(a) Ten-Year Review. The boundaries of Police Department district stations should operate to maximize the effectiveness of police operations and the efficient use of police resources. No less than once every ten years, the Police Commission, in consultation with the Chief of Police, shall complete a comprehensive review of district station boundaries and make adjustments as appropriate.
(b) Data and Factors for Consideration. The Police Commission, in consultation with the Chief of Police, shall base the review of station boundaries on the following:
(1) Population data, including but not limited to the results of the decennial federal census;
(2) Data regarding non-residents including visitors, shoppers, workers and tourists who spend time in San Francisco;
(3) Proposed development or other activities that are likely to significantly alter the population of residents or non-residents in the following ten year period;
(4) Landscape features, whether natural or constructed, such as hills, waterways, major streets or transit lines, shopping districts, residential developments and parks;
(5) Boundaries of neighborhoods and cohesive communities;
(6) Areas with higher-than-average concentrations of children, youth and the elderly;
(7) Number, type and frequency of policing activities, including calls for service and arrests;
(8) Anticipated needs for police resources, including but not limited to adequate staffing for (i) foot beats and community policing efforts, (ii) areas experiencing or at-risk for higher-than-average crime, and (iii) areas with a special need for policing services due to lower-than-average arrest and conviction rates;
(9) Capacity of police resources, including but not limited to district station facilities, information technology, communications systems and police personnel;
(10) Neighborhood and community input; and
(11) Other relevant factors as determined by the Police Commission and the Chief.
(c) Review and Adoption of New Boundaries. No later than the first January 1st following official publication of the results of the federal decennial census, the Chief of Police shall develop and submit to the Police Commission a work plan for a comprehensive review of district station boundaries. The work plan shall include timelines, a budget, and identification of functions that can best be performed by technical experts in other City departments or from outside the City.
Consistent with implementation of the work plan, including appropriate budgetary support for the project, the Chief of Police shall review the station boundaries, including all data described above. The following shall provide technical assistance to the Chief of Police, as requested; the Controller, the Director of the Mayor's Office of Criminal Justice, the Director of Planning, and any other officers or employees engaged in planning, forecasting, building or population analysis. As part of the review, the Chief, with the assistance of the Mayor's Office of Criminal Justice and any expert identified or retained to manage the project, shall conduct public hearings and gather input from all affected communities.
Based on consideration of all relevant information, the Chief shall submit to the Police Commission a report analyzing the existing boundaries and making a recommendation for boundary changes, if any are warranted. The Chief shall submit the report and recommendation no later than the second January 1st following official publication of the results of the federal decennial census.
The Police Commission shall consider the Chief's report and recommendations, and any other information it deems relevant, and shall propose changes to district station boundaries where appropriate. The Commission shall forward any proposed to adjust station boundaries to the Mayor and the Board of Supervisors. The Commission also shall post the proposal at the Commission offices, outside the Commission's regular meeting location, and on the City's website, and shall send a copy to the Public Library. The Commission shall allow a minimum of 90 days from the date of posting for public comment, before taking final action to adopt new station boundaries. During the 90-day period, the Commission may hold hearings, take testimony, consider written comments, and revise the initial proposal. After a minimum of 90 days from the posting of the initial proposal, the Commission may adopt new station boundaries.
The Commission, in consultation with the Chief, may set an effective date for implementation of the new boundaries, which shall occur no later than eighteen (18) months from the posting of the initial proposal.
(Added by Ord. 243-06, File No. 060795, App. 10/4/2006; amended by Ord. 75-14, File No. 140226, App. 5/28/2014, Eff. 6/27/2014)
Editor's Notes:
This section was designated 2A.90 when enacted by Ord. 243-06, App. 10/4/2006. It was redesignated by the codifier when published, and subsequently officially redesignated by Ord. 75-14, Eff. 6/27/2014.
Former division (d) ("Transition Provision") expired on 1/1/2008.
This section was designated 2A.90 when enacted by Ord. 243-06, App. 10/4/2006. It was redesignated by the codifier when published, and subsequently officially redesignated by Ord. 75-14, Eff. 6/27/2014.
Former division (d) ("Transition Provision") expired on 1/1/2008.
It shall be the policy of the City and County of San Francisco that the Police Department neither inspect nor make use of records of City telephones provided for the use of members of the news media in the Press Room at the Hall of Justice, except as authorized by search warrant or subpoena issued pursuant to local, state or federal law. Therefore, the City may not expend monies appropriated to the Police Department to fund the cost of providing these telephones. To the extent that the City incurs such costs, payment shall be drawn from the budget of the Department of Administrative Services.
(Added by Ord. 33-07, File No. 061641, App. 2/22/2007)
(a) Airport Bureau Staffing Review. The Chief of Police and the Director of the San Francisco International Airport shall jointly establish a methodology for assessing staffing needs for the Police Department Airport Bureau. In establishing that methodology, the Chief and Director shall consult with the Controller's Office. The methodology shall take into account passenger traffic at the Airport; security mandates and restrictions, including any imposed by the Transportation Security Administration and other government agencies; policing activity at the Airport, including calls for service and traffic responsibilities; and any other factors that the Chief and the Director determine are relevant. Using that methodology, the Chief and Director shall jointly determine the baseline number and type of personnel required to meet the security and policing needs of the Airport ("Baseline Personnel"). The Chief and Director shall establish the staffing-needs methodology and make the initial Baseline Personnel determination by no later than July 1, 2007. The Chief and Director shall review and where appropriate revise the staffing-needs methodology and the Baseline Personnel determination by July 1 each year thereafter.
(b) Redeployment of Airport Bureau Personnel. The Chief of Police shall create a plan to redeploy any full duty sworn Airport Bureau personnel above the sworn Baseline Personnel when the number of full duty sworn officers on the force in the City and County falls below the Charter-mandated level of 1,971 officers ("Staff Redeployment Plan"). The Chief shall design the Staff Redeployment Plan to provide maximum flexibility throughout the year to redeploy full duty sworn Airport Bureau personnel to the City and County to respond to staffing shortages, increases in crime or violence, or other circumstances that create a need for additional sworn personnel in the City and County. The Staff Redeployment Plan shall provide that any redeployed Airport Bureau personnel at the rank of officer or sergeant be assigned to District Stations, and that any redeployed Airport Bureau personnel at the rank of lieutenant or above be assigned based on the needs of the Department. The Chief shall create the Staff Redevelopment Plan by no later than July 1, 2007. The Chief shall review and where appropriate revise the Staff Redevelopment Plan by July 1 each year thereafter.
(c) Reporting. Beginning July 1, 2007, and continuing each July 1 thereafter, the Chief of Police shall report to the Mayor, the Board of Supervisors and the Police Commission on the following: (1) the staffing-needs methodology and Baseline Personnel determination for the Airport Bureau; and (2) the Staff Redevelopment Plan. Beginning July 1, 2008 and continuing each July 1 thereafter, the Chief of Police shall report to the Mayor, the Board of Supervisors and the Police Commission, data regarding any occasions during the prior fiscal year when the Chief redeployed sworn personnel under the Staff Redeployment Plan.
(Added by Ord. 97-07, File No. 070271, App. 5/4/2007)
(a) By not later than March 1, 2011, the Chief of Police or designee shall develop and implement procedures for collecting and testing deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) evidence in sexual assault cases, and providing information and notices to sexual assault victims as provided in the California Sexual Assault Victims' DNA Bill of Rights, California Penal Code Section 680. The procedures shall include the following time goals: (1) collect a DNA "rape kit" from a healthcare provider within not more than 72 hours of notification from a health provider; and (2) test DNA evidence obtained from a healthcare provider within not more than fourteen days of receipt. The procedures shall also include timeframes for testing any DNA evidence from a sexual assault crime scene. For purposes of this Section, testing DNA evidence shall include conducting an examination of the DNA evidence, developing a potential suspect profile, and uploading any profile obtained from the evidence to the Combined DNA Index System (CODIS).
(b) Accompanying the Mayor's budget submissions, for fiscal year 2011-2012 and continuing, the Police Department shall report on its performance in meeting the goals established by this Section.
(c) It shall be the policy of the City and County of San Francisco to appropriate sufficient funds each fiscal year for the Police Department to maintain the personnel and other resources necessary to ensure timely collection and testing of DNA evidence in sexual assault cases.
(Added by Ord. 317-10, File No. 101349, App. 12/21/2010)
Fire Department. | |
Fire Department Physician. | |
Fire; Ranks in the Department. | |
Fire; Deputy Chiefs; Other Executives. | |
Fire Marshal. | |
Fire Prevention. | |
Curtailment of Fireboat Operation. | |
Fire Protection and Emergency Medical Services. | |
The Chief of Department shall have power to send fire boats, apparatus and firefighters outside the City and County of San Francisco for fire-fighting purposes.
The Commissioners shall by rule and subject to the fiscal provisions of the Charter, have power to create new or additional ranks or positions in the Department which shall be subject to the civil service provisions of the Charter; provided that the Fire Commission subject to the recommendation of the Civil Service Commission and the approval of the Board of Supervisors may declare such new or additional ranks or positions to be exempt from the civil service provisions of the Charter. If the Civil Service Commission disapproves any such exemption, the Board of Supervisors may approve such exemptions by a majority vote of the members thereof. The Fire Commission shall designate the civil service rank from which a non-civil service rank or position shall be appointed. Appointments to any non-civil service rank or position as may be created hereunder shall hold civil service status in the Department in the civil service rank from which they were appointed. In no rank below that of Assistant Chief shall the compensation attached to a non-civil service rank or position equal to exceed the next higher civil service rank or position from which they were appointed and for this purpose the next higher civil service rank above H-2 fireman shall be H-20 lieutenant. If any new or additional rank or position is created pursuant hereto pending the adoption of salary standards for such rank or position, the Fire Commission shall have power to recommend the basic rate of compensation therefor to the Board of Supervisors and said Board of Supervisors shall have the power to fix the rate of compensation for said new rank or position and it shall have the power, and it shall be its duty, without reference or amendment to the annual budget, to amend the annual appropriation ordinance and the annual salary ordinance to include the provisions necessary for paying the basic rate of compensation fixed by said Board of Supervisors for said new rank or position for the then current fiscal year.
(Added by Ord. 320-96, App. 8/8/96)
Editor's Note:
Ordinance 243-06, App. 10/14/2006, added a section designated therein as 2A.90 to Article IV of this Chapter. That section ("Boundaries of Police Department District Stations") was codified as Sec. 2A.86.
Ordinance 243-06, App. 10/14/2006, added a section designated therein as 2A.90 to Article IV of this Chapter. That section ("Boundaries of Police Department District Stations") was codified as Sec. 2A.86.