The term "return" means any written statement required to be filed under Articles 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 10B, 11, 12, 12-A-1
, 21, 28, 29, 29A, 30, 32, or 33, or under laws applicable to a fee administered pursuant to Article 6, or under laws applicable to an assessment levied pursuant to the Property and Business Improvement District Law of 1994 (California Streets and Highways Code sections 36600 et seq.) or Article 15 of this Code.
(Added as Sec. 6.2-4 by Ord. 18-98, App. 1/16/98; renumbered and amended by Ord. 26-04, File No. 031990, App. 2/19/2004; amended by Ord. 291-10, File No. 101099, App. 11/18/2010; Proposition E, App. 11/6/2012, Oper. 1/1/2014; Ord. 271-13, File No. 131031, App. 11/27/2013, Eff. 12/27/2013, Oper. 1/1/2014; Ord. 12-18, File No. 171155, App. 2/1/2018, Eff. 3/4/2018; Ord. 235-18, File No. 180753, App. 10/12/2018, Eff. 11/12/2018, Oper. 1/1/2019; Ord. 69-19, File No. 181110, App. 4/19/2019, Eff. 5/20/2019, Retro. 1/1/2019; Ord. 277-19, App. 11/27/2019, Eff. 12/28/2019, Oper. 1/1/2020; Ord. 207-20, File No. 200759, App. 10/9/2020, Eff. 11/9/2020; Ord. 88-21, File No. 210161, App. 7/2/2021, Eff. 8/2/2021; Ord. 152-21, File No. 210828, App. 9/29/2021, Eff. 10/30/2021; Ord. 224-23, File No. 230898, App. 11/3/2023, Eff. 12/4/2023)