The gross receipts tax rates applicable to the business activities of manufacturing, transportation and warehousing, information, biotechnology, clean technology, and food services are:
(1) For tax years beginning on or after January 1, 2018 and ending on or before December 31, 2020:
0.125% (e.g., $1.25 per $1,000) for gross receipts between $0 and $1,000,000
0.205% (e.g., $2.05 per $1,000) for gross receipts between $1,000,001 and $2,500,000
0.37% (e.g., $3.70 per $1,000) for gross receipts between $2,500,001 and $25,000,000
0.475% (e.g., $4.75 per $1,000) for gross receipts over $25,000,000
(2) For the business activities of manufacturing and food services for tax years 2021 through and including 2024:
0.088% (e.g., $0.88 per $1,000) for taxable gross receipts between $0 and $1,000,000
0.144% (e.g., $1.44 per $1,000) for taxable gross receipts between $1,000,000.01 and $2,500,000
0.259% (e.g., $2.59 per $1,000) for taxable gross receipts between $2,500,000.01 and $25,000,000
0.665% (e.g., $6.65 per $1,000) for taxable gross receipts over $25,000,000
(3) For the business activities of transportation and warehousing and clean technology for tax years 2021 through and including 2024:
0.175% (e.g., $1.75 per $1,000) for taxable gross receipts between $0 and $1,000,000
0.287% (e.g., $2.87 per $1,000) for taxable gross receipts between $1,000,000.01 and $2,500,000
0.518% (e.g., $5.18 per $1,000) for taxable gross receipts between $2,500,000.01 and $25,000,000
0.665% (e.g., $6.65 per $1,000) for taxable gross receipts over $25,000,000
(4) For the business activity of biotechnology:
(A) For tax year 2021:
0.175% (e.g., $1.75 per $1,000) for taxable gross receipts between $0 and $1,000,000
0.287% (e.g., $2.87 per $1,000) for taxable gross receipts between $1,000,000.01 and $2,500,000
0.518% (e.g., $5.18 per $1,000) for taxable gross receipts between $2,500,000.01 and $25,000,000
0.665% (e.g., $6.65 per $1,000) for taxable gross receipts over $25,000,000
(B) For tax years 2022 and 2023:
0.181% (e.g., $1.81 per $1,000) for taxable gross receipts between $0 and $1,000,000
0.297% (e.g., $2.97 per $1,000) for taxable gross receipts between $1,000,000.01 and $2,500,000
0.537% (e.g., $5.37 per $1,000) for taxable gross receipts between $2,500,000.01 and $25,000,000
0.689% (e.g., $6.89 per $1,000) for taxable gross receipts over $25,000,000
(C) For tax year 2024:
0.188% (e.g., $1.88 per $1,000) for taxable gross receipts between $0 and $1,000,000
0.308% (e.g., $3.08 per $1,000) for taxable gross receipts between $1,000,000.01 and $2,500,000
0.555% (e.g., $5.55 per $1,000) for taxable gross receipts between $2,500,000.01 and $25,000,000
0.713% (e.g., $7.13 per $1,000) for taxable gross receipts over $25,000,000
(5) For the business activity of information:
(A) For tax year 2021:
0.56% (e.g., $5.60 per $1,000) for taxable gross receipts between $0 and $1,000,000
0.644% (e.g., $6.44 per $1,000) for taxable gross receipts between $1,000,000.01 and $2,500,000
0.714% (e.g., $7.14 per $1,000) for taxable gross receipts between $2,500,000.01 and $25,000,000
0.784% (e.g., $7.84 per $1,000) for taxable gross receipts over $25,000,000
(B) For tax years 2022 and 2023:
0.573% (e.g., $5.73 per $1,000) for taxable gross receipts between $0 and $1,000,000
0.665% (e.g., $6.65 per $1,000) for taxable gross receipts between $1,000,000.01 and $2,500,000
0.751% (e.g., $7.51 per $1,000) for taxable gross receipts between $2,500,000.01 and $25,000,000
0.832% (e.g., $8.32 per $1,000) for taxable gross receipts over $25,000,000
(C) For tax year 2024:
0.579% (e.g., $5.79 per $1,000) for taxable gross receipts between $0 and $1,000,000
0.675% (e.g., $6.75 per $1,000) for taxable gross receipts between $1,000,000.01 and $2,500,000
0.77% (e.g., $7.70 per $1,000) for taxable gross receipts between $2,500,000.01 and $25,000,000
0.855% (e.g., $8.55 per $1,000) for taxable gross receipts over $25,000,000
(b) Manufacturing includes the activity of transforming materials, substances or components into new products by mechanical, physical or chemical means; it includes the activity of assembling component parts of manufactured products; it includes business activity described in NAICS codes 31, 32 and 33.
(c) Transportation and warehousing includes the activities of providing transportation of passengers and/or goods, warehousing and storage for goods, scenic and sightseeing transportation, and support activities related to modes of transportation; it includes business activity described in NAICS codes 48 and 49.
(d) Information includes producing and distributing information or cultural products; providing the means to transmit or distribute those products; and processing data; it includes business activity described in NAICS code 51.
(e) For purposes of this Article 12-A-1:
(1) Biotechnology includes the activity of conducting biotechnology research and experimental development, and operating laboratories for biotechnology research and experimental development, using DNA, cells, and/or bioprocessing techniques, as well as the application thereof to the development of therapeutics, diagnostic products and/or devices to improve human health, animal health, and agriculture. For purposes of this Section 953.2(e)(1):
(A) “DNA” is a nucleic acid sequence, or fragment thereof, that contains the genetic information for cell growth, division, and function. Examples of DNA include recombinant DNA, RNA, mRNA, antisense, RNAi, genes and ESTs.
(B) “Cells” are membrane bound structures containing biomolecules, such as nucleic acids, proteins, and polysaccharides. This definition includes both prokaryotic (bacterial) and eukaryotic (animal or plant) cells. Examples include primary cells, transformed or cultured cells, stem cells, iPS, ESCs, fused cells and cell lines.
(C) “Bioprocessing” is the use of microbial, plant, or animal cells or portions thereof, for the production of therapeutics or diagnostics. Bioprocessing includes the extraction of compounds from biomaterials; reaction of biomaterials, such as microbial fermentation, cell culture, cell fusion or biotransformation by enzymes; and separation of product from biomaterials using filtration, purification, precipitation, centrifugation, solvents, chromatography or other means.
(A) Research and development and/or associated manufacturing applying scientific advances to the production, distribution or storage of clean energy.
(B) Research and development and/or associated manufacturing applying scientific advances to prototype or commercially viable materials and products powered by clean energy, including but not limited to single passenger vehicles and fueling infrastructure.
(C) Research and development and/or associated manufacturing applying scientific advances to prototype or commercially viable techniques, materials and products that materially improve energy efficiency, water conservation or air quality.
(D) Research and development, manufacture and/or installation of solar panels.
(3) For purposes of Section 953.2(e)(2), “clean energy” means energy utilizing energy produced by wind, solar energy, landfill gas, geothermal resources, ocean thermal energy conversion, quantifiable energy conservation measures, tidal energy, wave energy, biomass, biofuels, or hydrogen fuels derived from renewable sources, excluding:
(A) any fossil fuel based energy production, including but not limited to, clean coal, clean diesel, natural gas and hydrogen from natural gas;
(B) any nuclear based energy production;
(C) waste to energy via combustion or incineration; or/and
(D) other technologies that are detrimental to human health.
(f) Food services includes the activity of preparing meals, snacks and/or beverages to customer order for immediate on-premises or off-premises consumption; it includes drinking places; it includes business activity described in NAICS code 722.
(Added by Proposition E, App. 11/6/2012, Oper. 1/1/2014; amended by Proposition F, 11/3/2020, Eff. 12/29/2020, Oper. 1/1/2021; Ord. 152-21, File No. 210828, App. 9/29/2021, Eff. 10/30/2021; Ord. 151-23, File No. 230155, App. 7/28/2023, Eff. 8/28/2023, Retro. 1/1/2023; Proposition M, 11/5/2024, Eff. 12/20/2024)
The gross receipts tax rates applicable to the business activities of accommodations; utilities; and arts, entertainment and recreation are:
(1) For tax years beginning on or after January 1, 2018 and ending on or before December 31, 2020:
0.3% (e.g., $3 per $1,000) for gross receipts between $0 and $1,000,000
0.325% (e.g., $3.25 per $1,000) for gross receipts between $1,000,001 and $2,500,000
0.325% (e.g., $3.25 per $1,000) for gross receipts between $2,500,001 and $25,000,000
0.4% (e.g., $4 per $1,000) for gross receipts over $25,000,000
(2) For the business activities of accommodations and arts, entertainment and recreation for tax years 2021 through and including 2024:
0.21% (e.g., $2.10 per $1,000) for taxable gross receipts between $0 and $1,000,000
0.228% (e.g., $2.28 per $1,000) for taxable gross receipts between $1,000,000.01 and $2,500,000
0.228% (e.g., $2.28 per $1,000) for taxable gross receipts between $2,500,000.01 and $25,000,000
0.56% (e.g., $5.60 per $1,000) for taxable gross receipts over $25,000,000
(3) For the business activity of utilities:
(A) For tax year 2021:
0.42% (e.g., $4.20 per $1,000) for taxable gross receipts between $0 and $1,000,000
0.455% (e.g., $4.55 per $1,000) for taxable gross receipts between $1,000,000.01 and $2,500,000
0.455% (e.g., $4.55 per $1,000) for taxable gross receipts between $2,500,000.01 and $25,000,000
0.56% (e.g., $5.60 per $1,000) for taxable gross receipts over $25,000,000
(B) For tax years 2022 and 2023:
0.435% (e.g., $4.35 per $1,000) for taxable gross receipts between $0 and $1,000,000
0.471% (e.g., $4.71 per $1,000) for taxable gross receipts between $1,000,000.01 and $2,500,000
0.471% (e.g., $4.71 per $1,000) for taxable gross receipts between $2,500,000.01 and $25,000,000
0.58% (e.g., $5.80 per $1,000) for taxable gross receipts over $25,000,000
(C) For tax year 2024:
0.45% (e.g., $4.50 per $1,000) for taxable gross receipts between $0 and $1,000,000
0.488% (e.g., $4.88 per $1,000) for taxable gross receipts between $1,000,000.01 and $2,500,000
0.488% (e.g., $4.88 per $1,000) for taxable gross receipts between $2,500,000.01 and $25,000,000
0.6% (e.g., $6 per $1,000) for taxable gross receipts over $25,000,000
(b) Accommodations includes the activity of providing lodging or short-term accommodations for travelers, vacationers, or others; it includes business activity described in NAICS code 721.
(c) Utilities includes the activities of the generation, transmission and distribution of electric power, the distribution of natural gas, the provision and distribution of steam supply, the treatment and distribution of water supply, and the removal of sewage; it includes business activity described in NAICS code 22; it excludes establishments primarily engaged in waste management services.
(d) Arts, entertainment and recreation include the activity of operating facilities or providing services to meet cultural, entertainment or recreational interests of customers or patrons; it includes business activity described in NAICS code 71.
(e) The amount of gross receipts and from accommodations subject to the gross receipts tax shall be the total amount of gross receipts derived from or related to properties located or used within the City.
(g) The amount of gross receipts from arts, entertainment and recreation subject to the gross receipts tax shall be the total amount determined under Section 956.2.
(Added by Proposition E, App. 11/6/2012, Oper. 1/1/2014; amended by Proposition F, 11/3/2020, Eff. 12/29/2020, Oper. 1/1/2021; Ord. 152-21, File No. 210828, App. 9/29/2021, Eff. 10/30/2021; Ord. 151-23, File No. 230155, App. 7/28/2023, Eff. 8/28/2023, Retro. 1/1/2023; Proposition M, 11/5/2024, Eff. 12/20/2024)
The gross receipts tax rates applicable to the business activities of private education and health services, administrative and support services, and all business activities not otherwise exempt and not elsewhere subjected to a gross receipts tax rate or an administrative office tax by this Article 12-A-1 are:
(1) For tax years beginning on or after January 1, 2018 and ending on or before December 31, 2020:
0.525% (e.g., $5.25 per $1,000) for gross receipts between $0 and $1,000,000
0.55% (e.g., $5.50 per $1,000) for gross receipts between $1,000,001 and $2,500,000
0.6% (e.g., $6 per $1,000) for gross receipts between $2,500,001 and $25,000,000
0.65% (e.g., $6.50 per $1,000) for gross receipts over $25,000,000
(2) For the business activities of private education and health services and administrative and support services:
(A) For tax year 2021:
0.735% (e.g., $7.35 per $1,000) for taxable gross receipts between $0 and $1,000,000
0.77% (e.g., $7.70 per $1,000) for taxable gross receipts between $1,000,000.01 and $2,500,000
0.84% (e.g., $8.40 per $1,000) for taxable gross receipts between $2,500,000.01 and $25,000,000
0.91% (e.g., $9.10 per $1,000) for taxable gross receipts over $25,000,000
(B) For tax years 2022 and 2023:
0.761% (e.g., $7.61 per $1,000) for taxable gross receipts between $0 and $1,000,000
0.798% (e.g., $7.98 per $1,000) for taxable gross receipts between $1,000,000.01 and $2,500,000
0.87% (e.g., $8.70 per $1,000) for taxable gross receipts between $2,500,000.01 and $25,000,000
0.943% (e.g., $9.43 per $1,000) for taxable gross receipts over $25,000,000
(C) For tax year 2024:
0.788% (e.g., $7.88 per $1,000) for taxable gross receipts between $0 and $1,000,000
0.825% (e.g., $8.25 per $1,000) for taxable gross receipts between $1,000,000.01 and $2,500,000
0.9% (e.g., $9 per $1,000) for taxable gross receipts between $2,500,000.01 and $25,000,000
0.975% (e.g., $9.75 per $1,000) for taxable gross receipts over $25,000,000
(3) For all business activities not otherwise exempt and not elsewhere subjected to a gross receipts tax rate or an administrative office tax by this Article 12-A-1:
(A) For tax year 2021:
0.735% (e.g., $7.35 per $1,000) for taxable gross receipts between $0 and $1,000,000
0.77% (e.g., $7.70 per $1,000) for taxable gross receipts between $1,000,000.01 and $2,500,000
0.84% (e.g., $8.40 per $1,000) for taxable gross receipts between $2,500,000.01 and $25,000,000
0.91% (e.g., $9.10 per $1,000) for taxable gross receipts over $25,000,000
(B) For tax years 2022 and 2023:
0.788% (e.g., $7.88 per $1,000) for taxable gross receipts between $0 and $1,000,000
0.825% (e.g., $8.25 per $1,000) for taxable gross receipts between $1,000,000.01 and $2,500,000
0.9% (e.g., $9 per $1,000) for taxable gross receipts between $2,500,000.01 and $25,000,000
0.975% (e.g., $9.75 per $1,000) for taxable gross receipts over $25,000,000
(C) For tax year 2024:
0.814% (e.g., $8.14 per $1,000) for taxable gross receipts between $0 and $1,000,000
0.853% (e.g., $8.53 per $1,000) for taxable gross receipts between $1,000,000.01 and $2,500,000
0.93% (e.g., $9.30 per $1,000) for taxable gross receipts between $2,500,000.01 and $25,000,000
1.008% (e.g., $10.08 per $1,000) for taxable gross receipts over $25,000,000
(b) Private education and health services include the activity by persons other than governmental agencies of providing instruction and training in any subject, or of providing health care or social assistance for individuals; it includes business activity described in NAICS codes 61 and 62.
(c) Administrative and support services includes the activity of performing routine support activities for the day-to-day business activities of others; it includes business activity described in NAICS code 56.
(d) The amount of gross receipts from all business activities described in this Section subject to the gross receipts tax shall be determined under Section 956.2.
(Added by Proposition E, App. 11/6/2012, Oper. 1/1/2014; amended by Proposition F, 11/3/2020, Eff. 12/29/2020, Oper. 1/1/2021; Ord. 152-21, File No. 210828, App. 9/29/2021, Eff. 10/30/2021; Proposition M, 11/5/2024, Eff. 12/20/2024)
The gross receipts tax rates applicable to the business activity of construction are:
(1) For tax years beginning on or after January 1, 2018 and ending on or before December 31, 2020:
0.3% (e.g., $3 per $1,000) for gross receipts between $0 and $1,000,000
0.35% (e.g., $3.50 per $1,000) for gross receipts between $1,000,001 and $2,500,000
0.4% (e.g., $4 per $1,000) for gross receipts between $2,500,001 and $25,000,000
0.45% (e.g., $4.50 per $1,000) for gross receipts over $25,000,000
(2) For tax years 2021 through and including 2024:
0.42% (e.g., $4.20 per $1,000) for taxable gross receipts between $0 and $1,000,000
0.49% (e.g., $4.90 per $1,000) for taxable gross receipts between $1,000,000.01 and $2,500,000
0.56% (e.g., $5.60 per $1,000) for taxable gross receipts between $2,500,000.01 and $25,000,000
0.63% (e.g., $6.30 per $1,000) for taxable gross receipts over $25,000,000
(b) Construction includes the activity of preparing sites for, subdividing land for, or working on, buildings or engineering projects (including highways and utility systems); it includes business activity described in NAICS code 23.
(c) The amount of gross receipts from construction subject to the gross receipts tax shall be one-half of the amount determined under Section 956.1 plus one-half of the amount determined under Section 956.2. The amount of gross receipts so determined shall then be reduced by any amounts which were included in a person's gross receipts within the City pursuant to Section 956.1, and which that person paid to a subcontractor possessing a valid business registration certificate with the City during the tax year. There shall be no reduction for any other costs, including without limitation costs for materials, fees, equipment, or other services. In order to claim such a reduction, a person must maintain an itemized schedule of payments to subcontractors and information sufficient to enable the Tax Collector to verify that the subcontractor possessed a valid business registration certificate with the City.
(Added by Proposition E, App. 11/6/2012, Oper. 1/1/2014; amended by Proposition F, 11/3/2020, Eff. 12/29/2020, Oper. 1/1/2021; Ord. 152-21, File No. 210828, App. 9/29/2021, Eff. 10/30/2021; Proposition M, 11/5/2024, Eff. 12/20/2024)
The gross receipts tax rates applicable to the business activities of financial services; insurance; and professional, scientific and technical services are:
(1) For tax years beginning on or after January 1, 2018 and ending on or before December 31, 2020:
0.4% (e.g., $4 per $1,000) for gross receipts between $0 and $1,000,000
0.46% (e.g., $4.60 per $1,000) for gross receipts between $1,000,001 and $2,500,000
0.51% (e.g., $5.10 per $1,000) for gross receipts between $2,500,001 and $25,000,000
0.56% (e.g., $5.60 per $1,000) for gross receipts over $25,000,000
(2) For the business activity of insurance:
(A) For tax year 2021:
0.56% (e.g., $5.60 per $1,000) for taxable gross receipts between $0 and $1,000,000
0.644% (e.g., $6.44 per $1,000) for taxable gross receipts between $1,000,000.01 and $2,500,000
0.714% (e.g., $7.14 per $1,000) for taxable gross receipts between $2,500,000.01 and $25,000,000
0.784% (e.g., $7.84 per $1,000) for taxable gross receipts over $25,000,000
(B) For tax years 2022 and 2023:
0.58% (e.g., $5.80 per $1,000) for taxable gross receipts between $0 and $1,000,000
0.667% (e.g., $6.67 per $1,000) for taxable gross receipts between $1,000,000.01 and $2,500,000
0.74% (e.g., $7.40 per $1,000) for taxable gross receipts between $2,500,000.01 and $25,000,000
0.812% (e.g., $8.12 per $1,000) for taxable gross receipts over $25,000,000
(C) For tax year 2024:
0.6% (e.g., $6 per $1,000) for taxable gross receipts between $0 and $1,000,000
0.69% (e.g., $6.90 per $1,000) for taxable gross receipts between $1,000,000.01 and $2,500,000
0.765% (e.g., $7.65 per $1,000) for taxable gross receipts between $2,500,000.01 and $25,000,000
0.84% (e.g., $8.40 per $1,000) for taxable gross receipts over $25,000,000
(3) For the business activities of financial services and professional, scientific and technical services:
(A) For tax year 2021:
0.56% (e.g., $5.60 per $1,000) for taxable gross receipts between $0 and $1,000,000
0.644% (e.g., $6.44 per $1,000) for taxable gross receipts between $1,000,000.01 and $2,500,000
0.714% (e.g., $7.14 per $1,000) for taxable gross receipts between $2,500,000.01 and $25,000,000
0.784% (e.g., $7.84 per $1,000) for taxable gross receipts over $25,000,000
(B) For tax years 2022 and 2023:
0.6% (e.g., $6 per $1,000) for taxable gross receipts between $0 and $1,000,000
0.69% (e.g., $6.90 per $1,000) for taxable gross receipts between $1,000,000.01 and $2,500,000
0.765% (e.g., $7.65 per $1,000) for taxable gross receipts between $2,500,000.01 and $25,000,000
0.84% (e.g., $8.40 per $1,000) for taxable gross receipts over $25,000,000
(C) For tax year 2024:
0.62% (e.g., $6.20 per $1,000) for taxable gross receipts between $0 and $1,000,000
0.713% (e.g., $7.13 per $1,000) for taxable gross receipts between $1,000,000.01 and $2,500,000
0.791% (e.g., $7.91 per $1,000) for taxable gross receipts between $2,500,000.01 and $25,000,000
0.868% (e.g., $8.68 per $1,000) for taxable gross receipts over $25,000,000
(b) Financial services includes the activities of engaging in or facilitating financial transactions; it includes business activities described in NAICS codes 521, 522 and 523.
(c) Insurance includes the activities of facilitating or supporting the pooling of risk by underwriting insurance and annuities; the activities covered by this Section include those of persons not exempt from the gross receipts tax based on business activities described in NAICS code 524.
(d) Professional, scientific and technical services includes the activity of providing for others, specialized professional, scientific, or technical services that require a high degree of expertise and training; it includes business activity described in NAICS code 54.
(e) The amount of gross receipts from the activities described in this Section subject to the gross receipts tax shall be the amount determined under Section 956.2.
(Added by Proposition E, App. 11/6/2012, Oper. 1/1/2014; amended by Proposition F, 11/3/2020, Eff. 12/29/2020, Oper. 1/1/2021; Ord. 152-21, File No. 210828, App. 9/29/2021, Eff. 10/30/2021; Proposition M, 11/5/2024, Eff. 12/20/2024)
The gross receipts tax rates applicable to the business activities of real estate and rental and leasing services are:
(1) For tax years beginning on or after January 1, 2018 and ending on or before December 31, 2020:
0.285% (e.g., $2.85 per $1,000) for gross receipts between $0 and $1,000,000
0.285% (e.g., $2.85 per $1,000) for gross receipts between $1,000,001 and $5,000,000
0.3% (e.g., $3.00 per $1,000) for gross receipts between $5,000,001 and $25,000,000
0.3% (e.g., $3.00 per $1,000) for gross receipts over $25,000,000
(2) For tax year 2021:
0.399% (e.g., $3.99 per $1,000) for taxable gross receipts between $0 and $1,000,000
0.399% (e.g., $3.99 per $1,000) for taxable gross receipts between $1,000,000.01 and $5,000,000
0.42% (e.g., $4.20 per $1,000) for taxable gross receipts between $5,000,000.01 and $25,000,000
0.42% (e.g., $4.20 per $1,000) for taxable gross receipts over $25,000,000
(3) For tax years 2022 and 2023:
0.413% (e.g., $4.13 per $1,000) for taxable gross receipts between $0 and $1,000,000
0.413% (e.g., $4.13 per $1,000) for taxable gross receipts between $1,000,000.01 and $5,000,000
0.435% (e.g., $4.35 per $1,000) for taxable gross receipts between $5,000,000.01 and $25,000,000
0.435% (e.g., $4.35 per $1,000) for taxable gross receipts over $25,000,000
(4) For tax year 2024:
0.428% (e.g., $4.28 per $1,000) for taxable gross receipts between $0 and $1,000,000
0.428% (e.g., $4.28 per $1,000) for taxable gross receipts between $1,000,000.01 and $5,000,000
0.45% (e.g., $4.50 per $1,000) for taxable gross receipts between $5,000,000.01 and $25,000,000
0.45% (e.g., $4.50 per $1,000) for taxable gross receipts over $25,000,000
(b) Real estate and rental and leasing services includes the activities of renting, leasing, or otherwise allowing the use of tangible or intangible assets, and the activity of providing related services; it includes business activity described in NAICS code 53.
(c) The amount of gross receipts from real estate and rental and leasing services subject to the gross receipts tax shall be the total amount of gross receipts derived from or related to properties located or used within the City. Gross receipts shall not include amounts derived from or related to properties located or used outside the City.
(Added by Proposition E, App. 11/6/2012, Oper. 1/1/2014; amended by Proposition F, 11/3/2020, Eff. 12/29/2020, Oper. 1/1/2021; Ord. 152-21, File No. 210828, App. 9/29/2021, Eff. 10/30/2021; Proposition M, 11/5/2024, Eff. 12/20/2024)
Except as provided in this Section 953.8, notwithstanding any other provision of this Article 12-A-1 and in lieu of the other taxes provided by this Article for any person or combined group, every person engaging in business within the City as an administrative office, as defined below, shall pay an annual administrative office tax measured by its total payroll expense that is attributable to the City. If a person is a member of a combined group, then its tax shall be measured by the total payroll expense of the combined group attributable to the City. Such combined group shall pay only the administrative office tax. The administrative office tax rate is:
(1) For tax years beginning on or after January 1, 2014 and ending on or before December 31, 2021: 1.4%.
(2) For tax years 2022 and 2023: 1.47%.
(3) For tax year 2024: 1.54%.
(4) For tax years 2025 and 2026: 1.47%.
(5) For tax year 2027: 1.59%.
(6) For tax years beginning on or after January 1, 2028: 1.68%
(b) Administrative Office Business Activity.
(1) “Engaging in business within the City as an administrative office” means that:
(A) a person is engaging in business within the City during the tax year and over 50% of the total combined payroll expense within the City of that person and its related entities for the tax year was associated with providing administrative or management services exclusively to that person or related entities;
(B) the total combined number of employees of that person and its related entities within the United States as of the last day of the tax year exceeded 1,000; and
(C) the total combined gross receipts of that person and its related entities reported on United States federal income tax return(s) for the tax year exceeded $1,000,000,000.
(2) For tax years beginning on or after January 1, 2025:
(A) For a person or combined group’s classification as engaging in business within the City as an administrative office to change from one tax year to the next, the person or combined group must fail to satisfy at least one of the conditions in subsections (A), (B), and (C) of subsection (b)(1) for the current tax year and the immediately preceding two tax years.
(B) For a person or combined group’s classification as not engaging in business within the City as an administrative office to change from one tax year to the next, the person or combined group must satisfy all three of the conditions in subsections (A), (B), and (C) of subsection (b)(1) for the current tax year and the immediately preceding two tax years.
(c) For purposes of subsection (b) only, a related entity shall include any person who could be included in the same combined report under California Revenue and Taxation Code Section 25102 but for the existence of a water's edge election under Section 25110 of that Code.
(d) "Administrative or management services" comprises internal support services provided on an enterprise-wide basis, such as executive office oversight, company business strategy, recordkeeping, risk management, personnel administration, legal, accounting, market research and analysis, and training services; it does not include sales personnel or personnel actively engaged in marketing, research and development, direct customer service, and product support services. The Tax Collector is authorized to classify in its reasonable discretion which personnel employed by any person provide administrative or management services.
(e) A person provides administrative office services exclusively for itself or a related entity only if the final recipient of those services is at a location where that person or a related entity conducts business activities.
“Payroll expense” for purposes of this Section 953.8 means the compensation paid to, on behalf of, or for the benefit of an individual, including shareholders of a professional corporation or a Limited Liability Company (“LLC”), including salaries, wages, bonuses, commissions, property issued or transferred in exchange for the performance of services (including but not limited to stock options), compensation for services to owners of pass-through entities, and any other form of compensation, who during any tax year, perform work or render services, in whole or in part in the City; and if more than one individual or shareholders of a professional corporation or members of an LLC, during any tax year performs work or renders services in whole or in part in the City, the term “Payroll Expense” means the total compensation paid including salaries, wages, bonuses, commissions, property issued or transferred in exchange for the performance of services (including but not limited to stock options), in addition to any compensation for services to owners of pass-through entities, and any other form of compensation for services, to all such individuals and shareholders of a professional corporation or members of an LLC. For purposes of this definition of payroll expense:
(1) Any person that grants a service provider a right to acquire an ownership interest in such person in exchange for the performance of services shall include in its payroll expense for the tax year in which such right is exercised an amount equal to the excess of (A) the fair market value of such ownership interest on the date such right is exercised over (B) the price paid for such interest. This Section 953.8(f)(1) shall not apply for purposes of determining whether a person is engaging in business within the City as an administrative office, but shall apply for all other purposes of this Section 953.8.
(2) Any individual compensated in his or her capacity as a real estate salesperson or mortgage processor shall be deemed an employee of the real estate broker or mortgage broker for or under whom such individual performs services, and any compensation received by such individual, including compensation by way of commissions, shall be included in the payroll expense of such broker. For purposes of this Section 953.8(f), “real estate broker” and “mortgage broker” refer to any individual licensed as such under the laws of the State of California who engages the services of salespersons or a salesperson, or of mortgage processors or a mortgage processor, to perform services in the business which such broker conducts under the authority of his or her license; a “salesperson” is an individual who is engaged by a real estate broker to perform services, which may be continuous in nature, as a real estate salesperson under an agreement with a real estate broker, regardless of whether the individual is licensed as a real estate broker under the laws of the State of California; a “mortgage processor” is an individual who is engaged by a real estate broker or mortgage broker to perform services, which may be continuous in nature, as a mortgage processor under an agreement with such real estate broker or mortgage broker, regardless of whether the mortgage processor is also licensed as a mortgage broker under the laws of the State of California.
(3) All compensation, including all pass-through compensation for services paid to, on behalf of, or for the benefit of owners of a pass-through entity, shall be included in the calculation of such entity’s payroll expense tax base for purposes of determining such entity’s tax liability under this Section 953.8. For purposes of this Section 953.8(f), the “pass-through compensation for services” of a pass-through entity shall be the aggregate compensation paid by such entity for personal services rendered by all such owners, and shall not include any return on capital investment. The taxpayer may calculate the amount of compensation to owners of the entity subject to the administrative office tax in this Section 953.8, or the taxpayer may presume that, in addition to amounts reported on a W-2 form, the amount subject to the administrative office tax is, for each owner, an amount that is 200% of the average annual compensation paid to, on behalf of, or for the benefit of the employees of the pass-through entity whose compensation is in the top quartile (i.e., 25%) of the entity’s employees who are based in the City; provided, the total number of employees of the entity based in the City is not less than four.
(4) Where payroll expense is incurred by reason of work performed or services rendered by an individual wholly within the City, all of the payroll expense for such individual shall be attributable to the City and subject to tax under this Section 953.8. Where payroll expense is incurred by reason of work performed or services rendered by an individual partly within and partly without the City, the portion of such payroll expense attributable to the City (and subject to tax under this Section) shall be determined as follows:
(A) Except as otherwise provided in this Section 953.8(f)(4), the portion of such payroll expense attributable to the City shall be the portion of such payroll expense which the total number of working hours employed within the City bears to the total number of working hours within and without the City.
(B) If the amount of such payroll expense depends on the volume of business transacted by such individual, then the portion of such payroll expense attributable to the City shall be the portion of such payroll expense which the volume of business transacted by such individual in the City bears to the volume of business transacted by such individual within and without the City.
(C) If it is impracticable, unreasonable or improper to apportion such payroll expenses as aforesaid either because of the particular nature of the services of such individual, or on account of the unusual basis of compensation, or for any other reason, then the amount of such payroll earnings reasonably attributable to work performed or services rendered in the City shall be determined on the basis of all relevant facts and circumstances of the particular case, in accordance with any rulings or regulations issued or promulgated by the Tax Collector for the purpose.
(D) If the Tax Collector determines that the percentage of payroll expenses attributable to the City, for any one or more persons, is a relatively stable percentage, the Tax Collector may establish that percentage as a prima facie evidence of payroll expense attributable to the City; provided, that the Tax Collector shall condition the establishment of such fixed percentage upon the obligation of the taxpayer to report immediately to the Tax Collector any significant change in the taxpayer’s mode of business which may impact the portion of the person’s payroll expense which is attributable to the City; and, provided further, that the Tax Collector may rescind any such fixed percentage at any time by providing written notice to the taxpayer of such rescission.
(g) In addition to the administrative office tax provided in subsection (a), any person engaging in business within the City as an administrative office exclusively for itself or a related entity shall apply for a registration certificate and pay a registration fee, as provided in Article 12.
(h) Except as provided in this Section, the provisions of Article 6 and Article 12 apply to the administrative office tax. In particular, and without limiting the applicability of the balance of Article 6, the provisions of Sections 6.9-1 through 6.9-3, inclusive, of Article 6, regarding due dates, returns and prepayments, apply to the administrative office tax.
(Added by Proposition E, App. 11/6/2012, Oper. 1/1/2014; amended by Proposition F, 11/3/2020, Eff. 12/29/2020, Oper. 1/1/2021; Ord. 152-21, File No. 210828, App. 9/29/2021, Eff. 10/30/2021; Proposition M, 11/5/2024, Eff. 12/20/2024)