Every document pertaining to real property that is submitted for recordation shall show on the face of the document the Assessor's current parcel number, or numbers, and the commonly-known situs and/or street name and number of the real property described therein.
(Ord. 315-67, App. 12/12/67; amended by Ord. 579-85, App. 12/27/85; Ord. 201-01, File No. 011242, App. 9/28/2001)
"Domestic partnerships" shall mean a domestic partnership created pursuant to Chapter 62 of the Administrative Code, Division 2.5 of the California Family Code, or the laws of another state or political subdivision thereof, and for which a Declaration of Domestic Partnership or similar official record acknowledging the domestic partnership has been filed with the County Clerk pursuant to Chapter 62, or with the public official responsible for the registration of domestic partnerships pursuant to the laws of the jurisdiction under which the domestic partnership was created.
(Added by Ord. 108-04, File No. 040493, App. 6/21/2004)
(a) Any tax imposed pursuant to this Article 12-C shall be paid by any person who makes, signs, or issues any document or instrument subject to the tax, or for whose use or benefit the same is made, signed, or issued.
(b) The tax imposed by this Article 12-C is due and payable at the time the deed, instrument or writing effecting a transfer subject to the tax is delivered, and is delinquent if unpaid 30 days later.
(c) The County Recorder may accept partial payments of taxes due. The difference between the amount paid by the person liable for the tax and the total amount due shall be treated as a delinquent tax and shall be subject to penalties and interest on the unpaid balance under Section 1115.2. Partial payments shall be applied first to administrative collection costs, interest, penalties, and other costs and charges, in that order, and the balance, if any, shall be applied to the taxes due.
(Ord. 315-67, App. 12/12/67; amended by Ord. 377-84, App. 8/31/84; Ord. 176-17, File No. 170703, App. 7/27/2017, Eff. 8/26/2017)
Any deed, instrument or writing to which the United States or any agency or instrumentality thereof, any state or territory, or political subdivision thereof, is a party shall be exempt from any tax imposed pursuant to this ordinance when the exempt agency is acquiring title.
Any deed, instrument or writing shall be exempt from up to one-third (1/3) of any tax imposed pursuant to this ordinance if: (1) it transfers an interest in real property used as a residence; and (2) after January 1, 2009, the transferor has installed an active solar system, as that term is defined in Revenue & Taxation Code § 73(b), or has made seismic retrofitting improvements or improvements utilizing earthquake hazard mitigation technologies, as those terms are defined in Revenue & Taxation Code § 74.5(b), and the transferor has claimed and the Assessor has approved an exclusion from reassessment for the value of that system or those improvements. This partial exemption shall only apply to the initial transfer by the person who installed the active solar system or made the seismic safety improvements. The amount of this partial exemption shall not exceed the transferor's cost of seismic retrofitting improvements or the active solar system. Multi-family residential properties are eligible for this partial exemption.
(Ord. 315-67, App. 12/12/67; amended by Ord. 377-84, App. 8/31/84; Proposition N, 11/4/2008)
Any tax imposed pursuant to this ordinance shall not apply to the making, delivering or filing of conveyances to make effective any plan of reorganization or adjustment:
(a) Confirmed under Title 11 of the United States Code;
(b) Whereby a mere change in identity, form or place or organization is effected.
Subdivisions (a) and (b), inclusive, of this Section shall only apply if the making, delivery or filing of instruments of transfer or conveyances occurs within five years from the date of such confirmation approval or change.
(Ord. 315-67, App. 12/12/67; amended by Ord. 377-84, App. 8/31/84; Ord. 20-09, File No. 081450, App. 2/5/2009)