(a) Findings. The Board of Supervisors finds that there are residents of the City and County of San Francisco who are recipients of Social Security Administration benefits, Department of Veteran's Affairs benefits, General Assistance, and other income from public and private sources who are unable to manage such income to their best advantage.
There are also residents of the City and County of San Francisco who are denied the payment of Social Security Administration benefits, Department of Veteran's Affairs benefits, General Assistance, and other income from public and private sources because of mental and/or physical disability who would benefit from assistance in applying for and managing funds.
Therefore, the Board of Supervisors authorizes the Public Administrator-Public Guardian, pursuant to permission of the client, to receive, manage, and disburse income and benefits from public and private sources for those persons who receive such aid, but are unable to manage their funds.
And, further, that the Public Administrator-Public Guardian is authorized, pursuant to permission of the client, to provide assistance in applying for public and private resources to which the client may be entitled, but which are withheld or not paid because of a determination from the funding source that the recipient is incapable of managing such funds.
(b) Public Guardian Representative Payee Program. There shall be a program called the Public Guardian Representative Payee Program (hereinafter, "Program") created in the Office of the Public Administrator-Public Guardian. Upon agreement with the client, the Program may provide the following services:
(1) Collect and deposit entitlement checks and other income into accounts managed by the Public Administrator-Public Guardian.
(2) Redirect the client's bills including, but not limited to, rent and utility bills to the Program and pay these bills with the client's funds.
(3) Make disbursements from the client's share of funds for the client's personal needs.
(4) The Public Administrator-Public Guardian shall charge each client a monthly fee of $37.00 for services provided through the Representative Payee Program as authorized by California Government Code Section 27436 and the Social Security Independence and Programs Improvement Act of 1994, (P.L. 103-296) 42 U.S.C. 1007, unless such client is otherwise legally exempt from payment of the fee. Clients demonstrating an inability to pay may qualify for a discretionary waiver of the fee as determined by the Public Administrator-Public Guardian or their designee.
(c) Fee for Services. For fiscal years 2013-14 and 2014-15, the fee shall be $39 per month. The dollar fee limits are subject to increase by the cost-of-living adjustment, with the resulting amounts rounded to the nearest whole dollar amount.
(d) Refunds. Upon discharge or withdrawal from the Program, any and all amounts on deposit in the name of the client shall be refunded to him or her, or the succeeding fiduciary, if applicable.
(e) Records. The Public Administrator-Public Guardian shall cause full, true and correct records to be maintained, on a current basis, regarding the receipt and disbursement of all moneys belonging to any such client on deposit in accounts managed by the Public Administrator-Public Guardian. Clear and current records must be maintained showing all credits to and debits from the account for each individual client, as well as each client's current share and balance in the account.
(f) Fiduciary. The Public Administrator-Public Guardian shall keep records as befits a fiduciary entrusted with a client's funds.
The County Veterans Service Officer is hereby designated as Administrative Officer to arrange, in consultation with the Chief Medical Examiner, for the decent interment of veterans and veterans’ widows pursuant to the provisions of Division 4, Chapter 5, Article 2 (beginning with Section 940) of the Military and Veterans Code of the State of California.
(Added by Ord. 124-61, App. 6/1/61; amended by Ord. 70-00, File No. 000357, App. 4/28/2000; Ord. 203-22, File No. 220427, App. 10/6/2022, Eff. 11/6/2022)
(Added by Ord. 186-99, File No. 990334, App. 7/1/99; amended by Ord. 70-00, File No. 000357, App. 4/28/2000; repealed by Ord. 187-04, File No. 040759, App. 7/22/2004)
The duties of the County Agricultural Commissioner and the Sealer of Weights and Measures are hereby consolidated and the County Agricultural Commissioner in addition to the duties of that office shall succeed to the duties of the Sealer of Weights and Measures. The Director of the Department of Public Health shall appoint the County Agricultural Commissioner-Sealer of Weights and Measures.
(Added by Ord. 108-72, App. 4/26/72; amended by Ord. 70-00, File No. 000357, App. 4/28/2000; Ord. 187-04, File No. 040759, App. 7/22/2004)
Enforcement of Local Laws. | |
Enforcement of State Law. |
In investigating any matter where the San Francisco Charter or any ordinance of the City and County grants to the City Attorney the duty or power to seek enforcement of any provision of the Charter or any ordinance, the City Attorney shall have the power to inspect, upon reasonable notice, all documents required to be maintained under Government Code Sections 84100 et seq., Government Code Sections 86100 et seq., San Francisco Campaign and Governmental Conduct Code Sections 1.100 et seq., and San Francisco Campaign and Governmental Conduct Code Sections 2.100 et seq. The City Attorney shall also have the power to subpoena witnesses, compel their attendance and testimony, administer oaths and affirmations, take evidence and require by subpoena the production of any books, papers, records or other items relevant to the performance of the City Attorney's enforcement duties or powers.
The City Attorney shall also have these powers in investigating any matter where the San Francisco Charter or any ordinance of the City and County of San Francisco grants to the City Attorney the duty or power to act as the civil prosecutor with respect to any provision of the Charter or any ordinance or to institute a civil action for violation of any such provision. The City Attorney may exercise these inspection and subpoena powers prior to the filing of any civil or administrative action.
(Added by Ord. 319-95, App. 10/13/95; amended by Ord. 70-00, File No. 000357, App. 4/28/2000)
Unless otherwise prohibited by State law, in investigating any matter where State law grants to the City Attorney the duty or power to seek enforcement of any provision of State law, the City Attorney shall have the power to inspect, upon reasonable notice, all documents required to be maintained under Government Code Sections 84100 et seq., Government Code Sections 86100 et seq., San Francisco Administrative Code Sections 16.501 et seq., and San Francisco Administrative Code Sections 16.520 et seq. The City Attorney shall also have the power to subpoena witnesses, compel their attendance and testimony, administer oaths and affirmations, take evidence and require by subpoena the production of any books, papers, records or other items relevant to the performance of the City Attorney's enforcement duties or powers.
The City Attorney shall also have these powers in investigating any matter where State law grants to the City Attorney the duty or power to act as the civil prosecutor with respect to any provision of the State law or to institute a civil action for violation of any State law. The City Attorney may exercise these inspection and subpoena powers prior to the filing of any civil or administrative action.
(Added by Ord. 319-95, App. 10/13/95; amended by Ord. 70-00, File No. 000357, App. 4/28/2000)
Department of Children, Youth, and their Families. | |
Children, Youth and Their Families Oversight and Advisory Committee. | |
Service Provider Working Group. |
(a) Department of Children, Youth, and their Families; Director. There shall be a Department of Children, Youth, and their Families. The Mayor shall appoint a Director who shall serve as Department head and appointing officer for the Department. The Director shall serve at the pleasure of the Mayor. The Department shall include such officers and employees as are authorized pursuant to the budgetary and fiscal provisions of the Charter.
(b) Duties and Functions. The Department shall be responsible for promoting the development of comprehensive programs, policies and planning strategies to enhance services for children, youth and their families; and:
(1) The Department shall assist the Mayor in preparation and implementation of the Children Services Plan and Fund as described in Charter Section 16.108.
(2) (A) Beginning after July 1, 2001, the Department shall report to the Board of Supervisors in the Community Needs Assessments required by Charter Section 16.108:
(i) The number of male and female minors served by recipients of the Children's Fund grants;
(ii) The comparative monetary value of the expenditure of Children's Fund moneys on male and female minors, based on the information collected in Subsection (b)(2)(A)(i); and
(iii) To the extent data are available, the Department shall calculate the percentage of San Francisco's population of female minors who are served by the Children's Fund and the percentage of San Francisco's population of male minors who are served by the Children's Fund.
(B) Provisions of this Subsection shall take effect only if Proposition D on the November, 2000, ballot is enacted.
(3) Pursuant to Section 86.1 of the San Francisco Administrative Code, the Department shall provide office space, administrative support, and other services for the Children and Families Commission and its Department, as specified in a Memorandum of Understanding between the Department and the Children and Families Commission.
(4) Pursuant to Section 5.200 of the San Francisco Administrative Code, the Department shall provide administrative support for the San Francisco Child Care Planning and Advisory Council.
(5) The Department shall have such other duties and functions as are assigned by Charter or ordinance.
(Added by Ord. 295-00, File No. 001761, App. 12/22/2000)