(a) Intent. This Section 304.6 establishes a comprehensive and consolidated public review process through which the Planning Commission shall review proposals involving Post-Secondary Educational Institutions that meet prescribed criteria and would otherwise be subject to multiple approval processes and hearings.
(b) Applicability. This Section 304.6 applies to all properties owned, occupied, or operated, in any capacity, by a Large Noncontiguous Post-Secondary Educational Institution. For purposes of this Section, a Large Noncontiguous Post-Secondary Educational Institution is an organization or entity that, regardless of certification by the Western Association of Schools and Colleges or primary course of study, meets all other requirements for a Post-Secondary Educational Institution, and satisfies all of the following conditions:
(1) is subject to the Institutional Master Plan requirements of Section 304.5 of this Code;
(2) is a for-profit institution; and
(3) owns, occupies, or operates, in any capacity, 10 or more properties that are located in three or more non-overlapping Clusters anywhere in the City. For purposes of this subsection (b)(3), a Cluster is a circular area with a ¼-mile diameter that encompasses one or more properties. Clusters shall be drawn so that the fewest number of Clusters are required to encompass all such properties, without any one Cluster overlapping with any other.
(c) Master Conditional Use Authorization. Any number of individual Conditional Use Authorizations or building permits sought by a Large Noncontiguous Post-Secondary Educational Institution under this Section 304.6 may be sought under a single application for Conditional Use Authorization, also referred to as a “Master Conditional Use Authorization,” and may be acted on in a single action of the Planning Commission, regardless of the number of distinct properties involved. Determination on such Master Conditional Use Authorization shall be made pursuant to the criteria in Section 303(c) of this Code. In considering such Master Conditional Use Authorization, the Commission may consider such exceptions to the Planning Code as may be necessary to implement the Master Conditional Use Authorization.
(d) Master Certificate of Appropriateness. Any number of individual Certificates of Appropriateness may be sought by a Large Noncontiguous Post-Secondary Educational Institution under a single application for a Certificate of Appropriateness, also referred to as a “Master Certificate of Appropriateness,” and acted on by single action of the Historic Preservation Commission, regardless of the number of distinct properties involved. Determination on such Master Certificate of Appropriateness shall be made as set forth in Section 1006.6 of this Code and in other provisions of the Municipal Code, as applicable. Additionally, no application made under this Section 304.6 shall be considered a Minor Alteration under Section 1006.2 of this Code.
(e) Master Permit to Alter. Any number of individual Permits to Alter may be sought by a Large Noncontiguous Post-Secondary Educational Institution under a single application for a Permit to Alter, also referred to as a “Master Permit to Alter,” and acted on by single action of the Historic Preservation Commission, regardless of the number of distinct properties involved. Determination on such Master Permit to Alter shall be made as set forth in Section 1111 of this Code and in other provisions of the Municipal Code, as applicable. Additionally, no application made under this Section 304.6 shall be considered a Minor Alteration under Section 1111.1 of this Code.
(f) No Discretionary Review. No requests for Discretionary Review shall be accepted by the Planning Department or heard by the Planning Commission for any permits or other applications subject to this Section 304.6(c).
(g) Sunset. This Section 304.6 shall remain in effect until the later of: (1) the date on which all work has been completed as required pursuant to the Schedule of Performance (Exhibit E) of the Development Agreement by and among the City and County of San Francisco and the Stephens Institute, dba Academy of Art University and the LLC Parties, and (2) January 1, 2025.
(Added by Ord. 5-20, File No. 191125, App. 1/17/2020, Eff. 2/17/2020)
In cases where the City enters into a Development Agreement with a Large Noncontiguous University, all of the following additional provisions apply:
(b) where such Development Agreement authorizes the conversion of no more than one property from an industrial use subject to Section 202.8 of this Code to an Institutional Use, the Conditional Use Authorization requirements and other restrictions of Section 202.8 shall be met by application for a Master Conditional Use Authorization under Section 304.6; and
(c) where such Development Agreement would expand the number of guest rooms subject to the provisions of Chapter 41 of the Administrative Code, the density limitations of Article 2 of this Code shall not apply to the property with the expanded number of guestrooms.
(Added by Ord. 5-20, File No. 191125, App. 1/17/2020, Eff. 2/17/2020)
(See Interpretations related to this Section.)
(a) General. The Zoning Administrator or the Zoning Administrator’s designee shall hear and make determinations regarding applications for variances from the strict application of quantitative standards in this Code. The Zoning Administrator or the Zoning Administrator’s designee shall have power to grant only such variances as may be in harmony with the general purpose and intent of this Code and in accordance with the general and specific rules contained herein, and to grant such variances only to the extent necessary to overcome such practical difficulty or unnecessary hardship as may be established in accordance with the provisions of this Section. No variance shall be granted in whole or in part which would have an effect substantially equivalent to a reclassification of property; or which would permit any use, any height or bulk of a building or structure, or any type or size or height of sign not expressly permitted by the provisions of this Code for the district or districts in which the property in question is located; or which would grant a privilege for which a conditional use procedure is provided by this Code; or which would change a definition in this Code; or which would waive, reduce or adjust the inclusionary housing requirements of Sections 415 through 415.9; or which would reduce or waive any portion of the usable open space applicable under certain circumstances in the Eastern Neighborhoods Mixed Use Districts pursuant to Section 135(i) and 135.3(d); or which would waive or reduce the quantity of bicycle parking required by Sections 155.2 through 155.3 where off-street automobile parking is proposed or existing; or which would waive, reduce or adjust the requirements of the TDM Program in Section 169 et seq1
et seq. A variance may be granted for the bicycle parking layout requirements in Section 155.1 of this Code. If the relevant Code provisions are later changed so as to be more restrictive before a variance authorization is acted upon, the more restrictive new provisions, from which no variance was granted, shall apply. The procedures for variances shall be as specified in this Section and in Sections 306 through 306.5.
(b) Initiation. A variance action may be initiated by application of the owner, or authorized agent for the owner, of the property for which the variance is sought.
(c) Determination. The Zoning Administrator shall hold a hearing on the application, provided, however, that if the variance requested involves a deviation of less than 10% from the Code requirement, the Zoning Administrator may at the Zoning Administrator’s option either hold or not hold such a hearing. No variance shall be granted in whole or in part unless there exist, and the Zoning Administrator specifies in his or her findings as part of a written decision, facts sufficient to establish:
(1) That there are exceptional or extraordinary circumstances applying to the property involved or to the intended use of the property that do not apply generally to other property or uses in the same class of district;
(2) That owing to such exceptional or extraordinary circumstances the literal enforcement of specified provisions of this Code would result in practical difficulty or unnecessary hardship not created by or attributable to the applicant or the owner of the property;
(3) That such variance is necessary for the preservation and enjoyment of a substantial property right of the subject property, possessed by other property in the same class of district;
(4) That the granting of such variance will not be materially detrimental to the public welfare or materially injurious to the property or improvements in the vicinity; and
(5) That the granting of such variance will be in harmony with the general purpose and intent of this Code and will not adversely affect the General Plan.
Upon issuing the written decision either granting or denying the variance in whole or in part, the Zoning Administrator shall forthwith transmit a copy thereof to the applicant. The action of the Zoning Administrator shall be final and shall become effective 10 days after the date of the written decision except upon the filing of a valid appeal to the Board of Appeals as provided in Section 308.2 of this Code.
(d) Conditions. When considering an application for a variance as provided herein with respect to applications for development of "dwellings" as defined in Chapter 87 of the San Francisco Administrative Code, the Zoning Administrator, or the Board of Appeals on appeal, shall comply with that Chapter which requires, among other things, that the Zoning Administrator and the Board of Appeals not base any decision regarding the development of "dwellings" in which "protected class" members are likely to reside on information which may be discriminatory to any member of a "protected class" (as all such terms are defined in Chapter 87 of the San Francisco Administrative Code). In addition, in granting any variance as provided herein, the Zoning Administrator, or the Board of Appeals on appeal, shall specify the character and extent thereof, and shall also prescribe such conditions as are necessary to secure the objectives of this Code. Once any portion of the granted variance is utilized, all such specifications and conditions pertaining to such authorization shall become immediately operative. The violation of any specification or condition so imposed shall constitute a violation of this Code and may constitute grounds for revocation of the variance. Such conditions may include time limits for exercise of the granted variance; otherwise, any exercise of such variance must commence within a reasonable time.
(Amended by Ord. 234-72, App. 8/18/72; Ord. 378-93, App. 12/2/93; Ord. 305-99, File No. 990496, App. 12/3/99; Ord. 37-02, File No. 001262, App. 4/5/2002; Ord. 298-08, File No. 081153, App. 12/19/2008; Ord. 75-12
, File No. 120084, App. 4/23/2012, Eff. 5/23/2012; Ord. 62-13
, File No. 121162, App. 4/10/2013, Eff. 5/10/2013; Ord. 183-13
, File No. 130528, App. 8/7/2013, Eff. 9/6/2013; Ord. 34-17, File No. 160925, App. 2/17/2017, Eff. 3/19/2017; Ord. 63-20, File No. 200077, App. 4/24/2020, Eff. 5/25/2020; Ord. 33-24, File No. 231144, App. 2/21/2024, Eff. 3/23/2024)
Division (a) amended; Ord. 75-12
, Eff. 5/23/2012. Division (a) references corrected; Ord. 62-13
, Eff. 5/10/2013. Division (a) amended; Ord. 183-13
, Eff. 9/6/2013. Division (a) amended; Ord. 34-17, Eff. 3/19/2017. Division (c) and undesignated paragraph following (c)(5) amended; Ord. 63-20, Eff. 5/25/2020. Division (a) amended; Ord. 33-24, Eff. 3/23/2024.
(a) Purpose. It is the policy of the City and County of San Francisco to comply with the Federal Fair Housing Act, the Americans with Disabilities Act, and the California Fair Employment and Housing Act by reasonably modifying its regulations, policies, practices and procedures for people with disabilities. The City and County of San Francisco also recognizes the importance of sustaining and enhancing our city's neighborhood character. In determining whether a requested modification is reasonable, the City will consider, among other relevant factors, the extent to which the requested modification might fundamentally alter its existing zoning or regulations. The purpose of this Section 305.1 is to establish a process for making and acting upon requests for reasonable modifications to the regulations, policies, practices, and procedures of the Planning Department and Code.
(b) Application.
(1) Requests for reasonable modification can be made for residential uses in any zoning district in the City and County of San Francisco in accordance with the procedures outlined in this Section 305.1.
(2) An applicant may seek a modification through this Section 305.1 for an alteration that is available under other sections of this Code, in which case a modification under this Section shall be in lieu of any approval, permit or entitlement that would otherwise be required. An application under this Section may also seek a modification that is not available under any other sections of the Planning Code.
(c) Procedure.
(1) Request for a Modification. A person with a disability who requests a modification in the application of the Planning Code to ensure having equal access to housing must initiate the request by providing the required information to the Department. The Department shall maintain a form, known as the Reasonable Modification Form, which will detail the process for seeking a modification and identity the information that must be submitted to the Department in connection with the request for modification.
(2) Content of Application. The application shall be in accordance with the policies, rules and regulations of the Planning Department, Zoning Administrator, and Planning Commission. In addition to any other information that is required under this Section 305.1, the applicant shall complete the Reasonable Modification Form. The form shall at a minimum include the applicant's contact information and a description of the need for the requested modification including an identifiable relationship, or nexus, between the requested modification and the individual's disability. This information is required for the administrative reasonable modification process and the standard reasonable modification variance procedure.
(3) ADA Accommodation in Making Request. If an individual needs assistance in making the request for a reasonable modification, the individual should notify the Department, which will then endeavor to provide the assistance necessary to ensure that the process is accessible to the applicant or applicant's representative.
(d) Administrative Review. To expedite the processing and resolution of reasonable modification requests, any request under Section 305.1 may receive administrative review and approval and does not require public notice under Section 306 of this Code.
(e) Determination.
(1) Zoning Administrator Authority. The Zoning Administrator is authorized to consider and act on requests for reasonable modification. The Zoning Administrator may conditionally approve or deny a request. In considering requests for reasonable modification under this Section 305.1, the Zoning Administrator shall consider the factors in ubsection (e)(2).1
(2) Criteria for Modification. When reviewing a request for reasonable modification, the Zoning Administrator shall consider whether:
(A) the requested modification is requested by or on the behalf of one or more individuals with a disability protected under federal and state fair housing laws;
(B) the requested modification will directly enable the individual to access the individual's residence;
(C) the requested modification is necessary to provide the individual with a disability an equal opportunity to use and enjoy a dwelling;
(D) there are alternatives to the requested modification that would provide an equivalent level of benefit;
(E) the requested modification will not impose an undue financial or administrative burden on the City as "undue financial or administrative burden" is defined under federal and state fair housing laws.
(F) the requested modification will, under the specific facts of the case, result in a fundamental alteration in the nature of the Planning Code or General Plan, as "fundamental alteration" is defined under federal and state fair housing laws.
(G) the requested modification will, under the specific facts of the case, result in a direct threat to the health or safety of others or cause substantial physical damage to the property of others.
(3) Residential Design Guideline Review. If the proposed project is in a zoning district that requires residential design guideline review, the Department shall complete the design review and make appropriate recommendations, while also accommodating the reasonable modification. Approvals are subject to compliance with all other applicable zoning or building regulations.
(4) Historic Resource Review. If the proposed project would affect a building that is listed in or eligible for listing in a local, state, or federal historic resource register, then the modifications, either through the administrative reasonable modification process or the standard reasonable modification variance procedure, will be reviewed by the Planning Department's Historic Preservation Technical Specialists to ensure conformance with the Secretary of the Interior Standards for the Rehabilitation of Historic Properties.
(5) Written Decision. Upon issuing a written decision either granting or denying the requested modification in whole or in part, the Zoning Administrator shall forthwith transmit a copy thereof to the applicant. The action of the Zoning Administrator shall be final and shall become effective 10 days after the date of the written decision except upon the filing of a valid appeal to the Board of Appeals as provided in Section 308.2.
1. So in Ord. 248-23.
(a) General. In case of an amendment to the Planning Code or General Plan, interim control, conditional use or variance action described in Sections 302 through 305, 306.7 and 340 of this Code, the procedures for applications and hearings shall be as described in Sections 306 through 306.7. In addition, the Zoning Administrator and the Planning Commission may from time to time establish policies, rules and regulations which further define these procedures.
(Amended by Ord. 210-84, App. 5/4/84; Ord. 321-96, App. 8/8/96; Ord. 186-02, File No. 021418, App. 9/6/2002; Ord. 218-02, File No. 021609, App. 11/1/2002; Ord. 168-07, File No. 061537, App. 7/20/2007)