(a) During any time that RCE is not functioning, the Operator may continue to operate the Parking Station subject to the following conditions:
(1) The Operator and/or the Operator's agent shall not tow any Motor Vehicle that entered the Parking Station during the time that the RCE is unable to issue legible Parking Tickets or legible Receipts and for eight hours after the RCE is restored to full function.
(2) The Operator shall manually record in ink on preprinted sequentially numbered tickets the following information:
(A) Time and date of the entry of the Occupant's Motor Vehicle to the Parking Station;
(B) Time and date of the exit of the Occupant's Motor Vehicle from the Parking Station;
(C) Total amount Operator charged Occupant, including Rent and Parking Tax;
(D) Parking Station address; and
(E) Business telephone and address of Operator or Operator's agent responsible for addressing consumer complaints.
(3) The Operator shall maintain a log written in ink recording the dates and times and reasons that it utilized manual revenue control procedures. The Operator shall maintain said log and all manually issued Parking Tickets for not less than five years after their creation.
(4) The Operator shall issue to every Occupant an individually and sequentially numbered Receipt stating the date, the Occupancy Period, and the amount charged, including Rent and Parking Tax.
(b) The Operator shall use good faith efforts to maintain and repair the RCE so that it operates in conformance with the requirements of this Article. If malfunctioning RCE is not restored to full function within 72 hours of the time that it ceased to operate in conformance with this Article (excluding Sundays and holidays if the Operator uses a service repair company), the Enforcing Agency may determine that the Operator has not made a good faith effort to maintain or repair the RCE and is in willful violation of this Article. A determination that the Operator has not attempted in good faith to maintain RCE or repair malfunctioning RCE may be rebutted by the Operator's presentation of proof, that the Enforcing Agency in its sole and absolute discretion deems to be credible, to establish the Operator's good faith efforts to maintain or repair the RCE.
(Added by Ord. 234-06, File No. 060892, App. 9/14/2006; amended by Ord. 292-10, File No. 101100, App. 11/18/2010; Ord. 257-14
, File No. 141053, App. 12/19/2014, Eff. 1/18/2015)
The Enforcing Agency may conduct periodic inspections of Parking Stations to ensure that Parking Stations have operational RCE that meets the requirements of this Article.
(Added by Ord. 234-06, File No. 060892, App. 9/14/2006; amended by Ord. 292-10, File No. 101100, App. 11/18/2010)
(a) Auditable Record. An Operator shall implement and utilize appropriate business practices that, in conjunction with RCE, create an auditable record of the following information for every Transaction:
(1) Rent charged and paid;
(2) Rent discount, if given;
(3) Occupancy Period (or entry and exit times) for Rent charged;
(4) Parking Tax collected.
(b) Maintenance of Parking Tickets. An Operator must keep in San Francisco each issued or cancelled Parking Ticket for not less than five years from the date the Parking Ticket was issued. Parking Tickets must be provided to any City auditor or other auditor authorized by the Enforcing Agency immediately upon request.
(c) Maintenance of Log Files. An Operator shall keep in San Francisco each Log File in an accessible read-only electronic storage format, for not less than five years from the date of the earliest Transaction recorded in said Log File. An Operator must also maintain a printout of all Log Files for not less than five years. Upon request, the Operator shall immediately provide to any City auditor or other auditor authorized by the Enforcing Agency, the Log File in an electronic format readable by the City.
(d) Maintenance of Journal Tapes. An Operator shall keep in San Francisco each Journal Tape for not less than five years from the date of the earliest Transaction recorded in said Journal Tape. The Journal Tape must be provided to any City auditor or other auditor authorized by the Enforcing Agency immediately upon request.
(e) Improper Use of Discount Parking. An Operator that provides Discount Parking or Flat Rate Parking must establish business practices and control measures to prevent its employees and managers from using a discount Parking Ticket to avoid reporting the full amount of Rent collected or to avoid remitting the correct amount of Parking Tax due.
(f) Reconciliation of Transaction Records. No less than monthly, for every day that the Parking Station provides parking to the public in exchange for Rent, an Operator shall reconcile the number of Parking Tickets issued and received, and the number of Motor Vehicles that utilized Electronic Payment, with the number of Motor Vehicles that the RCE recorded as having entered the Parking Station, and shall create a Periodic Report setting out that information for every Transaction that occurred during that period.
(g) Training in Use of RCE. An Operator shall train its employees and managers in the required uses of RCE, including but not limited to: recording Transactions; maintaining Parking Tickets, Log Files and Journal Tapes; and reconciling the count and identification numbers of Parking Tickets used and Electronic Payment records with the number of Motor Vehicles that parked in the Parking Station, and the amount of Rent received in any given period.
(Added by Ord. 234-06, File No. 060892, App. 9/14/2006; amended by Ord. 292-10, File No. 101100, App. 11/18/2010; Ord. 257-14
, File No. 141053, App. 12/19/2014, Eff. 1/18/2015)
Sections 2219 through 2219.11 of this Article shall be known as the "Revenue Control Equipment Compliance Fee Ordinance" and the Fee imposed herein shall be known as the "Revenue Control Equipment Compliance Fee" or "Fee." The purpose of this Fee is to recover the City's costs to ensure that all Operators and Parking Stations meet the requirements of this Article.
(Added by Ord. 172-10, File No. 100711, App. 7/23/2010; amended by Ord. 257-14
, File No. 141053, App. 12/19/2014, Eff. 1/18/2015)
The City hereby imposes an annual Revenue Control Equipment Compliance Fee of $500 on each Parking Station that is subject to the RCE requirements set forth in this Article 22.
(Added by Ord. 172-10, File No. 100711, App. 7/23/2010)