(a) It shall be City policy to include and, as appropriate, give priority to Neighborhood Anchor Businesses in the award and administration of any grant or loan program for San Francisco businesses related to relief or recovery from the COVID-19 emergency, subject to any applicable legal restrictions and consistent with the City’s racial equity and language access goals. All City officers and departments shall cooperate with the Office of Small Business in carrying out this policy. No later than 30 days after the Office of Small Business issues an application form for the Registry program, the Office shall prepare a report identifying all such programs that have as of that date formally adopted and promulgated eligibility requirements. If the City adopts any such grant or loan programs after the effective date of this Section 2A.245, the Office of Small Business shall add the programs to the report no later than 30 days after the formal adoption of eligibility criteria for those programs. The Office of Small Business shall inform Neighborhood Anchor Businesses of such opportunities and assist them, as appropriate, in applying and qualifying for such programs.
(b) It shall be City policy to include and, as appropriate, give priority to Neighborhood Anchor Businesses in any commercial lease assistance, conflict resolution, or commercial eviction defense programs for San Francisco businesses, subject to any applicable legal restrictions and consistent with the City’s racial equity and language access goals. All City officers and departments shall cooperate with the Office of Small Business in carrying out this policy. No later than 30 days after the Office of Small Business issues an application form for the Registry program, the Office shall prepare a report identifying all such programs that have as of that date formally adopted and promulgated eligibility requirements. If the City adopts any such commercial lease assistance, conflict resolution, or commercial eviction defense programs after the effective date of this Section 2A.245, the Office of Small Business shall add the programs to the report no later than 30 days after the formal adoption of eligibility criteria for those programs. The Office of Small Business shall inform Neighborhood Anchor Businesses of such programs and assist them, as appropriate, in applying and qualifying for such programs.
(Added by Ord. 80-21, File No. 210303, App. 6/17/2021, Eff. 7/18/2021)
(a) Definitions. For purposes of this Section 2A.246, the following terms have the following meanings:
(1) “Legacy Business” has the meaning set forth in Section 2A.242(b) of this Code.
(2) “Program” means the Legacy Business Assistance Program.
(3) “Fund” means the Legacy Business Assistance Program Fund.
(b) Legacy Business Assistance Program Fund.
(1) Funds for the Program shall be deposited in the Legacy Business Assistance Program Fund, which shall be used for grants and assistance to Legacy Businesses and landlords of Legacy Businesses, as well as marketing, promotions, branding, and programmatic expenses to support Legacy Businesses.
(2) The Fund shall be a category 4 fund, as that term is defined in Administrative Code Section 10.100-1.
(c) Oversight and Management.
(1) The Small Business Commission shall provide oversight of the Office of Small Business’s management of the Program.
(2) The Office of Small Business shall report annually to the Small Business Commission on the activities and expenditures of the Program.
(3) The Office of Small Business shall manage the Program, including but not limited to the approval of grants, assistance, marketing, promotions, branding, and programmatic expenses.
(d) Operation of the Program.
(1) Grants to Legacy Businesses. To promote the long-term stability of Legacy Businesses and to help Legacy Businesses remain in San Francisco, the Fund may be used to fund grants to Legacy Businesses, as defined in Section 2A.242, consistent with any rules and regulations approved by the Small Business Commission.
(2) Financial and Business Assistance to Legacy Businesses. To promote the long-term stability of Legacy Businesses and to help Legacy Businesses remain in San Francisco, the Fund may be used to provide other financial assistance, business assistance, incentives, and programs to Legacy Businesses, consistent with any rules and regulations approved by the Small Business Commission.
(3) Grants to Landlords of Legacy Businesses. To provide incentives for landlords to enter into long-term leases with Legacy Businesses and secure the future stability of San Francisco’s long-operating businesses, the Fund may be used to provide grants to landlords who enter into agreements with Legacy Businesses that lease real property in San Francisco, consistent with any rules and regulations approved by the Small Business Commission.
(4) Financial and Business Assistance to Landlords of Legacy Businesses. To provide incentives for landlords to enter into long-term leases with Legacy Businesses and secure the future stability of San Francisco’s long-operating businesses, the Fund may be used to provide other financial assistance, business assistance, incentives, and programs to landlords of Legacy Businesses, consistent with any rules and regulations approved by the Small Business Commission.
(5) Exemption from Chapter 21G of the Administrative Code and Other Obligations. The Office of Small Business does not need to enter into a contract with Legacy Businesses and/or landlords of Legacy Businesses in order to provide grants or financial assistance pursuant to this Section 2A.246. All grants and financial assistance to Legacy Businesses and/or landlords of Legacy Businesses entered into pursuant to this Section 2A.246, are not subject to the provisions in the Municipal Code, including but not limited to Chapter 21G of the Administrative Code, and all other provisions in the Administrative, Labor and Employment, Environment, or Police Codes, imposing obligations or other restrictions on contractors.
(6) Marketing, Promotions, Branding, and Programmatic Expenses. To maintain San Francisco’s cultural identity and to foster civic engagement and pride, the Fund may be used to fund marketing, promotions, branding, and programmatic expenses to support Legacy Businesses and landlords of Legacy Businesses and other related programmatic expenses, with management by the Office of Small Business.
(e) Rules and Regulations.
(1) Within six months of the effective date of the ordinance in Board of Supervisors File No. 240088 enacting this Section 2A.246, and before the disbursement of any monies from the Fund, the Small Business Commission shall, after a noticed hearing, adopt such rules and regulations necessary to implement this Section 2A.246 and achieve the purposes identified in subsection (d), including but not limited to eligibility criteria and application procedures for grants from the Fund. Rules and regulations shall become final in accordance with subsection (e)(2).
(2) Any rules and regulations adopted under the authority of subsection (e)(1) shall be subject to disapproval of the Board of Supervisors by ordinance. The Small Business Commission shall provide written notice to the Clerk of the Board of Supervisors of its adoption of any rule or regulation under subsection (a), along with a copy of said rule or regulation. If a Member of the Board of Supervisors does not introduce an ordinance to disapprove the rule or regulation within 30 days of the date of delivery of such notice to the Clerk of the Board of Supervisors, or if such an ordinance is introduced within the 30-day period but the ordinance is not enacted by the City within 90 days of the date of the Commission’s delivery of notice to the Clerk of the Board of Supervisors, the rule or regulation shall become final.
The Office of Small Business shall assist tenants operating businesses at 3150 18th Street by referring them to appropriate City departments to apply for permits or licenses during the period of the time-limited legitimization program established in Planning Code Section 192. All other City departments shall provide information or assistance upon request to the Office of Small Business in carrying out its responsibilities under this Section 2A.244.1
Office of the Chief Medical Examiner. |
(a) The Office of the Chief Medical Examiner. There shall be an Office of the Chief Medical Examiner that shall carry out the functions and duties set forth in California Government Code Sections 27460 et seq., as may be amended from time to time, as well as any other functions assigned to the Office by State law, by ordinance, or by the City Administrator provided that those duties are consistent with the Office’s duties under State law and are otherwise permitted under local law.
(b) Appointment and Removal of Chief Medical Examiner and Executive Director. The City Administrator, with the concurrence of the Mayor, shall appoint and may remove a Chief Medical Examiner who shall meet the qualifications for Chief Medical Examiner as provided by State law. The City Administrator also shall appoint and may remove an Executive Director. The Executive Director shall not be required to meet the qualifications of a Chief Medical Examiner.
(c) Duties and Functions of the Chief Medical Examiner and Executive Director. The Chief Medical Examiner shall appoint and supervise the work and performance of all assistant or deputy medical examiners in the Office, and shall be responsible for making all final decisions assigned to a medical examiner or coroner under California Government Code Sections 27460 et seq., as may be amended from time to time. In all other respects, the Executive Director shall serve as department head and appointing officer for the Office, and shall be responsible for administrative supervision of all employees of the Office including the Chief Medical Examiner. The Executive Director shall appoint all employees in the Office, except the positions of assistant or deputy medical examiner. The City Administrator may assign additional duties to the Executive Director as the City Administrator deems appropriate.
(d) Whenever the position of Executive Director is vacant, the City Administrator shall assign an employee in the Office or in the General Services Agency to assume the duties and responsibilities of the Executive Director set forth in this Section 2A.250 on an interim basis until the City Administrator appoints an Executive Director.
(e) The Office shall include such other officers and employees as are authorized pursuant to the budgetary and fiscal provisions of the Charter.
(Added by Ord. 206-04, File No. 040760, App. 8/5/2004; amended by Ord. 131-05, File No. 050497, App. 6/30/2005; Ord. 55-21, File No. 210140, App. 4/23/2021, Eff. 5/24/2021)
Department of Convention Facilities. |
(a) Department of Convention Facilities. There shall be a Department of Convention Facilities. The City Administrator with the concurrence of the Mayor, shall appoint and may remove a Director who shall serve as department head and appointing officer for the Department. The Department shall include such officers and employees as are authorized pursuant to the budgetary and fiscal provisions of the Charter.
(b) Duties and Functions. The Department shall be responsible for the management and administration of City-owned or operated convention facilities, and such other duties and functions as assigned pursuant to the Charter or by ordinance.
(Added by Ord. 205-04, File No. 040755, App. 8/5/2004)
Economic and Workforce Development Department. |
(a) Economic and Workforce Development Department. There shall be an Economic and Workforce Development Department. The Mayor shall appoint a Director who shall serve as department head and appointing officer for the Department. The Director shall serve at the pleasure of the Mayor. The Department shall include such officers and employees as are authorized pursuant to the budgetary and fiscal provisions of the Charter.
(b) Duties and Functions. The Department shall be responsible for economic and workforce development, including, among other things:
(1) attracting, retaining and assisting businesses;
(2) strengthening the economic vitality of neighborhoods and commercial corridors;
(3) restoring contaminated sites to productive reuse ("brownfields");
(4) fostering international trade;
(5) developing and implementing workforce development and jobs training programs;
(6) coordinating major City projects, including public-private partnerships and military base conversions;
(7) administering the City's public debt and related public finance matters;
(8) processing the forms and supporting documentation submitted by employers to establish eligibility for San Francisco Enterprise Zone tax credits established under California Administrative Code Title 25, Division 1,Chapter 7, Subchapter 21, Enterprise Zone Program; and
(9) such other duties and functions as assigned pursuant to the Charter or by ordinance.
(c) Fee to process forms for San Francisco Enterprise Zone tax credits. The Department is authorized to charge a fee of $80 for each form and supporting documentation submitted by an employer to establish eligibility for San Francisco Enterprise Zone tax credits established under California Administrative Code Title 25, Division 1, Chapter 7, Subchapter 21, Enterprise Zone Program.
(Added by Ord. 183-04, File No. 040746, 7/22/2004; Ord. 165-10, File No. 100722, App. 7/7/2010)
Findings and Purpose. | |
Definitions. | |
Administration. | |
Provisions for Flood Hazard Reduction. | |
Liability. | |
Severability. |
Editor’s Note:
In Secs. 2A.280 through 2A.283, the inconsistent formatting of paragraph designations reflects the amendments made by Ord. 226-20.
(a The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) has prepared a Flood Insurance Rate Map (FIRM) for the City and County of San Francisco. The FIRM provides flood risk information for flood insurance and floodplain management purposes under the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP).
(b When a community participates 1
the NFIP, the Federal government provides financial backing to enable residents and businesses in the community to obtain affordable flood insurance; in exchange, the community adopts floodplain management regulations that meet the minimum requirements of the NFIP and reduce the risk of damage during floods 1
The community’s participation in the NFIP enables businesses and residents within flood-prone areas to obtain loans from Federally backed and Federally regulated lenders and enables the community to obtain Federal disaster assistance following presidentially declared flooding disasters.
(c To meet the minimum requirements of the NFIP, the the 1
community’s floodplain management ordinance must require new development, and substantial improvements and substantial repairs of damage to existing structures in designated flood-prone areas be protected against flood damage at the time of initial construction; and must prohibit certain uses that would increase flood hazards.
(d By joining the NFIP and adopting a floodplain ordinance that meets the minimum requirements of the NFIP, the City provides all City residents and businesses the opportunity to obtain Federally backed flood insurance that would provide financial protection against damages resulting from flooding.
(e The floodplain management regulations in this ordinance, Article XX, are consistent with the NFIP requirements.
(f) The floodplain management regulations adopted by this ordinance were developed by the City Administrator, in consultation with the Department of Building Inspection, the Planning Department, the Department of Public Works, the Office of Economic and Workforce Development, the Public Utilities Commission, the Port of San Francisco, the San Francisco International Airport, the Treasure Island Development Authority, and the City Attorney’s Office.
(g) The City and County of San Francisco adopts the following floodplain management regulations under its authority to adopt regulations designed to promote the public health, safety, and general welfare of its residents granted by Article II, sections 5 and 7 of the California Constitution.
(h) The purpose of this ordinance is to promote the public health, safety, and general welfare, and minimize public and private losses due to flood conditions in specific areas by imposing provisions designed to:
(1) Protect human life and health;
(2) Minimize expenditure of public money for costly flood control projects;
(3) Minimize the need for rescue and relief efforts associated with flooding and generally undertaken at the expense of the general public;
(4) Minimize prolonged business interruptions;
(5) Minimize damage to public facilities and utilities such as water and gas mains; electric, telephone and sewer lines; and streets and bridges located in areas of special flood hazard;
(6) Help maintain a stable tax base by providing for the sound use and development of areas of special flood hazard so as to minimize future blighted areas caused by flood damage;
(7) Ensure that potential buyers are notified that property is in an area of special flood hazard; and
(8 Ensure that those who occupy the areas of special flood hazard assume responsibility for their actions.
(Added by Ord. 188-08, File No. 080823, App. 8/7/2008; amended by Ord. 56-10, File No. 100136, App. 3/25/2010; Ord. 226-20, File No. 200537, App. 11/13/2020, Eff. 12/14/2020)
1. So in Ord. 226-20.