(a) Purpose. The purpose of the 100% Affordable Housing and Educator Housing Streamlining Program is to facilitate the construction and development of 100% Affordable Housing Projects and Affordable Educator Housing Projects, as defined in subsection (b), in which Residential Units are affordable to Very-Low, Low, and Moderate Income Households.
(b) Definitions. The definitions of Section 102 and the definitions in Section 401 for “Area Median Income” or “AMI,” “Housing Project,” and “Life of the Project,” shall generally apply to Section 206.9. The following definitions shall also apply, and shall prevail if there is a conflict with other sections of the Planning Code, including Section 206.2.
(1) “100% Affordable Housing.” Residential Units that are deed-restricted for 55 years or the Life of the Project, whichever is longer and consistent with any applicable tax credit regulatory requirements, to be affordable to Very-Low, Low, or Moderate income households with an income up to 120% of the unadjusted area median family income (AMI) for the HUD Metro Fair Market Rent Area (HMFA) that contains San Francisco, as published annually by MOHCD.
(2) “100% Affordable Housing Project.” A project for the development of Residential Units all of which are 100% Affordable Housing, up to a maximum overall average of 80% AMI across all Residential Units in the project. A 100% Affordable Housing Project may also include principally permitted non-residential uses on the ground floor, and non-residential uses that are accessory to and supportive of the affordable housing. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the maximum affordable rent or sales price for a Residential Unit in a 100% Affordable Housing Project may be no higher than 20% below median market rents or sales prices for that unit size in the neighborhood in which the project is located, which neighborhood shall be defined in accordance with the American Community Survey Neighborhood Profile Boundaries Map. MOHCD shall determine the allowable rents and sales prices, and the eligible households for such units accordingly.
(3) “Educator Housing Project.” A project for the development of deed-restricted Residential Units all of which are restricted for the Life of the Project or 55 years, whichever is longer and consistent with any applicable tax credit regulatory requirements, to occupancy by at least one employee of the San Francisco Unified School District (“SFUSD”) or San Francisco Community College District (“SFCCD”), as verified by the Planning Department or MOHCD. At least four-fifths of the units in an Educator Housing Project must be deed restricted for the Life of the Project or 55 years, whichever is longer and consistent with any applicable tax credit regulatory requirements to be affordable to households with an income from 30% to 140% of the unadjusted area median family income (AMI), with an overall average of 100% AMI across all such units. Up to one-fifth of the units may be deed restricted up to a maximum 160% AMI for the HUD Metro Fair Market Rent Area (HMFA) that contains San Francisco, as published annually by MOHCD. An Educator Housing Project is also allowed to be a mixed-use development project with a maximum 20% of the gross building square footage designated for non-residential neighborhood-serving uses.
(A) No units in an Educator Housing Project shall be smaller than the minimum unit sizes set forth by the California Tax Credit Allocation Committee as of May 16, 2017, or smaller than 300 square feet for a studio.
(B) Any units in an Educator Housing Project with a rental rate set above 120% of Area Median Income shall have a minimum occupancy of two persons.
(C) Notwithstanding any other provision of this Code, an Educator Housing Project with a Development Application filed after January 14, 2020, shall include a minimum of 50% of the total units as 2-bedroom units or larger, with a minimum of 10% of the total units as 3-bedroom units or larger.
(c) Applicability. A 100% Affordable Housing Project or Educator Housing Project under this Section 206.9
shall be a Housing Project that:
(1) is located in any zoning district that allows Residential Uses;
(2) is located on a lot or lots equal to or greater than 8,000 square feet or, in the alternative, is located on a parcel or parcels that contains a surface parking lot and does not demolish any existing buildings on such parcel or parcels other than buildings that are accessory to the surface parking lot use, such as a guard station or kiosk;
(3) is not located on land under the jurisdiction of the Recreation and Parks Department for the purpose of a public park;
(4) meets the definition of a “100 Percent Affordable Housing Project” or an “Educator Housing Project” in subsection (b); and
(5) does not demolish, remove, or convert any Residential Units, and does not include any other parcel that has any Residential Units that would be demolished, removed, or converted as part of the project.
(d) Density. Notwithstanding any other provisions of this Code, density of an 100% Affordable Housing Project or Educator Housing Project shall not be limited by lot area or zoning district maximums but rather by the applicable requirements and limitations set forth elsewhere in this Code, including consistency with the Affordable Housing Bonus Program Design Guidelines, referenced in Section 315.1, as determined by the Planning Department.
(e) Zoning Modifications. Notwithstanding any other provision of this Code, 100% Affordable Housing Projects and Educator Housing Projects may select any or all of the following Planning Code modifications:
(1) Rear Yard. The required rear yard per Section 134 or any applicable special use district may be reduced to no less than 15 feet. Rear yards shall be provided with an open area at the lowest story containing a Dwelling Unit, and at each succeeding level or story of the building. Projects located on corner parcels may meet the minimum rear yard requirement at the interior corner of the property provided that each horizontal dimension of the open space is a minimum of 15 feet, and that the open area is wholly or partially contiguous to the existing midblock open space, if any, formed by the rear yards of adjacent properties, and provides for access to light and air to and views from adjacent properties.
(2) Open Space. The required common open space per Section 135 may be reduced to no less than 36 square feet of open space per unit.
(3) Inner Courts as Open Space. Inner courts qualifying as useable common open space per Section 135(g)(2) may be provided by courtyards with no less than 25 feet in every horizontal dimension, with no restriction on the heights of adjacent walls. All area within such an inner court shall qualify as common open space under Section 135.
(4) Dwelling Unit Exposure. The dwelling unit exposure requirements of Section 140(a)(2) may be satisfied through qualifying windows facing an unobstructed open area that is no less than 15 feet in every horizontal dimension, and such open area is not required to expand in every horizontal dimension at each subsequent floor.
(5) Required commercial space. Notwithstanding any other provision of this Code, any required ground-floor commercial space may include Arts Activities or Neighborhood-Serving Businesses, as defined in Section 102. Ground floor commercial spaces accessory to the 100% Affordable Housing or Educator Housing Project shall not be limited by use size restrictions. Ground floor Arts Activities or Neighborhood-Serving Businesses shall be considered active uses if more than 50 percent of the linear street frontage provides transparent walls and direct pedestrian access to a public sidewalk, and are consistent with the Ground Floor Residential Design Guidelines.
(6) Ground Floor Ceiling Height. Projects with active ground floors, as defined in Section 145.1(b)(2), shall receive up to a maximum of an additional five feet above the height limit, exclusively to provide a minimum 14-foot (floor to ceiling) ground floor ceiling height.
(7) Projects located entirely or partially on a parcel or parcels designated on the San Francisco Zoning Map as open space (OS) that are not under the jurisdiction of the Recreation and Parks Department shall be deemed to have a height limit and a bulk designation of the closest zoning district that allows Residential Uses.
(8) Height. Projects that demonstrate to the satisfaction of the Environmental Review Officer that the project does not cause a substantial adverse change in the significance of an historic resource as defined by California Code of Regulations, Title 14, Section 15064.5, and does not create new shadow in a manner that substantially affects outdoor recreation facilities or other public areas, shall be allowed additional height as follows:
(A) Projects located on a parcel or parcels with a height limit of 40 feet shall be allowed up to 10 additional feet above the parcel’s height district limit in order to provide one additional story of Residential Use. Exceptions under Section 260(b) shall apply to all such projects.
(B) Projects located on a parcel or parcels with a height limit of less than 40 feet shall be allowed up to 20 additional feet above the parcel’s height district limit in order to provide two additional stories of residential use. Exceptions under Section 260(b) shall apply to all such projects.
(f) Controls. Notwithstanding any other provision of this Code, no conditional use authorization shall be required for a 100% Affordable Housing Project and Educator Housing Project, unless the voters adopted such conditional use requirement.
(h) Amendment by Board of Supervisors. The Board of Supervisors by not less than two-thirds vote of all its members may by ordinance amend any part of this Section 206.9 if the amendment furthers the purpose of this Section.
(Added by Proposition E, 11/5/2019, Eff. 12/20/2019; amended by Ord. 289-19, File No. 191016, App. 12/20/2019, Eff. 1/20/2020, Oper. 1/20/2020; Ord. 137-20, File No. 191249, App. 8/28/2020, Eff. 9/28/2020; Ord. 138-20, File No. 200213, App. 8/28/2020, Eff. 9/28/2020)
(a) Applicability. The density of Dwelling Units permitted in the various Districts shall be as set forth in the Zoning Control Table for the district in which the lot is located. The term “Dwelling Unit” is defined in Section 102 of this Code. In districts where no density limit is specified, density shall not be limited by lot area but rather by the applicable requirements and limitations set forth elsewhere in this Code. Such requirements and limitations include, but are not limited to, height, bulk, setbacks, open space, exposure and unit mix as well as applicable design guidelines, elements and area plans of the General Plan and design review by the Planning Department.
(b) Rules for Calculating Dwelling Unit Density. In districts that establish a maximum dwelling unit density, the following rules shall apply in the calculation of dwelling unit density under this Code:
(1) A remaining fraction of one-half or more of the minimum of lot area per Dwelling Unit shall be adjusted upward to the next higher whole number of Dwelling Units.
(2) Where permitted by this Code, two or more of the dwelling and other housing uses specified in the Code may be located on a single lot, either in one structure or in separate structures, provided that the specified density limits are not exceeded by the total of such combined uses. Where Dwelling Units and Group Housing are combined, the maximum permitted density for Dwelling Units and for Group Housing shall be prorated to the total lot area according to the quantities of these two uses that are combined on the lot.
(3) Where any portion of a lot is narrower than five feet, such a portion shall not be counted as part of the lot area for purposes of calculating the permitted dwelling density.
(4) No private right-of-way used as the principal vehicular access to two or more lots shall be counted as part of the lot area of any such lot for purposes of calculating the permitted dwelling unit density.
(5) Where a lot is divided by a use district boundary line, the dwelling unit density limit for each district shall be applied to the portion of the lot in that district, and none of the Dwelling Units attributable to the district permitting the greater density shall be located in the district permitting the lesser density.
(6) In Neighborhood Commercial Districts, the dwelling unit density shall be at a density ratio not exceeding the number of Dwelling Units permitted in the nearest R District, provided that the maximum density ratio shall in no case be less than the amount set forth in the Zoning Control Table for the district in which the lot is located. The distance to each R District shall be measured either from the midpoint of the front lot line or from a point directly across the street therefrom, whichever permits the greater density.
(c) Exceptions to Dwelling Unit Density Limits. An exception to the calculations under this Section 207 shall be made in the following circumstances:
(1) Affordable Units in Projects with 20% or More Affordable Units. For projects that are not located in any RH-1 or RH-2 zoning district, or are not seeking and receiving a density bonus under the provisions of California Government Code Section 65915, where 20% or more of the Dwelling Units on-site are “Affordable Units,” the on-site Affordable Units shall not count towards the calculation of dwelling unit density. This Planning Code Section does not provide exceptions to any other Planning Code requirements such as height or bulk. For purposes of this Section 207, “Affordable Units” shall be defined as meeting (A) the criteria of Section 406(b); (B) the requirements of Section 415 et seq. for on-site units; or (C) restricted units in a project using California Debt Limit Allocation Committee (CDLAC) tax-exempt bond financing and 4% tax credits under the Tax Credit Allocation Committee (TCAC). If a project sponsor proposes to provide “Affordable Units” that are not restricted by any other program, in order to receive the benefit of the additional density permitted under this Subsection (c)(1) or Subsection (c)(2), the project sponsor shall elect and the Planning Department and MOHCD shall be authorized to enforce, restricting the units as affordable under Planning Code Section 415.6 up to a maximum of 25% of the units in the Principal Project. The project sponsor shall make such election through the procedures described in Section 415.5(g) including submitting an Affidavit of Compliance indicating the project sponsor’s election to pursue the benefits of Subsection (c)(1) or (c)(2) and committing to up to 25% on-site units restricted under Section 415.6 prior to approval by the Planning Commission or Planning Department staff. If a project sponsor obtains the exemption from the density calculation for Affordable Units provided in this subsection, the exemption shall be documented and recorded against the property under the terms of a Regulatory Agreement as defined under Section 206.2 and consistent with the provisions set forth in Section 206.6(f)(4). Any later request to decrease
the number of Affordable Units shall require the project to go back to the Planning Commission or Planning Department, whichever entity approved the project as a whole.
(2) Affordable Units in RTO Districts. In the RTO District, on site Dwelling Units that are “Affordable Units,” as defined in Subsection (a), shall not count toward density calculations or be limited by lot area.
(3) Double Density for Senior Housing in RH, RM, RC, and NC Districts. Senior Housing, as defined in and meeting all the criteria and conditions defined in Section 102 of this Code, is permitted up to twice the dwelling unit density otherwise permitted for the District.
(4) The exception to Dwelling Unit density limits for certain Accessory Dwelling Units under the City’s Local Accessory Dwelling Unit Program is set forth in Section 207.1 of this Code.
Notification. Prior to submitting an application to construct an ADU under this subsection (c)(4), the property owner shall cause a notice describing the proposed project to be posted in an accessible common area of the building for at least 15 calendar days prior to submitting an application to construct an ADU, and shall cause said notice to be mailed or delivered to each unit (including unauthorized units) at the subject property, also at least 15 calendar days prior to submitting the application. The property owner shall submit proof of these notices to the Planning Department as part of the application to construct an ADU. These notices shall have a format and content determined by the Zoning Administrator, and shall generally describe the project, including the number and location of the proposed ADU(s), and shall include a copy of the written declaration required by subsection (c)(4)(C)(iii). These notices shall also include instructions on how a tenant may petition the Rent Board for a written determination on the declaration as set forth in subsection (c)(4)(C)(iii), including the deadline for filing such petition, which shall be 30 calendar days after the notice has been provided. These notices shall also describe how to obtain additional information regarding the project and shall provide contact information for the Planning Department that complies with the requirements of the Language Access Ordinance, Chapter 91 of the Administrative Code, to provide vital information about the Planning Department’s services or programs in the languages spoken by a Substantial Number of Limited English Speaking Persons, as defined in Chapter 91.
(5) On-site Units in Group Housing Projects. For On-site Units in Group Housing projects subject to Section 415.6 that are not located in any RH-1 or RH-2 zoning district, or are not seeking and receiving a density bonus under the provisions of California Government Code Section 65915, the On-site Units in Group Housing projects subject to Section 415.6 shall not count towards the calculation of dwelling unit density. This Planning Code Section does not provide exceptions to any other Planning Code requirements such as height or bulk.
(6) The exception to Dwelling Unit density limits for certain Accessory Dwelling Units under the State-Mandated Accessory Dwelling Unit Program is set forth in Section 207.2 of this Code.
(7) A Designated Child Care Unit that meets all the applicable standards of Planning Code Section 414A.6 shall not count towards the calculation of maximum density permitted on the site.
(8) Residential Density Exception in RH Districts.
(A) Density Exception. Projects located in RH Districts that are not seeking or receiving a density bonus under the provisions of Planning Code Section 206.5 or 206.6 shall receive an exception from residential density limits in the following amounts not inclusive of any Accessory Dwelling Units as permitted under this Section 207, provided that the project meets the requirements set forth in this subsection (c)(8):
(i) Up to four units per lot, excluding Corner Lots.
(ii) Up to six units for Corner Lots 5
(iii) Up to one Group Housing Room per 415 sq. ft. of lot area in RH-1, RH-1(D), and RH-1(S) zoning districts.
(B) Eligibility of Historic Resources. To receive the density exception authorized under this subsection (c)(8), a project must demonstrate to the satisfaction of the Environmental Review Officer that it does not cause a substantial adverse change in the significance of an historic resource as defined by California Code of Regulations, Title 14, Section 15064.5, as may be amended from time to time. Permit fees for pre-application Historic Resource Assessments shall be waived for property owners who apply to obtain a density exception under this subsection (c)(8), if they sign an affidavit stating their intent to reside on the property for a period of three years after the issuance of the Certificate of Final Completion and Occupancy for the new dwelling units. Permit fees for Historic Resource Determinations shall not be waived.
(C) Applicable Standards. All building standards shall apply in accordance with the applicable zoning district as set forth in Section 209.1.
(D) Unit Replacement Requirements. Projects utilizing the density exception of this subsection (c)(8) shall comply with the requirements of Section 66300(d) of the California Government Code, as may be amended from time to time, including but not limited to requirements to produce at least as many dwelling units as the projects would demolish; to replace all protected units; and to offer existing occupants of any protected units that are lower income households relocation benefits and a right of first refusal for a comparable unit, as those terms are defined therein. In the case of Group Housing, projects utilizing this density exception shall provide at least as many bedrooms as the project would demolish.
(E) Applicability of Rent Ordinance; Regulatory Agreements. Project sponsors of projects utilizing the density exception of this subsection (c)(8) shall enter into a regulatory agreement with the City, subjecting the new units or Group Housing rooms created pursuant to the exception to the San Francisco Residential Rent Stabilization and Arbitration Ordinance (Chapter 37 of the Administrative Code), as a condition of approval of the density exception (“Regulatory Agreement”). At a minimum, the Regulatory Agreement shall contain the following: (i) a statement that the new units created pursuant to the density exception are not subject to the Costa-Hawkins Rental Housing Act (California Civil Code Sections 1954.50 et seq.) because, under Section 1954.52(b), the property owner has entered into and agreed to the terms of this agreement with the City in consideration of an exception from residential density limits of up to four dwelling units per lot, or up to six units per lot in Corner Lots, or other direct financial contribution or other form of assistance specified in California Government Code Sections 65915 et seq.; (ii) a description of the exception of residential density or other direct financial contribution or form of assistance provided to the property owner; and (iii) a description of the remedies for breach of the agreement and other provisions to ensure implementation and compliance with the agreement. The property owner and the Planning Director (or the Director’s designee), on behalf of the City, will execute the Regulatory Agreement, which shall be reviewed and approved by the City Attorney’s Office. The Regulatory Agreement shall be executed prior to the City’s issuance of the First Construction Document for the project, as defined in Section 107A.13.1 of the San Francisco Building Code. Following execution of the Regulatory Agreement by all parties and approval by the City Attorney, the Regulatory Agreement or a memorandum thereof shall be recorded to the title records in the Office of the Assessor-Recorder against the property and shall be binding on all future owners and successors in interest.
(F) Unit Sizes. At least one of the dwelling units resulting from the density exception shall have two or more bedrooms or shall have a square footage equal to no less than 1/3 of the floor area of the largest unit on the lot. This provision does not apply to projects where all of the units qualify as Group Housing.
(G) Eligibility. To receive the density exception authorized under this subsection (c)(8), property owners must demonstrate that they have owned the lot for which they are seeking the density exception for a minimum of one year prior to the time of the submittal of their application. For the purposes of establishing eligibility to receive a density exception according to subsection (c)(8)(B), a property owner who has inherited the subject lot, including any inheritance in or through a trust, from a blood, adoptive, or step family relationship, specifically from either (i) a grandparent, parent, sibling, child, or grandchild, or (ii) the spouse or registered domestic partner of such relations, or (iii) the property owner’s spouse or registered domestic partner (each an “Eligible Predecessor”), may add an Eligible Predecessor’s duration of ownership of the subject lot to the property owner’s duration of ownership of the same lot. This subsection 207(c)(8)(G) shall only apply if at the time of submittal of the application the subject lot contains two dwelling units or more.
(H) Annual Report on Housing Affordability, Racial Equity, and Language Access Goals. To help the City evaluate whether the implementation of this Section 207(c)(8) comports with the City’s housing affordability, racial equity, and language access goals, each year the Planning Department, in consultation with other City departments including the Department of Building Inspection, the Rent Board, and the Office of the Assessor-Recorder, shall prepare a report addressing the characteristics and demographics of the applicants to and participants in the program established in said section; the number of units permitted and constructed through this program; the geographic distribution, affordability, and construction costs of those units; and the number of tenants that vacated or were evicted from properties as a result of the permitting or construction of units through this program (“Affordability and Equity Report”). The Affordability and Equity Report shall be included and identified in the annual Housing Inventory Report. The Planning Department shall prepare the report utilizing applicant data that has been provided by program applicants voluntarily and anonymously, and separate from the submittal of an application for a density exception. An applicant’s decision to provide or decline to provide the information requested by the Planning Department in order to prepare the report shall have no bearing on the applicant’s receipt of a density exception.
(A) Purpose. The purpose of this subsection (c)(9) is to encourage housing development on parcels that are being used for Auto-Oriented Uses, with the goal of easing the City’s housing shortage while addressing the adverse impacts that automobiles have on climate change, pedestrian safety, and livability.
(B) Definition. For the purposes of this subsection (c)(9), an Auto-Oriented Use shall mean any parcel that has, or had as its last permitted use, an accessory parking lot or garage, or any use defined as an Automotive Use in Planning Code Section 102.
(C) Applicability. This subsection (c)(9) shall apply to all properties (i) with an Auto-Oriented Use on which a residential use is permitted as a Principal Use but does not contain a Residential Use, and which also (ii) have not had a Legacy Business, as defined in Administrative Code Section 2A.242(b), on the site for four years prior to submittal of an application under this subsection (c)(9). Notwithstanding the previous sentence, this subsection (c)(9) shall not apply to properties located in RM or RC districts, or to properties located in a designated historic district under Article 10 of this Code. Sites that contain a business that has been nominated for inclusion in the Legacy Business Registry shall be ineligible for this subsection (c)(9), unless the Small Business Commission finally determines that such business does not meet the criteria for a Legacy Business under Administrative Code section 2A.242(b).
(D) Density Controls. Notwithstanding any other provision of this Code, eligible properties shall be subject to the following density controls:
(i) Eligible Sites in RH Zoning Districts: Four Dwelling Units per lot as a Principally Permitted use.
(ii) Eligible Sites in Other Zoning Districts: Density shall be regulated by the permitted height and bulk, and required setbacks, exposure, open space, and any adopted design standards or guidelines for each parcel as a Principally Permitted Use. Notwithstanding any contrary provision of this Code, projects using this subsection (c)(9) may also seek a density bonus under Section 206.6.
(E) Conditional Use. Any other Conditional Use required by this Code that is not related to permitted residential density shall continue to apply.
(F) Parking Requirements.
(i) Residential Parking. Proposed projects using the density exception in this subsection (c)(9) are subject to the following parking controls:
P: up to 0.25 parking spaces per residential unit
C: up to 0.5 parking spaces per unit
NP: above 0.5 spaces per unit
(ii) Non-Residential Parking. Notwithstanding any other provision of this Code, up to 75% of Non-Residential Parking otherwise allowed by this Code shall be permitted for projects using the density exception in this subsection (c)(9).
(G) Review of Program and Limit on Number of Residential Units. The Planning Department shall include the number and location of projects using this subsection (c)(9) and number of units provided in such projects in the Housing Inventory Report. This subsection (c)(9) shall remain in effect until the Planning Department approves a total of 5,000 residential units under the authority of this subsection (c)(9). When the Planning Director certifies in writing that the Planning Department has approved 5,000 residential units under this subsection 207(c)(9), the subsection shall expire by operation of law, and the City Attorney shall cause the subsection to be removed from the Planning Code.
(Amended by Ord. 155-84, App. 4/11/84; Ord. 115-90, App. 4/6/90; Ord. 22-15, File No. 141253, App. 2/20/2015, Eff. 3/22/2015; Ord. 30-15
, File No. 140954, App. 3/26/2015, Eff. 4/25/2015; Ord. 161-15, File No. 150804, App. 9/18/2015, Eff. 10/18/2015; Ord. 162-15
, File No. 150805, App. 9/18/2015, Eff. 10/18/2015; Ord. 164-15
, File No. 150348, App. 9/23/2015, Eff. 10/23/2015, Retro. 5/20/2015; Ord. 188-15
, File No. 150871, App. 11/4/2015, Eff. 12/4/2015; Ord. 162-16
, File No. 160657, App. 8/4/2016, Eff. 9/3/2016; Ord. 95-17, File No. 170125, App. 5/12/2017, Eff. 6/11/2017; Ord. 162-17
,, File No. 170434, App. 7/27/2017, Eff. 8/26/2017; Ord. 195-18, File No. 180268, App. 8/10/2018, Eff. 9/10/2018; Ord. 202-18, File No. 180557, App. 8/10/2018, Eff. 9/10/2018; Ord. 7-19, File No. 180917, App. 1/25/2019, Eff. 2/25/2019; Ord. 116-19, File No. 181156, App. 6/28/2019, Eff. 7/29/2019; Ord. 63-20, File No. 200077, App. 4/24/2020, Eff. 5/25/2020; Ord. 208-21, File No. 210699, App. 11/12/2021, Eff. 12/13/2021; Ord. 209-21, File No. 210808, App. 11/19/2021, Eff. 12/20/21; Ord. 210-21, File No. 210868, App. 11/19/2021, Eff. 12/20/2021; Ord. 210-22, File No. 210866, App. 10/28/2022, Eff. 11/28/2022; Ord. 264-22, File No. 220811, App. 12/22/2022, Eff. 1/22/2023; Ord. 53-23, File No. 210585, App. 4/21/2023, Eff. 5/22/2023; Ord. 248-23, File No. 230446, App. 12/14/2023, Eff. 1/14/2024; Ord. 62-24, File No. 230310, App. 3/28/2024, Eff. 4/28/2024)
Section header and section amended; Ord. 22-15, Eff. 3/22/2015. Section header amended; former section amended and designated as current division (a); former Sec. 207.1 amended and designated as divisions (b) and (c) of this section [see that section for its prior legislative history]; Ord. 30-15
, Eff. 4/25/2015. Divisions (c)(1), (c)(4)(A)-(C) and [former] (c)(4)(D) amended; Ords. 161-15 and 162-15
, Eff. 10/18/2015 [see Editor's Note below]. Division (c) amended; division (c)(5)1 added; Ord. 164-15
, Eff. 10/23/2015. Divisions (b)(1) and (b)(6) amended; Ord. 188-15
, Eff. 12/4/2015. Divisions (c)(4), (c)(4)(B), and (c)(4)(C) amended; new divisions (c)(4)(D)-(I) added; former division (c)(4)(D) redesignated as (c)(4)(I) and amended; division (c)(5)1
added; Ord. 162-16
, Eff. 9/3/2016. Divisions (a), (c), (c)(4), (c)(4)(A), (B), (F), (F)(iii) amended; divisions (c)(4)(B)(i) - (v) and (c)(6)(C) - (F) added; division (c)(5)1 redesignated as (c)(6); division (c)(5)(C)1 redesignated as (c)(6)(G) and amended; Ord. 95-17
, Eff. 6/11/2017. Divisions (c)(4)(B), (c)(4)(B)(ii) and (iii), (c)(4)(C)(i)-(iii) and (vi) amended; division (c)(4)(F)(iv) added; division (c)(6)(B) deleted; divisions (c)(6)(C)-(G) redesignated as (c)(6)(B)-(F) and current divisions (c)(6)(B), (c)(6)(B)(i), (c)(6)(B)(iii), (c)(6)(B)(v), (c)(6)(B)(vi), and (c)(6)(C) amended; Ord. 162-17
, Eff. 8/26/2017. Divisions (c)(4)(B)(iii), (c)(4)(B)(v), (c)(4)(C)(i), (c)(4)(C)(ii) amended; new divisions (c)(4)(C)(iii) and (iv) added; former divisions (c)(4)(C)(iii)-(vi) redesignated as (c)(4)(C)(v)-(viii); divisions (c)(4)(G), (c)(4)(H)(i), (c)(4)(H)(iv), (c)(4)(I)(ii), (c)(6)(A), (c)(6)(B)(i), and (c)(6)(B)(iii) amended; divisions (c)(6)(B)(x) and (xi) added; divisions (c)(6)(C) and (c)(6)(E)(ii) amended; Ord. 195-18
, Eff. 9/10/2018. Divisions (c)(6)(B)(i) and (c)(6)(C) amended; Ord. 202-18
, Eff. 9/10/2018. Division (c)(4)(C)(viii) amended; division (c)(7) added; Ord. 7-19
, Eff. 2/25/2019. Divisions (c)(4), (c)(4)(B)(ii)-(iii), (c)(4)(C), (c)(4)(C)(i), (ii), and (iv), (c)(4)(E), (c)(4)(F)(i)-(iv), (c)(4)(G), (c)(4)(H)(i) and (iv), (c)(6)-(c)(6)(B), (c)(6)(B)(iii)-(v) and (x) amended; division (c)(6)(B)(xii) added; division (c)(6)(C) amended; division (c)(6)(D) added; former divisions (c)(6)(D)-(F) redesignated as (c)(6)(E)- (G); divisions (c)(6)(H)-(c)(6)(H)(viii) added; Ord. 116-19
, Eff. 7/29/2019. Divisions (c)(4), (c)(4)(B)(iii), (c)(6)(B)(x), and (c)(6)(H)(ii) amended; Ord. 63-20
, Eff. 5/25/2020. Division (c)(4)(C)(i) amended as (c)(4)(C)(i) and (ii); new divisions (c)(4)(C)(iii) and (iv) added; former divisions (c)(4)(C)(ii)-(viii) redesignated as (c)(4)(C)(v)-(xi); divisions (c)(4)(C)(v), (viii), and (x) amended; division (c)(4)(J) added; Ord. 208-21
, Eff. 12/13/2021. Second division (c)(4)(C)(ix)2
added following current division (c)(4)(C)(xi); Ord. 209-21
, Eff. 12/20/2021. Division (c)(1) amended; Ord. 210-21
, Eff. 12/20/2021. Divisions (c)(8) - (c)(8)(H) added; Ord. 210-22
, Eff. 11/28/2022. Divisions (c)(9)-(c)(9)(G)3 added; Ord. 264-22
, Eff. 1/22/2023. Divisions (c)(4), (c)(4)(B), (c)(4)(C) - (c)(4)(C)(ii), and (c)(4)(C)(v)-(vii) amended; divisions (c)(4)(C)(viii) - second (ix)2 amended as (c)(4)(C)(ix) - (xiii); divisions (c)(4)(D)-(F), (c)(4)(F)(iv), (c)(4)(G), (c)(4)(I)(ii)-(iii), and (c)(6)-(c)(6)(B) amended; divisions (c)(6)(B)(iv)-(v) and (viii)-(ix) amended as (c)(6)(B)(i)-(iv); divisions (c)(4)(B)(i)-(v), (c)(6)(B)(i)-(iii), (vi)-(vii), and (x)-(xii), and (c)(6)(C)-(H)(viii) deleted; divisions (c)(4)(C)(viii), (xiv), and (xv)-(xv)b., and (c)(6)(C)-(K) added; Ord. 53-23
, Eff. 5/22/2023. Divisions (c)(3)(A)-(B) deleted; divisions (c)(8)(A) and (c)(8)(C)-(G) amended; divisions (c)(8)(A)(i)-(iii) added; Ord. 248-23
, Eff. 1/14/2024. Divisions (c)(4) and (c)(6) amended; divisions (c)(4)(A)-(I)(iii) and (c)(6)(A)-(K) deleted; Ord. 62-24
, Eff. 4/28/2024.
1. Division (c)(6) was originally added as division (c)(5) by Ord. 162-16, Eff. 9/3/2016. Because Ord. 164-15, Eff. 10/23/2015, had already added a division (c)(5), the newer division (c)(5) was redesignated as division (c)(6) by Ord. 95-17, Eff. 6/11/2017. Division (c)(6) was later replaced by Ord. 62-24.
2. So in Ord. 209-21.
Editor's Notes:
As documented in the history notes above, this section was amended by two ordinances enacted concurrently, Ords. 161-15 and 162-15, both effective on 10/18/2015. The ordinances contained a number of overlapping amendments, with the primary distinction between them being the addition of references to two different specific Board of Supervisors Districts. (Those references were deleted by subsequent amendments.) The second of the two concurrent ordinances expressly provides that:
As documented in the history notes above, this section was amended by two ordinances enacted concurrently, Ords. 161-15 and 162-15, both effective on 10/18/2015. The ordinances contained a number of overlapping amendments, with the primary distinction between them being the addition of references to two different specific Board of Supervisors Districts. (Those references were deleted by subsequent amendments.) The second of the two concurrent ordinances expressly provides that:
The Board intends that, if adopted, the additions and deletions shown in both ordinances be given effect so that the substance of each ordinance be given full force and effect. To this end, the Board directs the City Attorney's Office and the publisher to harmonize the provisions of each ordinance.
See Section 9 of Ord. 162-15. The editor set out this section in accordance with the Board's direction to harmonize the two ordinances.
As a separate matter, Ord. 155-15 (File No. 150348, App. 8/6/2015, Eff. 9/5/2015) purported to amend this section. At the direction of the Office of the City Attorney, Ord. 155-15 was never codified (and accordingly is not referenced in the history notes above). Its provisions effectively were superseded by Ord. 164-15 (File No. 150348, App. 9/23/2015, Eff. 10/23/2015, Retro. 5/20/2015).
As a separate matter, Ord. 155-15 (File No. 150348, App. 8/6/2015, Eff. 9/5/2015) purported to amend this section. At the direction of the Office of the City Attorney, Ord. 155-15 was never codified (and accordingly is not referenced in the history notes above). Its provisions effectively were superseded by Ord. 164-15 (File No. 150348, App. 9/23/2015, Eff. 10/23/2015, Retro. 5/20/2015).
(See Interpretations related to this Section.)
(a) Exception to Dwelling Unit Density Limits for Certain Accessory Dwelling Units Under City’s Local Program. An exception to the calculations under Section 207 of this Code shall be made for Accessory Dwelling Units (“ADUs”), as defined in Section 102 of this Code, meeting the requirements of this Section 207.1.
(b) Applicability. This Section 207.1 shall apply to the construction of ADUs on all lots located within the City and County of San Francisco in areas that allow residential use, except ADUs regulated by the State-Mandated Program under Section 207.2 of this Code.
(c) Controls on Construction. An ADU regulated by this Section 207.1 is permitted to be constructed in an existing or proposed building under the following conditions:
(1) For lots that have four existing Dwelling Units or fewer, or where the zoning would permit the construction of four or fewer Dwelling Units, one ADU is permitted. For lots that have more than four existing Dwelling Units or are undergoing seismic retrofitting under subsection 207.1(f) below, or where the zoning would permit the construction of more than four Dwelling Units, there is no limit on the number of ADUs permitted, as long as all other health and safety requirements are met.
(2) The Department shall not approve an application for construction of an ADU where a tenant on the lot was evicted pursuant to Administrative Code Sections 37.9(a)(9) through (a)(12) and 37.9(a)(14) under a notice of eviction served within 10 years prior to filing the application for a building permit to construct the ADU, or where a tenant was evicted pursuant to Administrative Code Section 37.9(a)(8) under a notice of eviction served within five years prior to filing the application for a building permit to construct the ADU. This subsection (c)(2) shall not apply if the tenant was evicted under Section 37.9(a)(11) or 37.9(a)(14) and the applicant(s) either (A) have certified that the original tenant reoccupied the unit after the temporary eviction or (B) have submitted to the Department and to the Residential Rent Stabilization and Arbitration Board (Rent Board) a declaration from the property owner or the tenant certifying that the property owner notified the tenant of the tenant’s right to reoccupy the unit and the tenant chose not to reoccupy it.
(3) Prior to submitting an application to construct an ADU under this Section 207.1, the property owner shall file with the Rent Board a written declaration, signed under penalty of perjury, demonstrating that the project will comply with the requirements of Administrative Code Sections 37.2(r) and 37.9 relating to severance, substantial reduction, or removal of a housing service. The Rent Board shall determine the form and content of said declaration, which shall include the following information: (i) a description of any housing services supplied in connection with the use or occupancy of any units on the subject property that are located in the area of the property or building where the ADU would be constructed; (ii) whether construction of the ADU would result in the severance, substantial reduction, or removal of any such housing services; and (iii) whether any of the just causes for eviction under Administrative Code Section 37.9(a) would apply. The property owner shall also file a copy of the notice required under Section 207.1(j) with the declaration.
(4) Tenants at the subject property may contest the information in the declaration required by subsection 207.1(c)(3) by petitioning for a written determination from the Rent Board verifying the presence and defining characteristics of the housing service or services in question, and whether any such housing services would be severed, substantially reduced, or removed by the project as proposed. Petitions must be filed with the Rent Board within 30 calendar days after the notice required under Section 207.1(j) has been provided. If no such petition is timely filed, the Rent Board shall promptly transmit the declaration to the Planning Department. If any such petition is timely filed, the Rent Board shall endeavor to transmit the declaration and its final written determination on the petition to the Planning Department within 90 calendar days of receipt of said petition. The Department shall not approve an application to construct an ADU under this Section 207.1 unless (i) the Rent Board has transmitted the declaration and final written determination required by subsections (c)(3) and (c)(4), and (ii) the materials transmitted by the Rent Board indicate that construction of the ADU would not result in the severance, substantial reduction, or removal without just cause of any tenant housing service set forth in Administrative Code Section 37.2(r) that is supplied in the area of the property or building where the ADU would be constructed, unless the property owner demonstrates that the tenant supplied with that housing service has given their express written consent for the severance, substantial reduction, or removal of the housing service.
(5) Except as provided in subsections (6), (7), and (8) below, an ADU shall be constructed (i) entirely within the buildable area of an existing lot, provided that the ADU does not include a vertical addition, or (ii) within the built envelope of an existing and authorized detached garage, storage structure, or other detached structure on the same lot. For purposes of this subsection 207.1, a “detached” structure or ADU shall not share structural walls with either the primary structure or any other structure on the lot. For purposes of this subsection 207.1, the “built envelope” shall include the open area under an existing and authorized cantilevered room or room built on columns; decks, except for decks that are supported by columns or walls other than the building wall to which they are attached and are multi-level or more than 10 feet above grade; and lightwell infills provided that the infill will be against a blank neighboring wall at the property line and not visible from any off-site location; as these spaces exist as of July 11, 2016. An ADU constructed entirely within the existing built envelope, as defined in this subsection 207.1, along with permitted obstructions allowed in Section 136(c)(32), of an existing building or authorized detached structure on the same lot, or where an existing detached garage or storage structure has been expanded to add dormers, is exempt from the notification requirements of Section 311 of this Code. If the existing building or authorized detached structure on the same lot is designated individually or as part of a historic or conservation district pursuant to Article 10 or Article 11, the notification requirements of Article 10 or Article 11 will apply. If an ADU will be constructed under a cantilevered room or deck that encroaches into the required rear yard, a pre-application meeting that complies with the Planning Commission’s Pre-Application policy is required.
(6) When a detached garage, storage, or other auxiliary structure is being converted to an ADU, an expansion to the envelope is allowed to add dormers even if the detached garage, storage structure, or other auxiliary structure is in the required rear yard.
(7) On a corner lot, a legal detached nonconforming garage, storage structure, or other auxiliary structure may be expanded within its existing footprint by up to one additional story in order to create a consistent street wall and improve the continuity of buildings on the block.
(8) ADUs shall comply with any applicable controls in Planning Code Section 134(f).
(9) An ADU shall not be constructed using space from an existing Dwelling Unit, except that an ADU may expand into habitable space on the ground or basement floors provided that it does not exceed 25% of the total gross square footage of such space on the ground and basement floors. The Zoning Administrator may waive this 25% limitation if (i) the resulting space would not be usable or would be impractical to use for other reasonable uses, including, but not limited to, storage or bicycle parking or (ii) waiving the limitation would help relieve any negative layout issues for the proposed ADU.
(10) An existing building undergoing seismic retrofitting may be eligible for a height increase pursuant to subsection 207.1(f) below.
(11) Notwithstanding any other provision of this Code, an ADU authorized under this Section 207.1 may not be merged with an original unit(s).
(12) An ADU shall not be permitted in any building in a Neighborhood Commercial District or in the Chinatown Community Business or Visitor Retail Districts if it would eliminate or reduce a ground-story retail space, unless the Accessory Dwelling Unit is a Designated Child Care Unit, as defined in Section 102, and meets all applicable standards of Planning Code Section 414A.6(e).
(13) An Accessory Dwelling Unit shall not be permitted under this Section 207.1 if it would result in the reduction or removal of on-site laundry service, unless that laundry service is replaced with at least the same number or capacity of washers and dryers within the same building and as accessible as before to all building tenants.
(14) An application for a permit solely to construct an ADU in a proposed building pursuant to this subsection 207.1(c) shall not be subject to the notification requirements of Section 311 of this Code; however, any application for a permit to construct the proposed building shall be subject to any applicable notification requirements of Section 311 of this Code.
(15) In addition to any ADUs permitted under this Section 207.1 within the primary structure, one detached ADU shall be permitted within the required rear yard if it complies with the following requirements:
(A) The proposed ADU is located at least four feet from the side and rear lot lines and has a height no greater than sixteen feet.
(B) The Gross Floor Area of a detached ADU that provides one bedroom or less shall not exceed 850 square feet. The Gross Floor Area of a detached ADU that provides more than one bedroom shall not exceed 1,000 square feet.
(d) Prohibition of Short-Term Rentals. An ADU shall not be used for Short-Term Residential Rentals under Chapter 41A of the Administrative Code, which restriction shall be recorded as a Notice of Special Restriction on the subject lot.
(e) Restrictions on Subdivisions. Notwithstanding the provisions of Article 9 of the Subdivision Code, a lot with an ADU authorized under this Section 207.1 shall not be subdivided in a manner that would allow for the ADU to be sold or separately financed pursuant to any condominium plan, housing cooperative, or similar form of separate ownership. This prohibition on separate sale or finance of the ADU shall not apply to an ADU in a building that consisted entirely of condominium units as of July 11, 2013, and has had no evictions pursuant to Sections 37.9(a) through 37.9(a)(12) and 37.9(a)(14) of the Administrative Code since July 11, 1996. This prohibition on separate sale or finance of the ADU shall not apply to an ADU that meets the requirements of California Government Code Section 66341.
(f) Buildings Undergoing Seismic Retrofitting. For ADUs on lots with a building undergoing mandatory seismic retrofitting in compliance with of the Existing Building Code or voluntary seismic retrofitting in compliance with the Department of Building Inspection’s Administrative Bulletin 094, the following additional provision applies: If allowed by the Building Code, a building in which an ADU is constructed may be raised up to three feet to create ground floor ceiling heights suitable for residential use. Such a raise in height
(1) Shall be exempt from the notification requirements of Section 311 of this Code; and
(3) On lots where an ADU is added in coordination with a building undergoing mandatory seismic retrofitting in compliance with of the Existing Building Code or voluntary seismic retrofitting in compliance with the Department of Building Inspection’s Administrative Bulletin 094, the building and the new ADU shall maintain any eligibility to enter the condo-conversion lottery and may only be subdivided if the entire property is selected on the condo-conversion lottery.
(4) Pursuant to subsection 207.1(c)(1), there is no limit on the number of ADUs that are permitted to be added in connection with a seismic retrofit, as long as all health and safety requirements are met.
(g) Waiver of Code Requirements; Applicability of Rent Ordinance. Pursuant to the provisions of Section 307(l) of this Code, the Zoning Administrator may grant a complete or partial waiver of the density limits and bicycle parking, rear yard, exposure, or open space standards of this Code for ADUs constructed within an existing building, and may grant a waiver of the density limits of this Code for ADUs constructed within a proposed building. If the Zoning Administrator grants a complete or partial waiver of the requirements of this Code and the subject lot contains any Rental Units at the time an application for a building permit is filed for construction of the ADU(s), the property owner(s) shall enter into a Regulatory Agreement with the City under subsection 207.1(h) subjecting the ADU(s) to the San Francisco Residential Rent Stabilization and Arbitration Ordinance (Chapter 37 of the Administrative Code) as a condition of approval of the ADU(s). For purposes of this requirement, Rental Units shall be as defined in Section 37.2(r) of the Administrative Code.
(h) Regulatory Agreements. A Regulatory Agreement required by subsection 207.1(g) as a condition of approval of an Accessory Dwelling Unit shall contain the following:
(1) a statement that the ADU(s) are not subject to the Costa Hawkins Rental Housing Act (California Civil Code Section 1954.50) because, under Section 1954.52(b), the owner has entered into this agreement with the City in consideration for a complete or partial waiver of the density limits, and/or bicycle parking, rear yard, exposure, or open space standards of this Code or other direct financial contribution or other form of assistance specified in California Government Code Sections 65915 et seq. (“Agreement”); and
(2) a description of the complete or partial waiver of Code requirements granted by the Zoning Administrator or other direct financial contribution or form of assistance provided to the property owner; and
(3) a description of the remedies for breach of the Agreement and other provisions to ensure implementation and compliance with the Agreement.
(4) The property owner and the Planning Director (or the Director’s designee), on behalf of the City, will execute the Agreement, which shall be reviewed and approved by the City Attorney’s Office. The Agreement shall be executed prior to the City’s issuance of the First Construction Document for the project, as defined in Section 107A.13.1 of the San Francisco Building Code.
(5) Following execution of the Regulatory Agreement by all parties and approval by the City Attorney, the Regulatory Agreement or a memorandum thereof shall be recorded against the property and shall be binding on all future owners and successors in interest.
Any Regulatory Agreement entered into under this Section 207.1 shall not preclude a landlord from establishing the initial rental rate pursuant to Section 1954.53 of the Costa Hawkins Rental Housing Act.
(i) Monitoring Program.
(1) Monitoring and Enforcement of Unit Affordability. The Department shall establish a system to monitor the affordability of the Accessory Dwelling Units authorized to be constructed by this Section 207.1 and shall use such data to enforce the requirements of the Regulatory Agreements entered into pursuant to subsection 207.1(h). Property owners shall provide the Department with rent information as requested by the Department. The Board of Supervisors recognizes that property owners and tenants generally consider rental information sensitive and do not want it publicly disclosed. The intent of the Board is for the Department to obtain the information for purposes of monitoring and enforcement but that its public disclosure is not linked to specific individuals or units. The Department shall consult with the City Attorney's Office with respect to the legal requirements to determine how best to achieve the intent of the Board.
(2) Monitoring of Prohibition on Use as Short Term Rentals. The Department shall collect data on the use of ADUs authorized to be constructed by this Section 207.1 as Short-Term Residential Rentals, as that term is defined in Administrative Code Section 41A.4, and shall use such data to evaluate and enforce Notices of Special Restriction pursuant to Section 207.1(d) and the requirements of Administrative Code Chapter 41A.
(3) Department Report. As part of the annual Housing Inventory, the Department shall report the types of units being developed pursuant to this Section 207.1, their affordability rates, their use as Short-Term Residential Rentals, and such additional information as the Director or the Board of Supervisors determines would inform decision makers and the public on the effectiveness and implementation of this Section 207.1, and shall include recommendations for any amendments to the requirements of this Section 207.1.
(Former Sec. 207.1 added by Ord. 443-78, App. 10/6/78; amended by Ord. 115-90, App. 4/6/90; Ord. 72-08, File No. 071157, App. 4/3/2008; Ord. 298-08, File No. 081153, App. 12/19/2008; Ord. 196-11
, File No. 110786, App. 10/4/2011, Eff. 11/3/2011; Ord. 152-14
, File No. 140036, App. 7/25/2014, Eff. 8/24/2014; Ord. 22-15, File No. 141253, App. 2/20/2015, Eff. 3/22/2015; redesignated as Sec. 207(b) and (c) and amended by Ord. 30-15
, File No. 140954, App. 3/26/2015, Eff. 4/25/2015)
[Former] division (f) amended; Ord. 196-11
, Eff. 11/3/2011. Undesignated introductory material and divisions (a) and (b) amended; new division (f) added and former division (f) redesignated as (g) and amended; Ord. 152-14
, Eff. 8/24/2014. Division (h) added; Ord. 22-15, Eff. 3/22/2015. Undesignated introductory material redesignated as Sec. 207(b); divisions (a)-(e) redesignated as Sec. 207(b)(1)-(5); divisions (f)-(h) redesignated as Sec. 207(c)(1)-(3); Ord. 30-15
, Eff. 4/25/2015. New Section 207.1 added; Ord. 62-24, Eff. 4/28/2024. Division (e) amended; Ord. 297-24, Eff. 1/19/2025.

Publisher's Note: This section has been AMENDED by new legislation (Ord. 297-24
, approved 12/19/2024, effective 1/19/2025). The text of the amendment will be incorporated under the new section number when the amending legislation is operative.
(a) Exception to Dwelling Unit Density Limits for Certain Accessory Dwelling Units Under the State-Mandated Program. An exception to the calculations under Section 207 of this Code shall be made for Accessory Dwelling Units (“ADUs”) and Junior Accessory Dwelling Units (“JADUs”), as defined in Section 102 of this Code, meeting the requirements of this Section 207.2. The purpose of this Section 207.2 is to implement California California Government Code Sections 66314 and 66333, which require ministerial consideration of ADUs and JADUs that meet certain standards.
(b) Applicability. This Section 207.2 shall apply to the construction of ADUs and JADUs in existing or proposed dwellings, or in a detached structure on the same lot, if the ADU meets the applicable requirements of this Section 207.2. An ADU constructed pursuant to this Section 207.2 is considered a residential use that is consistent with the General Plan and the zoning designation for the lot. Adding an ADU or JADU in compliance with this Section 207.2 does not exceed the allowable density for the lot. Unless otherwise specified, for purposes of this Section 207.2, a “detached” structure or ADU shall not share structural walls with the primary structure on the lot. If construction of the ADU will not meet the requirements of this Section, the ADU is regulated pursuant to Section 207.1 and not this Section 207.2.
(c) General Controls on Construction. An ADU constructed pursuant to this Section 207.2 shall meet all of the following:
(1) The ADU must have independent exterior access from the existing or proposed primary dwelling or existing accessory structure, and side and rear setbacks sufficient for fire safety.
(2) For projects involving a property listed in the California Register of Historic Places, or a property designated individually or as part of a historic or conservation district pursuant to Article 10 or Article 11, the ADU or JADU shall comply with any objective architectural review standards adopted by the Historic Preservation Commission to prevent adverse impacts to such historic resources. Such projects shall not be required to obtain a Certificate of Appropriateness or a Permit to Alter.
(3) All applicable requirements of San Francisco’s health and safety codes shall apply, including but not limited to the Building and Fire Codes.
(4) No parking is required for the ADU.
(d) Specific Controls for Hybrid ADUs. The purpose of this subsection 207.2(d) is to implement California Government Code Sections 66323 and 66333, which require ministerial consideration of ADUs and JADUs that meet certain standards (“Hybrid ADUs”). California Government Code Section 66323 authorizes the City to impose objective standards, including, but not limited to, design, development, and historic standards, on ADUs approved under this subsection 207.2(d). ADUs and JADUs shall strictly meet the requirements set forth in this subsection 207.2(d), and all other applicable Planning Code standards, including open space, exposure, buildable area, and other standards, without requiring a waiver of Code requirements pursuant to subsection 207.1(g); provided, however, that adding an ADU or JADU in compliance with this subsection 207.2(d) does not exceed the allowable density for the lot. The City shall approve ADUs and JADUs meeting the following requirements, in addition to the requirements of subsection 207.2(b) and any other applicable standards:
(1) ADUs and JADUs within proposed space of a proposed single-family dwelling or within existing space of a single-family dwelling or accessory structure meeting the following conditions:
(A) The lot on which the ADU or JADU is proposed contains an existing or proposed single-family dwelling.
(B) Only one detached ADU, and one JADU, are permitted per lot in addition to an ADU permitted under this subsection 207.2(d)(1).
(C) Each proposed ADU and JADU includes an entrance that is separate from the entrance to the existing or proposed dwelling.
(D) Side and rear setbacks will be sufficient for fire safety.
(E) If an ADU is proposed, it will be within the existing space of a single-family dwelling or accessory structure, or within the space of a proposed single-family dwelling, or it will require an addition of no more than 150 square feet to an existing accessory structure to accommodate ingress and egress.
(F) If a JADU is proposed, it meets the requirements of Planning Code Section 102 and California Government Code Section 66333.
(2) Detached, new construction ADUs on a lot containing a proposed or existing single-family dwelling meeting the following conditions:
(A) The lot on which the detached ADU is proposed contains an existing or proposed single-family dwelling.
(B) The lot on which the ADU is proposed does not contain more than one other ADU and one JADU.
(C) The proposed ADU is detached from the single-family dwelling and any other structure.
(D) The proposed ADU is new construction.
(E) The proposed ADU is located at least four feet from the side and rear lot lines, is no greater than 800 square feet in Gross Floor Area, and does not exceed the applicable height limit contained in subsection 207.2(e)(9).
(3) ADUs within existing space of a multifamily dwelling meeting the following conditions:
(A) The lot on which the ADU is proposed contains an existing multifamily dwelling.
(B) The ADU is proposed within a portion of the multifamily dwelling structure that is not used as livable space, including but not limited to storage rooms, boiler rooms, passageways, attics, basements, or garages.
(C) The total number of ADUs within the dwelling structure would not exceed 25% of the existing number of primary dwelling units within the structure, provided that all multifamily dwelling structures shall be permitted to have at least one ADU pursuant to this subsection 207.2(d)(3) if all other applicable standards are met.
(4) Detached, new construction ADUs on a lot containing a proposed or existing multifamily dwelling meeting the following conditions:
(A) The lot on which the ADU is proposed contains a proposed or existing multifamily dwelling.
(B) The proposed ADU is detached from the multifamily dwelling.
(C) The proposed ADU is located at least four feet from the side and rear lot lines, except that if the existing multifamily dwelling has a side or rear setback of less than four feet, modification of the existing multifamily dwelling shall not be required as a condition of approving a proposed ADU that otherwise satisfies the requirements of this subsection 207.2(c)(4).
(D) The proposed ADU does not exceed the applicable height limit contained in subsection 207.2(e)(9).
(E) No more than two ADUs shall be permitted per lot pursuant to this subsection 207.2(c)(4).
(e) Specific Controls for State ADUs. The purpose of this subsection 207.2(e) is to implement California Government Code Sections 66314, which require streamlined, ministerial approval of ADUs meeting certain standards (“State ADUs”). An ADU located on a lot that is zoned for single-family or multifamily use and contains an existing or proposed dwelling, and that is constructed pursuant to this subsection 207.2(e), shall meet all of the following requirements, in addition to the requirements of subsection 207.2(b) and any other applicable standards; provided, however, that the City shall not impose any requirement for a zoning clearance or separate zoning review, any minimum or maximum size for an ADU, any size based upon a percentage of the proposed or existing primary dwelling, or any limits on lot coverage, floor area ratio, open space, front setbacks, and minimum lot size, for either attached or detached dwellings, that does not permit construction of an ADU meeting all other requirements that is 800 square feet or less in Gross Floor Area, 16 feet or less in height, and with four foot side and rear yard setbacks. ADUs under this subsection 207.2(e) shall meet the following conditions:
(1) Only one ADU will be constructed.
(2) The ADU will be located on a lot that is zoned for single-family or multifamily use and contains an existing or proposed dwelling.
(3) The lot on which the ADU is proposed does not contain another ADU or JADU.
(4) The ADU is either (A) attached to or will be constructed entirely within the proposed or existing primary dwelling, including attached garages, storage areas, or similar uses, or an accessory structure on the same lot, or (B) attached to or will be constructed entirely within a proposed or legally existing detached structure on the same lot, or (C) detached from the proposed or existing primary dwelling and located on the same lot as the proposed or existing primary dwelling.
(5) If there is an existing primary dwelling, the Gross Floor Area of an attached ADU that provides one bedroom or less shall not exceed 50% of the Gross Floor Area of the existing primary dwelling or 850 square feet, whichever is greater. If there is an existing primary dwelling, the Gross Floor Area of an attached ADU that provides more than one bedroom shall not exceed 50% of the Gross Floor Area of the existing primary dwelling or 1,000 square feet, whichever is greater.
(6) The Gross Floor Area of a detached ADU that provides one bedroom or less shall not exceed 850 square feet. The Gross Floor Area of a detached ADU that provides more than one bedroom shall not exceed 1,000 square feet.
(7) Setbacks. No setback is required for an ADU located within an existing living area or an existing accessory structure, or an ADU that replaces an existing structure and is located in the same location and constructed to the same dimensions as the structure being replaced. A setback of no more than four feet from the side and rear lot lines shall be required for an ADU that is not converted from either an existing structure or a new structure constructed in the same location and to the same dimensions as an existing structure; provided, however, that for an ADU that is part of new construction, such setback shall be required only for the portions of the ADU outside of the buildable area of the lot.
(8) Garages. When a garage, carport, or covered parking structure is proposed to be demolished in conjunction with the construction of an ADU or converted to an ADU, replacement of those offstreet parking spaces is not required; and a permit to demolish a detached garage that is to be replaced with an ADU shall be reviewed with the application to construct the ADU and issued at the same time.
(9) Height limits. The ADU shall not exceed the following height limits:
(A) A height of 16 feet for a detached ADU on a lot with an existing or proposed dwelling.
(B) A height of 18 feet for a detached ADU on a lot with an existing or proposed dwelling that is within one-half of one mile walking distance of a major transit stop or a high-quality transit corridor, as defined in Section 21155 of the California Public Resources Code. An additional two feet in height shall be permitted to accommodate a roof pitch on the ADU that is aligned with the roof pitch of the primary dwelling.
(C) A height of 18 feet for a detached ADU on a lot with an existing or proposed multifamily, multi-story dwelling.
(D) A height of 25 feet or the applicable height limit for the primary dwelling, whichever is lower, for an ADU that is attached to the primary dwelling, except that the ADU shall not exceed two stories.
(f) Permit Application Review and Approval. No requests for discretionary review shall be accepted by the Planning Department for an ADU or JADU meeting the requirements of this Section 207.2. The Planning Commission shall not hold a public hearing for discretionary review of an ADU or JADU meeting the requirements of this Section 207.2. An ADU or JADU meeting the requirements of this Section 207.2 shall not be subject to the notification or review requirements of Section 311 of this Code.
(g) Appeal. The procedures for appeal to the Board of Appeals of a decision by the Department under this Section 207.2 shall be as set forth in Section 8 of the Business and Tax Regulations Code.
(h) Prohibition of Short-Term Rentals. An ADU or JADU authorized under this Section 207.2 shall not be used for Short-Term Residential Rentals under Chapter 41A of the Administrative Code.
(i) Rental; Restrictions on Subdivisions. An ADU or JADU constructed pursuant to this Section 207.2 may be rented and is subject to all applicable provisions of the Residential Rent Stabilization and Arbitration Ordinance (Chapter 37 of the Administrative Code). Notwithstanding the provisions of Article 9 of the Subdivision Code, a lot with an ADU or JADU authorized under this Section 207.2 shall not be subdivided in a manner that would allow for the ADU or JADU to be sold or separately financed pursuant to any condominium plan, housing cooperative, or similar form of separate ownership, except that this prohibition on separate sale or finance of the ADU shall not apply to an ADU that meets the requirements of California Government Code Section 66333(f).
(j) Recordation for Junior ADUs. The following restrictions shall be recorded as a Notice of Special Restriction, as required by California Government Code Section 66333(c), on the subject lot on which a JADU is constructed under this Section 207.2 and shall be binding on all future owners and successors in interest:
(1) Notwithstanding the provisions of Article 9 of the Subdivision Code, a lot with a JADU authorized under this Section 207.2 shall not be subdivided in a manner that would allow for the JADU to be sold or separately financed pursuant to any condominium plan, housing cooperative, or similar form of separate ownership, except that this prohibition on separate sale or finance of the JADU shall not apply to a JADU that meets the requirements of California Government Code Section 66333(f).
(2) The size and attributes of a JADU constructed pursuant to this Section 207.2 shall comply with the requirements of this Section 207.2 and California Government Code Section 66333.
(k) Department Report. In addition to the information required by subsection 207.1(i)(3), the annual Housing Inventory shall include a description and evaluation of the number and types of units being developed pursuant to this Section 207.2, their affordability rates, and such other information as the Director or the Board of Supervisors determines would inform decision-makers and the public.
(l) Fees. No impact fees shall be imposed on ADUs or JADUs authorized under this Section 207.2, where the ADU or JADU is smaller than 750 square feet of Gross Floor Area, or for ADUs that are proposed in lots with three existing units or fewer. Impact fees for all other ADUs shall be imposed proportionately in relation to the Gross Floor Area of the primary dwelling unit.
(Added by Ord. 62-24, File No. 230310, App. 3/28/2024, Eff. 4/28/2024; amended by Ord. 297-24, File No. 241055, App. 12/19/2024, Eff. 1/19/2025)
(Former Sec. 207.2 added by Ord. 155-84, App. 4/11/84; amended by Ord. 526-85, App. 11/27/85; Ord. 324-86, App. 8/8/86; Ord. 140-11, File No. 110482, App. 7/5/2011, Eff. 8/4/2011; Ord. 22-15, File No. 141253, App. 2/20/2015, Eff. 3/22/2015; repealed by Ord. 162-16
, File No. 160657, App. 8/4/2016, Eff. 9/3/2016)
Divisions (a), (d), (d)(1)(F), (e), (e)(7), (f), (h), and (i) amended; second division (i)1 and divisions (j)-(k) redesignated as (j)-(l), respectively; current divisions (j)-(j)(2) and (k) amended; Ord. 297-24, Eff. 1/19/2025.
1. As adopted by Ord. 62-24, Section 207.2 contained two subsections designated (i).
(See Interpretations related to this Section)
Notwithstanding Section 207.2 or any other provision of this Code, certain dwelling units that were constructed without benefit of permit in an existing residential building or in an ancillary structure located on the same lot may be granted legal status subject to the conditions and procedures set forth below. For purposes of this Section 207.3, a dwelling unit shall not include single room occupancy units.
(a) Purpose and Findings.
(1) In California Government Code Section 65852.150, the Legislature declared that second units are a valuable form of housing in California because they "provide housing for family members, students, the elderly, in-home health care providers, the disabled, and others, at below market prices within existing neighborhoods" and that "homeowners who create second units benefit from added income, and an increased sense of security."
(2) San Francisco has long had a housing shortage, especially of affordable housing. The housing market continues to be tight and housing costs are beyond the reach of many households. Policy 1.5 of the City's 2009 Housing Element states that secondary units in existing residential buildings represents a simple and cost-effective method of expanding the City's housing supply.
(3) The City has no definitive information on the number of dwelling units that have been added to existing residential buildings without the benefit of a permit, but unofficial estimates indicate that as many as 30,000 to 40,000 such dwelling units exist as of 2013. Often these illegal units have been built in the basements, garages, and attics of existing buildings or in rear-yard structures. While many of these units may not meet existing Planning Code requirements, they constitute a major supply of San Francisco's affordable housing units, often meet life and safety standards, and may require only exceptions from density, open space, and other Planning Code requirements in order to become legal.
(4) Providing a mechanism to grant legal status to an illegally constructed dwelling unit in an existing building zoned for residential use furthers several public policy objectives. By encouraging the legalization of these units, the City can add legitimate units to the City's supply of affordable housing, ensure that these units are safe and habitable, and properly include these units when calculating the City's existing housing supply.
(b) Scope.
(1) Except as provided in subsection (2) below, this Section 207.3 shall apply to an existing building or an ancillary structure on the same lot, that is located in a district where residential use is principally permitted, and that has one or more dwelling units that were constructed prior to January 1, 2013 without benefit of permit and used as residential space. One of the unauthorized dwelling units on the lot that meet this threshold requirement and the requirements of this Section may be granted legal status under this Section, regardless of the density limits of the zoning district.
(2) No-fault Eviction. The Department shall not approve an application for legalization if any tenant has been evicted from the unit pursuant to Administrative Code Sections 37.9(a)(9) through (a)(14) where the tenant was served with the notice of eviction after March 13, 2014 if the notice was served within ten (10) years prior to filing the application for legalization. Additionally, the Department shall not approve an application for legalization of the unit if any tenant has been evicted pursuant to Administrative Code Section 37.9(a)(8) where the tenant was served with a notice of eviction after March 13, 2014 if the notice was served within five (5) years prior to filing the application for legalization. The Department shall verify with the Rent Board that no no-fault eviction had been filed. This subsection (b)(2) shall not apply if the tenant was evicted under Administrative Code Section 37.9(a)(11) and the applicant(s) have either: (A) certified that the original tenant reoccupied the unit after the temporary eviction or (B) submitted to the Department a declaration from the property owner or the tenant certifying that the property owner or the Rent Board has notified the tenant of the tenant's right to reoccupy the unit after the temporary eviction and the tenant chose not to reoccupy it.
(c) Notices of Violation. If the Director or Zoning Administrator has issued a notice of violation for the unauthorized unit for which legalization is being sought and all violations would be corrected by legalization of the unit, the Director or Zoning Administrator shall:
(1) temporarily suspend the notice of violation and enforcement action upon initiation of the legalization process by the owner or owner's authorized agent and acceptance of the required applications by the City; and
(2) rescind the notice of violation and remove any related liens on the property if legalization of the unit is approved within one year of initiation of the process set forth in subsection (d).
(d) Legalization Application. The Department shall approve an application to legalize an existing dwelling unit if the unit complies with Planning Code requirements as specified in subsection (e) below and with other City codes as specified in subsection (f) below, if the Rent Board verifies that no no-fault eviction was filed pursuant to subsection (b)(2) above, and if the permit application is completed at and plans approved by the Department of Building Inspection. In compliance with the State's Second Unit Law (California Government Code 65852.2), the Department shall exercise ministerial approval of the application if the dwelling unit is in a single-family home and thus within the scope of the State's Second Unit Law.
(e) Compliance with Planning Code Requirements; Exceptions.
(1) A dwelling unit authorized under this Section 207.3 must satisfy all applicable requirements of this Code except for the rear yard requirements set forth in Section 134, the usable open space requirements set forth in Section 135, and the light and air requirements set forth in Section 140, and except as otherwise provided in this Section 207.3.
(2) One such dwelling unit on the lot is allowed to exceed the permitted density authorized for that zoning district provided that a residential use is principally permitted in that zoning district. Authorization of an additional unit over the density limits will not change the official zoning classification of the lot; provided, however, that the additional dwelling unit shall count towards the density limits if the parcel is under its density limit capacity.
(f) Compliance With Other City Codes. A dwelling unit authorized under this Section 207.3 must meet all applicable provisions of other City codes other than the provisions of the Planning Code cited in subsection (e). Any Code equivalencies authorized under the Building Code, Electrical Code, Plumbing Code, Mechanical Code, Fire Code, or other applicable Code shall be considered by the relevant agency.
Legalization of a dwelling unit under this Section 207.3 shall not affect whether the dwelling unit is subject to the Residential Rent Stabilization and Arbitration Ordinance (Chapter 37 of the Administrative Code). A dwelling unit that was subject to the Residential Rent Stabilization and Arbitration Ordinance prior to legalization under this Section 207.3 shall remain subject to the Residential Rent Stabilization and Arbitration Ordinance after legalization. Landlords shall pay relocation assistance to tenants who are temporarily displaced due to work required for dwelling unit legalization pursuant to the provisions in Section 37.9C of the Residential Rent Stabilization and Arbitration Ordinance or California Civil Code Section 1947.9 for displacements of less than 20 days.
(g) Additional Dwelling Unit Considered a Lawful Nonconforming Use. Any dwelling unit authorized under this Section 207.3 shall be considered a lawful nonconforming use subject to the provisions of Planning Code Sections 180 through 189; provided, however, that expansion of the additional dwelling unit within the building envelope shall be permitted as part of the legalization process.
(h) Subdivision and Lot Splits Prohibited. Notwithstanding the provisions of Article 9 of the Subdivision Code, a lot with an additional unit authorized under this Section 207.3 may not be subdivided in a manner that would allow for the additional unit to be sold or separately financed pursuant to any condominium plan, housing cooperative, or similar form of separate ownership.
(i) Merging Secondary and Original Units. If the property owner wants to merge the secondary and original units, the owner may request merger pursuant to Section 317 of this Code. If the Planning Department or Commission approves the merger, the secondary unit will be removed from the Planning Department's Master List and the Assessor-Recorder's records after the final certificate of occupancy is obtained and the merger has occurred .
(j) Reports. Six months from the effective date of this Section 207.3 and every six months for the first three years after the effective date, the Zoning Administrator and the Director of the Department of Building Inspection shall issue a joint report on the effectiveness of the additional dwelling unit authorization program. After three years, the report will be included in the City's Annual Housing Inventory. The report shall, at a minimum, state the number of screening forms and building permit applications that have been filed pursuant to this Section 207.3. For the first three years, copies of these reports shall be submitted to the Clerk of the Board of Supervisors, the Mayor, and the Controller. Upon receiving the reports one year and two years after the effective date, the Clerk of the Board of Supervisors shall schedule a public hearing for each report on the agenda of the appropriate Board of Supervisors committee to consider the effectiveness of the program.
(k) Master List of Additional Dwelling Units Approved. The Planning Department shall create and maintain a master list of dwelling units approved pursuant to the provisions of this Section 207.3 and corresponding property addresses for use by the San Francisco Rent Stabilization and Arbitration Board, Tax Assessor, and other interested City departments, boards or commissions.
Division (b)(1) amended; Ord. 195-18, Eff. 9/10/2018.
(See Interpretations related to this Section.)
(Added by Ord. 69-87, App. 3/13/87; amended by Ord. 262-00, File No. 001426, App. 11/17/2000; Ord. 72-08, File No. 071157, App. 4/3/2008; Ord. 298-08, File No. 081153, App. 12/19/2008; Ord. 42-13
, File No. 130002, App. 3/28/2013, Eff. 4/27/2013; Ord. 261-13
, File No. 130084, App. 11/27/2013, Eff. 12/27/2013; Ord. 152-14
, File No. 140036, App. 7/25/2014, Eff. 8/24/2014; repealed by Ord. 30-15
, File No. 140954, App. 3/26/2015, Eff. 4/25/2015)