(a) Cataloging, Care and Maintenance of Public Art Media. Consistent with Charter Section 5.103, the cataloging, care and maintenance of all sculptures, statues, murals, paintings and other art media belonging to the City and County of San Francisco, other than and excepting those located on properties under the jurisdiction and control of the San Francisco Unified School District, the charitable trust departments under Section 5.101 of the Charter, or the California Academy of Sciences, shall be under the jurisdiction of the Arts Commission.
(b) Authorization for Sale of Works of Art. When the Arts Commission determines that it would be advantageous to the City and County, a work of art under the jurisdiction of the Arts Commission may be sold or exchanged as hereinafter set forth.
The Arts Commission may execute and accept all deeds of conveyance necessary and proper to effect a duly authorized sale or exchange. A work of art to be sold or exchanged shall be cataloged, listed and described with reasonable certainty and a copy of such catalog shall be furnished to the Purchaser.
(c) Exchange of Works of Art. The Arts Commission may exchange a work of art on such terms as the Arts Commission, by a 2/3 vote of the members of the Arts Commission, determines appropriate; provided that any exchange is subject to the approval of the Purchaser.
(d) Public Auction. A work of art under the jurisdiction of the Arts Commission may be sold at public auction to the highest and best bidder and the Arts Commission may contract with a licensed auctioneer for the purpose of conducting the sale or sales. The contract shall specify the compensation to be paid for the auctioneer's services and set forth the terms and conditions under which the sale or sales are to be conducted. Each such contract shall be approved by the Purchaser.
(e) Sale at Other Than Public Auction. A work of art under the jurisdiction of the Arts Commission may be sold by private sale under the following circumstances:
(1) If the work is offered at public auction and no bids are received, or if the bids are rejected; or
(2) If the Arts Commission determines, by a 2/3 vote of the members of the Arts Commission, that the work may be sold on terms more advantageous to the City and County if sold through private sale. Any contract for the private sale of a work of art is subject to the approval of the Purchaser. A work of art on which bids have been rejected shall not thereafter be sold through private sale for less than the amount of the highest bid received.
(f) Reproductions or Adaptations. The Arts Commission may license the making of reproductions or adaptations of works of art under its jurisdiction.
(g) Disposition of Proceeds from the Sale or Exchange of a Work of Art or of a Reproduction or Adaptation Thereof. All moneys received from the sale of a work of art under the jurisdiction of the Arts Commission, or from the licensing of the making of a reproduction or adaptation thereof, shall be placed in the Arts Commission Public Arts Fund as provided for in Section 10.100-30 of the Administrative Code. The monies in this fund attributable to the sale or exchange of a work of art shall be used exclusively for the purpose of acquiring or maintaining one or more other works of art.
(h) Traveling Exhibitions. The Arts Commission may charge a fee of up to $30,000 for organizing, producing, and sponsoring traveling art exhibitions for display at museums, cultural, and educational institutions. The Director of Cultural Affairs may determine the amount of the fee based on the size and value of the exhibition, the type of artwork in the exhibition, and any other factors the Director of Cultural Affairs deems appropriate in determining the amount of the fee. The loaning institution shall pay the fee within 30 days from the date of the Arts Commission invoice. The fee shall be distributed into the Arts Commission Public Arts Fund as provided for in Section 10.100-30 of the Administrative Code. The monies in this fund attributable to the traveling exhibition program shall be used to defray the costs incurred by the Arts Commission associated with the program and to support costs for Arts Commission gallery exhibitions. The Director of Cultural Affairs may establish such procedures as he or she deems appropriate to facilitate the traveling exhibition program.
Beginning with fiscal year 2019-2020, the Controller may, no later than May 15 of each year, adjust the maximum fee amount set forth in this subsection (h), without further action by the Board of Supervisors, to ensure that the Arts Commission recovers the costs incurred in organizing, producing, and sponsoring traveling art exhibitions and based on the fair market value of such services. The adjusted fee shall become operative on July 1 of that same year.
The City and County accepts from Moore S. and Hazel J. Achenbach the gift of a collection of etchings, engravings, lithographs and other forms of graphic art and drawings, consisting of approximately 75,000 works of art. Such collection shall be placed in suitable quarters in the buildings maintained by the California Palace of the Legion of Honor and shall remain in the custody, management, supervision and operation of and by the California Palace of the Legion of Honor. Portions of the collection shall be on exhibition for the inspection of the public during all times that the main building of the California Palace of the Legion of Honor is open.
In accepting the gift, provision will be made for the California Palace of the Legion of Honor to engage a curator and assistant curators for the collection, subject to the conditions herein elsewhere set forth, who shall be persons experienced in the collection and exhibition of graphic arts. They need not be residents of City and County, nor be subject to the civil service provisions of the Charter of the City and County. Their duty shall be to supervise the maintenance of the collection and designate the times when and the portions thereof to be placed on exhibition. Such other assistant curators shall be provided by the California Palace of the Legion of Honor for the proper maintenance, management, supervision, operation and storage of the collection.
In the event that the California Palace of the Legion of Honor should at any time fail to carry out the intent and conditions under which the gift is made, the objects of art shall revert to and become the property of the donors or the survivor, or in the event of their death, of such corporation, association or individual as the donors may designate, either in their joint wills or in the will of the survivor as between them, or in a joint declaration of trust that may be made during the lifetime of the donors, or in a declaration of trust that may be made by the survivor as between the donors. For the purposes of carrying out the intent of this Section, the Mayor is hereby authorized to enter into a contract with Moore S. and Hazel J. Achenbach and execute any and all other papers or documents required for its accomplishment.
The collection shall be known and referred to at all times as the Achenbach Foundation For Graphic Arts.
The provisions of this Section shall be subject to the budget and fiscal provisions of the Charter of the City and County.
(Res. No. 10629 (1939); amended by Ord. 24-00, File No. 992319, App. 2/25/2000)
The Board of Trustees of the Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco is hereby authorized to accept gifts, devises and bequests of objects of art or other articles to the M. H. de Young Memorial Museum, the California Palace of the Legion of Honor or the Fine Arts Museums solely for exhibition purposes when the acceptance of the same entails no expense on the part of the board beyond the ordinary care and maintenance of such objects of art or other articles.
All gifts, devises and bequests of objects of art or other articles heretofore made to the aforesaid museums which entail no expense beyond the ordinary care and maintenance thereof for exhibition purposes are hereby accepted for the purposes for which they have been given.
Nothing in this Section shall be considered to approve or ratify the acceptance in the past or in the future of any gift, devise or bequest made to the aforesaid museums, the administration of which gifts, devises or bequests entails any expense beyond the care and maintenance of the objects of such gifts, devises or bequests for exhibition purposes.
(Amended by Ord. 295-74, App. 6/12/74; Ord. 24-00, File No. 992319, App. 2/25/2000)
When, in the judgment of the Board of Trustees of the Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco, works of art or other articles in the possession of the museums are no longer fit for exhibition purposes in said museums, such works of art or other articles may be sold, exchanged or transferred as hereinafter set forth. Such works of art or other articles to be sold, exchanged or transferred shall be catalogued, listed and described with reasonable certainty.
(Added by Ord. 144-64, App. 5/27/64; amended by Ord. 347-89, App. 10/4/89; Ord. 24-00, File No. 992319, App. 2/25/2000)
The Board of Trustees may exchange such works of art or other articles for other works of art or other articles of equivalent value. The said Trustees may execute and accept all deeds of conveyance necessary and proper to effect such exchange.
(Added by Ord. 144-64, App. 5/27/64; amended by Ord. 347-89, App. 10/4/89; Ord. 24-00, File No. 992319, App. 2/25/2000)