(a) Zoning Control Tables. Each Zoning District in Article 7 has a corresponding Zoning Control Table that details the basic development standards and Use controls for the respective district. Zoning Control Tables are explained in Section 202.1 of this Code. Permitted or Conditionally permitted Uses and Uses that are not permitted in the zoning districts described in this Section 703 are detailed in the corresponding Zoning Control Tables.
(b) Uses in Enclosed Buildings. All permitted uses shall be conducted within an enclosed building in Neighborhood Commercial Districts, unless otherwise specifically allowed in this Code. Exceptions from this requirement are: uses which, when located outside of a building, qualify as an Outdoor Activity Area or Open Air Sales, accessory off-street parking and loading, and other uses listed below which function primarily as open-air uses, or which may be appropriate if located on an open lot, outside a building, or within a partially enclosed building, subject to other limitations of this Article 7 and other sections of this Code.
Wireless Telecommunications Services Facility
Public and Private Parking Lots
Gas Station
Automotive Service Station
Automotive Wash
Automobile Sale or Rental
Institutional Uses (selected)
Public Facilities (selected)
Open Recreation Area
Outdoor Recreation Area
Neighborhood and Large Scale Urban Agriculture
Utility and Infrastructure Uses (selected)
(c) Multiple Uses in One Structure. If there are two or more uses in a structure and none is classified under Section 703(d) below as an Accessory Use, then each of these uses will be considered separately as independent Principal, Conditional or temporary uses.
(d) Accessory Uses. Subject to the limitations set forth below and in Sections 204.1 (Accessory Uses for Dwellings in All Districts), 204.4 (Dwelling Units Accessory to Other Uses), and 204.5 (Parking and Loading as Accessory Uses) of this Code, Accessory Uses as defined in Section 102 shall be permitted when located on the same lot. Notwithstanding the foregoing, a Retail Workspace, as defined in Section 102, shall be permitted as an Accessory Use in connection with any Eating and Drinking Use regardless of the floor area occupied by such Accessory Use, so long as (1) the hours of operation for the accessory Retail Workspace use are limited to 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. and (2) such Eating and Drinking Use is also open for business to the general public on each day during which the accessory Retail Workspace use is open. Any Use that does not qualify as an Accessory Use shall be classified as a Principal or Conditional Use unless it qualifies as a temporary use under Sections 205 through 205.4 of this Code. Parcel Delivery Service, as defined in Section 102 of the Planning Code, for merchandise or products other than cannabis and cannabis products is not allowed as an accessory use to any other principal use.
No Use will be considered accessory to a permitted Principal or Conditional Use that involves or requires any of the following:
(1) The use of more than one-third of the total floor area occupied by such use and the Principal or Conditional use to which it is accessory, except in the case of accessory off-street parking and loading and as specified in subsection (d)(3) below as accessory wholesaling, manufacturing, or processing of foods, goods, or commodities:
(2) Any Bar or Restaurant, or any other retail establishment which serves liquor for consumption on-site; however, this shall not prohibit take-out food activity which operates in conjunction with a Limited Restaurant, Restaurant, General Grocery, and Specialty Grocery. This shall also not prohibit a Limited Restaurant as an Accessory Use to a permitted Principal or Conditional Use except as specified in subsection (d)(7) below;
(3) The wholesaling, manufacturing, or processing of foods, goods, or commodities on the premises of an establishment that does not also use or provide for retail sale of such foods, goods, or commodities at the same location where such wholesaling, manufacturing, or processing takes place, with the following exceptions:
(A) In the North Beach Special Use District where such activities are limited to 15% of the total floor area occupied by the Principal or Conditional Use to which it is accessory unless the Principal or Conditional Use is Specialty Foods Manufacturing as defined in Section 780.3 of this Code; and
(B) Notwithstanding the floor area limitation in subsection (d)(1), a Catering Use limited to food and beverage Catering shall be permitted as an Accessory Use to Restaurants and Limited Restaurants if the following requirements are met:
(i) The Catering Use does not operate more than 75% of the total time within the Restaurant’s or Limited Restaurant’s Hours of Operation on any given day; and
(ii) The Catering Use does not distribute or deliver individual meals to customers directly from the subject lot, either by its own means, or through a third-party delivery service.
(4) Any retail Liquor Store.
(5) Medical Cannabis Dispensaries.
(7) Within the North Beach SUD and NCD, a Limited Restaurant.
(8) A Health Service use as an Accessory Use in the Sacramento Street Neighborhood Commercial District requires a Conditional Use authorization on the ground story and is permitted above the ground story pursuant to Section 724 of this Code.
(9) Cannabis Retail that does not meet the limitations set forth in Section 204.3(a)(3) of this Code.
(10) An Adult Sex Venue as defined in Section 102 of this Code.
(e) Uses Not Permitted.
(1) No use, even though listed as a Permitted Use, shall be permitted in a Neighborhood Commercial District which, by reason of its nature or manner of operation, creates conditions that are hazardous, noxious, or offensive through the emission of odor, fumes, smoke, cinders, dust, gas, vibration, glare, refuse, water-carried waste, or excessive noise.
(2) The establishment of a use that sells alcoholic beverages, other than beer and wine, concurrent with motor vehicle fuel is prohibited, and shall be governed by Section 202.2(b), with the exception that in the SoMa NCT, these uses are permitted Accessory Uses.
(f) Conflicting Controls. All uses, buildings, and features in Neighborhood Commercial Districts shall comply with all controls set forth for the district in which they are located. Where different controls conflict or overlap within the same District, the use, building, or feature shall abide by the most restrictive of all controls. For example, in an NC-2 District, a Dwelling Unit on the second story is proposed for conversion to a Personal Service use. Residential Conversions at the Second Story in an NC-2 District require Conditional Use authorization under Table 711, while Personal Services at the Second Story in an NC-2 District are permitted as Principal Uses under Table 711. Following the most restrictive control, the applicant must obtain Conditional Use authorization and all other necessary permits in order to legally convert the Dwelling Unit to a Personal Service use.
(Added by Ord. 69-87, App. 3/13/87; former Section 703.2 incorporated and combined section amended by Ord. 129-17, File No. 170203, App. 6/30/2017, Eff. 7/30/2017; amended by Ord. 229-17, File No. 171041, App. 12/6/2017, Eff. 1/5/2018; Ord. 196-18, File No. 180320, App. 8/10/2018, Eff. 9/10/2018; Ord. 202-18, File No. 180557, App. 8/10/2018, Eff. 9/10/2018; Ord. 205-19, File No. 181211, App. 9/11/2019, Eff. 10/12/2019; Ord. 63-20, File No. 200077, App. 4/24/2020, Eff. 5/25/2020; Proposition H, 11/3/2020, Eff. 12/18/2020; Ord. 111-21, File No. 210285, App. 8/4/2021, Eff. 9/4/2021; Ord. 75-22, File No. 220264, App. 5/13/2022, Eff. 6/13/2022; Ord. 47-24, File No. 231223, App. 3/15/2024, Eff. 4/15/2024; Ord. 54-24, File No. 240169, App. 3/22/2024, Eff. 4/22/2024, Retro. 3/30/2024; Ord. 113-24, File No. 240193, App. 6/13/2024, Eff. 7/14/2024, Retro. 3/30/2024)
Undesignated paragraph deleted; divisions (a) and (f) added; former Section 703.2 incorporated as divisions (b)-(e) and amended; Ord. 129-17, Eff. 7/30/2017. Division (d) amended; division (d)(9) added; Ord. 229-17, Eff. 1/5/2018. Divisions (a), (d)(1), and (d)(2) amended; division (d)(3) amended and redesignated as divisions (d)(3) and (d)(3)(A); divisions (d)(3)(B)-(d)(3)(B)(ii) added; divisions (d)(7), (d)(9), (e)(2) and (f) amended; Ord. 196-18, Eff. 9/10/2018. Divisions (b) and (d) amended; Ord. 202-18, Eff. 9/10/2018. Divisions (d)(1) and (d)(2) amended; Ord. 205-19, Eff. 10/12/2019. Division (d)(1) amended; Ord. 63-20, Eff. 5/25/2020. Division (d)(1) amended; Ord. 63-20, Eff. 5/25/2020. Division (d) amended; Proposition H, 11/3/2020, Eff. 12/18/2020. Divisions (d)(3)(B), (d)(3)(B)(i), and (d)(6) amended; Ord. 111-21, Eff. 9/4/2021. Division (d)(6) amended; division (d)(10) added; Ord. 75-22, Eff. 6/13/2022. Division (d) amended; Ord. 47-24, Eff. 4/15/2024; and Ord. 54-24, Retro. 3/30/2024; and Ord. 113-24, Eff. 7/14/2024, Retro. 3/30/2024.
(Added by Ord. 69-87, App. 3/13/87; Ord. 298-08, File No. 081153, App. 12/19/2008; Ord. 321-08, File No. 081100, App. 12/19/2008; repealed by Ord. 130-17, File No. 170204, App. 6/30/2017, Eff. 7/30/2017)
(See Interpretations related to this Section.)
(Added by Ord. 69-87, App. 3/13/87; amended by Ord. 445-87, App. 11/12/87; Ord. 420-97, App. 11/7/97; Ord. 384-98, App. 12/24/98; Ord. 87-00, File No. 991963, App. 5/19/2000; Ord. 260-00, File No. 001424, App. 11/17/2000; Ord. 270-04, File No. 041070, App. 11/9/2004; Ord. 298-06, File No. 061261, App. 12/12/2006; Ord. 269-07, File No. 070671, App. 11/26/2007; Ord. 245-08, File No. 080696; Ord. 298-08, File No. 081153, App. 12/19/2008; Ord. 66-11, File No. 101537, App. 4/20/2011, Eff. 5/20/2011; Ord. 140-11, File No. 110482, App. 7/5/2011, Eff. 8/4/2011; Ord. 172-11
, File No. 110506, App. 9/12/2011, Eff. 10/12/2011; Ord. 75-12
, File No. 120084, App. 4/23/2012, Eff. 5/23/2012; Ord. 42-13
, File No. 130002, App. 3/28/2013, Eff. 4/27/2013; Ord. 56-13
, File No. 130062, App. 3/28/2013, Eff. 4/27/2013; Ord. 83-13
, File No. 120901, App. 5/15/2013, Eff. 6/14/2013; Ord. 287-13
, File No. 130041, App. 12/26/2013, Eff. 1/25/2014; Ord. 165-15
, File No. 150465, App. 9/23/2015, Eff. 10/23/2015; Ord. 188-15
, File No. 150871, App. 11/4/2015, Eff. 12/4/2015; Ord. 166-16
, File No. 160477, App. 8/11/2016, Eff. 9/10/2016; Ord. 23-17, File No. 160656, App. 2/10/2017, Eff. 3/12/2017; merged into Section 703 and amended by Ord. 129-17, File No. 170203, App. 6/30/2017, Eff. 7/30/2017)
(Added by Ord. 62-04, File No. 031501, App. 4/9/2004; amended by Ord. 8-05, File No. 041067, App. 1/8/2005; Ord. 65-05, File No. 041071, App. 4/1/2005; Ord. 173-05, File No. 050254, App. 7/29/2005; Ord. 180-06, File No. 060266, App. 7/14/2006; Ord. 245-08, File No. 080696; Ord. 56-11, File No. 110070, App. 3/23/2011; Ord. 75-12
, File No. 120084, App. 4/23/2012, Eff. 5/23/2012; Ord. 106-12
, File No. 120047, App. 6/22/2012, Eff. 7/22/2012; Ord. 56-13
, File No. 130062, App. 3/28/2013, Eff. 4/27/2013; Ord. 235-14
, File No. 140844, App. 11/26/2014, Eff. 12/26/2014; repealed by Ord. 130-17, File No. 170204, App. 6/30/2017, Eff. 7/30/2017)
(See Interpretations related to this Section.)
(a) This Section 703.4 shall be known as the Small Business Protection Act.
(b) Except for those zoning districts where Formula Retail uses are not permitted as set forth in Section 303.1(f), establishment of a Formula Retail use, as defined in Section 303.1, in any Neighborhood Commercial District, as identified in Article 7, shall require Conditional Use authorization pursuant to the criteria of Sections 303(c) and 303.1 and be subject to the terms of Sections 303.1(g) and (h).
(c) Nothing herein shall preclude the Board of Supervisors from adopting more restrictive provisions for Conditional Use authorization of Formula Retail use or prohibiting Formula Retail use in any Neighborhood Commercial District.
The following controls are intended to support the economic viability of buildings of historic importance within the Folsom NCT and RCD Districts.
(a) Applicability. This Section 703.9 applies only to buildings that are a designated landmark building per Article 10 of the Planning Code, buildings designated as Category I-IV pursuant to Article 11 of this Code and located within the Extended Preservation District, or a building listed in or determined individually eligible for or contributory to a district listed on the National Register of Historic Places or the California Register of Historical Resources by the State Office of Historic Preservation.
(b) Permitted uses. Non-Retail Professional Service, Retail Professional Service, Community Facility, Private Community Facility, Social Service and Philanthropic Facility, Financial Service, Gym, Limited Financial Service, Health Service, Personal Service, and Instructional Service uses as defined in Section 102, are Principally Permitted. In the RCD District only, in addition to the above uses, Nighttime Entertainment uses as defined in Section 102 require Conditional Use authorization on the third floor and above, except that Nighttime Entertainment uses are Principally Permitted in Article 10 Landmark Building No. 120 (St. Joseph’s Church at 1401 Howard Street). For all uses listed above, prior to the issuance of any necessary permits, the Zoning Administrator, with the advice of the Historic Preservation Commission, shall determine that allowing the use will enhance the feasibility of preserving the building. The project sponsor must also submit a Preservation, Rehabilitation, and Maintenance Plan that describes any proposed preservation and rehabilitation work and that guarantees the maintenance and upkeep of the historic resource for approval by the Department. This Plan shall include:
(i) a plan for the ongoing maintenance of the subject property;
(ii) information regarding the nature and cost of any rehabilitation, restoration, or preservation work to be conducted at the subject property, including information about any required seismic, life safety, or disability access work;
(iii) a construction schedule; and
(iv) such other information as the Department may require in order to determine compliance with this subsection 703.9(b).
(c) Project Review. The Historic Preservation Commission shall review the proposed project for compliance with the Secretary of the Interior’s Standards (36 C.F.R. § 67.7 (2001)) and any applicable provisions of the Planning Code.
(Added by Ord. 42-13
, File No. 130002, App. 3/28/2013, Eff. 4/27/2013; amended by Ord. 129-17, File No. 170203, App. 6/30/2017, Eff. 7/30/2017; Ord. 115-19, File No. 181153, App. 6/28/2019, Eff. 7/29/2019; Ord. 63-20, File No. 200077, App. 4/24/2020, Eff. 5/25/2020; Ord. 111-21, File No. 210285, App. 8/4/2021, Eff. 9/4/2021; Ord. 70-23, File No. 220340, App. 5/3/2023, Eff. 6/3/2023)
Divisions (a) and (b) amended; Ord. 129-17, Eff. 7/30/2017. Divisions (a) - (c) amended; divisions (b)(i) - (iv) added; Ord. 115-19, Eff. 7/29/2019. Division (b) amended; Ord. 63-20, Eff. 5/25/2020. Division (b) amended; Ord. 111-21, Eff. 9/4/2021. Divisions (a), (b), and (c) amended; Ord. 70-23, Eff. 6/3/2023.
(Added by Ord. 69-87, App. 3/13/87; repealed by Ord. 130-17, File No. 170204, App. 6/30/2017, Eff. 7/30/2017)
NC-1 Districts are intended to serve as local neighborhood shopping districts, providing convenience retail goods and services for the immediately surrounding neighborhoods primarily during daytime hours.
These NC-1 Districts are characterized by their location in residential neighborhoods, often in outlying areas of the City. The commercial intensity of these districts varies. Many of these districts have the lowest intensity of commercial development in the City, generally consisting of small clusters with three or more commercial establishments, commonly grouped around a corner; and in some cases short linear commercial strips with low-scale, interspersed mixed-use (residential-commercial) development.
Building controls for the NC-1 District promote low-intensity development which is compatible with the existing scale and character of these neighborhood areas. Commercial development is limited to one story. Rear yard requirements at all levels preserve existing backyard space.
NC-1 commercial use provisions encourage the full range of neighborhood-serving convenience retail sales and services at the first story provided that the use size generally is limited to 3,000 square feet. However, commercial uses and features which could impact residential livability are prohibited, such as auto uses, financial services, general advertising signs, drive-up facilities, hotels, and late-night activity; eating and drinking establishments are restricted, depending upon the intensity of such uses in nearby commercial districts.
Housing development in new buildings is encouraged above the ground story in most districts. Existing residential units are protected by prohibitions of conversions above the ground story and limitations on demolitions. Accessory Dwelling Units are permitted within the District pursuant to Section 207.1 of this Code.
NC-1 | ||
Zoning Category | § References | Controls |
NC-1 | ||
Zoning Category | § References | Controls |
Massing and Setbacks | ||
Height and Bulk Limits. | Varies, but generally 40-X. See Height and Bulk Map Sheets HT02-08, HT10-13 for more information. Height sculpting required on Alleys per § 261.1. | |
5 Foot Height Bonus for Active Ground Floor Uses | § 263.20 | P(1) in some districts |
Rear Yard | Required at Grade level and at each succeeding level or Story: 25% of lot depth, but in no case less than 15 feet | |
Front Setback and Side Yard | Not Required. | |
Street Frontage and Public Realm | ||
Streetscape and Pedestrian Improvements | § 138.1
| Required |
Street Frontage Requirements | § 145.1 | Required; controls apply to above-grade parking setbacks, parking and loading entrances, active uses, ground floor ceiling height, street-facing ground-level spaces, transparency and fenestration, and gates, railings, and grillwork. Exceptions permitted for historic buildings. |
Ground Floor Commercial | § 145.4 | Required on some streets, see § 145.4 for specific districts. |
Vehicular Access Restrictions | § 155(r) | Restricted on some streets, see § 155(r) for specific districts |
Miscellaneous | ||
Lot Size (Per Development) | P(2) | |
Planned Unit Development | § 304 | C |
Awning | § 136.1 | P |
Canopy or Marquee | § 136.1 | NP |
Signs | As permitted by § 607.1 | |
General Advertising Signs | NP | |
Design Guidelines | General Plan Commerce and Industry Element | Subject to the Urban Design Guidelines |
Zoning Category | § References | Controls | ||
Zoning Category | § References | Controls | ||
Development Standards | ||||
Usable Open Space [Per Dwelling Unit] | 100 square feet if private, or 133 square feet if common, or the amount of open space required in the nearest Residential District, whichever is less. | |||
Off-Street Parking Requirements | ||||
Dwelling Unit Mix | § 207.7 | Generally required for creation of 10 or more Dwelling Units. No less than 25% of the total number of proposed Dwelling Units shall contain at least two Bedrooms, and no less than 10% of the total number of proposed Dwelling Units shall contain at least three Bedrooms. | ||
Use Characteristics | ||||
Intermediate Length Occupancy | ||||
Single Room Occupancy | § 102 | P | ||
Student Housing | § 102 | P | ||
Residential Uses | Controls by Story | |||
1st | 2nd | 3rd+ | ||
Residential Uses | § 102 | P | P | P |
Accessory Dwelling Unit Density | ||||
Dwelling Unit Density | 1 unit per 800 square foot lot area, or the density permitted in the nearest R District, whichever is greater. | |||
Group Housing Density | § 208 | 1 bedroom per 275 square foot lot area, or the density permitted in the nearest R District, whichever is greater. | ||
Homeless Shelters Density | Density limits regulated by the Administrative Code | |||
Senior Housing Density | P up to twice the number of dwelling units otherwise permitted as a Principal Use in the district and meeting all the requirements of § 202.2(f)(1). C up to twice the number of dwelling units otherwise permitted as a Principal Use in the district and meeting all requirements of § 202.2(f)(1), except for § 202.2(f)(1)(D)(iv), related to location. | |||
Loss of Dwelling Units | Controls by Story | |||
1st | 2nd | 3rd+ | ||
Residential Conversion | § 317 | C | NP | NP |
Residential Demolition and Merger | § 317 | C | C | C |
Zoning Category | § References | Controls | ||
Zoning Category | § References | Controls | ||
Development Standards | ||||
Floor Area Ratio | 1.8 to 1 | |||
Use Size | § 102 | P up to 2,999 square feet; C 3,000 square feet and above | ||
Off-Street Parking Requirements | ||||
Off-Street Freight Loading | ||||
Commercial Use Characteristics | ||||
Drive-up Facility | § 102 | NP | ||
Formula Retail | C | |||
Hours of Operation | § 102 | P 6 a.m. - 11 p.m.; C 11 p.m. - 2 a.m. | ||
Maritime Use | § 102 | NP | ||
Open Air Sales | See § 703(b) | |||
Outdoor Activity Area | P if located in front of building or if it complies with Section 202.2(a)(7); C if located elsewhere. | |||
Walk-up Facility | § 102 | P | ||
NON-RESIDENTIAL USES | Controls by Story | |||
1st | 2nd | 3rd+ | ||
Agricultural Use Category | ||||
Agriculture, Industrial | NP | NP | NP | |
Agriculture, Large Scale Urban | C | C | C | |
Agriculture, Neighborhood | P | P | P | |
Automotive Use Category | ||||
Automotive Uses* | § 102 | NP | NP | NP |
Electric Vehicle Charging Location | C(13) | C(13) | ||
Parking Garage, Private | § 102 | C | C | C |
Parking Garage, Public | § 102 | C | NP | NP |
Parking Lot, Private | C | C | C | |
Parking Lot, Public | C | NP | NP | |
Entertainment, Arts and Recreation Use Category | ||||
Entertainment, Arts and Recreation Uses* | NP | NP | NP | |
Arts Activities | § 102 | P | P | P |
Entertainment, General | § 102 | P | P | NP |
Entertainment, Nighttime | § 102 | C | NP | NP |
Movie Theater | C | C | C | |
Open Recreation Area | § 102 | C | C | C |
Passive Outdoor Recreation | § 102 | C | C | C |
Industrial Use Category | ||||
Industrial Uses | NP | NP | NP | |
Institutional Use Category | ||||
Institutional Uses* | § 102 | P | C | NP |
Child Care Facility | § 102 | P | P | P |
Community Facility | § 102 | P | P | P |
Hospital | § 102 | NP | NP | NP |
Medical Cannabis Dispensary | NP(6) | NP(6) | NP | |
Public Facilities | § 102 | P | P | P |
Religious Institution | § 102 | P | C | NP |
Residential Care Facility | § 102 | P | P | P |
Social Service or Philanthropic Facility | § 102 | P | P | P |
Sales and Service Use Category | ||||
Retail Sales and Service Uses* | P(3) | NP | NP | |
Adult Business | § 102 | NP | NP | NP |
Adult Sex Venue | § 102 | NP | NP | NP |
Animal Hospital | § 102 | P | P | P |
Bar | P(6) | NP | NP | |
Cannabis Retail | NP(6) | NP(6) | NP | |
Flexible Retail | P | NP | NP | |
Gym | § 102 | P | NP | NP |
Hotel | § 102 | NP | NP | NP |
Kennel | § 102 | C | NP | NP |
Liquor Store | § 102 | |||
P | NP(12) | NP(12) | ||
Massage, Foot/Chair | § 102 | NP | NP | NP |
Mortuary | § 102 | NP | NP | NP |
Motel | NP | NP | NP | |
Restaurant | P(3) | P(3) | NP | |
Restaurant, Limited | P(3) | P(3) | NP | |
Services, Financial | § 102 | C | NP | NP |
Services, Fringe Financial | § 102 | NP(10) | NP(10) | NP(10) |
Services, Health | § 102 | P | NP | NP |
Services, Limited Financial | § 102 | P | NP | NP |
Services, Personal | § 102 | P | NP | NP |
Services, Retail Professional | § 102 | P | P | P |
Storage, Self | § 102 | NP | NP | NP |
Tobacco Paraphernalia Establishment | § 102 | C | NP | NP |
Trade Shop | § 102 | P | NP | NP |
Non-Retail Sales and Service* | § 102 | NP | NP | NP |
Design Professional | § 102 | P | NP | NP |
Service, Non-Retail Professional | § 102 | C | P | NP |
Trade Office | § 102 | P | NP | NP |
Utility and Infrastructure Use Category | ||||
Utility and Infrastructure* | § 102 | C(5) | C(5) | C(5) |
Power Plant | § 102 | NP | NP | NP |
Public Utilities Yard | § 102 | NP | NP | NP |
* Not listed below |
(1) Additional 5 feet for NC-1 parcels with a Commercial use on the ground floor within the following areas: (a) Within the boundaries of Sargent Street to Orizaba Avenue to Lobos Street to Plymouth Avenue to Farellones Street to San Jose Avenue to Alemany Boulevard to 19th Avenue to Randolph Street to Monticello Street and back to Sargent Street. (b) On Noriega, Irving, Taraval, and Judah Streets west of 19th Avenue. |
(2) C for 5,000 square feet and above if located within the Priority Equity Geographies Special Use District established under Section 249.97. |
(3) TARAVAL STREET RESTAURANT SUBDISTRICT. Applicable only for the Taraval Street NC-1 District between 40th and 41st Avenues and between 45th and 47th Avenues as mapped on Sectional Maps 5 SU and 6 SU. Within the Taraval Street Restaurant Subdistrict, Formula Retail Restaurants and Formula Retail Limited Restaurants are NP. Formula Retail Restaurants and Formula Retail Limited Restaurants are NP if located within one quarter of one mile from the Taraval Street Restaurant Subdistrict. |
(6) C in the area comprising all of that portion of the City and County commencing at the point of the intersection of the shoreline of the Pacific Ocean and a straight-line extension of Lincoln Way, and proceeding easterly along Lincoln Way to 17th Avenue, and proceeding southerly along 17th Avenue to Judah Street, and proceeding westerly along Judah Street to 19th Avenue, and proceeding southerly along 19th Avenue to Sloat Boulevard, and proceeding westerly along Sloat Boulevard, and following a straight-line extension of Sloat Boulevard to the shoreline of the Pacific Ocean and proceeding northerly along said line to the point of commencement. |
(9) C within that portion of the City and County bounded as follows: commencing at the intersection of Arguello Boulevard and Frederick Street, then proceeding southerly along Arguello Boulevard to Carl Street, then proceeding easterly along Carl Street to Hillway Avenue, then proceeding southerly along Hillway Avenue to Parnassus Avenue, then proceeding easterly along Parnassus Avenue to Clayton Street, then proceeding northerly along Clayton Street to Frederick Street, then proceeding easterly along Frederick Street to Buena Vista Avenue West, then proceeding generally northerly along Buena Vista Avenue West to Haight Street, then proceeding easterly along Haight Street to Baker Street, then proceeding northerly along Baker Street to Oak Street, then proceeding westerly along Oak Street to Stanyan Street, then proceeding southerly along Stanyan Street to Frederick Street, then proceeding westerly along Frederick Street to the point of commencement. |
(10) FRINGE FINANCIAL SERVICE RESTRICTED USE DISTRICT (FFSRUD). Fringe Financial Services are NP within any FFSRUD and its one-quarter mile buffer pursuant to Section 249.35. Outside any FFSRUD and its one-quarter mile buffer, Fringe Financial Services are P subject to the restrictions set forth in Section 249.35(c)(3). |
(Added by Ord. 69-87, App. 3/13/87; amended by Ord. 445-87, App. 11/12/87; Ord. 412-88, App. 9/10/88; Ord. 42-89, App. 2/8/89; Ord. 229-99, File No. 990991, App. 8/20/99; Ord. 87-00, File No. 991963, App. 5/19/2000; Ord. 260-00, File No. 001424, App. 11/17/2000; Ord. 275-05, File No. 051250, App. 11/30/2005; Ord. 289-06, File No. 050176, App. 11/20/2006; Ord. 269-07, File No. 070671, App. 11/26/2007; Ord. 244-08, File No. 080567, App. 10/30/2008; Ord. 245-08, File No. 080696; Ord. 51-09, File No. 081620, App. 4/2/2009; Ord. 5-10, File No. 090319, App. 1/22/2010; Ord. 66-11, File No. 101537, App. 4/20/2011, Eff. 5/20/2011; Ord. 140-11, File No. 110482, App. 7/5/2011, Eff. 8/4/2011; Ord. 75-12
, File No. 120084, App. 4/23/2012, Eff. 5/23/2012; Ord. 175-12
, File No. 120241, App. 8/7/2012, Eff. 9/6/2012; Ord. 56-13
, File No. 130062, App. 3/28/2013, Eff. 4/27/2013; Ord. 287-13
, File No. 130041, App. 12/26/2013, Eff. 1/25/2014; Ord. 235-14
, File No. 140844, App. 11/26/2014, Eff. 12/26/2014; Ord. 14-15
, File No. 141210, App. 2/13/2015, Eff. 3/15/2015; Ord. 20-15
, File No. 110548, App. 2/20/2015, Eff. 3/22/2015; redesignated and amended by Ord. 30-15
, File No. 140954, App. 3/26/2015, Eff. 4/25/2015; amended by Ord. 161-15, File No. 150804, App. 9/18/2015, Eff. 10/18/2015; Ord. 33-16
, File No. 160115, App. 3/11/2016, Eff. 4/10/2016; Ord. 162-16
, File No. 160657, App. 8/4/2016, Eff. 9/3/2016; Ord. 166-16
, File No. 160477, App. 8/11/2016, Eff. 9/10/2016; Ord. 129-17, File No. 170203, App. 6/30/2017, Eff. 7/30/2017; Ord. 130-17, File No. 170204, App. 6/30/2017, Eff. 7/30/2017; Ord. 189-17, File No. 170693, App. 9/15/2017, Eff. 10/15/2017; Ord. 229-17, File No. 171041, App. 12/6/2017, Eff. 1/5/2018; Ord. 199-18, File No. 180482, App. 8/10/2018, Eff. 9/10/2018; Ord. 202-18, File No. 180557, App. 8/10/2018, Eff. 9/10/2018; Ord. 277-18, File No. 180914, App. 11/20/2018, Eff. 12/21/2018; Ord. 285-18, File No. 180806, App. 12/7/2018, Eff. 1/7/2019; Ord. 303-18, File No. 180915, App. 12/21/2018, Eff. 1/21/2019; Ord. 311-18, File No. 181028, App. 12/21/2018, Eff. 1/21/2019; Ord. 116-19, File No. 181156, App. 6/28/2019, Eff. 7/29/2019; Ord. 182-19, File No. 190248, App. 8/9/2019, Eff. 9/9/2019; Ord. 205-19, File No. 181211, App. 9/11/2019, Eff. 10/12/2019; Ord. 63-20, File No. 200077, App. 4/24/2020, Eff. 5/25/2020; Ord. 78-20
, File No. 191075, App. 5/22/2020, Eff. 6/22/2020; Proposition H
, 11/3/2020, Eff. 12/18/2020; Ord. 111-21
, File No. 210285, App. 8/4/2021, Eff. 9/4/2021; Ord. 136-21
, File No. 210674, App. 8/4/2021, Eff. 9/4/2021; Ord. 233-21, File No. 210381, App. 12/22/2021, Eff. 1/22/2022; Ord. 37-22, File No. 211263, App. 3/14/2022, Eff. 4/14/2022; Ord. 75-22, File No. 220264, App. 5/13/2022, Eff. 6/13/2022; Ord. 190-22, File No. 220036, App. 9/16/2022, Eff. 10/17/2022; Ord. 248-23, File No. 230446, App. 12/14/2023, Eff. 1/14/2024; Ord. 249-23, File No. 230701, App. 12/14/2023, Eff. 1/14/2024; Ord. 33-24, File No. 231144, App. 2/21/2024, Eff. 3/23/2024; Ord. 62-24, File No. 230310, App. 3/28/2024, Eff. 4/28/2024)
Zoning Control Table: 710.69C and 710.69D added; Ord. 66-11
, Eff. 5/20/2011. Zoning Control Table: 710.10 and 710.17 amended; Specific Provisions: 710.68 added, 710.84 amended; Ord. 140-11, Eff. 8/4/2011. Zoning Control Table: 710.43 and 710.44 amended, former categories 710.42, 710.67, and 710.69A deleted; Specific Provisions: 710.40 through 710.44 amended; Ord. 75-12
, Eff. 5/23/2012. Zoning Control Table: 710.10 amended; Ord. 175-12
, Eff. 9/6/2012. Zoning Control Table: 710.13 and 710.69B amended; Ord. 56-13
, Eff. 4/27/2013. Zoning Control Table: former categories 710.38 and 710.39 redesignated as 710.36 and 710.37 and amended; Ord. 287-13
, Eff. 1/25/2014. Zoning Control Table: 710.26 amended; Ord. 235-14
, Eff. 12/26/2014. Zoning Control Table: 710.92b added; Ord. 14-15
, Eff. 3/15/2015. Zoning Control Table: 710.14, 710.15, 710.16, and 710.17 amended; Ord. 20-15
, Eff. 3/22/2015. Section redesignated (formerly Sec. 710.1); Zoning Control Table: 710.54, 710.91, and 710.92 amended; Ord. 30-15
, Eff. 4/25/2015. Introductory material amended; Zoning Control Table: 710.91 amended; Specific Provisions: 710.91 added; Ord. 161-15
, Eff. 10/18/2015. Zoning Control Table: former categories 710.36 and 710.37 deleted, 710.96 added; Ord. 33-16
, Eff. 4/10/2016. Introductory material amended; Specific Provisions: 710.91 amended; Ord. 162-16
, Eff. 9/3/2016. Zoning Control Table: 710.33A added; Ord. 166-16
, Eff. 9/10/2016. Zoning Control Table: 710.33A added; Ord. 166-16, Eff. 9/10/2016. New Zoning Control Table and notes added; Ord. 129-17, Eff. 7/30/2017. Previous Zoning Control Table and Specific Provisions deleted; Ord. 130-17, Eff. 7/30/2017. Zoning Control Table amended; [former] Note (3) deleted; Ord. 189-17, Eff. 10/15/2017. Zoning Control Table amended; Note (4) deleted; Notes (5) and (6) redesignated as Notes (4) and (5); Note (6) added; Ord. 229-17, Eff. 1/5/2018. Zoning Control Table amended; Note (2) amended; Note (7) added; Ord. 199-18, Eff. 9/10/2018. Zoning Control Table amended; Note (3) added; Ord. 202-18, Eff. 9/10/2018. Zoning Control Table amended; Ord. 277-18, Eff. 12/21/2018. Zoning Control Table and Notes (6) and (7) amended; Note (8) added; Ord. 285-18, Eff. 1/7/2019. Zoning Control Table amended; Note (4) deleted; Ord. 303-18, Eff. 1/21/2019. Zoning Control Table amended; Ord. 311-18, Eff. 1/21/2019. Zoning Control Table amended; Ord. 116-19, Eff. 7/29/2019. Zoning Control Table amended; Ord. 182-19, Eff. 9/9/2019. Zoning Control Table and Notes (1)(b), (2), and (3) amended; Note (9) added; Ord. 205-19, Eff. 10/12/2019. Zoning Control Table amended; Note (10) added; Ord. 63-20, Eff. 5/25/2020. Zoning Control Table amended; Note (11)2 added; Ord. 78-20
, Eff. 6/22/2020. Zoning Control Table amended; Note (11)2 added; Ord. 78-20, Eff. 6/22/2020. Zoning Control Table amended; Note (2) deleted; Proposition H
, 11/3/2020, Eff. 12/18/2020. Zoning Control Table amended; Ord. 111-21
, Eff. 9/4/2021. Zoning Control Table and Note (11) amended; Ord. 136-21
, Eff. 9/4/2021. Zoning Control Table amended; Note (12) added; Ord. 233-21
, Eff. 1/22/2022. Zoning Control Table and Note (12) amended; Ord. 37-22
, Eff. 4/14/2022. Zoning Control Table amended; Ord. 75-22
, Eff. 6/13/2022. Zoning Control Table amended; Note (13)3
added; Ord. 190-22
, Eff. 10/17/2022.. Zoning Control Table amended; Note (2) added; Ord. 248-23
, Eff. 1/14/2024. Zoning Control Table and Note (3) amended; Notes (7) and (8) deleted; Ord. 249-23
, Eff. 1/14/2024. Zoning Control Table amended; Ord. 33-24
, Eff. 3/23/2024. Undesignated introductory material and Zoning Control Table amended; Ord. 62-24
, Eff. 4/28/2024.
1. So in Ord. 311-18.
3. Note “(13)” is referenced as “(12)” in Ord. 190-22. The note was redesignated by the codifier because a note designated as “(12)” previously had been added to this section by Ord. 233-21.
The NC-2 District is intended to serve as the City's Small-Scale Neighborhood Commercial District. These districts are linear shopping streets which provide convenience goods and services to the surrounding neighborhoods as well as limited comparison shopping goods for a wider market. The range of comparison goods and services offered is varied and often includes specialty retail stores, restaurants, and neighborhood-serving offices. NC-2 Districts are commonly located along both collector and arterial streets which have transit routes.
These districts range in size from two or three blocks to many blocks, although the commercial development in longer districts may be interspersed with housing or other land uses. Buildings typically range in height from two to four stories with occasional one-story commercial buildings.
The small-scale district controls provide for mixed-use buildings which approximate or slightly exceed the standard development pattern. Rear yard requirements above the ground story and at residential levels preserve open space corridors of interior blocks.
Most new commercial development is permitted at the ground and second stories. Neighborhood-serving businesses are strongly encouraged. The second story may be used by some retail stores, personal services, and medical, business and professional offices. Parking and hotels are monitored at all stories. Limits on late-night activity, drive-up facilities, and other automobile uses protect the livability within and around the district, and promote continuous retail frontage.
Housing development in new buildings is encouraged above the ground story. Existing residential units are protected by limitations on demolition and upper-story conversions. Accessory Dwelling Units are permitted within the District pursuant to Section 207.1 of this Code.
NC-2 | ||
Zoning Category | § References | Controls |
NC-2 | ||
Zoning Category | § References | Controls |
Massing and Setbacks | ||
Height and Bulk Limits. | Varies, but generally 40-X. See Height and Bulk Map Sheets HT01-13 for more information. Height sculpting required on Alleys per § 261.1. | |
5 Foot Height Bonus for Active Ground Floor Uses | § 263.20 | P(1) in some districts |
Rear Yard | Required at the Second Story and at each succeeding level or Story of the building, and at the First Story if it contains a Dwelling Unit: 25% of lot depth, but in no case less than 15 feet | |
Front Setback and Side Yard | Not Required. | |
Street Frontage and Public Realm | ||
Streetscape and Pedestrian Improvements | § 138.1 | Required |
Street Frontage Requirements | § 145.1 | Required; controls apply to above-grade parking setbacks, parking and loading entrances, active uses, ground floor ceiling height, street-facing ground-level spaces, transparency and fenestration, and gates, railings, and grillwork. Exceptions permitted for historic buildings. |
Ground Floor Commercial | § 145.4 | Required on some streets, see § 145.4 for specific districts. |
Vehicular Access Restrictions | § 155(r) | Restricted on some streets, see § 155(r) for specific districts |
Miscellaneous | ||
Lot Size (Per Development) | P(2) | |
Planned Unit Development | § 304 | C |
Awning, Canopy or Marquee | § 136.1 | P |
Signs | As permitted by § 607.1 | |
General Advertising Signs | NP | |
Design Guidelines | General Plan Commerce and Industry Element | Subject to the Urban Design Guidelines |
Zoning Category | § References | Controls | ||
Zoning Category | § References | Controls | ||
Development Standards | ||||
Usable Open Space [Per Dwelling Unit] | 100 square feet if private, or 133 square feet if common, or the amount of open space required in the nearest Residential District, whichever is less. | |||
Off-Street Parking Requirements | ||||
Dwelling Unit Mix | § 207.7 | Generally required for creation of 10 or more Dwelling Units. No less than 25% of the total number of proposed Dwelling Units shall contain at least two Bedrooms, and no less than 10% of the total number of proposed Dwelling Units shall contain at least three Bedrooms. | ||
Use Characteristics | ||||
Intermediate Length Occupancy | P(12) | |||
Single Room Occupancy | § 102 | P | ||
Student Housing | § 102 | P | ||
Residential Uses | Controls by Story | |||
1st | 2nd | 3rd+ | ||
Residential Uses | § 102 | P | P | P |
Accessory Dwelling Unit Density | ||||
Dwelling Unit Density | 1 unit per 800 square foot lot area, or the density permitted in the nearest R District, whichever is greater. | |||
Group Housing Density | § 208 | 1 bedroom per 275 square foot lot area, or the density permitted in the nearest R District, whichever is greater. | ||
Homeless Shelter Density | Density limits regulated by the Administrative Code | |||
Senior Housing Density | P up to twice the number of dwelling units otherwise permitted as a Principal Use in the district and meeting all the requirements of § 202.2(f)(1). C up to twice the number of dwelling units otherwise permitted as a Principal Use in the district and meeting all requirements of § 202.2(f)(1), except for § 202.2(f)(1)(D)(iv), related to location. | |||
Loss of Dwelling Units | Controls by Story | |||
1st | 2nd | 3rd+ | ||
Residential Conversion | § 317 | C | C | NP |
Residential Demolition and Merger | § 317 | C | C | C |
Zoning Category | § References | Controls | ||
Zoning Category | § References | Controls | ||
Development Standards | ||||
Floor Area Ratio | 2.5 to 1 | |||
Use Size | P up to 3,999 square feet; C 4,000 square feet and above | |||
Off-Street Parking Requirements | ||||
Off-Street Freight Loading | ||||
Commercial Use Characteristics | ||||
Drive-up Facility | § 102 | NP | ||
Formula Retail | C | |||
Hours of Operation | § 102 | P 6 a.m. - 2 a.m.; C 2 a.m. - 6 a.m. | ||
Maritime Use | § 102 | NP | ||
Open Air Sales | See § 703(b) | |||
Outdoor Activity Area | P if located in front or it complies with Section 202.2(a)(7); C if located elsewhere. | |||
Walk-up Facility | § 102 | P | ||
NON-RESIDENTIAL USES | Controls by Story | |||
1st | 2nd | 3rd+ | ||
Agricultural Use Category | ||||
Agriculture, Industrial | NP | NP | NP | |
Agriculture, Large Scale Urban | C | C | C | |
Agriculture, Neighborhood | P | P | P | |
Automotive Use Category | ||||
Automotive Uses* | § 102 | NP | NP | NP |
Automotive Repair | § 102 | C | NP | NP |
Automotive Service Station | C | NP | NP | |
Electric Vehicle Charging Location | C(14) | C(14) | ||
Fleet Charging | §102 | C | C | C |
Gas Station | C | NP | NP | |
Parking Garage, Private | § 102 | C | C | C |
Parking Garage, Public | § 102 | C | C | C |
Parking Lot, Private | C | C | C | |
Parking Lot, Public | C | C | C | |
Entertainment, Arts and Recreation Use Category | ||||
Entertainment, Arts and Recreation Uses* | § 102 | NP | NP | NP |
Arts Activities | § 102 | P | P | P |
Entertainment, General | § 102 | P | P | NP |
Entertainment, Nighttime | § 102 | P | NP | NP |
Movie Theater | P | P | P | |
Open Recreation Area | § 102 | C | C | C |
Passive Outdoor Recreation | § 102 | C | C | C |
Industrial Use Category | ||||
Industrial Uses | NP | NP | NP | |
Institutional Use Category | ||||
Institutional Uses* | § 102 | P | C | C |
Child Care Facility | § 102 | P | P | P |
Community Facility | § 102 | P | P | P |
Hospital | § 102 | NP | NP | NP |
Medical Cannabis Dispensary** | DR | DR | NP | |
Public Facilities | § 102 | P | P | P |
Residential Care Facility | § 102 | P | P | P |
Social Service or Philanthropic Facility | § 102 | P | P | P |
Sales and Service Use Category | ||||
Retail Sales and Service Uses* | P | P | NP | |
Adult Business | § 102 | NP | NP | NP |
Adult Sex Venue | § 102 | NP | NP | NP |
Animal Hospital | § 102 | P | P | NP |
Bar | P(9) | NP | NP | |
Cannabis Retail | C | C | NP | |
Flexible Retail | P | NP | NP | |
Hotel | § 102 | C | C | C |
Kennel | § 102 | C | NP | NP |
Liquor Store | § 102 | P(9) | NP | NP |
Massage Establishment | P(9) | C(13) | NP(13) | |
Massage, Foot/Chair | § 102 | P(9) | NP | NP |
Mortuary | § 102 | NP | NP | NP |
Motel | NP | NP | NP | |
Restaurant | P(4) | P(4) | NP | |
Restaurant, Limited | P(4) | P(4) | NP | |
Services, Financial | § 102 | P(5) | C(5) | NP |
Services, Fringe Financial | § 102 | |||
§ 102 | P(5) | NP | NP | |
Services, Retail Professional | § 102 | P | P | P |
Storage, Self | § 102 | NP | NP | NP |
Tobacco Paraphernalia Establishment | § 102 | C | NP | NP |
Trade Shop | § 102 | P | C | NP |
Non-Retail Sales and Service* | § 102 | NP | NP | NP |
Design Professional | § 102 | P | P | NP |
Service, Non-Retail Professional | § 102 | C | P | NP |
Trade Office | § 102 | P | P | NP |
Utility and Infrastructure Use Category | ||||
Utility and Infrastructure* | § 102 | C(7) | C(7) | C(7) |
Power Plant | § 102 | NP | NP | NP |
Public Utilities Yard | § 102 | NP | NP | NP |
* Not listed below |
(6) FRINGE FINANCIAL SERVICE RESTRICTED USE DISTRICT (FFSRUD): The FFSRUD and its one-quarter mile buffer includes, but is not limited to, properties within: the Mission Alcoholic Beverage Special Use District; the Haight Street Alcohol Restricted Use District; the Third Street Alcohol Restricted Use District; and the North of Market Residential Special Use District; and includes Small-Scale Neighborhood Commercial Districts within its boundaries. Controls: Fringe Financial Services are NP within any FFSRUD and its one-quarter mile buffer pursuant to Section 249.35. Outside any FFSRUD and its one-quarter mile buffer, Fringe Financial Services are P subject to the restrictions set forth in Section 249.35(c)(3). |
(8) P in the area comprising all of that portion of the City and County commencing at the point of the intersection of the shoreline of the Pacific Ocean and a straight-line extension of Lincoln Way, and proceeding easterly along Lincoln Way to 17th Avenue, and proceeding southerly along 17th Avenue to Judah Street, and proceeding westerly along Judah Street to 19th Avenue, and proceeding southerly along 19th Avenue to Sloat Boulevard, and proceeding westerly along Sloat Boulevard, and following a straight-line extension of Sloat Boulevard to the shoreline of the Pacific Ocean and proceeding northerly along said line to the point of commencement. |
(9) C in the area comprising all of that portion of the City and County commencing at the point of the intersection of the shoreline of the Pacific Ocean and a straight-line extension of Lincoln Way, and proceeding easterly along Lincoln Way to 17th Avenue, and proceeding southerly along 17th Avenue to Judah Street, and proceeding westerly along Judah Street to 19th Avenue, and proceeding southerly along 19th Avenue to Sloat Boulevard, and proceeding westerly along Sloat Boulevard, and following a straight-line extension of Sloat Boulevard to the shoreline of the Pacific Ocean and proceeding northerly along said line to the point of commencement. |
(Added by Ord. 69-87, App. 3/13/87; amended by Ord. 445-87, App. 11/12/87; Ord. 155-88, App. 4/7/88; Ord. 412-88, App. 9/10/88; Ord. 87-00, File No. 991963, App. 5/19/2000; Ord. 260-00, File No. 001424, App. 11/17/2000; Ord. 275-05, File No. 051250, App. 11/30/2005; Ord. 289-06, File No. 050176, App. 11/20/2006; Ord. 269-07, File No. 070671, App. 11/26/2007; Ord. 75-08, File No. 071531, App. 5/9/2008; Ord. 244-08, File No. 080567, App. 10/30/2008; Ord. 245-08, File No. 080696; Ord. 321-08, File No. 081100, App. 12/19/2008; Ord. 61-09, File No. 090181, App. 4/17/2009; Ord. 51-09, File No. 081620, App. 4/2/2009; Ord. 66-11, File No. 101537, App. 4/20/2011, Eff. 5/20/2011; Ord. 140-11, File No. 110482, App. 7/5/2011, Eff. 8/4/2011; Ord. 75-12
, File No. 120084, App. 4/23/2012, Eff. 5/23/2012; Ord. 92-12
, File No. 111247, App. 5/21/2012, Eff. 6/20/2012; Ord. 56-13
, File No. 130062, App. 3/28/2013, Eff. 4/27/2013; Ord. 287-13
, File No. 130041, App. 12/26/2013, Eff. 1/25/2014; Ord. 227-14
, File No. 120796, App. 11/13/2014, Eff. 12/13/2014; Ord. 235-14
, File No. 140844, App. 11/26/2014, Eff. 12/26/2014; Ord. 14-15
, File No. 141210, App. 2/13/2015, Eff. 3/15/2015; Ord. 20-15
, File No. 110548, App. 2/20/2015, Eff. 3/22/2015; redesignated and amended by Ord. 30-15
, File No. 140954, App. 3/26/2015, Eff. 4/25/2015; amended by Ord. 127-15
, File No. 150082, App. 7/17/2015, Eff. 8/16/2015; Ord. 33-16
, File No. 160115, App. 3/11/2016, Eff. 4/10/2016; Ord. 162-16
, File No. 160657, App. 8/4/2016, Eff. 9/3/2016; Ord. 166-16
, File No. 160477, App. 8/11/2016, Eff. 9/10/2016; Ord. 129-17, File No. 170203, App. 6/30/2017, Eff. 7/30/2017; Ord. 130-17, File No. 170204, App. 6/30/2017, Eff. 7/30/2017; Ord. 189-17, File No. 170693, App. 9/15/2017, Eff. 10/15/2017; Ord. 229-17, File No. 171041, App. 12/6/2017, Eff. 1/5/2018; Ord. 199-18, File No. 180482, App. 8/10/2018, Eff. 9/10/2018; Ord. 202-18, File No. 180557, App. 8/10/2018, Eff. 9/10/2018; Ord. 277-18, File No. 180914, App. 11/20/2018, Eff. 12/21/2018; Ord. 285-18, File No. 180806, App. 12/7/2018, Eff. 1/7/2019; Ord. 303-18, File No. 180915, App. 12/21/2018, Eff. 1/21/2019; Ord. 311-18, File No. 181028, App. 12/21/2018, Eff. 1/21/2019; Ord. 116-19, File No. 181156, App. 6/28/2019, Eff. 7/29/2019; Ord. 182-19, File No. 190248, App. 8/9/2019, Eff. 9/9/2019; Ord. 63-20, File No. 200077, App. 4/24/2020, Eff. 5/25/2020; Ord. 78-20, File No. 191075, App. 5/22/2020, Eff. 6/22/2020; Proposition H, 11/3/2020, Eff. 12/18/2020; Ord. 136-21, File No. 210674, App. 8/4/2021, Eff. 9/4/2021; Ord. 233-21, File No. 210381, App. 12/22/2021, Eff. 1/22/2022; Ord. 37-22, File No. 211263, App. 3/14/2022, Eff. 4/14/2022; Ord. 75-22, File No. 220264, App. 5/13/2022, Eff. 6/13/2022; Ord. 190-22, File No. 220036, App. 9/16/2022, Eff. 10/17/2022; Ord. 248-23, File No. 230446, App. 12/14/2023, Eff. 1/14/2024; Ord. 249-23, File No. 230701, App. 12/14/2023, Eff. 1/14/2024; Ord. 33-24, File No. 231144, App. 2/21/2024, Eff. 3/23/2024; Ord. 62-24, File No. 230310, App. 3/28/2024, Eff. 4/28/2024)
Zoning Control Table: 711.69C and 711.69D added; Ord. 66-11
, Eff. 5/20/2011. Zoning Control Table: 711.10 and 711.17 amended; Specific Provisions: 711.65 deleted; Ord. 140-11, Eff. 8/4/2011. Zoning Control Table: 711.43 and 711.44 amended, former categories 711.42, 711.67, and 711.69A deleted; Specific Provisions: 711.43 and 711.44 amended; Ord. 75-12
, Eff. 5/23/2012. Zoning Control Table: 711.10 amended; Ord. 92-12
, Eff. 6/20/2012. Zoning Control Table: 711.13, 711.54, and 711.69B amended; Specific Provisions: 711.54 added; Ord. 56-13
, Eff. 4/27/2013. Zoning Control Table: former categories 711.38 and 711.39 redesignated as 711.36 and 711.37 and amended; Ord. 287-13
, Eff. 1/25/2014. Zoning Control Table: 711.69B amended; Specific Provisions: 711.68 amended; Ord. 227-14
, Eff. 12/13/2014. Zoning Control Table: 711.26 amended; Specific Provisions: 711.54 amended; Ord. 235-14
, Eff. 12/26/2014. Zoning Control Table: 711.92b added; Ord. 14-15
, Eff. 3/15/2015. Zoning Control Table: 711.14, 711.15, 711.16, 711.17, and 711.30 amended; Ord. 20-15
, Eff. 3/22/2015. Section redesignated (formerly Sec. 711.1); Zoning Control Table: 711.54, 711.91, and 711.92 amended; Ord. 30-15
, Eff. 4/25/2015. Zoning Control Table: 711.69B amended; Ord. 127-15
, Eff. 8/16/2015. Zoning Control Table: former categories 711.36 and 711.37 deleted, 711.96 and 711.97 added; Ord. 33-16
, Eff. 4/10/2016. Introductory material amended; Zoning Control Table: 711.91 amended; Specific Provisions: 711.91 added; Ord. 162-16
, Eff. 9/3/2016. Zoning Control Table: 711.33A added; Ord. 166-16
, Eff. 9/10/2016. New Zoning Control Table and notes added; Ord. 129-17, Eff. 7/30/2017. Previous Zoning Control Table and Specific Provisions deleted; Ord. 130-17, Eff. 7/30/2017. Zoning Control Table amended; Note (2) deleted; Ord. 189-17, Eff. 10/15/2017. Zoning Control Table amended; Ord. 229-17, Eff. 1/5/2018. Zoning Control Table amended; Notes (8) and (9) added; Ord. 199-18, Eff. 9/10/2018. Zoning Control Table and Note (6) amended; Ord. 202-18, Eff. 9/10/2018. Zoning Control Table amended; Ord. 277-18, Eff. 12/21/2018. Zoning Control Table and Notes (8) and (9) amended; Notes (10) and (11) added; Ord. 285-18, Eff. 1/7/2019. Zoning Control Table amended; Note (3) deleted; Ord. 303-18, Eff. 1/21/2019. Zoning Control Table amended; Ord. 311-18, Eff. 1/21/2019. Zoning Control Table amended; Ord. 116-19, Eff. 7/29/2019. Zoning Control Table amended; Ord. 182-19, Eff. 9/9/2019. Zoning Control Table and Note (6) amended; Ord. 63-20, Eff. 5/25/2020. Zoning Control Table amended; Note (12) added; Ord. 78-20, Eff. 6/22/2020. Introductory material and Zoning Control Table amended; Note (11) deleted; Proposition H, 11/3/2020, Eff. 12/18/2020. Zoning Control Table and Note (12) amended; Ord. 136-21, Eff. 9/4/2021. Zoning Control Table amended; Note (13) added; Ord. 233-21, Eff. 1/22/2022. Zoning Control Table and Note (13) amended; Ord. 37-22, Eff. 4/14/2022. Zoning Control Table amended; Ord. 75-22, Eff. 6/13/2022. Zoning Control Table amended; Note (14)1
added; Ord. 190-22
, Eff. 10/17/2022. Zoning Control Table amended; Note (2) added; Ord. 248-23
, Eff. 1/14/2024. Zoning Control Table and Notes (4) and (5) amended; Note (10) deleted; Ord. 249-23
, Eff. 1/14/2024. Zoning Control Table amended; Ord. 33-24
, Eff. 3/23/2024. Undesignated introductory material and Zoning Control Table amended; Ord. 62-24
, Eff. 4/28/2024.
1. Note “(14)” is referenced as “(13)” in Ord. 190-22. The note was redesignated by the codifier because a note designated as “(13)” previously had been added to this section by Ord. 233-21.
**Editor’s Note:
Ordinance 186-17, effective October 15, 2017, requires that “No more than three MCDs shall be permitted at any given time within the boundaries of Supervisorial District 11.”
Ordinance 186-17, effective October 15, 2017, requires that “No more than three MCDs shall be permitted at any given time within the boundaries of Supervisorial District 11.”
NC-3 Districts are intended in most cases to offer a wide variety of comparison and specialty goods and services to a population greater than the immediate neighborhood, additionally providing convenience goods and services to the surrounding neighborhoods. NC-3 Districts are linear districts located along heavily trafficked thoroughfares which also serve as major transit routes.
NC-3 Districts include some of the longest linear commercial streets in the City, some of which have continuous retail development for many blocks. Large-scale lots and buildings and wide streets distinguish the districts from smaller-scaled commercial streets, although the districts may include small as well as moderately scaled lots. Buildings typically range in height from two to four stories with occasional taller structures.
NC-3 building standards permit moderately large commercial uses and buildings. Rear yards are protected at residential levels.
A diversified commercial environment is encouraged for the NC-3 District, and a wide variety of uses are permitted with special emphasis on neighborhood-serving businesses. Eating and drinking, entertainment, financial service and certain auto uses generally are permitted with certain limitations at the first and second stories. Other retail businesses, personal services and offices are permitted at all stories of new buildings. Limited storage and administrative service activities are permitted with some restrictions.
Housing development in new buildings is encouraged above the second story. Existing residential units are protected by limitations on demolitions and upper-story conversions. Accessory Dwelling Units are permitted within the District pursuant to Section 207.1 of this Code.
NC-3 | ||
Zoning Category | § References | Controls |
NC-3 | ||
Zoning Category | § References | Controls |
Massing and Setbacks | ||
Height and Bulk Limits | Varies, but generally 40-X. See Height and Bulk Map Sheets HT01-04, HT07, HT08, HT10, and HT11 for more information. Height sculpting required on Alleys per § 261.1. | |
5 Foot Height Bonus for Active Ground Floor Uses | § 263.20 | P(1) in some districts |
Rear Yard | Required at the lowest Story containing a Dwelling Unit, and at each succeeding level or Story of the Building: 25% of lot depth, but in no case less than 15 feet. (6) | |
Front Setback and Side Yard | Not Required. | |
Street Frontage and Public Realm | ||
Streetscape and Pedestrian Improvements | § 138.1 | Required |
Street Frontage Requirements | § 145.1 | Required; controls apply to above-grade parking setbacks, parking and loading entrances, active uses, ground floor ceiling height, street-facing ground-level spaces, transparency and fenestration, and gates, railings, and grillwork. Exceptions permitted for historic buildings. |
Ground Floor Commercial | § 145.4 | Required on some streets, see § 145.4 for specific districts. |
Vehicular Access Restrictions | § 155(r) | Restricted on some streets, see § 155(r) for specific districts |
Miscellaneous | ||
Lot Size (Per Development) | P(14) | |
Planned Unit Development | § 304 | C |
Awning | P | |
Canopy or Marquee | P | |
Signs | As permitted by § 607.1 | |
General Advertising Signs | NP | |
Design Guidelines | General Plan Commerce and Industry Element | Subject to the Urban Design Guidelines |
Zoning Category | § References | Controls | ||
Zoning Category | § References | Controls | ||
Development Standards | ||||
Usable Open Space [Per Dwelling Unit] | 80 square feet if private, or 100 square feet if common, or the amount of open space required in the nearest Residential District, whichever is less. | |||
Off-Street Parking Requirements | ||||
Dwelling Unit Mix | § 207.7 | Generally required for creation of 10 or more Dwelling Units. No less than 25% of the total number of proposed Dwelling Units shall contain at least two Bedrooms, and no less than 10% of the total number of proposed Dwelling Units shall contain at least three Bedrooms. | ||
Use Characteristics | ||||
Intermediate Length Occupancy | P(11) | |||
Single Room Occupancy | § 102 | P | ||
Student Housing | § 102 | P | ||
Residential Uses | Controls by Story | |||
1st | 2nd | 3rd+ | ||
Residential Uses | § 102 | P | P | P |
Accessory Dwelling Unit Density | ||||
Dwelling Unit Density | 1 unit per 600 square foot lot area, or the density permitted in the nearest R District, whichever is greater. | |||
Group Housing Density | § 208 | 1 bedroom per 210 square foot lot area, or the density permitted in the nearest R, whichever is greater. | ||
Homeless Shelter Density | Density limits regulated by the Administrative Code | |||
Senior Housing Density | P up to twice the number of dwelling units otherwise permitted as a Principal Use in the district and meeting all the requirements of § 202.2(f)(1). C up to twice the number of dwelling units otherwise permitted as a Principal Use in the district and meeting all requirements of § 202.2(f)(1), except for § 202.2(f)(1)(D)(iv), related to location. | |||
Loss of Dwelling Units | Controls by Story | |||
1st | 2nd | 3rd+ | ||
Residential Conversion | § 317 | C | C | C(2) |
Residential Demolition and Merger | § 317 | C | C | C |
Zoning Category | § References | Controls | ||
Zoning Category | § References | Controls | ||
Development Standards | ||||
Floor Area Ratio | 3.6 to 1 | |||
Use Size | P up to 5,999 square feet; C 6,000 square feet and above | |||
Off-Street Parking Requirements | ||||
Off-Street Freight Loading | ||||
Commercial Use Characteristics | ||||
Drive-up Facility | § 102 | NP(2) | ||
Formula Retail | C | |||
Hours of Operation | § 102 | No limit | ||
Maritime Use | § 102 | NP | ||
Open Air Sales | See § 703(b) | |||
Outdoor Activity Area | P if located in front or it complies with Section 202.2(a)(7); C if located elsewhere. | |||
Walk-up Facility | § 102 | P | ||
NON-RESIDENTIAL USES | Controls by Story | |||
1st | 2nd | 3rd+ | ||
Agricultural Use Category | ||||
Agriculture, Industrial | NP | NP | NP | |
Agriculture, Large Scale Urban | C | C | C | |
Agriculture, Neighborhood | P | P | P | |
Automotive Use Category | ||||
Automotive Uses* | C | NP | NP | |
Automotive Repair | § 102 | C | C | NP |
Electric Vehicle Charging Location | C(13) | C(13) | ||
Fleet Charging | § 102 | C | C | C |
Parking Garage, Private | § 102 | C | C | C |
Parking Garage, Public | § 102 | C | C | C |
Parking Lot, Private | C | C | C | |
Parking Lot, Public | C | C | C | |
Service, Motor Vehicle Tow | § 102 | NP | NP | NP |
Service, Parcel Delivery | § 102 | NP | NP | NP |
Vehicle Storage Garage | § 102 | NP | NP | NP |
Vehicle Storage Lot | § 102 | NP | NP | NP |
Entertainment, Arts and Recreation Use Category | ||||
Entertainment, Arts and Recreation Uses* | § 102 | NP | NP | NP |
Arts Activities | § 102 | P | P | P |
Entertainment, General | § 102 | P | P | NP |
Entertainment, Nighttime | § 102 | P | P | NP |
Movie Theater | P | P | P | |
Open Recreation Area | § 102 | C | C | C |
Passive Outdoor Recreation | § 102 | C | C | C |
Industrial Use Category | ||||
Industrial Uses | § 102 | NP | NP | NP |
Institutional Use Category | ||||
Institutional Uses* | § 102 | P | P | P |
Community Facility | § 102 | P | P | P |
Hospital | § 102 | C | C | C |
Job Training | § 102 | P | P | P |
Medical Cannabis Dispensary** | DR | DR | NP | |
Public Facilities | § 102 | P | P | P |
Social Service or Philanthropic Facility | § 102 | P | P | P |
Sales and Service Use Category | ||||
Retail Sales and Service Uses* | P | P | P | |
Adult Business | § 102 | C | C | NP |
Adult Sex Venue | § 102 | C | C | NP |
Animal Hospital | § 102 | P | P | NP |
Bar | P(3) | P(3) | NP | |
Cannabis Retail | C | C | NP | |
Flexible Retail | P | NP | NP | |
Hotel | § 102 | C | C | C |
Kennel | § 102 | C | C | NP |
Liquor Store | § 102 | NP | NP | NP |
Massage Establishment | P | C(12) | NP(12) | |
Massage, Foot/Chair | § 102 | P | C | NP |
Mortuary | § 102 | C | C | C |
Motel | NP | NP | NP | |
Restaurant | P(3) | P(3) | NP | |
Restaurant, Limited | P(3) | P(3) | NP | |
Retail Sales and Service, General | § 102 | P(5) | P(5) | P(3) |
Services, Financial | § 102 | P | P | NP |
Services, Fringe Financial | § 102 | P(6) | NP(6) | NP(6) |
Services, Limited Financial | § 102 | P | P | NP |
Services, Retail Professional | § 102 | P | P | P |
Storage, Self | § 102 | C | C | C |
Tobacco Paraphernalia Establishment | § 102 | C | NP | NP |
Trade Shop | § 102 | P | C | C |
Non-Retail Sales and Service* | § 102 | NP | NP | NP |
Design Professional | § 102 | P | P | P |
Service, Non-Retail Professional | § 102 | C | P | C |
Storage, Commercial | § 102 | C | C | C |
Trade Office | § 102 | P | P | P |
Utility and Infrastructure Use Category | ||||
Utility and Infrastructure* | § 102 | C(8) | C(8) | C(8) |
Power Plant | § 102 | NP | NP | NP |
Public Utilities Yard | § 102 | NP | NP | NP |
* Not listed below |
Boundaries: Applicable to NC-3 Districts. Controls: A residential use may be converted to an Institutional Use, other than a Medical Cannabis Dispensary, as a Conditional Use on the third story and above if in addition to the criteria set forth in Section 303, the Commission finds that: (a) The structure in which the residential use is to be converted has been found eligible for listing on the National Register of Historic Places; (b) The proposed use is to be operated by a nonprofit public benefit corporation; and (c) No legally residing residential tenants will be displaced. |
Boundaries: Applicable only to the portion of the Third Street SUD as shown on Sectional Map 10 SU zoned NC-3. Controls: Off-sale retail liquor sales are NP; drive-up facilities for Restaurants and Limited-Restaurants are C. |
(5) GEARY BOULEVARD FORMULA RETAIL PET SUPPLY STORE AND FORMULA RETAIL EATING AND DRINKING SUBDISTRICT: Applicable only for the portion of the Geary Boulevard NC-3 District between 14th and 28th Avenues as mapped on Sectional Maps 3 SU and 4 SU. Formula Retail pet supply stores and Formula etail2 Eating and Drinking uses are NP. |
(6) FRINGE FINANCIAL SERVICE RESTRICTED USE DISTRICT (FFSRUD): The FFSRUD and its one-quarter mile buffer includes, but is not limited to, properties within: the Mission Alcoholic Beverage Special Use District; the Haight Street Alcohol Restricted Use District; the Third Street Alcohol Restricted Use District: the Divisadero Street Neighborhood Commercial District; and the North of Market Residential Special Use District; and includes Small-Scale Neighborhood Commercial Districts within its boundaries. |
Boundaries: Applicable only to the Mission-Harrington SUD. as shown on Sectional Map SU11. Controls: Height 56-X; one unit allowed for every 400 square feet of lot area; no parking requirements; no rear setback requirements. |
(14) C for 10,000 square feet and above if located within the Priority Equity Geographies Special Use District established under Section 249.97. |
(Added by Ord. 69-87, App. 3/13/87; amended by Ord. 445-87, App. 11/12/87; Ord. 412-88, App. 9/10/88; Ord. 349-95, App. 11/3/95; Ord. 299-98, App. 10/9/98; Ord. 87-00, File No. 991963, App. 5/19/2000; Ord. 260-00, File No. 001424, App. 11/17/2000; Ord. 261-03, File No. 022932, App. 11/25/2003; Ord. 275-05, File No. 051250, App. 11/30/2005; Ord. 289-06, File No. 050176, App. 11/20/2006; Ord. 269-07, File No. 070671, App. 11/26/2007; Ord. 75-08, File No. 071531, App. 5/9/2008; Ord. 244-08, File No. 080567, App. 10/30/2008; Ord. 245-08, File No. 080696; Ord. 253-08, File No. 080883; Ord. 321-08, File No. 081100, App. 12/19/2008; Ord. 51-09, File No. 081620, App. 4/2/2009; Ord. 66-11, File No. 101537, App. 4/20/2011, Eff. 5/20/2011; Ord. 140-11, File No. 110482, App. 7/5/2011, Eff. 8/4/2011; Ord. 170-11
, File No. 110592, App. 8/8/2011, Eff. 9/7/2011; Ord. 75-12
, File No. 120084, App. 4/23/2012, Eff. 5/23/2012; Ord. 92-12
, File No. 111247, App. 5/21/12, Eff. 6/20/12; Ord. 56-13
, File No. 130062, App. 3/28/2013, Eff. 4/27/2013; Ord. 287-13
, File No. 130041, App. 12/26/2013, Eff. 1/25/2014; Ord. 235-14
, File No. 140844, App. 11/26/2014, Eff. 12/26/2014; Ord. 14-15
, File No. 141210, App. 2/13/2015, Eff. 3/15/2015; Ord. 20-15
, File No. 110548, App. 2/20/2015, Eff. 3/22/2015; redesignated and amended by Ord. 30-15
, File No. 140954, App. 3/26/2015, Eff. 4/25/2015; amended by Ord. 127-15
, File No. 150082, App. 7/17/2015, Eff. 8/16/2015; Ord. 161-15, File No. 150804, App. 9/18/2015, Eff. 10/18/2015; Ord. 33-16
, File No. 160115, App. 3/11/2016, Eff. 4/10/2016; Ord. 162-16
, File No. 160657, App. 8/4/2016, Eff. 9/3/2016; Ord. 166-16
, File No. 160477, App. 8/11/2016, Eff. 9/10/2016; Ord. 129-17, File No. 170203, App. 6/30/2017, Eff. 7/30/2017; Ord. 130-17, File No. 170204, App. 6/30/2017, Eff. 7/30/2017; Ord. 229-17, File No. 171041, App. 12/6/2017, Eff. 1/5/2018; Ord. 202-18, File No. 180557, App. 8/10/2018, Eff. 9/10/2018; Ord. 277-18, File No. 180914, App. 11/20/2018, Eff. 12/21/2018; Ord. 285-18, File No. 180806, App. 12/7/2018, Eff. 1/7/2019; Ord. 311-18, File No. 181028, App. 12/21/2018, Eff. 1/21/2019; Ord. 116-19, File No. 181156, App. 6/28/2019, Eff. 7/29/2019; Ord. 182-19, File No. 190248, App. 8/9/2019, Eff. 9/9/2019; Ord. 205-19, File No. 181211, App. 9/11/2019, Eff. 10/12/2019; Ord. 63-20, File No. 200077, App. 4/24/2020, Eff. 5/25/2020; Ord. 78-20, File No. 191075, App. 5/22/2020, Eff. 6/22/2020; Proposition H, 11/3/2020, Eff. 12/18/2020; Ord. 136-21, File No. 210674, App. 8/4/2021, Eff. 9/4/2021; Ord. 233-21, File No. 210381, App. 12/22/2021, Eff. 1/22/2022; Ord. 37-22, File No. 211263, App. 3/14/2022, Eff. 4/14/2022; Ord. 75-22, File No. 220264, App. 5/13/2022, Eff. 6/13/2022; Ord. 190-22, File No. 220036, App. 9/16/2022, Eff. 10/17/2022; Ord. 264-22, File No. 220811, App. 12/22/2022, Eff. 1/22/2023; Ord. 248-23, File No. 230446, App. 12/14/2023, Eff. 1/14/2024; Ord. 249-23, File No. 230701, App. 12/14/2023, Eff. 1/14/2024; Ord. 33-24, File No. 231144, App. 2/21/2024, Eff. 3/23/2024; Ord. 47-24, File No. 231223, App. 3/15/2024, Eff. 4/15/2024; Ord. 54-24, File No. 240169, App. 3/22/2024, Eff. 4/22/2024, Retro. 3/30/2024; Ord. 62-24, File No. 230310, App. 3/28/2024, Eff. 4/28/2024; Ord. 113-24, File No. 240193, App. 6/13/2024, Eff. 7/14/2024, Retro. 3/30/2024)
Zoning Control Table: 712.69C and 712.69D added; Ord. 66-11
, Eff. 5/20/2011. Zoning Control Table: 712.10 and 712.17 amended; Specific Provisions: 712.43 (Mission St.) amended; Ord. 140-11, Eff. 8/4/2011. Zoning Control Table: 712.10, 712.41, 712.42, and 712.67 amended; Specific Provisions: 712.43 (Geary Blvd.) amended; Ord. 170-11
, Eff. 9/7/2011. Zoning Control Table: 712.43 and 712.44 amended, former categories 712.42, 712.67, and 712.69A deleted; Specific Provisions: 712.25, 712.40 through 712.44, and 790.34 amended; Ord. 75-12
, Eff. 5/23/2012. Zoning Control Table: 712.10 amended; Ord. 92-12
, Eff. 6/20/12. Zoning Control Table: 712.13, 712.54, and 712.69B amended; Specific Provisions: 712.54 added; Ord. 56-13
, Eff. 4/27/2013. Zoning Control Table: former categories 712.38 and 712.39 redesignated as 712.36 and 712.37 and amended; Ord. 287-13
, Eff. 1/25/2014. Zoning Control Table: 712.26 amended; Specific Provisions: 712.54 amended; Ord. 235-14
, Eff. 12/26/2014. Zoning Control Table: 712.92b added; Ord. 14-15
, Eff. 3/15/2015. Zoning Control Table: 712.14, 712.15, 712.16, 712.17, and 712.30 amended; Specific Provisions: 712.30, 712.31, 712.32 deleted; Ord. 20-15
, Eff. 3/22/2015. Section redesignated (formerly Sec. 712.1); Zoning Control Table: 712.54, 712.91, and 712.92 amended; Ord. 30-15
, Eff. 4/25/2015. Specific Provisions: 712.68 amended; Ord. 127-15
, Eff. 8/16/2015. Introductory material amended; Zoning Control Table: 712.91 amended; Specific Provisions: 712.91 added; Ord. 161-15
, Eff. 10/18/2015. Zoning Control Table: former categories 712.36 and 712.37 deleted, 712.96 added; Ord. 33-16
, Eff. 4/10/2016. Introductory material amended; Specific Provisions: 712.91 amended; Ord. 162-16
, Eff. 9/3/2016. Zoning Control Table: 712.33A added; Ord. 166-16
, Eff. 9/10/2016. New Zoning Control Table and notes added; Ord. 129-17, Eff. 7/30/2017. Previous Zoning Control Table and Specific Provisions deleted; Ord. 130-17, Eff. 7/30/2017. Zoning Control Table amended; Ord. 229-17, Eff. 1/5/2018. Zoning Control Table and Notes (1) and (6) amended; Ord. 202-18, Eff. 9/10/2018. Zoning Control Table amended; Ord. 277-18, Eff. 12/21/2018. Zoning Control Table amended; Notes (9) and (10) added; Ord. 285-18, Eff. 1/7/2019. Zoning Control Table amended; Ord. 311-18, Eff. 1/21/2019. Zoning Control Table amended; Ord. 116-19, Eff. 7/29/2019. Zoning Control Table amended; Ord. 182-19, Eff. 9/9/2019. Zoning Control Table amended; Ord. 205-19; Eff. 10/12/2019. Zoning Control Table and Note (6) amended; Ord. 63-20, Eff. 5/25/2020. Zoning Control Table amended; Note (11) added; Ord. 78-20, Eff. 6/22/2020. Zoning Control Table amended; Note (10) deleted; Proposition H, 11/3/2020, Eff. 12/18/2020. Zoning Control Table and Note (11) amended; Ord. 136-21, Eff. 9/4/2021. Zoning Control Table amended; Note (12) added; Ord. 233-21, Eff. 1/22/2022. Zoning Control Table and Note (12) amended; Ord. 37-22, Eff. 4/14/2022. Zoning Control Table amended; Ord. 75-22, Eff. 6/13/2022. Zoning Control Table amended; Note (13)1
added; Ord. 190-22
, Eff. 10/17/2022. Zoning Control Table amended; Ord. 264-22
, Eff. 1/22/2023. Zoning Control Table amended; Note (14) added; Ord. 248-23
, Eff. 1/14/2024. Zoning Control Table and Note (5) amended; Notes (4) and (9) deleted; Ord. 249-23
, Eff. 1/14/2024. Zoning Control Table amended; Ord. 33-24
, Eff. 3/23/2024. Zoning Control Table amended; Ord. 47-24
, Eff. 4/15/2024; and Ord. 54-24
, Retro. 3/30/2024. Undesignated introductory material and Zoning Control Table amended; Ord. 62-24
, Eff. 4/28/2024. Zoning Control Table amended; Ord. 113-24
, Eff. 7/14/2024, Retro. 3/30/2024.
1. Note “(13)” is referenced as “(12)” in Ord. 190-22. The note was redesignated by the codifier because a note designated as “(12)” previously had been added to this section by Ord. 233-21.
**Editor’s Note:
Ordinance 186-17, effective October 15, 2017, requires that “No more than three MCDs shall be permitted at any given time within the boundaries of Supervisorial District 11.”
Ordinance 186-17, effective October 15, 2017, requires that “No more than three MCDs shall be permitted at any given time within the boundaries of Supervisorial District 11.”
NC-S Districts are intended to serve as small shopping centers or supermarket sites which provide retail goods and services for primarily car-oriented shoppers. They commonly contain at least one anchor store or supermarket, and some districts also have small medical office buildings. The range of services offered at their retail outlets usually is intended to serve the immediate and nearby neighborhoods. These districts encompass some of the most recent (post-1945) retail development in San Francisco's neighborhoods and serve as an alternative to the linear shopping street.
Shopping centers and supermarket sites contain mostly one-story buildings which are removed from the street edge and set in a parking lot. Outdoor pedestrian activity consists primarily of trips between the parking lot and the stores on-site. Ground and second stories are devoted to retail sales and some personal services and offices.
The NC-S standards and use provisions allow for medium-size commercial uses in low-scale buildings. Rear yards are not required for new development. Most neighborhood-serving retail businesses are permitted at the first and second stories.
Housing development in new buildings is permitted. Existing residential units are protected by limitations on demolitions and prohibitions of upper-story conversions. Accessory Dwelling Units are permitted within the District pursuant to Section 207.1 of this Code.
NC-S | ||
Zoning Category | § References | Controls |
NC-S | ||
Zoning Category | § References | Controls |
Massing and Setbacks | ||
Height and Bulk Limits. | Varies, but generally 40-X. See Height and Bulk Map Sheets HT02-05, HT07, and HT10-13 for more information. Height sculpting required on Alleys per §261.1. | |
5 Foot Height Bonus for Active Ground Floor Uses | § 263.20 | NP |
Rear Yard | Not Required. | |
Front Setback and Side Yard | Not Required. | |
Street Frontage and Public Realm | ||
Streetscape and Pedestrian Improvements | § 138.1 | Required |
Street Frontage Requirements | § 145.1 | Required; controls apply to above-grade parking setbacks, parking and loading entrances, active uses, ground floor ceiling height, street-facing ground-level spaces, transparency and fenestration, and gates, railings, and grillwork. Exceptions permitted for historic buildings. |
Ground Floor Commercial | § 145.4 | Required on certain streets, see § 145.4 for specific districts. |
Vehicular Access Restrictions | § 155(r) | Restricted on some streets, see § 155(r) for specific districts |
Miscellaneous | ||
Lot Size (Per Development) | N/A | |
Planned Unit Development | § 304 | C |
Awning, Canopy, or Marquee | P | |
Signs | As permitted by § 607.1 | |
General Advertising Signs | NP(1) | |
Design Guidelines | General Plan Commerce and Industry Element | Subject to the Urban Design Guidelines |
Zoning Category | § References | Controls | ||
Zoning Category | § References | Controls | ||
Development Standards | ||||
Usable Open Space [Per Dwelling Unit] | §§ 135, 136 | Generally, either 100 square feet if private, or 133 square feet if common, or the amount of open space required in the nearest Residential District, whichever is less. (1) | ||
Off-Street Parking Requirements | ||||
Dwelling Unit Mix | § 207.7 | Generally required for creation of 10 or more Dwelling Units. No less than 25% of the total number of proposed Dwelling Units shall contain at least two Bedrooms, and no less than 10% of the total number of proposed Dwelling Units shall contain at least three Bedrooms. | ||
Use Characteristics | ||||
Intermediate Length Occupancy | P(8) | |||
Single Room Occupancy | § 102 | P | ||
Student Housing | § 102 | P | ||
Residential Uses | Controls by Story | |||
1st | 2nd | 3rd+ | ||
Residential Uses | § 102 | P | P | P |
Accessory Dwelling Unit Density | ||||
Dwelling Unit Density | ||||
§ 208 | 1 bedroom per 275 square foot lot area, or the density permitted in the nearest R District, whichever is greater.(1) | |||
Homeless Shelter Density | Density limits regulated by the Administrative Code | |||
Senior Housing Density | P up to twice the number of dwelling units otherwise permitted as a Principal Use in the district and meeting all the requirements of § 202.2(f)(1). C up to twice the number of dwelling units otherwise permitted as a Principal Use in the district and meeting all requirements of § 202.2(f)(1), except for § 202.2(f)(1)(D)(iv), related to location. | |||
Loss of Dwelling Units | Controls by Story | |||
1st | 2nd | 3rd+ | ||
Residential Conversion | § 317 | C | NP | NP |
Residential Demolition and Merger | § 317 | C | C | C |
Zoning Category | § References | Controls | ||
Zoning Category | § References | Controls | ||
Development Standards | ||||
Floor Area Ratio | 1.8 to 1 | |||
Use Size | P up to 5,999 square feet; C 6,000 square feet and above | |||
Off-Street Parking Requirements | ||||
Off-Street Freight Loading | ||||
Commercial Use Characteristics | ||||
Drive-up Facility | § 102 | C | ||
Formula Retail | C | |||
Hours of Operation | § 102 | P 6 a.m. - 2 a.m., C 2 a.m. - 6 a.m. (1) | ||
Maritime Use | § 102 | NP | ||
Open Air Sales | See § 703(b) | |||
Outdoor Activity Area | P if located in front or it complies with Section 202.2(a)(7); C if located elsewhere. | |||
Walk-up Facility | P | |||
NON-RESIDENTIAL USES | Controls by Story | |||
1st | 2nd | 3rd+ | ||
Agricultural Use Category | ||||
Agriculture, Industrial | NP | NP | NP | |
Agriculture, Large Scale Urban | C | C | C | |
Agriculture, Neighborhood | P | P | P | |
Automotive Use Category | ||||
Automotive Uses* | § 102 | NP | NP | NP |
Automotive Sale/Rental | § 102 | C | NP | NP |
Automotive Service Station | P | NP | NP | |
Automotive Wash | C | NP | NP | |
Electric Vehicle Charging Location | C(10) | C(10) | ||
Gas Station | C | NP | NP | |
Parking Garage, Private | § 102 | C | C(1) | C(1) |
Parking Garage, Public | § 102 | P | P | NP |
Parking Lot, Private | C | C(1) | C(1) | |
Parking Lot, Public | P | P | NP | |
Entertainment, Arts and Recreation Use Category | ||||
Entertainment, Arts and Recreation Uses* | § 102 | NP | NP | NP |
Arts Activities | § 102 | P | P | P |
Entertainment, General | § 102 | P(1) | P(1) | NP |
Entertainment, Nighttime | § 102 | P(1) | P(1) | NP |
Movie Theater | P(1) | P(1) | P | |
Open Recreation Area | § 102 | C | C | C |
Passive Outdoor Recreation | § 102 | C | C | C |
Industrial Use Category | ||||
Industrial Uses* | NP | NP | NP | |
Institutional Use Category | ||||
Institutional Uses* | § 102 | P(1) | P(1) | NP(1) |
Child Care Facility | § 102 | P(1) | P(1) | P(1) |
Community Facility | § 102 | P | P | P |
Hospital | § 102 | NP | NP | NP |
Medical Cannabis Dispensary** | C | C | NP | |
Public Facilities | § 102 | C | C | C |
Residential Care Facility | § 102 | P(1) | P(1) | P(1) |
Social Service or Philanthropic Facility | § 102 | P | P | P |
Sales and Service Use Category | ||||
Retail Sales and Service Uses* | P | P | NP | |
Adult Business | § 102 | NP | NP | NP |
Adult Sex Venue | § 102 | NP | NP | NP |
Animal Hospital | § 102 | P | P | NP |
Bar | P(1) | P(1) | NP | |
Cannabis Retail | C | C | NP | |
Flexible Retail | P | NP | NP | |
Hotel | § 102 | C(4) | C(4) | C(4) |
Kennel | § 102 | C | C | NP |
Liquor Store | § 102 | P | NP | NP |
Massage Establishment | P | C(9) | NP(9) | |
Massage, Foot/Chair | § 102 | P | C | NP |
Mortuary | § 102 | C(1) | C(1) | NP |
Motel | NP(4) | NP(4) | NP(4) | |
Restaurant | P | P | NP | |
Restaurant, Limited | P | P | NP | |
Services, Financial | § 102 | P | P | NP(1) |
Services, Fringe Financial | § 102 | P | NP | NP |
Services, Health | § 102 | P | P | NP(1) |
Services, Limited Financial | § 102 | P | P | NP |
Services, Personal | § 102 | P | P | NP(1) |
Services, Retail Professional | § 102 | P | P | P |
Storage, Self | § 102 | C | C | NP |
Tobacco Paraphernalia Establishment | § 102 | C | NP | NP |
Non-Retail Sales and Service* | § 102 | NP | NP | NP |
Design Professional | § 102 | P | P | NP |
Service, Non-Retail Professional | § 102 | C | P | NP(1) |
Trade Office | § 102 | P | P | NP |
Utility and Infrastructure Use Category | ||||
Utility and Infrastructure* | § 102 | C(5) | C(5) | C(5) |
Power Plant | § 102 | NP | NP | NP |
Public Utilities Yard | § 102 | NP | NP | NP |
* Not listed below |
Boundaries: Applicable only for the Lakeshore Plaza NC-S District as mapped on Sectional Map SU13 and HT13. |
Boundaries: Applicable only for the Bayshore-Hester Special Use District NC-S District as mapped on the Sectional Map 10SU. Controls: Hotels and Motels may be permitted as a Conditional Use. |
(Added by Ord. 69-87, App. 3/13/87; amended by Ord. 445-87, App. 11/12/87; Ord. 412-88, App. 9/10/88; Ord. 42-89, App. 2/8/89; Ord. 331-97, App. 8/19/97; Ord. 87-00, File No. 991963, App. 5/19/2000; Ord. 260-00, File No. 001424, App. 11/17/2000; Ord. 275-05, File No. 051250, App. 11/30/2005; Ord. 289-06, File No. 050176, App. 11/20/2006; Ord. 269-07, File No. 070671, App. 11/26/2007; Ord. 244-08, File No. 080567, App. 10/30/2008; Ord. 245-08, File No. 080696; Ord. 51-09, File No. 081620, App. 4/2/2009; Ord. 66-11, File No. 101537, App. 4/20/2011, Eff. 5/20/2011; Ord. 47-12
, File No. 111315, App. 3/16/2012, Eff. 4/15/2012; Ord. 75-12
, File No. 120084, App. 4/23/2012, Eff. 5/23/2012; Ord. 56-13
, File No. 130062, App. 3/28/2013, Eff. 4/27/2013; Ord. 287-13
, File No. 130041, App. 12/26/2013, Eff. 1/25/2014; Ord. 235-14
, File No. 140844, App. 11/26/2014, Eff. 12/26/2014; Ord. 14-15
, File No. 141210, App. 2/13/2015, Eff. 3/15/2015; Ord. 20-15
, File No. 110548, App. 2/20/2015, Eff. 3/22/2015; redesignated and amended by Ord. 30-15
, File No. 140954, App. 3/26/2015, Eff. 4/25/2015; amended by Ord. 161-15, File No. 150804, App. 9/18/2015, Eff. 10/18/2015; Ord. 33-16
, File No. 160115, App. 3/11/2016, Eff. 4/10/2016; Ord. 162-16
, File No. 160657, App. 8/4/2016, Eff. 9/3/2016; Ord. 166-16
, File No. 160477, App. 8/11/2016, Eff. 9/10/2016; Ord. 129-17, File No. 170203, App. 6/30/2017, Eff. 7/30/2017; Ord. 130-17, File No. 170204, App. 6/30/2017, Eff. 7/30/2017; Ord. 189-17, File No. 170693, App. 9/15/2017, Eff. 10/15/2017; Ord. 229-17, File No. 171041, App. 12/6/2017, Eff. 1/5/2018; Ord. 202-18, File No. 180557, App. 8/10/2018, Eff. 9/10/2018; Ord. 277-18, File No. 180914, App. 11/20/2018, Eff. 12/21/2018; Ord. 285-18, File No. 180806, App. 12/7/2018, Eff. 1/7/2019; Ord. 303-18, File No. 180915, App. 12/21/2018, Eff. 1/21/2019; Ord. 311-18, File No. 181028, App. 12/21/2018, Eff. 1/21/2019; Ord. 116-19, File No. 181156, App. 6/28/2019, Eff. 7/29/2019; Ord. 182-19, File No. 190248, App. 8/9/2019, Eff. 9/9/2019; Ord. 205-19, File No. 181211, App. 9/11/2019, Eff. 10/12/2019; Ord. 63-20, File No. 200077, App. 4/24/2020, Eff. 5/25/2020; Ord. 78-20, File No. 191075, App. 5/22/2020, Eff. 6/22/2020; Proposition H, 11/3/2020, Eff. 12/18/2020; Ord. 111-21, File No. 210285, App. 8/4/2021, Eff. 9/4/2021; Ord. 136-21, File No. 210674, App. 8/4/2021, Eff. 9/4/2021; Ord. 233-21, File No. 210381, App. 12/22/2021, Eff. 1/22/2022; Ord. 37-22, File No. 211263, App. 3/14/2022, Eff. 4/14/2022; Ord. 75-22, File No. 220264, App. 5/13/2022, Eff. 6/13/2022; Ord. 190-22, File No. 220036, App. 9/16/2022, Eff. 10/17/2022; Ord. 248-23, File No. 230446, App. 12/14/2023, Eff. 1/14/2024; Ord. 249-23, File No. 230701, App. 12/14/2023, Eff. 1/14/2024; Ord. 33-24, File No. 231144, App. 2/21/2024, Eff. 3/23/2024; Ord. 62-24, File No. 230310, App. 3/28/2024, Eff. 4/28/2024)
Zoning Control Table: 713.69C and 713.69D added; Ord. 66-11
, Eff. 5/20/2011. Zoning Control Table: 713.61 amended; Ord. 47-12
, Eff. 4/15/2012. Zoning Control Table: 713.43 and 713.44 amended, former categories 713.42, 713.67, and 713.69A deleted; Ord. 75-12
, Eff. 5/23/2012. Zoning Control Table: 713.13, 713.54, and 713.69B amended; Specific Provisions: 713.54 added; Ord. 56-13
, Eff. 4/27/2013. Zoning Control Table: former categories 713.38 and 713.39 redesignated as 713.36 and 713.37 and amended; Ord. 287-13
, Eff. 1/25/2014. Zoning Control Table: 713.26 amended; Specific Provisions: 713.54 amended; Ord. 235-14
, Eff. 12/26/2014. Zoning Control Table: 713.92b added; Ord. 14-15
, Eff. 3/15/2015. Zoning Control Table: 713.14, 713.15, 713.16, 713.17, and 713.30 amended; Ord. 20-15
, Eff. 3/22/2015. Section redesignated (formerly Sec. 713.1); Zoning Control Table: 713.54, 713.91, and 713.92 amended; Ord. 30-15
, Eff. 4/25/2015. Introductory material amended; Zoning Control Table: 713.91 amended; Specific Provisions: 713.91 ("Accessory Dwelling Units") added; Ord. 161-15
, Eff. 10/18/2015. Zoning Control Table: former categories 713.36 and 713.37 deleted, 713.96 and 713.97 added; Ord. 33-16
, Eff. 4/10/2016. Introductory material amended; Specific Provisions: 713.91 amended; Ord. 162-16
, Eff. 9/3/2016. Zoning Control Table: 713.33A added; Ord. 166-16
, Eff. 9/10/2016. New Zoning Control Table and notes added; Ord. 129-17, Eff. 7/30/2017. Previous Zoning Control Table and Specific Provisions deleted; Ord. 130-17, Eff. 7/30/2017. Zoning Control Table amended; Note (2) deleted; Ord. 189-17, Eff. 10/15/2017. Zoning Control Table amended; Ord. 229-17, Eff. 1/5/2018. Zoning Control Table amended; Ord. 202-18, Eff. 9/10/2018. Zoning Control Table amended; Ord. 277-18, Eff. 12/21/2018. Zoning Control Table amended; Notes (6) and (7) added; Ord. 285-18, Eff. 1/7/2019. Zoning Control Table amended; Note (3) deleted; Ord. 303-18, Eff. 1/21/2019. Zoning Control Table amended; Ord. 311-18, Eff. 1/21/2019. Zoning Control Table amended; Ord. 116-19, Eff. 7/29/2019. Zoning Control Table amended; Ord. 182-19, Eff. 9/9/2019. Zoning Control Table amended; Ord. 205-19, Eff. 10/12/2019. Introductory material and Zoning Control Table amended; Ord. 63-20, Eff. 5/25/2020. Zoning Control Table amended; Note (8) added; Ord. 78-20, Eff. 6/22/2020. Introductory material and Zoning Control Table amended; Note (7) deleted; Proposition H, 11/3/2020, Eff. 12/18/2020. Zoning Control Table amended; Ord. 111-21, Eff. 9/4/2021. Zoning Control Table and Note (8) amended; Ord. 136-21, Eff. 9/4/2021. Zoning Control Table amended; Note (9) added; Ord. 233-21, Eff. 1/22/2022. Zoning Control Table and Note (9) amended; Ord. 37-22, Eff. 4/14/2022. Zoning Control Table amended; Ord. 75-22, Eff. 6/13/2022. Zoning Control Table amended; Note (10)2
added; Ord. 190-22
, Eff. 10/17/2022. Zoning Control Table amended; Ord. 248-23
, Eff. 1/14/2024. Zoning Control Table amended; Note (6) deleted; Ord. 249-23
, Eff. 1/14/2024. Zoning Control Table amended; Ord. 33-24
, Eff. 3/23/2024. Undesignated introductory material and Zoning Control Table amended; Ord. 62-24
, Eff. 4/28/2024.
2. Note “(10)” is referenced as “(9)” in Ord. 190-22. The note was redesignated by the codifier because a note designated as “(9)” previously had been added to this section by Ord. 233-21.
**Editor’s Note:
Ordinance 186-17, effective October 15, 2017, requires that “No more than three MCDs shall be permitted at any given time within the boundaries of Supervisorial District 11.”
Ordinance 186-17, effective October 15, 2017, requires that “No more than three MCDs shall be permitted at any given time within the boundaries of Supervisorial District 11.”
The Broadway Neighborhood Commercial District, located in the northeast quadrant of San Francisco, extends along Broadway from east of Columbus Avenue to Osgood Place. It is part of a larger commercial area which includes North Beach to the north, Chinatown to the south and west, and Jackson Square to the southeast. Broadway's fame and popularity as a Citywide and regional entertainment district is derived from a concentration of nightclubs, music halls, adult theaters, bars, and restaurants between Grant Avenue and Montgomery Street. These places attract locals and visitors alike, mainly in the evening and late-night hours. In addition to the entertainment and some retail businesses, Broadway contains many upper-story residential hotels. Due to its proximity to downtown, there is strong pressure to develop upper-story offices.
The Broadway District controls are designed to encourage development that is compatible with the existing moderate building scale and mixed-use character, and maintain the district’s balance of entertainment uses, restaurants, and small-scale retail stores. New buildings exceeding 40 feet in height will be carefully reviewed and rear yards at residential levels are protected. Most commercial uses in new buildings are permitted at the first two stories. Neighborhood-serving businesses are strongly encouraged. In order to protect the livability of the area, limitations apply to new formula retail restaurants and adult entertainment uses at the first and second stories, as well as late-night activity. Financial services are allowed on the ground story subject to certain limitations. Nonretail offices are prohibited on the first story and above the second story in order to prevent encroachment of the adjoining downtown office uses. Due to the high traffic volume on Broadway, most automobile and drive-up uses are prohibited in order to prevent further traffic congestion. Parking garages are permitted if their ingress and egress do not disrupt the traffic flow on Broadway.
Housing development in new buildings is encouraged above the second story. Existing housing is protected by limitations on demolitions and upper-story conversions. Accessory dwelling units are permitted within the district pursuant to Section 207.1 of this Code.
Broadway NCD | ||
Zoning Category | § References | Controls |
Broadway NCD | ||
Zoning Category | § References | Controls |
Massing and Setbacks | ||
Height and Bulk Limits. | 40-X and 65-A. See Height and Bulk Map Sheet HT01 for more information. Height sculpting required on Alleys per §261.1. | |
5 Foot Height Bonus for Active Ground Floor Uses | § 263.20 | NP |
Rear Yard | Required at the lowest Story containing a Dwelling Unit, and at each succeeding level or Story of the Building: 25% of lot depth, but in no case less than 15 feet. | |
Front Setback and Side Yard | Not Required. | |
Street Frontage and Public Realm | ||
Streetscape and Pedestrian Improvements | § 138.1 | Required |
Street Frontage Requirements | § 145.1 | Required; controls apply to above-grade parking setbacks, parking and loading entrances, active uses, ground floor ceiling height, street-facing ground-level spaces, transparency and fenestration, and gates, railings, and grillwork. Exceptions permitted for historic buildings. |
Ground Floor Commercial | § 145.4 | Not Required. |
Vehicular Access Restrictions | § 155(r) | Prohibited on Columbus Avenue between Washington and North Point Streets, and on Broadway between Embarcadero and Polk Street |
Miscellaneous | ||
Planned Unit Development | § 304 | C |
Awning, Canopy or Marquee | § 136.1 | P |
Signs | As permitted by § 607.1 | |
General Advertising Signs | NP | |
Design Guidelines | General Plan Commerce and Industry Element | Subject to the Urban Design Guidelines and historic resource consideration. Properties in this District have been identified as potentially eligible for the National Register or California Register. |
Zoning Category | § References | Controls | ||
Zoning Category | § References | Controls | ||
Development Standards | ||||
Usable Open Space [Per Dwelling Unit] | 60 square feet if private, or 80 square feet if common, or the amount of open space required in the nearest Residential District, whichever is less. | |||
Off-Street Parking Requirements | No car parking required (2). P up to one car for each two Dwelling or SRO Units; C up to 0.75 cars for each Dwelling Unit, subject to the criteria and procedures of Section 151.1(g); NP above 0.75 cars for each Dwelling Unit. Bike parking required per § 155.2. If car parking is provided, car share spaces are required when a project has 50 units or more per § 166. | |||
Dwelling Unit Mix | § 207.7 | Generally required for creation of 10 or more Dwelling Units. No less than 25% of the total number of proposed Dwelling Units shall contain at least two Bedrooms, and no less than 10% of the total number of proposed Dwelling Units shall contain at least three Bedrooms. | ||
Use Characteristics | ||||
Intermediate Length Occupancy | P(8) | |||
Single Room Occupancy | § 102 | P | ||
Student Housing | § 102 | P | ||
Residential Uses | Controls By Story | |||
1st | 2nd | 3rd+ | ||
Residential Uses | § 102 | P | P | P |
Accessory Dwelling Unit Density | ||||
Dwelling Unit Density | 1 unit per 400 square foot lot area, or the density permitted in the nearest R District, whichever is greater. | |||
Group Housing Density | § 208 | 1 bedroom per 140 square foot lot area, or the density permitted in the nearest R District, whichever is greater. | ||
Homeless Shelter Density | Density limits regulated by the Administrative Code | |||
Senior Housing Density | P up to twice the number of dwelling units otherwise permitted as a Principal Use in the district and meeting all the requirements of § 202.2(f)(1). C up to twice the number of dwelling units otherwise permitted as a Principal Use in the district and meeting all requirements of § 202.2(f)(1), except for § 202.2(f)(1)(D)(iv), related to location. | |||
Loss of Dwelling Units | Controls by Story | |||
1st | 2nd | 3rd+ | ||
Residential Conversion | § 317 | C | C | NP |
Residential Demolition and Merger | § 317 | C | C | C |
Zoning Category | § References | Controls | ||
Zoning Category | § References | Controls | ||
Development Standards | ||||
Floor Area Ratio | 2.5 to 1 | |||
Use Size | P up to 2,999 square feet; C 3,000 square feet and above | |||
Off-Street Parking Requirements | ||||
Off-Street Freight Loading | ||||
Commercial Use Characteristics | ||||
Drive-up Facility | § 102 | NP | ||
Formula Retail | C | |||
Hours of Operation | § 102 | P 6 a.m. - 2 a.m.; C 2 a.m. - 6 a.m. | ||
Maritime Use | § 102 | NP | ||
Open Air Sales | See § 703(b) | |||
Outdoor Activity Area | P if located in front or it complies with Section 202.2(a)(7); C if located elsewhere. | |||
Walk-up Facility | § 102 | P | ||
Controls by Story | ||||
1st | 2nd | 3rd+ | ||
Agricultural Use Category | ||||
Agriculture, Industrial | NP | NP | NP | |
Agriculture, Large Scale Urban | C | C | C | |
Agriculture, Neighborhood | P | P | P | |
Automotive Use Category | ||||
Automotive Uses* | NP | NP | NP | |
Electric Vehicle Charging Location | C(10) | C(10) | ||
Fleet Charging | § 102 | C | C | C |
Parking Garage, Private | § 102 | C | C | C |
Parking Garage, Public | § 102 | C | C | C |
Parking Lot, Private | C | C | C | |
Parking Lot, Public | C | C | C | |
Entertainment, Arts and Recreation Use Category | ||||
Entertainment, Arts and Recreation Uses* | § 102 | NP | NP | NP |
Arts Activities | § 102 | P | P | P |
Entertainment, General | § 102 | P | P | NP |
Entertainment, Nighttime | § 102 | P | P | NP |
Movie Theater | P | P | P | |
Open Recreation Area | § 102 | C | C | C |
Passive Outdoor Recreation | § 102 | C | C | C |
Industrial Use Category | ||||
Industrial Uses | § 102 | NP | NP | NP |
Institutional Use Category | ||||
Institutional Uses* | § 102 | P | C | C |
Child Care Facility | § 102 | P | P | P |
Community Facility | § 102 | P | P | P |
Hospital | § 102 | NP | NP | NP |
Medical Cannabis Dispensary | DR | DR | NP | |
Public Facilities | § 102 | C | C | C |
Residential Care Facility | § 102 | P | P | P |
Social Service or Philanthropic Facility | § 102 | P | P | P |
Sales and Service Use Category | ||||
Retail Sales and Service Uses* | P | P | NP | |
Adult Business | § 102 | C | C | NP |
Adult Sex Venue | § 102 | C | C | NP |
Animal Hospital | § 102 | P | P | NP |
Bar | § 102 | C | C | NP |
Cannabis Retail | C | C | NP | |
Flexible Retail | P | NP | NP | |
Hotel | § 102 | C | C | C |
Kennel | § 102 | C | NP | NP |
Liquor Store | § 102 | C | NP | NP |
Massage Establishment | P | C | NP(9) | |
Massage, Foot/Chair | § 102 | P | C | NP |
Mortuary | § 102 | NP | NP | NP |
Motel | NP | NP | NP | |
Restaurant | P(4) | |||
P(4) | P(4) | NP | ||
Services, Financial | § 102 | P | NP | NP |
Services, Fringe Financial | § 102 | NP(6) | NP(6) | NP(6) |
Services, Limited Financial | § 102 | P | NP | NP |
Services, Retail Professional | § 102 | P | P | P |
Storage, Self | § 102 | NP | NP | NP |
Tobacco Paraphernalia Establishment | § 102 | C | NP | NP |
Trade Shop | § 102 | P | C | NP |
Non-Retail Sales and Service* | § 102 | NP | NP | NP |
Design Professional | § 102 | P | P | NP |
Service, Non-Retail Professional | § 102 | NP | P | NP |
Trade Office | § 102 | P | P | NP |
Utility and Infrastructure Use Category | ||||
Utility and Infrastructure* | § 102 | C(7) | C(7) | C(7) |
Power Plant | § 102 | NP | NP | NP |
Public Utilities Yard | § 102 | NP | NP | NP |
* Not listed below |
Boundaries: Broadway NCD. Controls: Installing a garage in an existing residential building of four or more units requires a mandatory discretionary review by the Planning Commission; Section 311 notice is required for a building of less than four units. In approving installation of the garage, the Commission shall find that: (a) the proposed garage opening/addition of off-street parking will not cause the “removal” or “conversion of residential unit,” as those terms are defined in Section 317 of this Code. (b) the proposed garage opening/addition of off-street parking will not substantially decrease the livability of a dwelling unit without increasing the floor area in a commensurate amount; (c) the building has not had two or more “no-fault” evictions, as defined in 37.9(a)(7)-(12) of the Administrative Code, with each eviction associated with a separate unit(s) within the past ten years; (d) the garage would not front on a public right-of-way narrower than 41 feet; and (e) the proposed garage/addition of off-street parking installation is consistent with the Priority Policies of Section 101.1 of this Code. |
Boundaries: The FFSRUD and its 1/4 mile buffer includes, but is not limited to, the Broadway Neighborhood Commercial District. |
(Added by Ord. 69-87, App. 3/13/87; amended by Ord. 412-88, App. 9/10/88; Ord. 272-93, App. 8/25/93; Ord. 87-00, File No. 991963, App. 5/19/2000; Ord. 260-00, File No. 001424, App. 11/17/2000; Ord. 275-05, File No. 051250, App. 11/30/2005; Ord. 289-06, File No. 050176, App. 11/20/2006; Ord. 269-07, File No. 070671, App. 11/26/2007; Ord. 244-08, File No. 080567, App. 10/30/2008; Ord. 245-08, File No. 080696; Ord. 51-09, File No. 081620, App. 4/2/2009; Ord. 139-09, File No. 090402, App. 7/2/2009; Ord. 77-10, File No. 091165, App. 4/16/2010; Ord. 66-11, File No. 101537, App. 4/20/2011, Eff. 5/20/2011; Ord. 140-11, File No. 110482, App. 7/5/2011, Eff. 8/4/2011; Ord. 75-12
, File No. 120084, App. 4/23/2012, Eff. 5/23/2012; Ord. 56-13
, File No. 130062, App. 3/28/2013, Eff. 4/27/2013; Ord. 287-13
, File No. 130041, App. 12/26/2013, Eff. 1/25/2014; Ord. 227-14
, File No. 120796, App. 11/13/2014, Eff. 12/13/2014; Ord. 232-14
, File No. 120881, App. 11/26/2014, Eff. 12/26/2014; Ord. 235-14
, File No. 140844, App. 11/26/2014, Eff. 12/26/2014; Ord. 14-15
, File No. 141210, App. 2/13/2015, Eff. 3/15/2015; Ord. 20-15
, File No. 110548, App. 2/20/2015, Eff. 3/22/2015; redesignated and amended by Ord. 30-15
, File No. 140954, App. 3/26/2015, Eff. 4/25/2015; amended by Ord. 162-15
, File No. 150805, App. 9/18/2015, Eff. 10/18/2015; Ord. 33-16
, File No. 160115, App. 3/11/2016, Eff. 4/10/2016; Ord. 162-16
, File No. 160657, App. 8/4/2016, Eff. 9/3/2016; Ord. 166-16
, File No. 160477, App. 8/11/2016, Eff. 9/10/2016; Ord. 129-17, File No. 170203, App. 6/30/2017, Eff. 7/30/2017; Ord. 130-17, File No. 170204, App. 6/30/2017, Eff. 7/30/2017; Ord. 189-17, File No. 170693, App. 9/15/2017, Eff. 10/15/2017; Ord. 229-17, File No. 171041, App. 12/6/2017, Eff. 1/5/2018; Ord. 47-18, File No. 171108, App. 3/16/2018, Eff. 4/16/2018; Ord. 202-18, File No. 180557, App. 8/10/2018, Eff. 9/10/2018; Ord. 277-18, File No. 180914, App. 11/20/2018, Eff. 12/21/2018; Ord. 285-18, File No. 180806, App. 12/7/2018, Eff. 1/7/2019; Ord. 303-18, File No. 180915, App. 12/21/2018, Eff. 1/21/2019; Ord. 116-19, File No. 181156, App. 6/28/2019, Eff. 7/29/2019; Ord. 182-19, File No. 190248, App. 8/9/2019, Eff. 9/9/2019; Ord. 205-19, File No. 181211, App. 9/11/2019, Eff. 10/12/2019; Ord. 63-20, File No. 200077, App. 4/24/2020, Eff. 5/25/2020; Ord. 78-20, File No. 191075, App. 5/22/2020, Eff. 6/22/2020; Proposition H, 11/3/2020, Eff. 12/18/2020; Ord. 136-21, File No. 210674, App. 8/4/2021, Eff. 9/4/2021; Ord. 233-21, File No. 210381, App. 12/22/2021, Eff. 1/22/2022; Ord. 37-22, File No. 211263, App. 3/14/2022, Eff. 4/14/2022; Ord. 75-22, File No. 220264, App. 5/13/2022, Eff. 6/13/2022; Ord. 190-22, File No. 220036, App. 9/16/2022, Eff. 10/17/2022; Ord. 264-22, File No. 220811, App. 12/22/2022, Eff. 1/22/2023; Ord. 248-23, File No. 230446, App. 12/14/2023, Eff. 1/14/2024; Ord. 249-23, File No. 230701, App. 12/14/2023, Eff. 1/14/2024; Ord. 333-24, File No. 231144, App. 2/21/2024, Eff. 3/23/2024
; Ord. 62-24
, File No. 230310, App. 3/28/2024, Eff. 4/28/2024
Zoning Control Table: 714.69C and 714.69D added; Ord. 66-11
, Eff. 5/20/2011. Zoning Control Table: 714.10, 714.17, and 714.69A amended; Specific Provisions: 714.65 deleted, 714.68 added; Ord. 140-11, Eff. 8/4/2011. Zoning Control Table: 714.40, 714.43 and 714.44 amended, former categories 714.42, 714.67, and 714.69A deleted; Specific Provisions: 714.44 ("Broadway Liquor Licenses") added; Ord. 75-12
, Eff. 5/23/2012. Introductory material amended; Zoning Control Table: 714.13, 714.54, and 714.69B amended; Specific Provisions: 714.54 added, designation of 714.94 corrected; Ord. 56-13
, Eff. 4/27/2013. Zoning Control Table: former categories 714.38 and 714.39 redesignated as 714.36 and 714.37 and amended; Ord. 287-13
, Eff. 1/25/2014. Zoning Control Table: 714.22 amended; Ord. 227-14
, Eff. 12/13/2014. Zoning Control Table: 714.22 and 714.94 amended; Specific Provisions: 714.94 amended; Ord. 232-14
, Eff. 12/26/2014. Zoning Control Table: 714.26, 714.49, and 714.50 amended; Specific Provisions: 714.54 amended; Ord. 235-14
, Eff. 12/26/2014. Zoning Control Table: 714.92b added; Ord. 14-15
, Eff. 3/15/2015. Zoning Control Table: 714.14, 714.15, 714.16, and 714.17 amended; Ord. 20-15
, Eff. 3/22/2015. Section redesignated (formerly Sec. 714.1); Zoning Control Table: 714.54, 714.91, and 714.92 amended; Ord. 30-15
, Eff. 4/25/2015. Introductory material amended; Zoning Control Table: 714.91 amended; Specific Provisions: 714.91 added; Ord. 162-15
, Eff. 10/18/2015. Zoning Control Table: former categories 714.36 and 714.37 deleted, 714.96 and 714.97 added; Ord. 33-16
, Eff. 4/10/2016. Specific Provisions: 714.91 amended; Ord. 162-16
, Eff. 9/3/2016. Zoning Control Table: 714.33A added; Ord. 166-16
, Eff. 9/10/2016. New Zoning Control Table and notes added; Ord. 129-17, Eff. 7/30/2017. Previous Zoning Control Table and Specific Provisions deleted; Ord. 130-17, Eff. 7/30/2017. Zoning Control Table amended; Note (2) deleted; Ord. 189-17, Eff. 10/15/2017. Zoning Control Table amended; Ord. 229-17, Eff. 1/5/2018. Table Note (5) amended; Ord. 47-18, Eff. 4/16/2018. Zoning Control Table and Note (5) amended; Ord. 202-18, Eff. 9/10/2018. Zoning Control Table amended; Ord. 277-18, Eff. 12/21/2018. Zoning Control Table amended; Ord. 285-18, Eff. 1/7/2019. Zoning Control Table amended; Note (3) deleted; Ord. 303-18, Eff. 1/21/2019. Zoning Control Table amended; Ord. 116-19, Eff. 7/29/2019. Zoning Control Table amended; Ord. 182-19, Eff. 9/9/2019. Zoning Control Table amended; Ord. 205-19, Eff. 10/12/2019. Zoning Control Table and Note (6) amended; Ord. 63-20, Eff. 5/25/2020. Zoning Control Table amended; Note (8) added; Ord. 78-20, Eff. 6/22/2020. Zoning Control Table amended; Note (5) deleted; Proposition H, 11/3/2020, Eff. 12/18/2020. Zoning Control Table and Notes (1), (6), and (8) amended; Ord. 136-21, Eff. 9/4/2021. Zoning Control Table amended; Note (9) added; Ord. 233-21, Eff. 1/22/2022. Zoning Control Table and Note (9) amended; Ord. 37-22, Eff. 4/14/2022. Zoning Control Table amended; Ord. 75-22, Eff. 6/13/2022. Zoning Control Table amended; Note (10)2
added; Ord. 190-22
, Eff. 10/17/2022. Zoning Control Table amended; Ord. 264-22
, Eff. 1/22/2023. Zoning Control Table amended; Ord. 248-23
, Eff. 1/14/2024. Second introductory paragraph and Zoning Control Table amended; Ord. 249-23
, Eff. 1/14/2024. Zoning Control Table amended; Ord. 33-24
, Eff. 3/23/2024. Undesignated introductory material and Zoning Control Table amended; Ord. 62-24
, Eff. 4/28/2024.
2. Note “(10)” is referenced as “(9)” in Ord. 190-22. The note was redesignated by the codifier because a note designated as “(9)” previously had been added to this section by Ord. 233-21.