In any district other than an NC, C-3, or Mixed Use District in which a floor area ratio limit applies, the following premiums, where applicable, may be added to the basic floor area ratio limit to determine the maximum floor area ratio for a building or development:
(a) For a lot or portion thereof which is defined by this Code as a corner lot, a floor area premium may be added by increasing the area of the lot or portion, for purposes of floor area computation, by 25 percent;
(b) For a lot or portion thereof which is defined by this Code as an interior lot, and which abuts along its rear lot line upon a street or alley, a floor area premium may be added by increasing the depth of the lot or portion along such street or alley, for purposes of floor area ratio computation, by one-half the width of such street or alley or 10 feet, whichever is the lesser.
(Amended by Ord. 443-78, App. 10/6/78; Ord. 69-87, App. 3/13/87; Ord. 131-87, App. 4/24/87)
(a) When Allowed. The maximum permitted Gross Floor Area for any building or development on a lot may be increased by transfer to such lot of basic Gross Floor Area that is permitted in the Zoning Control Table for the district in which the lot is located but unbuilt upon an adjacent lot that is occupied by an historical, architectural or aesthetic landmark that has been so designated by the Board of Supervisors pursuant to Article 10 of this Code. For the purposes of this Section, an "adjacent lot" is one that either abuts for a distance not less than 25 feet along a side or rear lot line of the lot to which the basic gross floor area transfer is made (hereinafter referred to as the "transferee lot"), or would so abut for such a distance if not separated solely by a street or an alley.
(b) Amount of TDR Available for Transfer. The maximum TDR available for transfer from a Transfer Lot consists of the difference between (1) the allowable gross floor area permitted on the Transfer Lot by Section 124 and (2) the gross floor area of the development located on the Transfer Lot.
(c) Eligibility of Development Lots and Limitation on Use of TDR on Development Lots. TDR may be used to increase the allowable Gross Floor Area of a development on a Development Lot if the following requirements and restrictions are satisfied:
(1) Transfer of Development Rights shall be limited to the following:
(A) The Transfer Lot and the Development Lot are located in a C-3 Zoning District; or
(B) the Transfer Lot contains a Significant building and is located in the South of Market Extended Preservation District, as set forth in Section 819, and the Development Lot is located in a C-3 District; or
(C) the Transfer Lot is in a P District adjacent to a C-3 District and meets the requirements established in subsection (a)(4) above and the Development Lot is located in a C-3 District; or
(D) the Transfer Lot is located in any C-3 District and contains an individual landmark designated pursuant to Article 10 and the Development Lot is located in any C-3 District.
(2) TDR may not be transferred for use on any lot on which is or has been located a Significant or Contributory building; provided that this restriction shall not apply if the designation of a building is changed to Unrated; nor shall it apply if the Historic Preservation Commission finds that the additional space resulting from the transfer of TDR is essential to make economically feasible the reinforcement of a Significant or Contributory building to meet the standards for seismic loads and forces of the Building Code, in which case TDR may be transferred for that purpose subject to the limitations of this Section and Article 11, including Section 1111.6. Any alteration shall be governed by the requirements of Sections 1111 to 1111.6.
(3) Notwithstanding any other provision of this Section, development on a Development Lot is limited by the provisions of this Code, other than those on floor area ratio, governing the approval of projects, including the requirements relating to height, bulk, setback, sunlight access, and separation between towers, and any limitations imposed pursuant to Section 309 review applicable to the Development Lot. The total allowable gross floor area of a development on a Development Lot may not exceed the limitation imposed by Section 123(c).
(d) Limitations. No transfer of permitted gross floor area shall serve to increase the total gross floor area permitted under this Code on the adjacent lot and the transferee lot taken together, either presently or prospectively. No building permit application shall be approved by the Planning Department at any time, nor shall any building permit be issued by any City department at any time, if the result of such approval or issuance would be to increase the total permitted Gross Floor Area of both such lots taken together above such total as calculated on the basis of the floor area ratio limits prevailing at that time for such lots.
(e) Completed Transfers. Any transfer of permitted Gross Floor Area completed prior to the effective date of this Section shall be effective notwithstanding the location of the transferee lot outside the C-3-O District and notwithstanding the aggregate transfer of more than ½ the gross floor area permitted on the adjacent lot under the basic floor area ratio limit, provided all other conditions of this Section have been met.
(f) Restrictions on Transfer. Any restrictions or limitations imposed upon any lot by virtue of the transfer of Gross Floor Area permitted by this Section shall remain in effect notwithstanding an amendment of this Section which removes authorization for such a transfer.
(Amended by Ord. 414-85, App. 9/17/85; Ord. 22-15, File No. 141253, App. 2/20/2015, Eff. 3/22/2015)
Divisions (a) and (f) amended; Ord. 22-15, Eff. 3/22/2015.
(a) Definitions.
(1) "Development Lot." A lot to which TDR may be transferred to increase the allowable gross floor area of development thereon beyond that otherwise permitted by the Zoning Control Table for the district in which the lot is located.
(2) "Owner of Record." The owner or owners of record in fee.
(3) "Preservation Lot." A parcel of land on which is either (A) a Significant or Contributory building (as designated pursuant to Article 11); or (B) a Category V Building that has complied with the eligibility requirement for transfer of TDR as set forth in Section 1109(c); or (C) a structure designated an individual landmark pursuant to Article 10 of this Code. The boundaries of the Preservation Lot shall be the boundaries of the Assessor's lot on which the building is located at the time the ordinance or, as to Section 1109(c), resolution, making the designation is adopted, unless boundaries are otherwise specified in the ordinance.
(4) "Transfer Lot." A Preservation Lot located in a C-3 District from which TDR may be transferred. A lot zoned P (public) may in no event be a Transfer Lot unless a building on that lot is (A) owned by the City and County of San Francisco; and (B) located in a P District adjacent to a C-3 District; and (C) designated as an individual landmark pursuant to Article 10 of this Code, designated as a Category I Significant Building pursuant to Article 11 of this Code, or listed on the National Register of Historic Places; and (D) the TDR proceeds are used to finance, in whole or in part, a project to rehabilitate and restore the building in accordance with the Secretary of Interior standards. For the purposes of Section 128(b), a lot zoned P that satisfies the criteria of this Subsection (4) to qualify as a "Transfer Lot" shall be deemed to have an allowable gross floor area of 7.5:1 under Section 124.
(5) "Transferable Development Rights (TDR)." Units of gross floor area that may be transferred, pursuant to the provisions of this Section and Article 11 of this Code, from a Transfer Lot to increase the allowable gross floor area of a development on a Development Lot.
(6) "Unit of TDR." One unit of TDR is one square foot of gross floor area.
(b) Amount of TDR Available for Transfer. The maximum TDR available for transfer from a Transfer Lot consists of the difference between (1) the allowable Gross Floor Area permitted on the Transfer Lot by the Zoning Control Table for the district in which the lot is located; and (2) the Gross Floor Area of the development located on the Transfer Lot.
(c) Eligibility of Development Lots and Limitation on Use of TDR on Development Lots. TDR may be used to increase the allowable gross floor area of a development on a Development Lot if the following requirements and restrictions are satisfied:
(1) Transfer of Development Rights shall be limited to the following:
(A) The Transfer Lot and the Development Lot are located in a C-3 Zoning District; or
(B) the Transfer Lot contains a Significant building and is located in the South of Market Extended Preservation District, as set forth in Section 819, and the Development Lot is located in a C-3 District; or
(C) the Transfer Lot is in a P District adjacent to a C-3 District and meets the requirements established in subsection (a)(4) above and the Development Lot is located in a C-3 District; or
(D) the Transfer Lot is located in any C-3 District and contains an individual landmark designated pursuant to Article 10 and the Development Lot is located in any C-3 District.
(2) TDR may not be transferred for use on any lot on which is or has been located a Significant or Contributory building; provided that this restriction shall not apply if the designation of a building is changed to Unrated; nor shall it apply if the Historic Preservation Commission finds that the additional space resulting from the transfer of TDR is essential to make economically feasible the reinforcement of a Significant or Contributory building to meet the standards for seismic loads and forces of the Building Code, in which case TDR may be transferred for that purpose subject to the limitations of this Section and Article 11, including Section 1111.6. Any alteration shall be governed by the requirements of Sections 1111 to 1111.6.
(3) Notwithstanding any other provision of this Section, development on a Development Lot is limited by the provisions of this Code, other than those on floor area ratio, governing the approval of projects, including the requirements relating to height, bulk, setback, sunlight access, and separation between towers, and any limitations imposed pursuant to Section 309 review applicable to the Development Lot. The total allowable gross floor area of a development on a Development Lot may not exceed the limitation imposed by Section 123(c).
(d) Effect of Transfer of TDR. Transfer of TDR from a Transfer Lot permanently reduces the development potential of the Transfer Lot by the amount of the TDR transferred, except as provided in Section 124(f). In addition, transfer of TDR from a Preservation Lot containing a Contributory building or an individual landmark designated pursuant to Article 10 causes such building to become subject to the same restrictions on demolition and alteration, and the same penalties and enforcement remedies, that are applicable to Significant Buildings Category I, as provided in Article 11.
(e) Procedure for Determining TDR Eligibility.
(1) In order to obtain a determination of whether a lot is a Transfer Lot and, if it is, of the amount of TDR available for transfer, the owner of record of the lot may file an application with the Zoning Administrator for a Statement of Eligibility. The application for a Statement of Eligibility shall contain or be accompanied by plans and drawings and other information which the Zoning Administrator determines is necessary in order to determine whether a Statement of Eligibility can be issued. Any person who applies for a Statement of Eligibility prior to expiration of the time for request of reconsideration of designation authorized in Section 1106 shall submit in writing a waiver of the right to seek such reconsideration.
(2) The Zoning Administrator shall, upon the filing of an application for a Statement of Eligibility and the submission of all required information, issue either a proposed Statement of Eligibility or a written determination that no TDR are available for transfer and shall mail that document to the applicant and to any other person who has filed with the Zoning Administrator a written request for a copy, and shall post the proposed Statement of Eligibility or written determination on the Planning Department website. Any appeal of the proposed Statement of Eligibility or determination of noneligibility shall be filed with the Board of Appeals within 20 days of the date of issuance of the document. If not appealed, the proposed Statement of Eligibility or the determination of noneligibility shall become final on the 21st day after the date of issuance. The Statement of Eligibility shall contain at least the following information:
(A) the name of the owner of record of the Transfer Lot;
(B) the address, legal description and Assessor's Block and Lot of the Transfer Lot;
(C) the C-3 use district within which the Transfer Lot is located;
(D) whether the Transfer Lot contains a Significant or Contributory building, a Category V building, or an Article 10 individually designated landmark;
(E) the amount of TDR available for transfer; and
(F) the date of issuance.
(3) Once the proposed Statement of Eligibility becomes final, whether through lack of appeal or after appeal, the Zoning Administrator shall record the Statement of Eligibility in the Office of the County Recorder. The County Recorder shall be instructed to mail the original of the recorded document to the owner of record of the Transfer Lot and a conformed copy to the Zoning Administrator.
(f) Cancellation of Eligibility.
(1) If reasonable grounds should at any time exist for determining that a building on a Preservation Lot may have been altered or demolished in violation of Articles 10 or 11, including Sections 1110 and 1111 thereof, the Zoning Administrator may issue and record with the County Recorder a Notice of Suspension of Eligibility for the affected lot and, in cases of demolition of a Significant or Contributory building, a notice that the restriction on the floor area ratio of a replacement building may be applicable and shall mail a copy of such notice to the owner of record of the lot. The notice shall provide that the property owner shall have 20 days from the date of the notice in which to request a hearing before the Zoning Administrator in order to dispute this initial determination. If no hearing is requested, the initial determination of the Zoning Administrator is deemed final on the twenty-first day after the date of the notice, unless the Zoning Administrator has determined that the initial determination was in error.
(2) If a hearing is requested, the Zoning Administrator shall notify the property owner of the time and place of hearing, which shall be scheduled within 21 days of the request, shall conduct the hearing, and shall render a written determination within 15 days after the close of the hearing. If the Zoning Administrator shall determine that the initial determination was in error, that officer shall issue and record a Notice of Revocation of Suspension of Eligibility. Any appeal of the determination of the Zoning Administrator shall be filed with the Board of Appeals within 20 days of the date of the written determination following a hearing or, if no hearing has been requested, within 20 days after the initial determination becomes final.
(3) If after an appeal to the Board of Appeals it is determined that an unlawful alteration or demolition has occurred, or if no appeal is taken of the determination by the Zoning Administrator of such a violation, the Zoning Administrator shall record in the Office of the County Recorder a Notice of Cancellation of Eligibility for the lot, and shall mail to the property owner a conformed copy of the recorded Notice. In the case of demolition of a Significant or Contributory Building, the Zoning Administrator shall record a Notice of Special Restriction noting the restriction on the floor area ratio of the Preservation Lot, and shall mail to the owner of record a certified copy of the Notice. If after an appeal to the Board of Appeals it is determined that no unlawful alteration or demolition has occurred, the Zoning Administrator shall issue and record a Notice of Revocation of Suspension of Eligibility and, if applicable, a Notice of Revocation of the Notice of Special Restriction, and shall mail conformed copies of the recorded notices to the owner of record.
(4) No notice recorded under this Section 128(f) shall affect the validity of TDR that have been transferred from the affected Transfer Lot in compliance with the provisions of this Section prior to the date of recordation of such notice, whether or not such TDR have been used.
(g) Procedure for Transfer of TDR.
(1) TDR from a single Transfer Lot may be transferred as a group to a single transferee or in separate increments to several transferees. TDR may be transferred either directly from the original owner of the TDR to the owner of a Development Lot or to persons, firms or entities who acquire the TDR from the original owner of the TDR and hold them for subsequent transfer to other persons, firms, entities or to the owners of a Development Lot or Lots.
(2) When TDR are transferred, they shall be identified in each Certificate of Transfer by a number. A single unit of TDR transferred from a Transfer Lot shall be identified by the number "1." Multiple units of TDR transferred as a group for the first time from a Transfer Lot shall be numbered consecutively from "1" through the number of units transferred. If a fraction of a unit of TDR is transferred, it shall retain its numerical identification. (For example, if 5,000-1/2 TDR are transferred in the initial transfer from the Transfer Lot, they would be numbered "1 through 5,000 and one-half of 5,001.") TDR subsequently transferred from the Transfer Lot shall be identified by numbers taken in sequence following the last number previously transferred. (For example if the first units of gross floor area transferred from a Transfer Lot are numbered 1 through 10,000, the next unit transferred would be number 10,001.) If multiple units transferred from a Transfer Lot are subsequently transferred separately in portions, the seller shall identify the TDR sold by numbers which correspond to the numbers by which they were identified at the time of their transfer from the Transfer Lot. (For example, TDR numbered 1 through 10,000 when transferred separately from the Transfer Lot in two equal portions would be identified in the two Certificates of Transfer as numbers 1 through 5,000 and 5,001 through 10,000.) Once assigned numbers, TDR retain such numbers for the purpose of identification through the process of transferring and using TDR. The phrase "numerical identification," as used in this section, shall mean the identification of TDR by numbers as described in this Subsection.
(3) Transfer of TDR from the Transfer Lot shall not be valid unless (A) a Statement of Eligibility has been recorded in the Office of the County Recorder prior to the date of recordation of the Certificate of Transfer evidencing such transfer and (B) a Notice of Suspension of Eligibility or Notice of Cancellation of Eligibility has not been recorded prior to such transfer or, if recorded, has thereafter been withdrawn by an appropriate recorded Notice of Revocation or a new Statement of Eligibility has been thereafter recorded.
(4) Transfer of TDR, whether by initial transfer from a Transfer Lot or by a subsequent transfer, shall not be valid unless a Certificate of Transfer evidencing such transfer has been prepared and recorded. The Zoning Administrator shall prepare a form of Certificate of Transfer and all transfers shall be evidenced by documents that are substantially the same as the Certificate of Transfer form prepared by the Zoning Administrator, which form shall contain at least the following:
(A) For transfers from the Transfer Lot only:
(i) Execution and acknowledgement by the original owner of TDR as the transferor(s) of the TDR; and
(ii) Execution and acknowledgment by the Zoning Administrator; and
(iii) A notice, prominently placed and in all capital letters, preceded by the underlined heading "Notice of Restriction," stating that the transfer of TDR from the Transfer Lot permanently reduces the development potential of the Transfer Lot by the amount of TDR transferred, with reference to the provisions of this Section.
(B) For all transfers:
(i) The address, legal description, Assessor's Block and Lot, and C-3 use district of the Transfer Lot from which the TDR originates; and
(ii) The amount and sale price of TDR transferred; and
(iii) Numerical identification of the TDR being transferred; and
(iv) The names and mailing addresses of the transferors and transferees of the TDR; and
(v) Execution and acknowledgment by the transferors and transferees of the TDR; and
(vi) A reference to the Statement of Eligibility, including its recorded instrument number and date of recordation, and a recital of all previous transfers of the TDR, including the names of the transferors and transferees involved in each transfer and the recorded instrument number and date of recordation of each Certificate of Transfer involving the TDR, including the transfer from the Transfer Lot which generated the TDR.
(5) When a Certificate of Transfer for the transfer of TDR from a Transfer Lot is presented to the Zoning Administrator for execution, that officer shall not execute the document if a transfer of the TDR would be prohibited by any provision of this Section or any other provision of this Code. The Zoning Administrator shall, within five business days from the date that the Certificate of Transfer is submitted for execution, either execute the Certificate of Transfer or issue a written determination of the grounds requiring a refusal to execute the Certificate.
(6) Each duly executed and acknowledged Certificate of Transfer containing the information required herein shall be presented for recordation in the Office of the County Recorder and shall be recorded by the County Recorder. The County Recorder shall be instructed to mail the original Certificate of Transfer to the person and address designated thereon and shall be given a copy of the Certificate of Transfer and instructed to conform the copy and mail it to the Zoning Administrator.
(h) Certificate of Transfer of TDR for a Project on a Development Lot.
(1) When the use of TDR is necessary for the approval of a building permit for a project on a Development Lot, the Director of the Department of Building Inspection shall not approve issuance of the permit unless the Zoning Administrator has issued a written certification that the owner of the Development Lot owns the required number of TDR. When the transfer of TDR is necessary for the approval of a site permit for a project on a Development Lot, the Zoning Administrator shall impose as a condition of approval of the site permit the requirement that the Director of the Department of Building Inspection shall not issue the first addendum to the site permit unless the Zoning Administrator has issued a written certification that the owner of the Development Lot owns the required number of TDR.
(2) In order to obtain certification as required in Section 128(h)(1), the permit applicant shall present to the Zoning Administrator:
(A) Information necessary to enable the Zoning Administrator to prepare the Notice of Use of TDR, which information shall be at least the following:
(i) The address, legal description, Assessor's Block and Lot, and zoning classification of the Development Lot;
(ii) The name and address of the owner of record of the Development Lot;
(iii) Amount and numerical identification of the TDR being used;
(iv) A certified copy of each Certificate of Transfer evidencing transfer to the owner of the Development Lot of the TDR being used; and
(B) A report from a title insurance company showing the holder of record of the TDR to be used, all Certificate of Transfer of the TDR, and all other matters of record affecting such TDR. In addition to showing all such information, the report shall guarantee that the report is accurate and complete and the report shall provide that in the event that its guarantee or any information shown in the report is incorrect, the title company shall be liable to the City for the fair market value of the TDR at the time of the report. The liability amount shall be not less than $10,000 and no more than $1,000,000, the appropriate amount to be determined by the Zoning Administrator based on the number of TDR being used.
(C) An agreement whereby the owner of the Development Lot shall indemnify the City against any and all loss, cost, harm or damage, including attorneys' fees, arising out of or related in any way to the assertion of any adverse claim to the TDR, including any loss, cost, harm or damage occasioned by the passive negligence of the City and excepting only that caused by the City's sole and active negligence. The indemnity agreement shall be secured by a financial balance sheet certified by an auditor or a corporate officer showing that the owner has assets equal to or greater than the value of the TDR, or other security satisfactory to Planning Department and the City Attorney.
(3) If the Zoning Administrator determines that the project applicant has complied with the provisions of Subsection (h)(2) and all other applicable provisions of this Section, and that the applicant is the owner of the TDR, that officer shall transmit to the Director of the Department of Building Inspection, with a copy to the project applicant, written certification that the owner of the Development Lot owns the TDR. Prior to transmitting such certification, the Zoning Administrator shall prepare a document entitled Notice of Use of TDR stating that the TDR have been used and may not be further transferred, shall obtain the execution and acknowledgment on the Notice of the owner of record of the Development Lot, shall execute and acknowledge the Notice, shall record it in the Office of the County Recorder, and shall mail to the owner of record of the Development Lot a conformed copy of the recorded Notice. If the Zoning Administrator determines that the project applicant is not the owner of the TDR, or has not complied with all applicable provisions of this Section, that determination shall be set forth in writing along with the reasons therefore. The Zoning Administrator shall either transmit certification or provide a written determination that certification is inappropriate within 10 business days after the receipt of all information required pursuant to Subsection (h)(2).
(i) Cancellation of Notice of Use; Transfer from Development Lot.
(1) The owner of a Development Lot for which a Notice of Use of TDR has been recorded may apply for a Cancellation of Notice of Use if (A) the building permit or site permit for which the Notice of Use was issued expires or was revoked or cancelled prior to completion of the work for which such permit was issued and the work may not be carried out; or (B) any administrative or court decision is issued or any ordinance or initiative or law is adopted which does not allow the applicant to make use of the permit; or (C) a portion or all of such TDR are not used.
(2) If the Zoning Administrator determines that the TDR have not been and will not be used on the Development Lot based on the reasons set forth in subsection (i)(1), the Zoning Administrator shall prepare the Cancellation of Notice of Use of TDR. If only a portion of the TDR which had been acquired are not being used, the applicant may identify which TDR will not be used and the Cancellation of Notice of Use of TDR shall apply only to those TDR. The Zoning Administrator shall obtain on the Cancellation of Notice of Use of TDR the signature and acknowledgment of the owner of record of the Development Lot as to which the Notice of Use of TDR was recorded, shall execute and acknowledge the document, and shall record it in the office of the County Recorder.
(3) Once a Cancellation of Notice of Use of TDR has been recorded, the owner of the Development Lot may apply for a Statement of Eligibility in order to transfer the TDR identified in that document. The procedures and requirements set forth in this Section governing the transfer of TDR shall apply to the transfer of TDR from the owner of a Development Lot after a Notice of Use has been filed, except for the provisions of this Section permanently restricting the development potential of a Transfer Lot upon the transfer of TDR; provided, however, that the district or districts to which the TDR may be transferred shall be the same district or districts to which TDR could have been transferred from the Transfer Lot that generated the TDR.
(j) Erroneous Notice of Use; Revocation of Permit. If the Zoning Administrator determines that a Notice of Use of TDR was issued or recorded in error, that officer may direct the Director of the Department of Building Inspection to suspend any permit issued for a project using such TDR, in which case the Director of the Department of Building Inspection shall comply with that directive. The Zoning Administrator shall thereafter conduct a noticed hearing in order to determine whether the Notice of Use of TDR was issued or recorded in error. If it is determined that the Notice of Use of TDR was issued or recorded in error, the Director of the Department of Building Inspection shall revoke the permit; provided, however, that no permit authorizing such project shall be revoked if the right to proceed thereunder has vested under California law. If it is determined that the Notice of Use of TDR was not issued or recorded in error, the permit shall be reinstated.
(k) Effect of Repeal or Amendment. TDR shall convey the rights granted herein only so long and to the extent as authorized by the provisions of this Code. Upon repeal of such legislative authorization, TDR shall there after convey no rights or privileges. Upon amendment of such legislative authorization, TDR shall thereafter convey only such rights and privileges as are permitted under the amendment. No Statement of Eligibility shall convey any right to use, transfer or otherwise utilize TDR if the maximum floor area ratio for the Transfer Lot is reduced after the Statement of Eligibility is issued.
(l) Preservation Rehabilitation, and Maintenance Requirements for Preservation Lots.
(1) In addition to the material required to be submitted with an application for a Certificate of Transfer for initial transfer from the Transfer Lot set forth in subsection 128(g), the owner of the Transfer Lot shall:
(A) Demonstrate that any and all outstanding Notices of Violation have been abated; and
(B) Submit for approval by the Department a Preservation, Rehabilitation, and Maintenance Plan that describes any proposed preservation and rehabilitation work and that guarantees the maintenance and upkeep of the Transfer Lot. This Plan shall include:
(i) a plan for the ongoing maintenance of the Transfer Lot;
(ii) information regarding the nature and cost of any rehabilitation, restoration or preservation work to be conducted on the Transfer Lot, including information about any required seismic, life safety, or disability access work;
(iii) a construction schedule; and
(iv) any other such information as the Department may require to determine compliance of this subsection 128(l).
All such work, shall comply with the Secretary of the Interior's Standards for the Treatment of Historic Properties. The requirements of the approved Plan shall be recorded along with the final Certificate of Transfer in the Office of the County Recorder.
Notwithstanding the foregoing, the owner of the Transfer Lot may apply to the Department for a hardship exemption from the requirements of subsection (i). Such hardship exemption shall demonstrate to the satisfaction of the Department that sale of TDR is necessary to fund the work required to cure the outstanding Notice(s) of Violation on the Transfer Lot.
(2) Approval of the Certificate of Transfer for initial transfer from the Transfer Lot shall be conditioned on execution of the requirements described in subsection (l)(1). Once any TDR is transferred from the Transfer Lot, the Certificate of Transfer and conditions may not be withdrawn.
(3) Within one year of the issuance of the Certificate of Transfer for initial transfer from the Transfer Lot, the owner of the Transfer Lot shall submit a status report to the Department detailing how the requirements of subsection (l)(1) have been completed and describing ongoing maintenance activities. Such report shall include: (A) information detailing the work completed; (B) copies of all permits obtained for the work, including any Certificates of Appropriateness or Permits to Alter; (C) any inspection reports or other documentation from the Department of Building Inspection showing completion of the work; (D) itemized receipts of payment for work performed; and (E) any such other documentation as the Department may require to determine compliance with the requirements of this subsection 128(l). The deadline for completion of the work and submittal of this report may be extended at the discretion of the Department upon application of the owner of the Transfer Lot and only upon a showing that the owner has diligently pursued all required permits and completion of the work.
(4) Failure to comply with the requirements of this subsection (l), including all reporting requirements, shall be grounds for enforcement under this Code, including but not limited to under Sections 176 and 176.1. Penalties for failure to comply may include, but shall not be limited to, a lien on the Transfer Lot equal to the sale price of the TDR sold.
(Added by Ord. 414-85, App. 9/17/85; amended by Ord. 115-90, App. 4/6/90; Ord. 21-03, File No. 020328, App. 2/21/2003; Ord. 77-04, File No. 031930, App. 5/6/2004; Ord. 87-07, File No. 061688, App. 4/27/2007; Ord. 246-10, File No. 100851, App. 10/14/2010; Ord. 256-10, File No. 101200, App. 11/5/2010; Ord. 68-13
, File No. 120474, App. 4/23/2013, Eff. 5/23/2013; Ord. 22-15, File No. 141253, App. 2/20/2015, Eff. 3/22/2015)
References to officials and bodies updated and/or corrected throughout; internal subdivisions redesignated consistently throughout; in division (c)(1), former subdivisions (i) and (iii) amended and redesignated as (A) and (B), former subdivisions (v) and (vi) redesignated as (C) and (D), and former subdivisions (ii) and (iv) deleted; divisions (f)(1), (f)(3), and (l)(1) through (4) amended; Ord. 68-13
, Eff. 5/23/2013. Divisions (a)(1) and (b) amended; Ord. 22-15, Eff. 3/22/2015.
(a) Purpose. The purpose of this Section is to use Transferable Development Rights to facilitate the economic viability of buildings that are of civic importance, that are not built to their full development potential, and that are within the Central SoMa Special Use District, established in Section 249.78.
(b) Definitions.
“Development Lot.” A lot within the Central SoMa Special Use District to which Transferable Development Rights may be transferred. The following areas are exempted from the calculation of the Development Lot area: land dedicated to the City for affordable housing pursuant to Section 249.78 or land dedicated to the City for publicly-owned parks or publicly-owned recreation centers pursuant to Section 263.32 or 263.34.
“Preservation Lot.” A parcel of land within the Central SoMa Special Use District on which exists (1) a Significant or Contributory Building, as designated pursuant to Article 11 of this Code; or (2) a structure designated as an individual landmark or as contributory to a historic district designated pursuant to Article 10 of this Code. The boundaries of the Preservation Lot shall be the boundaries of the Assessor’s Lot on which the building is located at the time the ordinance making the designation is adopted, unless boundaries are otherwise specified in that ordinance.
“Transfer Lot.” Within the Central SoMa Special Use District, a Transfer Lot is a Preservation Lot or a lot that contains a building in which all of the housing units are Affordable Housing Units as defined in Section 401 from which Transferable Development Rights may be transferred.
“Transferable Development Rights (TDR).” Units of allowable Gross Floor Area that may be transferred, pursuant to the provisions of this Section and Article 11 of this Code, from a Transfer Lot to increase the allowable Gross Floor Area of a development on a Development Lot.
“Unit of TDR.” One unit of TDR is one square foot of Gross Floor Area.
(c) Applicability. TDR may be transferred from a Transfer Lot to a Development Lot, subject to the requirements set forth in this Section 128.1.
(1) The maximum TDR available for transfer from a Transfer Lot consists of the difference between the allowable Gross Floor Area on the Transfer Lot and the actual Gross Floor Area of the development located on the Transfer Lot. For purposes of this Section, the allowable Gross Floor Area of the Transfer Lot is as follows:
(A) 3.0 Floor Area Ratio for projects in height districts of 40 to 49 feet;
(B) 4.0 Floor Area Ratio for projects in height districts of 50 to 59 feet;
(C) 5.0 Floor Area Ratio for projects in height districts of 60 to 69 feet;
(D) 6.0 Floor Area Ratio for projects in height districts of 70 to 85 feet; and
(E) 7.5 Floor Area Ratio for projects in height districts over 85 feet.
(2) TDR may not be transferred for use on any lot on which there is a Significant or Contributory building designated pursuant to Article 11 or any building designated pursuant to Article 10; provided that this restriction shall not apply if the Historic Preservation Commission finds that the additional space resulting from the transfer of TDR is essential to make economically feasible the reinforcement of a Significant or Contributory building designated pursuant to Article 11 to meet the standards for seismic loads and forces of the Building Code, in which case TDR may be transferred for that purpose, provided that the project sponsor has satisfied all other requirements of this Section and Article 11, including but not limited to the requirements of Sections 1111 through 1111.6.
(3) Notwithstanding any other provision of this Section 128.1, development on a Development Lot is limited by the provisions of this Code, other than those on floor area ratio, governing the approval of projects, including but not limited to the requirements relating to height, bulk, setback, sunlight access, and separation between towers, and any limitations imposed pursuant to Section 329 review applicable to the Development Lot.
(d) Controls. The transfer and use of TDR within the Central SoMa SUD are subject to the following controls:
(2) TDR from a Transfer Lot located outside the Central SoMa SUD may only be used by a Development Lot within the Central SoMa SUD if that Development Lot is a Large Development Site pursuant to subsection (e).
(3) Transfer and use of TDR within the Central SoMa SUD is subject to the requirements of Section 128(e) through (l).
(e) TDR Controls for Large Development Sites.
(1) Applicability. This subsection (e) applies to Large Development Sites, which are projects that:
(A) Are located in Central SoMa Fee Tier C, as defined in Section 423.2;
(B) Contain new construction or addition of 50,000 non-residential gross square feet or greater; and
(C) Have a Floor Area Ratio of 3:1 or greater.
Divisions (b) and (c) amended; divisions (d)- (d)(2) and (e) amended in full as (d)-(d)(3) and (e)- (e)(2); Ord. 47-21, Eff. 5/17/2021.
(See Interpretations related to this Section.)
(b) Every such front setback and rear yard shall extend along a lot line the full width of the lot. Every such side yard shall extend along a lot line from the front setback or the front lot line to the rear yard. The required minimum depth or width of any yard or setback shall be measured generally at right angles to the lot line. All required yards and setbacks shall be located on the lot on which the building is situated.
(c) Where a vacant lot abuts on two or more streets, any street lot line may be elected by the owner as the front lot line for purposes of the yard and setback requirements, and in general the lot line opposite and most nearly parallel thereto shall be the rear lot line. Any street lot line that is not a front lot line shall be a rear lot line or a side lot line.
(d) Where the side lot lines converge to a point, a line five feet long within the lot parallel to and at a maximum distance from the front lot line shall be deemed to be the rear lot line for the purposes of determining the depth of the rear yard.
(e) Where the building wall is not parallel to a side or a rear lot line, the required least dimension of the side yard or the rear yard along such line may be applied to the average, provided that no such side yard shall be less than three feet in width at any point, and no such rear yard shall be less than five feet in depth at any point.
(f) Obstructions in any required yard or setback shall be limited to those specified in Section 136 of this Code.
(Amended by Ord. 443-78, App. 10/6/78; Ord. 248-03, File No. 030999, App. 10/22/2003)
(See Interpretations related to this Section.)
(a) The legislated setback lines along specific street and alley frontages established by ordinance and resolution pursuant to former Article 4 of the City Planning Code and earlier provisions of law are hereby continued in effect as regulations of the City Planning Code, regardless of the regulations for the use districts in which such street and alley frontages are located, and said ordinances and resolutions are expressly incorporated herein by reference as though fully set forth.
(d) In case of any conflict between the requirements of a legislated setback line and a front setback area established by Section 132 of this Code, the more restrictive requirements shall prevail.
(Added by Ord. 443-78, App. 10/6/78)
New Ordinance Notice
Publisher's Note: This section has been AMENDED by new legislation (Ord. 297-24
, approved 12/19/2024, effective 1/19/2025). The text of the amendment will be incorporated under the new section number when the amending legislation is operative.
(See Interpretations related to this Section.)
The following requirements for minimum front setback areas shall apply to every building in all RH, RTO, and RM Districts, in order to relate the setbacks provided to the existing front setbacks of adjacent buildings. Buildings in RTO Districts which have more than 75 feet of street frontage are additionally subject to the Ground Floor Residential Design Guidelines, as adopted and periodically amended by the Planning Commission. Planned Unit Developments or PUDs, as defined in Section 304, shall also provide landscaping in required setbacks in accord with Section 132(g).
(a) Basic Requirement. Where one or both buildings adjacent to the subject property have front setbacks along a Street or Alley, any building or addition constructed, reconstructed, or relocated on the subject property shall be set back to no less than the depth of the adjacent building with the shortest front setback, except as provided in subsection (c). In any case in which the lot constituting the subject property is separated from the lot containing the nearest building by an undeveloped lot or lots for a distance of 50 feet or less parallel to the Street or Alley, such nearest building shall be deemed to be an “adjacent building,” but a building on a lot so separated for a greater distance shall not be deemed to be an “adjacent building.”
(b) Method of Measurement. The extent of the front setback of each adjacent building shall be taken as the horizontal distance from the property line along the Street or Alley to the building wall closest to such property line, excluding all projections from such wall, all decks and garage structures and extensions, and all other obstructions.
(c) Applicability to Special Lot Situations.
(1) Corner Lots and Lots at Alley Intersections. On a Corner Lot as defined in Section 102 of this Code, or a lot at the intersection of a Street and an Alley or two Alleys, a front setback area shall be required only along the Street or Alley elected by the owner as the front of the property. Along such Street or Alley, the required setback for the subject lot shall be equal to one-half the front setback of the adjacent building.
(2) Lots Abutting Properties That Front on Another Street or Alley. In the case of any lot that abuts along its side lot line upon a lot that fronts on another Street or Alley, the lot on which it so abuts shall be disregarded, and the required setback for the subject lot shall be equal to the front setback of the adjacent building on its opposite side.
(3) Lots Abutting RC, C, M, and P Districts. In the case of any lot that abuts property in an RC, C, M, or P District, any property in such district shall be disregarded, and the required setback for the subject lot shall be equal to the front setback of the adjacent building in the RH, RTO, or RM District.
(d) Maximum Requirements. The maximum required front setback in any of the cases described in this Section 132 shall be 10 feet from the property line along the Street or Alley, except in cases where more than 75% of the properties on the subject block face have a setback of 15 feet or greater, and both parcels adjacent to the parcel property have a front setback of 15 feet or greater, in which case the maximum front setback shall be 15 feet. The required setback for lots located within the Bernal Heights Special Use District is set forth in Section 242 of this Code.
(f)1 Permitted Obstructions. Only those obstructions specified in Section 136 of this Code shall be permitted in a required front setback area, and no other obstruction shall be constructed, placed or maintained within any such area. No motor vehicle, trailer, boat or other vehicle shall be parked or stored within any such area, except as specified in Section 136.
(g) Landscaping and Permeable Surfaces. The landscaping and Permeable Surface requirements of this subsection (g) and subsection (h) below shall be met by the permittee in the case of construction of a new building; the addition of a new Dwelling Unit, a garage, or additional parking; any addition to a structure that would result in an increase of 20% or more of the existing Gross Floor Area; a Residential Merger, as defined in Section 317; or paving or repaving more than 200 square feet of the front setback. All front setback areas required by this Section 132 shall be appropriately landscaped, meet any applicable water use requirements of Administrative Code Chapter 63, and in every case not less than 20% of the required setback area shall be and remain unpaved and devoted to plant material, including the use of climate appropriate plant material as defined in Public Works Code Section 802.1. For the purposes of this Section 132, permitted obstructions as defined by Section 136(c)(6) chimneys, Section 136(c)(14) steps, and Section 136(c)(27) garages in steeply sloping front setbacks shall be excluded from the front setback area used to calculate the required landscape and Permeable Surface area. If the required setback area is entirely taken up by one or more permitted obstructions, the Zoning Administrator may allow the installation of sidewalk landscaping that is compliant with applicable water use requirements of Chapter 63 of the Administrative Code to satisfy the requirements of this Section 132, subject to permit approval from the Department of Public Works in accordance with Public Works Code Section 810B.
(h) Permeable Surfaces. The front setback area shall be at least 50% permeable so as to increase stormwater infiltration. The Permeable Surface may be inclusive of the area counted towards the landscaping requirement; provided, however, that turf pavers or similar planted hardscapes shall be counted only toward the Permeable Surface requirement and not the landscape requirement.
(1) The Zoning Administrator, after consultation with the Director of Public Works, may waive the Permeable Surface requirement if the site does not qualify as a suitable location pursuant to Department of Public Works rules and regulations.
(2) If the site receives stormwater run-off from outside the lot boundaries, the Zoning Administrator, after consultation with the General Manager of the Public Utilities Commission, may modify the Permeable Surface requirement to include alternative management strategies, such as bio-retention or other strategies, pursuant to Public Utilities Commission rules and regulations.
(i) Planned Unit Developments. In addition to the front yard landscaping requirements in Section 132(g). Planned Unit Developments are required to install the following front yard landscape features.
(1) Where ground floor setbacks are required, landscaping is also required in the setbacks per Section 132(g). All building setback areas not occupied by steps, porches or other permitted obstructions shall be Permeable Surfaces. Setbacks should be designed to provide access to landscaped areas, encouraging active use by residents.
(A) A water source should be provided for each residential setback reachable by a 30-foot hose.
(B) To allow for landscaping and street trees at street grade, below-grade parking shall be located at a depth below any surface of the setback to provide a minimum soil depth of 3 feet 6 inches.
(2) The Zoning Administrator is authorized to modify the additional landscaping requirements for Planned Unit Developments. The Zoning Administrator shall allow modifications only when he or she finds that modifications provide equal or greater ecological benefit than the above requirements, including the use of climate appropriate plant materials as defined in Public Works Code Section 802.1. Acceptable modifications may include alternative landscape treatments such as landscaped berms, detention or retention basins, perimeter plantings, pedestrian lighting, benches and seating areas, or additional landscaping and tree planting elsewhere on the site or on the adjacent public right-of-way itself, subject to permit approval from the Department of Public Works.
(Amended by Ord. 443-78, App. 10/6/78; Ord. 32-91, App. 1/25/91; Ord. 219-02, File No. 020493, App. 11/8/2002; Ord. 72-08, File No. 071157, App. 4/3/2008; Ord. 298-08, File No. 081153, App. 12/19/2008; Ord. 84-10, File No. 091453, App. 4/22/2010; Ord. 310-10, File No. 101194, App. 12/16/2010; Ord. 56-13
, File No. 130062, App. 3/28/2013, Eff. 4/27/2013; Ord. 188-15
, File No. 150871, App. 11/4/2015, Eff. 12/4/2015; Ord. 23-16
, File No. 150494, App. 3/4/2016, Eff. 4/3/2016; Ord. 202-18, File No. 180557, App. 8/10/2018, Eff. 9/10/2018; Ord. 206-19, File No. 190048, App. 9/13/2019, Eff. 10/14/2019; Ord. 63-20, File No. 200077, App. 4/24/2020, Eff. 5/25/2020; Ord. 248-23, File No. 230446, App. 12/14/2023, Eff. 1/14/2024; Ord. 33-24, File No. 231144, App. 2/21/2024, Eff. 3/23/2024)
Division (g) amended; former divisions (i)(1)(i) and (ii) redesignated as divisions (i)(1)(A) and (B); Ord. 56-13
, Eff. 4/27/2013. Division (g) amended; Ord. 188-15
, Eff. 12/4/2015. Division (g) amended; Ord. 23-16
, Eff. 4/3/2016. Section header and divisions (g), (h)-(h)(2), and (i)(1) amended; Ord. 202-18, Eff. 9/10/2018. Divisions (a) through (e) amended; Ord. 206-19, Eff. 10/14/2019. Division (d)(1) amended; Ord. 63-20, Eff. 5/25/2020. Division (a) amended; division (b) deleted; divisions (c) and (d) redesignated as (b) and (c); division (e) amended and redesignated as (d); Ord. 248-23, Eff. 1/14/2024. Division (g) amended; Ord. 33-24, Eff. 3/23/2024.