(a) If, in complying with the City's obligations to provide for citizen participation under U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development ("HUD") Consolidated Planning regulations, the Mayor convenes a citizen's committee, the committee shall be called the Citizen's Committee on Community Development ("Committee") and shall be governed by this Section.
(b) Purpose. The Committee shall be an advisory body whose purpose is to make recommendations to the Mayor and Board of Supervisors on HUD-based funding allocations and policy matters directly related to community development efforts in the City. For purposes of this Section, "community development" means a planned effort or program that increases the capacity of low- and moderate-income people to improve their quality of life.
(c) Duties. The Committee's duties shall include the following:
(1) Make policy recommendations to the Mayor and the Board of Supervisors on the development and implementation of a comprehensive community development structure and strategy for the City. In developing such recommendations, the Committee shall address (1) government structure, including coordination between City boards, commissions and advisory bodies with overlapping programmatic jurisdiction pertaining to community development, (2) citizen oversight and community participation, and (3) strengthening the capacity of community-based organizations that serve low- and moderate-income communities.
(2) Provide for citizen participation and oversight in the development of the City's consolidated planning process that satisfies the requirements of the HUD Consolidated Planning regulations, as amended from time to time.
(3) Make annual funding recommendations to the Mayor and Board of Supervisors for the HUD entitlement resources of Community Development Block Grants ("CDBG") and Emergency Shelter Grants ("ESG"), in accordance with all HUD requirements, as amended from time to time.
(4) Establish a regular Committee public meeting schedule, which shall consist of no less than six public meetings per year.
(d) Committee Membership. The Committee shall consist of nine members. The Mayor shall have exclusive power to appoint five members of the Committee; the Board of Supervisors shall have exclusive power to appoint four members. The Mayor's appointees shall have professional expertise in one or more of the following areas of community development: community development finance, affordable housing, small business development, microenterprise, homelessness, neighborhood planning, workforce development, social services, technical assistance to community-based service providers, and capital projects and public space improvement. In making its appointments to the Commission, the Board of Supervisors shall give consideration to the ability of its appointees to reflect and advance the concerns and needs of low-income neighborhoods and/or communities in the City.
No person who is either employed by or serves on the governing board of any entity that has a CDBG or ESG grant application pending with the City shall be eligible to serve as a member.
To stagger the terms of the members, the initial appointments to the Committee shall be as follows: the Mayor shall appoint three members to serve terms of two years, two members to serve terms of one year. The Board of Supervisors shall appoint two members to serve terms of two years, two members to serve terms of one year. Thereafter, all members shall serve for two-year terms.
Members shall serve fixed terms and may be removed for cause. Vacancies shall be filled by the appointing authority.
In addition, the following individuals, or their designee, shall serve ex officio as non-voting members of the Committee: the Director of Economic and Workforce Development Department and the Director of the Mayor's Office of Housing. The Director of the San Francisco Redevelopment Agency, or his or her designee, may also serve ex officio as a non-voting member of the Committee.
(e) Attendance. The Committee Chair shall monitor the attendance of the Committee. Any Committee member who misses three regular or subcommittee meetings within a calendar year, whether excused or unexcused, will receive an inquiry from the Chair. If the same member has two or more additional unexcused absences, he or she will be deemed to have resigned from the Committee and will be notified of separation from the Committee by the Chair.
(f) Staffing. The Committee shall be staffed primarily by the Mayor's Office of Housing, or its successor. As needed, additional staff support shall be provided by City departments that administer and oversee CDBG or ESG grants.
(Added by Ord. 212-09, File No. 090909, App. 10/6/2009)
Designation of Agency to Provide Postrelease Community Supervision. | |
Home Detention and Electronic Monitoring as a Sanction for Violation of Postrelease Community Supervision. |
The Adult Probation Department is designated as the county agency to provide postrelease community supervision to all eligible persons released from prison after October 1, 2011 as required by section 3451 of the California Penal Code and the Postrelease Community Supervision Act of 2011.
(Added by Ord. 203-11, File No. 110846, App. 10/11/2011, Eff. 11/10/2011)
The Chief Probation Officer of the Adult Probation Department is authorized to develop and maintain a Home Detention and Electronic Monitoring program for supervision purposes and as an intermediate sanction for persons who violate the conditions of their postrelease community supervision program pursuant to the Postrelease Community Supervision Act of 2011. The Adult Probation Department shall not charge fees for participation in the Home Detention and Electronic Monitoring program.
Department of Early Childhood. |
Editor's Note:
This Article originally was designated as Chapter 2A, Article XIII, when enacted by Ord. 261-14. The Article was redesignated by the editor in order to avoid conflicting with previously existing material. Ord. 6-17 officially redesignated this Article as Chapter 2A, Article XXIII.
This Article originally was designated as Chapter 2A, Article XIII, when enacted by Ord. 261-14. The Article was redesignated by the editor in order to avoid conflicting with previously existing material. Ord. 6-17 officially redesignated this Article as Chapter 2A, Article XXIII.
(a) Department of Early Childhood; Director. There is hereby established a Department of Early Childhood (the “Department”). The Mayor shall appoint a Director who shall serve as the Department head and appointing officer for the Department. The Mayor may consider, but is not required to accept, recommendations from the Children and Families First Commission (the “First Five Commission”) and the Early Childhood Community Oversight and Advisory Committee (“EC COAC”) for the position of Director. The Director shall serve at the pleasure of the Mayor. The Department shall include such officers and employees as are authorized pursuant to the budgetary and fiscal provisions of the Charter.
(b) Duties and Functions.
(1) The Department shall be responsible for aligning and coordinating the City’s efforts to provide early care and education for children ages zero to five in San Francisco and for promoting and supporting the development of early child supports and comprehensive programs, policies, and strategies to enhance services for children ages zero to five in San Francisco, including programs and funding streams from the Department of Children, Youth, and Their Families, the First Five Commission, and the Human Services Agency to serve young children and their families.
(2) The Department shall improve and deliver access for children ages zero to five and their families to fulfill a unified vision and to meet goals, including, by way of example but not limitation:
(A) Establishing a universal system for high-quality early care and education, strengthening the early care and education workforce, and building early care and education system capacity.
(B) Establishing systems that serve children ages zero to five through programs and services that help their families in providing support for them, creating stability and evidence-based models for family success.
(C) Developing new policy partnerships that extend the reach, access, and impact of early childhood care and education programs and services to a broader and more diverse sector of families, with a particular focus on improving racial equity and outreach to Black, Indigenous, and People of Color (BIPOC) children and their families.
(D) Ensuring that access to services and the implementation of policies achieves measurable success in the outcomes for all families.
(E) Complementing ongoing and future efforts on a statewide level that expand universal early care and education programs for children ages zero to five including community-based programs, preschool, and transitional kindergarten programs and supporting children for kindergarten readiness.
(F) Developing processes for ensuring broad community and stakeholder engagement in the planning, implementation, and evaluation of services related to early childhood care and education.
(G) Considering and responding to the input, needs, and concerns of parents and caregivers of children ages zero to five by establishing easy-to-use, culturally-appropriate forums and tools for these stakeholders to influence policies and practices that are accessible in the languages of the stakeholders; and building connections with existing accessible organizations or forums.
(3) The Department shall develop and maintain a strategic plan and proposal (“Department Strategic Plan”), to be submitted to the Board of Supervisors no later than January 1, 2024, and every five years thereafter, that addresses the expansion of quality universal early education in San Francisco. The Department shall also update the Department Strategic Plan, initially by January 1, 2024 and on an annual basis thereafter and such update shall include recommendations from the First Five Commission and the EC COAC as described in this subsection (b)(3) and the elements described in subsections (b)(3)(A) through (D). The Department may prepare the Department Strategic Plan in conjunction with the preparation of the County Strategic Plan required by Section 86.4 of the Administrative Code. Before initiating the annual update to the Department Strategic Plan, the Department shall consult with the First Five Commission and the EC COAC on the scope, metrics, and outreach for the plan and the joint process shall involve the First Five Commission and the EC COAC. The Department Strategic Plan shall:
(A) Include goals for early care and education programs that align with emerging developments in state or federal early care and education policy, and address professional development needs of center-based, family child care providers and to the extent resources allow, license-exempt care providers;
(B) Address neighborhood-specific needs, including school readiness, subsidy availability, children’s dual language development, facility development parent engagement and education, inclusion of children with special needs, and provider support for both family child care homes and early care and education centers;
(C) Include a set of equity metrics to be used to compare existing early care and education services and resources in low-income and disadvantaged communities with early care and education services and resources available in the City as a whole; and
(D) As part of the combined development of the Department and County Strategic Plans and to meet the minimum requirements of the County Strategic Plan, include an assessment and analysis of the unmet funding needs for family support services for those caring for children ages zero to five and how the Department plans to expand and leverage funding; and coordinate with other relevant City departments, including, by way of example but not limitation, the Department of Children, Youth, and Their Families and Human Services Agency, to meet those unmet funding needs.
(4) The Department’s Director or designee shall attend meetings of the Early Childhood Community Oversight and Advisory Committee, established by Chapter 5, Article XIII of the Administrative Code, and the Department shall provide staffing to EC COAC, including providing the EC COAC with the information it requests. The Department shall provide its proposed budget and accompanying documents to the EC COAC and the First Five Commission no later than two weeks prior to the public hearing required by Section 5.13-5(e) of Article XIII of Chapter 5 of the Administrative Code.
(5) The Department shall prepare an annual report on the Early Care and Education for All Initiative, as required in Section 20.17-3 of Article XVII of Chapter 20 of the Administrative Code.
(6) The Department shall have such other duties and functions as are assigned by the Charter, an ordinance, or the Mayor.
(c) Funding. The Department may be funded by appropriations from the Babies and Families First Fund established in Section 10.100-36 of the Administrative Code and including implementation of Section 2112(d)(2) of the Business and Tax Regulations Code, disbursements from the Public Education Enrichment Fund made pursuant to Section 16.123-4 of the Charter for preschool and early education programs, appropriations from the San Francisco Children and Families Trust Fund in Section 10.100-287 of the Administrative Code, and such other appropriations as the Board of Supervisors may direct by ordinance. The Department shall report the amount and percentage of its administrative costs that are funded by monies from the Babies and Families First Fund, the Public Education Enrichment Fund, and the Children and Families Trust Fund, respectively, as part of the Department’s proposed budget and accompanying documents to the EC COAC and the First Five Commission prior to the public hearing required by Section 5.13-5
(e) of the Administrative Code.
(d) Transfer of Functions. All City and County of San Francisco programs, employees and other personnel assigned to the Children and Families First Department (also referred to in the City Charter and the Municipal Code as “First 5 San Francisco”) and the Office of Early Care and Education shall be transferred to the Department. The Director of the Office of Early Care and Education shall be the interim Director of the Department until the Mayor appoints a Director. The transfer of programs, staff, and assets shall be effective as of the effective date of Ordinance No. 189-22
, establishing the Department of Early Childhood.
Reporting of Code Enforcement Activities. | |
Model Code Enforcement Forms. |
(a) This Section 2A.320 shall apply to the Department of Building Inspection, the Health Department, the Fire Department, and the Planning Department.
(b) All departments made subject to this Section by subsection (a) shall submit a quarterly report to the Mayor and the Board of Supervisors regarding the department's code enforcement activities, in a format to be developed by City Administrator, in consultation with the Director of the Department of Building Inspection, the Health Director, the Planning Director, and the Fire Chief. Nothing in this Section 2A.320 shall be construed to require the City or any department to waive any applicable attorney-client communication or attorney work product privilege.
(c) For every case referred to a hearing by the department pursuant to the procedures set forth in Building Code Section 102A, or similar hearing under the Health, Fire, or Planning Codes, the report shall disclose:
(1) Whether the matter has been resolved, the violations abated, and the penalties, along with any fees and costs, paid;
(2) Whether the matter has been or will be referred to the City Attorney for review and possible litigation; and, if appropriate,
(3) Other detailed explanation of how the matter is being handled.
(Added by Ord. 60-16, File No. 151085, App. 4/27/2016, Eff. 5/27/2016, Oper. 6/1/2016)
No later than July 1, 2016, the City Administrator, in consultation with the Director of the Department of Building Inspection, the Health Director, and the Fire Chief and the heads of other interested City departments and agencies, shall prepare model forms for the Notice of Violation, Hearing Notice, and Administrative Order referenced in Building Code Section 102A. All City departments and agencies following the procedures of Building Code Section 102A, and the Fire Department and the Health Department, thereafter shall base their Notice of Violation, Hearing Notice, and Administrative Order on the model forms prepared by the City Administrator, although the departments may modify the model forms to meet their own operational needs.
(Added by Ord. 60-16, File No. 151085, App. 4/27/2016, Eff. 5/27/2016, Oper. 6/1/2016)