Ord. No. | File No. | Eff. Date | Short Title and Code Sections Affected |
Ord. No. | File No. | Eff. Date | Short Title and Code Sections Affected |
161226 | 03/12/17 | Business and Tax Regulations Code - Revising Administrative Citation Rules Sections Affected: | |
161264 | 03/12/17 | Business and Tax Regulations Code - Estimated Payments, Filing Extensions, and Refunds Sections Affected: | |
161225 | 03/19/17 | Business and Tax Regulations Code - Business Registration with Tax Collector Sections Affected: | |
161316 | 03/26/17 | Administrative, Business and Tax Regulations, Police Codes - Elimination of Fees Sections Affected: 248 (Amended) | |
170680 | 08/26/17* [Retro Oper. 7/1/17] | Business and Tax Regulations Code - Emergency Medical Services Fees Sections Affected: | |
170703 | 08/26/17 | Business and Tax Regulations Code - Administration of Real Property Transfer Tax Sections Affected: | |
170741 | 11/04/17 | Business and Tax Regulations Code - Central Market Street and Tenderloin Area Citizen's Advisory Committee Sections Affected: | |
171042 | 01/05/18 | Various Codes - Regulation of Cannabis Businesses Sections Affected: | |
171153 | 01/21/18 | Business and Tax Regulations, Health Codes - Permit, License and Inspection Fees for Cannabis Businesses Sections Affected: | |