Formulation of System of Numbering Lots and Blocks; Preparation of Maps. | |
Lot and Block Numbers to be Written on Assessment Rolls. | |
Changes in Map and Block Books. | |
Filing of Copies of Block Books. |
The City and County Assessor-Recorder and the City Engineer are hereby authorized to prepare and formulate a system of assessing the lots and blocks and lands in the City and County by a lot number and block number. They are hereby authorized to make and compile maps, indexes and map books from existing maps now used by the Assessor-Recorder, and to renumber the blocks, and to give a lot number or lot letter, or combined number and letter, to each lot or parcel of land as shown on the Assessor-Recorder's block books.
(Ord. No. 2511(N.S.), Sec. 1; amended by Ord. 299-00, File No. 001805, App. 12/22/2000)
The Assessor-Recorder is hereby authorized and directed, commencing with the assessment rolls for the fiscal year 1914-1915, to write the real estate assessment rolls identifying each parcel of land by lot and block number, or tract number, as delineated on the map and block book prepared as provided by the preceding section.
(Ord. No. 2511(N.S ), Sec. 2; amended by Ord. 299-00, File No. 001805, App. 12/22/2000)
The Assessor-Recorder is hereby authorized to make the necessary changes in the map and block books from year to year as may be required to meet conditions imposed by the cutting up of present lots or parcels of land or platting of acres or changing of ownership.
(Ord. No. 2511(N.S.) Sec. 3; amended by Ord. 299-00, File No. 001805, App. 12/22/2000)
A copy of the block books shall be filed in the office of the Assessor-Recorder. Such copy may be a photocopy of the block books of the Assessor-Recorder, as they exist on the lien date for the property identified in the recorded document.
(Ord. No. 2511(N.S.), Sec. 4; amended by Ord. 299-00, File No. 001805, App. 12/22/2000)
(Amended by Ord. 293-86, App. 7/3/86; repealed by Ord. 300-00, File No. 001806, App. 12/22/2000)
(Ord. No. 10036(1939), Sec. 5; repealed by Ord. 300-00, File No. 001806, App. 12/22/2000)
Monies and Securities in Treasury. | |
“Cash Difference and Overage Fund.” | |
Counterfeit Moneys. | |
Deposits of Proceeds of Sale of City/County-Owned Personal Property, Sale of Vintage Transit Equipment. | |
Funds from Veterans' Fund. | |
Public Health Payment of Certain Medical Services Claims from Funds Obtained through the Cigarette and Tobacco Surtax Initiative. | |
Declaration of Interest in Peace Officer Standards and Training Funds. | |
Administration of Special Funds. | |
Administrative Services Vehicle Leasing Program Fund. | |
Affordable Housing Enforcement Fund. | |
Forgivable Loan for First-Time Homebuyers Fund. | |
Airport Capital Improvement Promotion and Event Fund. | |
Animal Care and Control Welfare Fund. | |
Arts Commission Cultural Centers Fund. | |
Art Commission Market Street Art Maintenance Account. | |
Arts Commission Public Artwork Trust Fund. | |
Art Commission Public Arts Fund. | |
Arts Commission Street Artist Fund. | |
Art Commission Youth Arts Account. | |
Board of Supervisors Outreach Advertising Revenue Fund. | |
Building Inspection Fund. | |
CAAP Treatment Fund. | |
Central SOMA Legacy Business & PDR Support Fund. | |
City Administrator Convention Facilities Fund. | |
City Administrator Grants for the Arts Fund. | |
Citywide Affordable Housing Fund. | |
Cooperative Living Opportunities for Mental Health Loan Fund. | |
County Surveyor's Survey Monument Preservation Fund. | |
Disability and Aging Services Community Living Fund. | |
District Attorney Environmental Prosecution Fund. | |
District Attorney Family Support Bureau's Tax Intercept Program Revolving Fund. | |
District Attorney Neighborhood Justice Fund. | |
District Attorney State Forfeiture Fund. | |
Downtown Neighborhoods Preservation Fund. | |
Downtown University Attraction and Retention Fund. | |
Emergency Communications 911 Emergency Response Fund. | |
Environment Cigarette Litter Abatement Fund. | |
Environment Construction and Demolition Debris Transporter Permit Fund. | |
First Responder Student Loan Forgiveness Fund. | |
Food Empowerment Market Fund. | |
The Healthier, Cleaner, Quieter Communities Fund. | |
Human Resources Examination Research and Development Fund. | |
Housing Activation Fund. | |
Homelessness and Supportive Housing Fund. | |
Housing Stability Fund. | |
Human Services Agency's Working Families Credit Fund. | |
Hotel Room Tax Fund. | |
Jackson Playground Park Fund. | |
Library Construction Fund. | |
Library Gift Fund. | |
Library Special Collections and Services Fund. | |
Mayor's Convention Promotion and Services Fund. | |
The San Francisco Disaster and Emergency Response and Recovery Fund. | |
Mayor's Emergency Mercy Fund. | |
Mayor's Excelsior Youth Center Fund. | |
Mayor's Fund for the Homeless. | |
Mayor's Home Ownership Assistance Loan Fund. | |
Mayor's Housing Affordability Fund. | |
Mayor's Neighborhood Beautification and Graffiti Clean-Up Fund. | |
Mayor's Housing Programs Fees Fund. | |
Mayor's Nuisance Abatement Revolving Loan Fund. | |
Mayor's Performing Arts Loan Fund. | |
Mayor's Protocol and Host Fund. | |
Mayor's San Francisco Arts Wall of Fame Fund. | |
Mayor's Sister-City Committee Fund. | |
Mayor's Small Business Revolving Loan Fund. | |
Mayor's Supportive Housing Service Fund. | |
Mayor's Urban Development Action Grant Revolving Fund. | |
Mayor's Voluntary Arts Contributions Fund. | |
Medical Examiner's Peace Officers' Training Fund. | |
The Navigation Partnerships Fund. | |
Our City, Our Home Fund. | |
Planning Code Enforcement Fund. | |
Police Criminalistics Laboratory Fund. | |
Police DNA Testing in Sexual Assault Cases Account. | |
Police Fingerprint Processing Fund. | |
Police Hall of Justice Gymnasium Fund. | |
Police Officers' Training Fund. | |
Police Project Safe Fund. | |
Police Vehicle Theft Crimes Fund. | |
Public Guardian/Public Administrator Gift Fund. | |
Public Health Environmental Health Code Compliance Fund. | |
Public Health Environmental Enforcement Fund. | |
Public Health Gift Funds. | |
Public Health Laboratory Fund. | |
Public Health Laguna Honda Home Trust Fund. | |
Public Health Laguna Honda Home Workshop Fund. | |
Public Health San Francisco General Hospital Trust Fund. | |
Public Health Solid Waste Penalties Fund. | |
Public Health Tobacco Settlement Revenue Fund. | |
Public Health Substance Abuse and Crime Prevention Act Trust Fund. | |
Public Utilities Water Enterprise Environmental Enhancement Surcharge Fund. | |
Public Utilities Water Enterprise Capital Cost Recovery Payment Surcharge Fund. | |
Public Works Adopt-A-Tree Fund. | |
Public Works Excavation Fund. | |
Public Works Litter Control Fund. | |
Public Works Littering, Nuisance and Graffiti Violation Reward Fund. | |
Public Works Nuisance Abatement and Removal Fund. | |
Public Works Street Beautification Fund. | |
Recreation and Parks Animal Purchase and Exchange Fund. | |
Recreation and Parks Chinatown Open Space Fund. | |
Recreation and Parks Dolphin Club Fund. | |
Recreation and Parks Fish and Game Propagation Fund. | |
Recreation and Park Golden Gate Park Stables Matching Fund. | |
Recreation and Parks Golden Gate Pavilion Fund. | |
San Francisco Recreation and Parks Golf Fund. | |
Recreation and Parks Gift Fund. | |
Recreation and Parks Information and Publication Fund. | |
Residential Rent Stabilization and Arbitration Fund. | |
Retiree Health Benefits Fund. | |
San Francisco Automated Fingerprint Identification Fund. | |
San Francisco Capital Planning Fund. | |
San Francisco City College Financial Assistance Fund. | |
San Francisco City Services Preservation Fund. | |
San Francisco Department Awards Funds. | |
San Francisco Dispute Resolution Program Fund. | |
San Francisco Film Production Fund. | |
San Francisco Fire Victims Assistance Fund. | |
San Francisco Gas Tax Street Improvement Fund. | |
San Francisco Gift Funds. | |
San Francisco Homicide Reward Fund. | |
San Francisco Museums Admission Special Revenue Fund. | |
San Francisco Narcotics Forfeiture and Asset Seizure Fund. | |
San Francisco Seismic Safety Loan Fund. | |
San Francisco Self-Insurance Surety Bond Fund. | |
San Francisco Super Bowl 50 Impact Fund. | |
San Francisco Vital and Health Statistics Trust Fund. | |
Senior Operating Subsidies (SOS) Program Fund. | |
Sheriff’s Deputies Training Fund. | |
Sheriff's County Jail Prisoners Welfare Fund. | |
Sheriff's Special Maintenance Fund. | |
Status of Women Domestic Violence Program Fund. | |
Telecommunications and Information Services Cable Television Access Development and Programming Fund. | |
Traffic Congestion Mitigation Fund. | |
Treasurer's Deferred Payment of Settlement Trust Fund. | |
Trial Courts Courthouse Children's Waiting Rooms Fund. | |
War Memorial Maintenance and Capital Improvement Fund. | |
War Memorial Reserve Fund. | |
War Memorial Special Fund. | |
Mission Bay Transportation Improvement Fund. | |
Water Department Revenue Fund. | |
Child Care Planning and Advisory Fund. | |
Public Education Special Fund. | |
Octavia Boulevard Special Fund. | |
San Francisco HOPE SF Fund. | |
Department of Public Works Greening Fund. | |
CleanPowerSF Customer Fund. | |
CleanPowerSF Reserve Fund. | |
180 Jones Street Affordable Housing Fund. | |
Disposition Table | |
Derivation Table | |
Editor's Note:
Ordinance 316-00, File No. 001911, approved December 28, 2000, repealed and reenacted this Article in its entirety. Many of the current provisions are similar to former repealed sections. Appendices A and B to this Chapter set forth a disposition table for the superseded similar Code sections and a derivation table for the current provisions. Not all current sections have corresponding former provisions.
Ordinance 316-00, File No. 001911, approved December 28, 2000, repealed and reenacted this Article in its entirety. Many of the current provisions are similar to former repealed sections. Appendices A and B to this Chapter set forth a disposition table for the superseded similar Code sections and a derivation table for the current provisions. Not all current sections have corresponding former provisions.
(Amended by Ord. 352-64, App. 12/29/64; orig. Res. 27-58 codified by Ord. 193-74, App. 4/18/74; repealed by Ord. 316-00, File No. 001911, App. 12/28/2000)
(Added by Ord. 30-65, App. 2/5/65; repealed by Ord. 316-00, File No. 001911, App. 12/28/2000)
(Amended by Ord. 34-72, App. 34-72; repealed by Ord. 316-00, File No. 001911, App. 12/28/2000)
(Resolution No. 27-58, App. 1/15/58; codified by Ord. 193-74, App. 4/18/74; repealed by Ord. 316-00, File No. 001911, App. 12/28/2000)
(Added by Ord. 125-97, App. 4/9/97; repealed by Ord. 316-00, File No. 001911, App. 12/28/2000)
(Bill No. 746, Ord. No. 9.0431(C.S.), Secs. 1, 2; repealed by Ord. 316-00, File No. 001911, App. 12/28/2000)