The powers and duties set forth in Sections 2A.155.4 through 2A.155.10 authorizing the Board of Trustees of the Fine Arts Museums to sell, exchange or transfer works of art or other articles shall also be applicable to the Asian Art Museum with respect to works of art or other articles in its possession. Funds from the sale of objects in the Asian Art Museum's possession shall be placed in the general art acquisition fund of the Asian Art Museum and shall be under the jurisdiction of the Asian Art Commission.
(Added by Ord. 291-98, App. 9/30/98; amended by Ord. 24-00, File No. 992319, App. 2/25/2000)
The powers and duties set forth in Sections 2A.155.4 through 2A.155.10 authorizing the Board of Trustees of the Fine Arts Museums to sell, exchange or transfer works of art or other articles shall also be applicable to the San Francisco Airport Commission with respect to objects in its possession. Funds from the sale of objects in the Airport Museum's possession shall be placed in the Airport Museum's trust fund within the Airport Revenue Fund and shall be under the jurisdiction of the Airport Commission. Nothing in this Section is intended to limit or abridge the Arts Commission's authority with respect to works of art as set forth in Charter Section 5.103 and Administrative Code Section 2A.150.
(Added by Ord. 291-98, App. 9/30/98; amended by Ord. 24-00, File No. 992319, App. 2/25/2000)
In addition to all other approvals required by law, plans for all proposed buildings and improvements of the California Academy of Sciences including any additions, must be approved by the Recreation and Park Commission and the Arts Commission. The Recreation and Park Commission is hereby authorized, subject to approval by the Board of Supervisors by ordinance, and subject to the provisions of Section 4.113 of the Charter, to set apart from time to time such portions of property under its control, as may be required for such buildings and improvements, sufficient grounds being allotted to secure the safety of the same from fire.
The erection of buildings or additions to buildings shall not be started by the California Academy of Sciences until it shall have submitted a statement satisfactory to the Recreation and Park Commission of its ability to finance the proposed work to completion. The Board of Supervisors shall, by ordinance, prescribe the insurance to be furnished by the California Academy of Sciences to save the City and County harmless from claims for damages to persons or property arising from the construction or use of any of said buildings. Reasonable and appropriate charges may be made by the California Academy of Sciences for admission to or use of the Alexander F. Morrison Planetarium and Auditorium.
(Added by Ord. 352-96, App. 9/11/96; amended by Ord. 132-99, File No. 990583, App. 5/28/99)