The Board of Trustees of the War Memorial and Performing Arts Center, in exercising the powers granted to it under Article V of the Charter, relative to the construction, administration, management, superintendence and operation of the War Memorial and Performing Arts Center of the City and County, shall do so subject to the provisions of this Chapter.
(Ord. No. 8931 (N.S.), Sec. 1; amended by Ord. 24-00, File No. 992319, App. 2/25/2000)
(a) The Trustees shall have jurisdiction over the buildings and grounds of the War Memorial Opera House and War Memorial Veterans Building on the real property located in the City and County bounded by Van Ness Avenue, Grove, Franklin and McAllister Streets.
(b) The Trustees shall also have jurisdiction over the Louise M. Davies Symphony Hall and Harold L. Zellerbach Rehearsal Hall, including all of the buildings and grounds on the real property bounded by Van Ness Avenue and Hayes, Franklin and Grove Streets.
(Amended by Ord. 302-80, App. 6/27/80; Ord. 24-00, File No. 992319, App. 2/25/2000)
No gifts, devises or bequests, other than unconditional gifts, devises and bequests of cash, shall be accepted by the City and County for the War Memorial and Performing Arts Center without the consent of a majority of the Trustees. Any gifts, devises or bequests received by the Trustees on behalf of the City and County for any purposes connected with the War Memorial and Performing Arts Center, or incident thereto, shall be set aside in a special fund for the use and benefit of the War Memorial and Performing Arts Center.
(Ord. No. 8931 (N.S.), Sec. 4; amended by Ord. 24-00, File No. 992319, App. 2/25/2000)
Purchases of materials, supplies and equipment required by the Trustees shall be made in accordance with the provisions of this Code; provided, however, that specifications may be prepared under the direction of the Trustees for all equipment required by the Trustees and for material or supplies peculiar to the War Memorial operations and not in common use in other departments of the City and County. The Trustees may designate the particular brand, kind or make of any equipment which may be necessary in the conduct of the War Memorial.
(Ord. No. 8931 (N.S.), Sec. 9; amended by Ord. 24-00, File No. 992319, App. 2/25/2000)
(Added by Ord. 92-02, File No. 020637, App. 6/14/2002; amended by Ord. 25-03, File No. 030039, App. 2/21/2003; Ord. 96-05, File No. 050643, App. 5/20/2005)
Editor's Note:
Former Sec. 2A.166 ("San Francisco Museum and Historical Society Advisory Committee") expired by operation of its sunset clause on 6/1/2006.
Former Sec. 2A.166 ("San Francisco Museum and Historical Society Advisory Committee") expired by operation of its sunset clause on 6/1/2006.
Airport Commission; Powers and Duties. | |
Airport Director. | |
Naming Terminal 1 of the San Francisco International Airport for Harvey Milk. |
The Airport Commission shall have all the powers and duties in the possession, management, supervision, operation, use, maintenance, extension and control of the San Francisco International Airport and of all other airport properties wherever situated as it may acquire or which may be placed under its control.
In carrying out such powers and duties, the Airport Commission shall have the authority to enter into all contracts, leases and other agreements which relate to matters under its jurisdiction or to airport properties wherever situated or as it may acquire or which may be placed under its control subject to the Charter.
In locating and determining the character and type of improvements and additions, betterments or extension to airport properties under its control, the Commission shall, in each case, first secure the written recommendation of the Airport Director, including analysis of cost, service and estimated revenue of all proposed alternatives determined feasible by said Director. Subject to the provisions of Section 2A.110 of this Code, the Commission shall have the power to purchase, lease or otherwise acquire all such lands, property, improvements or related facilities as it may deem necessary or convenient in the exercise of the authority granted hereunder.
The Airport Commission shall have power to fix, change and adjust rates and charges for the furnishing of services, including the furnishing of utility services.
(Added by Ord. 439-96, App. 11/8/96)
The Airport Director shall hold office at the pleasure of the Commission. The Director shall have full power and authority to administer the affairs of the Commission as the chief executive officer thereof. The Director shall appoint or remove the heads of airport divisions under the Commission's jurisdiction. The heads of airport divisions shall be exempt from the civil service provisions of the Charter; provided, however, that said Director and each division head so appointed possess the necessary executive, administrative and technical qualifications for his respective position.
In addition to the powers and duties conferred upon him or her as elsewhere provided in the Charter, the Airport Director shall have the power and it shall be his or her duty:
(a) To enforce all orders, rules and regulations adopted by the Commission relating to the regulation, operation or control of the funds, facilities, property and equipment of said Commission; and
(b) To supervise and manage the design, construction, maintenance and operation of all work or works authorized by the Commission and to that end, subject to its control and guidance, the Commission shall have the power to delegate to him or her such necessary powers and duties as are by the Charter or this Code conferred upon said Commission.
The Director shall also have the power to designate and assign by written permit lands, improvements, space or areas in any hangar or other building at any airport operated or controlled by the Department at the duly established rates or charges for the use thereof and subject to the applicable rules and regulations governing same. Each such permit shall be revocable by the Director without compensation to the permittee upon due notice to be stated therein.
(Added by Ord. 439-96, App. 11/8/96)
As set forth in Section 1.25 of this Code, any agreement for the acquisition, lease, or permit of real property authorized under Administrative Code Chapter 2A, Article IX, with a Government Entity is exempt from any competitive process requirements under Chapter 2A, Article IX, or elsewhere in the Administrative Code and is not subject to the provisions in the Municipal Code, including but not limited to the Administrative, Labor and Employment, Environment, or Police Codes, imposing obligations or other restrictionson1
contractors. This Section 2A.172 applies to all agreements for an acquisition, lease, or permit of real property, however they are titled, including any contract, memorandum of understanding, or similar instrument, memorializing mutual obligations between the Airport Commission and a Government Entity or Government Entities. For purposes of this Section 2A.172, “Government Entity” has the meaning set forth in Administrative Code Section 1.25(d), as may be amended from time to time..1
(Added by Ord. 107-24, File No. 240301, App. 5/24/2024, Eff. 6/24/2024)
(Former Sec. 2A.172 added by Ord. 439-96, App. 11/8/96; repealed by Ord. 180-03, File No. 030870, App. 7/18/2003)
1. So in Ord. 107-24.