Except as otherwise provided under this Article 29, the Vacancy Tax shall be administered pursuant to Article 6 of the Business and Tax Regulations Code.
(Added by Proposition D, 3/3/2020, Eff. 4/17/2020, Oper. 1/1/2021)
(a) All monies collected under the Vacancy Tax Ordinance shall be deposited to the credit of the Small Business Assistance Fund (“Fund”), established in Administrative Code Section 10.100-334. The Fund shall be maintained separate and apart from all other City funds and shall be subject to appropriation. Any balance remaining in the Fund at the close of any fiscal year shall be deemed to have been provided for a special purpose within the meaning of Charter Section 9.113(a) and shall be carried forward and accumulated in the Fund for the purposes described in subsection (b).
(b) Subject to the budgetary and fiscal provisions of the Charter, monies in the Small Business Assistance Fund shall be appropriated on an annual or supplemental basis and used exclusively for the following purposes:
(1) To the Tax Collector and other City Departments, for administration of the Vacancy Tax and administration of the Fund.
(2) Refunds of any overpayments of the Vacancy Tax, including any related penalties, interest, and fees.
(3) All remaining amounts to provide funding to assist the maintenance and operation of small businesses in the City.
(c) Commencing with a report filed no later than February 15, 2023, covering the fiscal year ending on June 30, 2022, the Controller shall file annually with the Board of Supervisors, by February 15 of each year, a report containing the amount of monies collected in and expended from the Small Business Assistance Fund during the prior fiscal year, the status of any project required or authorized to be funded by this Section 2907, and such other information as the Controller, in the Controller’s sole discretion, shall deem relevant to the operation of this Article 29.
(Added by Proposition D, 3/3/2020, Eff. 4/17/2020, Oper. 1/1/2021; amended by Ord. 94-20, File No. 200420, App. 6/26/2020, Eff. 7/27/2020)
The Department of Public Works, the Department of Building Inspection, and the Office of Economic Workforce Development shall provide technical assistance to the Tax Collector, upon the Tax Collector’s request, to administer the Vacancy Tax.
(Added by Proposition D, 3/3/2020, Eff. 4/17/2020, Oper. 1/1/2021)