendar year, the Police Commission shall adopt a policy prescribing the methodologies that the Chief of Police may use in evaluating staffing levels, which may include consideration of factors such as workload metrics, the Department’s targets for levels of service, ratios between supervisory and non-supervisory positions in the Department, whether particular services require a fixed number of hours, and other factors the Commission determines are best practices or otherwise relevant. The Chief of Police may, but is not required by this Section 4.127 to, submit staffing reports regarding full-duty sworn officers to the Police Commission in even-numbered years.
The Police Commission shall hold a public hearing regarding the Chief of Police’s staffing report by December 31 in every odd-numbered calendar year. The Police Commission shall consider the most recent report in its consideration and approval of the Police Department’s proposed budget every fiscal year, but the Commission shall not be required to accept or adopt any of the recommendations in the report.
The Board of Supervisors is empowered to adopt ordinances necessary to effectuate the purpose of this section regarding staffing levels including but not limited to ordinances regulating the scheduling of police training classes.
Further, the Police Commission shall initiate an annual review to civilianize as many positions as possible and submit that report to the Board of Supervisors annually for review and approval.
PATROL SPECIAL POLICE OFFICERS. The Commission may appoint patrol special police officers and for cause may suspend or dismiss patrol special police officers after a hearing on charges duly filed with the Commission and after a fair and impartial trial. Patrol special police officers shall be regulated by the Police Commission, which may establish requirements for and procedures to govern the position, including the power of the Chief of Police to suspend a patrol special police officer pending a hearing on charges. Each patrol special police officer shall be at the time of appointment not less than 21 years of age and must possess such physical qualifications as may be required by the Commission.
Patrol special police officers may be designated by the Commission as the owners of a certain beat or territory which may be established or rescinded by the Commission. Patrol special police officers designated as the owners of a certain beat or territory or the legal heirs or representatives of the owners may dispose of their interest in the beat or territory to a person of good moral character, approved by the Police Commission and eligible for appointment as a patrol special police officer.
Commission designation of beats or territories shall not affect the ability of private security companies to provide on-site security services on the inside or at the entrance of any property located in the City and County.
(Amended November 2003; March 2004; Proposition G, Approved 11/8/2016; Proposition E, Approved 11/3/2020)
The Fire Department shall perform duties and enforce all applicable laws pertaining to the protection from, and the prevention, suppression, control and investigation of fires.
The Fire Chief shall cause the Fire Department to inspect all occupied or vacated structures to determine compliance with applicable laws relative to fire prevention, protection and control and also the protection of persons and property from fire.
The Fire Chief may during a conflagration cause to be removed any structure for the purpose of checking the progress of the conflagration.
The director of the Department of Administrative Services shall purchase all supplies, equipment and contractual services required by the several departments and offices of the City and County, except as otherwise provided in the Administrative Code. Except in cases of emergency, the director shall not enter into any contract or issue any purchase order unless the Controller shall certify thereon that sufficient unencumbered balances are available in the proper fund to meet the payments under such purchase order or contract as these become due. The director shall have charge of the central warehouses, central storerooms, central garage and shop.
The director shall by rules and regulations approved by the Controller, designate and authorize appropriate personnel within the Department of Administrative Services to exercise the director's signature powers for purchase orders and contract.
The director shall have authority to exchange used materials, supplies and equipment to the advantage of the City and County, advertise for bids, and to sell and otherwise dispose of personal property belonging to the City and County. The director shall have authority to require the transfer of surplus property in any department to stores or to other departments.
The director shall manage all public buildings, facilities and real estate of the City and County, unless otherwise provided for in this Charter.
Additional duties and functions of the Department of Administrative Services shall be assigned the City Administrator, by ordinance or pursuant to Section 4.132.
(Renumbered as Sec. 4.140 and amended by Proposition B, Approved 11/3/2020)
The County Clerk shall perform all duties of the County Clerk-Recorder until such office is merged into the Office of the Assessor-Recorder pursuant to Section 6.101.