(a) An Operator of a Valet Parking Station that charges Rent at a flat rate and does not charge Rent to any Occupant by the hour or the fraction of an hour is not required to comply with Sections 2205(a), 2205(b)(1), 2205(b)(2), 2205(d)(1), 2205(d)(2), 2205(d)(4), and 2205(i), but shall comply with all other provisions of Section 2205. An Operator that provides valet services and charges Rent for Occupancy by the hour or the fraction of an hour is subject to all provisions of Section 2205. The requirements of this Article as to Valets are in addition to and do not alter the requirements set out in Section 853 of this Code, Sections 1216 through 1223 inclusive of Article 17 of the Police Code, or other applicable ordinances. An Operator that provides Attendant Parking is not subject to the exemptions of this Section.
(b) An Operator of a Valet Parking Station must provide a Parking Ticket issued by the RCE to the Occupant at the time the Operator accepts the keys or otherwise assumes control of the Occupant's Motor Vehicle. The Parking Ticket must state the date of entry, the time of entry if Rent is charged by time, and the name and address of the Operator. Each Parking Ticket issued must contain a unique identification number that corresponds and is traceable to a transaction number generated by the RCE.
(d) An Operator of a Valet Parking Station must comply with the requirements of Section 2203. Where an Operator of a Valet Parking Station utilizes an off-street facility (lot or garage) to park Motor Vehicles, the owner or operator of said off-street facility is not required to issue a separate Parking Ticket for said Motor Vehicles. An owner or operator of an off-street parking facility that is used only by an Operator of a Valet Parking Station, and is not otherwise used as a Parking Facility open to the public, is not required to comply with the provisions of Section 2203.
(Added by Ord. 234-06, File No. 060892, App. 9/14/2006; amended by Ord. 292-10, File No. 101100, App. 11/18/2010; Ord. 257-14
, File No. 141053, App. 12/19/2014, Eff. 1/18/2015)
An Operator shall comply with all applicable provisions of this Article at all times. In particular, Operators shall meet the specific requirements of this Article applicable to different Parking Station operation modes, such as Attended Lot Parking Station, Unattended Parking Station, Flat Rate Parking Station, and Public Event Parking Station, during any time that such Parking Station is being operated in such mode.
(Added by Ord. 234-06, File No. 060892, App. 9/14/2006; amended by Ord. 257-14
, File No. 141053, App. 12/19/2014, Eff. 1/18/2015)
The Enforcing Agency, by exercise of its rulemaking authority under this Article, may issue rules, determinations and interpretations consistent with the purposes of this Article as may be necessary and appropriate to apply or enforce this Article relating to new or emerging technologies applicable to RCE, including but not limited to Electronic Payment and other forms of RCE that record and process a Transaction without use of a Parking Ticket or that utilize other paperless means of recording and processing a Transaction.
(Added by Ord. 234-06, File No. 060892, App. 9/14/2006; amended by Ord. 257-14
, File No. 141053, App. 12/19/2014, Eff. 1/18/2015)
(a) Unless specifically otherwise provided in Section 2204, an Operator must accept payment of Rent through at least one of the following Electronic Payment methods that comply with the requirements of this Section: credit card, bank debit card, prepaid account card, cellular telephone, QR code, or other means of electronic money transfer that meets the requirements of this Section 2213 and is acceptable to the Enforcing Agency.
(b) Where an Operator utilizes Electronic Payment, the Electronic Payment method must create an Electronic Payment Record for every Transaction that assigns a unique identification number to the Transaction and states the location of the Parking Facility, the amount of Rent charged, and the date(s) and Occupancy Period, which information must be transmitted to the Occupant either through a billing statement or receipt. Any method of Electronic Payment must be administered by a third party payment processor that is not affiliated with the Operator of the Parking Station. An Operator that accepts Electronic Payment must post the business telephone and address of the Operator or the Operator's agent responsible for addressing complaints concerning incorrect charges and other issues concerning payment of Rent.
(Added by Ord. 234-06, File No. 060892, App. 9/14/2006; amended by Ord. 257-14
, File No. 141053, App. 12/19/2014, Eff. 1/18/2015)
An Operator may maintain and repair its RCE itself or use Service Agents. An Operator's utilization or reliance upon Service Agents shall not relieve the Operator of its ultimate responsibility for ensuring that RCE is installed in the Parking Station, is functioning correctly, and that said RCE complies with the requirements of this Article during all times that the Parking Station provides parking in exchange for Rent.
(Added by Ord. 234-06, File No. 060892, App. 9/14/2006)