Designating Departments for Issuance of Permits. | |
Amusement Parks. | |
Masquerade Balls. | |
Circuses or Wild West Shows. | |
Balloon Advertising. | |
Street Cars for Displaying Advertising Signs. | |
Discharge of Firearms. | |
Secondhand Dealer. | |
Shooting Galleries. | |
Miniature and Practice Golf Courses. | |
Vehicles for Hire. | |
Public Display of Fireworks. | |
Open Outdoor Fires. | |
Service Stations. | |
Acetylene Generator. | |
Public Repair Garages, Public Storage Garages, Commercial and Truck Garages, and Automobile Sales Garages. | |
Automobile Repair Shops. | |
Removing Paint from Buildings by Burning. | |
Oil Burning Apparatus. | |
Storage of Calcium Carbide. | |
Dog Hospitals or Kennels or Hospitals for Sick Animals. | |
Laundries. | |
Stables. | |
Medical Colleges. | |
Use of City and County Property for Decoration Purposes. | |
Billboards. | |
Rock Crushing Machines. | |
Temporary Buildings. | |
Blasting Operations. | |
Boilers, Engines, and Cupola Furnaces. | |
Gas Works. | |
Employment Offices. | |
Vending. | |
Pawnbroker Establishments. | |
Combustible Fibres. | |
Explosives. | |
Importing and/or Exporting Fireworks. | |
Transporting of Fireworks. | |
Wholesaling of Fireworks. | |
Application of Flammable Finishes. | |
Flammable Liquids. | |
Flammable Fumigants and Fogs. | |
Hazardous Chemicals. | |
Waste Material Handling Plants. | |
Liquefied Petroleum Gases. | |
Storage of Lumber and Readily Combustible Materials. | |
Magnesium and Titanium Processing. | |
Motion Picture Theaters, Theaters, Public Assembly Units, and Open-Air Assembly Units. | |
Nitrocellulose Motion Picture Film. | |
Nitrocellulose Plastics. | |
Industrial Baking and Drying Ovens. | |
Standing Room, Candy Counters, and Vending Machine Spaces. | |
Compressed Gases. | |
Tents. | |
Tire Rebuilding Plants. | |
Welding and Cutting Operations. | |
Flammable Liquid Tank Vehicles. | |
Establishment, Maintenance and Operation of Food Products and Marketing Establishments. | |
Maintenance and Operation of Meat and Meat Food Product Vehicles. | |
Establishment, Maintenance and Operation of Food Preparation and Service Establishments. | |
Establishment, Maintenance and Operation of Salvage Goods and Merchandise Dealers. | |
Establishment, Maintenance and Operation of Cigar and Mattress Factories. | |
Establishment, Maintenance and Operation of Pet Shops. | |
Maintenance and Operation of Garbage Vehicles. | |
Establishment, Maintenance and Operation of Swimming Pools. | |
Maintenance and Operation of Private Ambulances. | |
Use of Hydrocyanic Gas, etc. | |
Business of Retail Firearms Dealer, Operation and Maintenance of. | |
Food Vending Machines. | |
Mobile Catering Vehicles. | |
Wells and Well Water. | |
Testers of Backflow Prevention or Cross-Connection Control Devices. | |
Cannabis Businesses. | |
Approval of City Planning Commission. | |
Certain Permits to be Delivered to Tax Collector. | |
Notice of Issuance of Permits. | |
Notice to be Attached to Copy Posted – Cost of Posting. | |
Interference with Posting or Tampering with Notice Prohibited – Penalty. | |
Method of Appeal to the Board of Appeals. | |
Effective Date for Collection of Filing Fee. | |
Information to be Furnished to Board of Appeals. | |
Record Forwarded to Board of Appeals. | |
Court Reporter – Fees; Videotape of Proceedings as Administrative Record. | |
City attorney – Representation of Planning and Building Department staff. | |
Mailing Notice of Hearing. | |
Filing Request for Notice of Hearing. | |
Hearing and Decision. | |
Seal. | |
Rehearings. | |
Permitting Substitutes for Metal Badges. | |
Providing for Posting and Form of Notice of Hearing, Applications for Certain Permits. | |
Action on Other Applications. | |
Inspection by Department – Revocation of Permits. | |
Advisory Board. | |
Facts to be Considered by Departments. | |
Fees. | |
Publication, Certain Applications. | |
Posting Notice of Issuance of Permits. | |
Appeals to Board of Appeals. | |
Applications Barred for One Year. | |
Fee for Inspection by the Health Department. | |
Fees, Penalty for Nonpayment. | |
Inspections, How Made. | |
Display of Certificate. | |
Duties of Police Officers. | |
Penalty. | |
Editor’s Notes:
Sections designated 6.1-1 through 6.24-1 are codified in Article 6.
Sections designated 15A.1 et seq. are codified in Article 15A.
Sections designated 6.1-1 through 6.24-1 are codified in Article 6.
Sections designated 15A.1 et seq. are codified in Article 15A.
Permits shall be issued for the location and conduct of the businesses, enterprises or activities, enumerated hereinafter in Sections 1.1 to 1.77, inclusive, by the department or office authorized by Sections 1.1 to 1.77, inclusive, and Section 2 of this Article 1 to issue each such class of permit, and subject to the approval of other departments and offices of the City and County, where specifically designated in any such case; provided that permit or license fees as required by ordinance shall be collected by the Tax Collector as provided in Section 3 of this Article.
(Amended by Ord. 242-69, App. 7/29/69; Ord. 443-86, App. 11/13/86; Ord. 367-88, App. 8/5/88; Ord. 230-17, File No. 171042, App. 12/6/2017, Eff. 1/5/2018)