If a deficiency determination made against any person remains unpaid, and the delinquent taxes, penalties, interest, and fees have been referred to the Tax Collector’s Bureau of Delinquent Revenue under Section 10.38 of the Administrative Code, the Tax Collector may, not later than three years after the payment became delinquent or the notice of deficiency determination became due and payable, whichever is later, give notice thereof by mail or by personal service to any persons in the State of California having in their possession or under their control any credits or other personal property belonging to the delinquent person, or owing any debts to the delinquent person. After receiving such notice, the persons so notified shall, within five days of the receipt of the notice, advise the Tax Collector by sworn writing of all such credits, personal property, or debts. Further, the persons so notified shall neither transfer nor make any other disposition of the credits, other personal property, or debts in their possession or under their control at the time they receive the notice until the Tax Collector consents to a transfer or disposition or until 30 days elapse after the person has advised the Tax Collector in a sworn writing of all such credits, personal property, or debts. Unless otherwise required by law, if persons so notified transfer such assets in violation of the provisions of this Section 1115.6, they shall become indebted to the City for the value of the property transferred, or the amount owed to the City by the delinquent person, whichever is less.
(Added by Ord. 176-17, File No. 170703, App. 7/27/2017, Eff. 8/26/2017)
(a) Any person or persons shall be guilty of a misdemeanor who:
(1) Makes any oral misrepresentation to any employee of the County Recorder’s office of:
(A) The consideration for, the value of, or the liens upon the lands, tenements, or other realty sold that is transferred by any deed, instrument or writing that is subject to the tax imposed by this Article 12-C; or
(B) Any material fact which supports a claim that any deed, instrument or writing by which any such lands, tenements, or other realty sold is not subject to the tax imposed by this Article 12-C; or
(2) Makes any written misrepresentation of a material fact in any affidavit, declaration, or other writing that is required or may be required by this Article 12-C; or
(3) Furnishes to the County Recorder’s office any false record or documentary proof which misrepresents:
(A) The consideration for, the value of, or the liens upon the lands, tenements, or other realty sold that is transferred by any deed, instrument or writing that is subject to the tax imposed by this Article 12-C; or
(B) Any material fact which supports a claim that any deed, instrument or writing by which any such lands, tenements, or other realty sold is not subject to the tax imposed by this Article 12-C.
(b) No person or persons shall be liable, either civilly or criminally, for any unintentional error made in designating the location of the land, tenements, or other realty described in a document subject to the tax imposed by this Article 12-C.
(Ord. 315-67, App. 12/12/67; amended by Ord. 377-84, App. 8/31/84; Ord. 176-17, File No. 170703, App. 7/27/2017, Eff. 8/26/2017)
The remedies, procedures, penalties, interest, collection costs, and other costs and charges, including reasonable attorneys’ fees, provided in this Article 12-C are cumulative, and may be pursued alternatively, concurrently, or consecutively as the County Recorder and/or the Tax Collector determine.
(Added by Ord. 176-17, File No. 170703, App. 7/27/2017, Eff. 8/26/2017)
(a) Unless otherwise required by law, the information in a person’s affidavit filed under Sections 1111(c) or (d) is confidential, as is any information the County Recorder learns about a person from the person or in response to the County Recorder’s request for information made under Section 1111.1. Information regarding the County Recorder’s investigation of a particular person or transaction, including the fact that the County Recorder has sent a request for information to a particular person or is investigating a particular person or transaction, is also confidential. Except as permitted by this Section 1118 or as otherwise required by law, neither the County Recorder nor his or her staff, nor any other of the City’s current or former employees or agents may disclose confidential information to any person.
(b) At the discretion of the County Recorder or Tax Collector, otherwise confidential information may be disclosed in any judicial proceeding or administrative proceeding pertaining to tax administration, determination, assessment, collection, or enforcement, of any civil or criminal liability arising under this Article 12-C if the information concerns a person who is a party to the proceeding, or the proceeding arose out of, or in connection with determining that person’s civil or criminal liability, or the collection of that person’s liability with respect to any tax imposed thereunder.
(c) At the discretion of the County Recorder or Tax Collector, disclosure of otherwise confidential information may be made to the extent such disclosures are reasonably necessary to obtaining information bearing a direct relationship to the determination, assessment, collection, or enforcement of any civil or criminal liability arising under this Article 12-C.
(d) At the discretion of the County Recorder or Tax Collector, the County Recorder or Tax Collector may disclose otherwise confidential information to employees or agents of the County Recorder or Tax Collector or other City employees who are engaged in matters preparatory to any judicial or administrative proceeding pertaining to the administration or enforcement of any civil or criminal liability arising out of this Article 12-C.
(e) If the County Recorder or Tax Collector determines that a liability owing from a person may be collected from another person, the County Recorder or Tax Collector may disclose to such other person information relevant to the determination and collection of tax due or owing from the person owing the liability.
(f) The taxpayer, the taxpayer’s successors, receivers, trustees, executors, administrators, assignees, and guarantors, and their duly authorized legal representatives if directly interested, may be given information regarding the items included in the measure and amount of any unpaid tax or amounts of tax required to be collected, interest, and penalties.
(g) Notwithstanding any other provision of the Business and Tax Regulations Code or of any City ordinance, the County Recorder and Tax Collector are authorized to enter into agreements with other public taxing agencies providing for the exchange of information for official purposes of said agencies, and to implement any such agreement through the exchange of information.
(h) Notwithstanding, any other provision of the Business and Tax Regulations Code or of any City ordinance, the County Recorder and Tax Collector shall provide any and all information to the Assessor and Controller that is needed to fulfill the Assessor’s responsibilities under Section 6.101 of the Charter or the Controller’s responsibilities under Section 3.105 of the Charter. With regard to all such information provided by the County Recorder or Tax Collector, the Assessor and Controller shall be subject to the confidentiality provisions of subsection (a) of this Section 1118.
(i) The County Recorder or Tax Collector may disclose to any City employee or agent for official purposes any information described in Section 1118(a) in aggregate or other form that does not disclose the identity of particular taxpayers.
(j) Nothing in this Section 1118 shall impose any liability upon the Tax Collector or the County Recorder, or any employee or agent thereof, for any disclosures of confidential information made in the performance of his or her duties.
(Added by Ord. 176-17, File No. 170703, App. 7/27/2017, Eff. 8/26/2017)
The Board of Supervisors may amend or repeal this Article 12-C by ordinance without a vote of the people except as limited by the California Constitution.
(Added by Proposition C, 3/5/2024, Eff. 4/12/2024)