District Attorney. | |
Police Department Participation in Federal Counterterrorism Activities. | |
Police; Ranks in the Department. | |
Police; Creation of New Ranks. | |
Supplemental Authority Regarding Appointment to Non-Civil Service Ranks Above Captain. | |
Police; Other Executives. | |
Police; Inspectors. | |
Police; Special Police Officers. | |
Police; Special Powers of the Chief of Police. | |
Police; Traffic Regulation. | |
Special Police Funds. | |
Community Policing Policy. | |
Justice Tracking Information System (JUSTIS) Committee Governance Council. | |
Boundaries of Police Department District Stations. | |
Press Room Telephones. | |
Police Staffing and Deployment to District Stations. | |
Implementing the California Sexual Assault Victims' DNA Bill of Rights. | |
Any amount required by the District Attorney from time to time from the District Attorney's special fund shall be requisitioned by the District Attorney, stating the general purpose for which required, whereupon the Controller shall draw his warrant therefor and the claim be paid as provided for payment of other warrants by the Treasurer. All such sums may be used by the District Attorney solely as provided by general law and the District Attorney shall file vouchers with the Controller at the end of each fiscal year showing what disposition the District Attorney has made of any moneys received from such fund and the particular purpose for which it was disbursed, provided that, if a criminal proceeding be pending or under investigation, vouchers for moneys disbursed in such proceeding or investigation need not be filed until the trial of the criminal proceeding be ended or the investigation concluded. No portion of the fund shall be used for compensation or remuneration of full-time assistants or employees.
There shall be a Victim-Witness Assistance Program. The District Attorney shall work with other City Departments and public and private entities to provide assistance to victims and witnesses of crimes pursuant to Part 4, Title 6, Chapter 4, Article 2 of the California Penal Code. The program shall comply with the standards and the evaluation and reporting procedures set forth in Article 2 of the California Penal Code. The District Attorney Victim-Witness Assistance Program is the major provider of victim/witness assistance in the City and County of San Francisco. The program may request, solicit, receive and disburse funds from governmental and non-governmental sources under the provisions of Article XV, Sections 10.170 and 10.170-1 of the San Francisco Administrative Code.
There shall be a Warrant and Bond Office. The District Attorney shall appoint an assistant to have charge of the Warrant and Bond Office to be designated Warrant and Bond Deputy, and such additional assistants and clerks as may be provided by the budget and appropriation ordinances. No person shall be appointed Warrant and Bond Deputy who is not at the time of his or her appointment qualified to practice law in all the courts of this State. The Warrant and Bond Deputy shall keep his or her office open continuously night and day for the transaction of business; the Warrant and Bond Deputy shall draw and approve with his or her signature all complaints and warrants in criminal actions to be prosecuted in the Municipal Courts and any inferior court established by law in this City and County and possessing criminal jurisdiction; the Warrant and Bond Deputy shall have custody of all bail bonds and appeal bonds taken in such courts.
The Warrant and Bond Deputy may issue bail bonds and appeal bonds and order the discharge from custody of the persons for whom such bonds are approved by a magistrate. The Warrant and Bond Deputy may fix cash bail in misdemeanor cases where arrests are made without warrants and may take cash bail in all cases arising in the Municipal Court and any inferior court established by law in this City and County and possessing criminal jurisdiction, and may order the discharge from custody of the persons for whom cash bail is deposited with the Warrant and Bond Deputy.
In the matter of fixing bail and ordering the release of prisoners the Warrant and Bond Deputy shall be subject to the judges of the Municipal Court and the judges of any court in the City and County empowered by law to act as magistrates.
(Added by Ord. 320-96, App. 8/8/96; amended by Ord. 107-00, File No. 000538, App. 5/26/2000)
(a) This Ordinance shall be known as the "Safe San Francisco Civil Rights Ordinance."
(b) The City and County of San Francisco, including but not limited to the San Francisco Police Department, may assist federal agencies on the Federal Bureau of Investigation ("FBI" ) Joint Terrorism Task Force or any successor task force, joint operation, assignment or enforcement activity (collectively, "JTTF") in preventing and investigating possible acts of terrorism and other criminal activity only in a manner that is fully consistent with the laws of the State of California, including but not limited to the inalienable right to privacy guaranteed by Article 1, Section 1 of the California Constitution, as well as the laws and policies of the City and County of San Francisco and, as applicable to the Police Department, that Department's policies, procedures, and orders.
(c) Before execution of any Memorandum of Understanding or other written agreement, contract or arrangement (collectively, "MOU") between the San Francisco Police Department and the FBI regarding the Police Department's participation on the JTTF, or any amendment to an existing MOU with the FBI regarding the JTTF, the Chief of Police shall submit the proposed MOU and any related Department General Orders or Bureau Orders for discussion and public comment at an open meeting of the Police Commission.
(d) By January 31 of each year, the Chief of Police shall provide to the Police Commission a public report with appropriate public information on the Police Department's work with the JTTF in the prior calendar year, including any issues related to compliance with this Section.
The several ranks or positions in the Department shall be as follows: Chief of Police, captains, criminologists, lieutenants, inspectors, sergeants, assistant inspectors, police surgeon, police officers, police patrol drivers and women protective officers, and such other ranks or positions as the Police Commission may from time to time create as provided for in Section 2A.76 of this Code.
(Added by Ord. 320-96, App. 8/8/96)
The Police Commission shall by rule and subject to the fiscal provisions of the Charter, have power to create new or additional ranks or positions in the Department which shall be subject to the civil service provisions of the Charter; provided that the Police Commission subject to the recommendation of the Civil Service Commission and the approval of the Board of Supervisors may declare such new or additional ranks or positions to be exempt from the civil service provisions of the Charter. If the Civil Service Commission disapproves any such exemption, the Board of Supervisors may approve such exemptions by a majority vote of the members thereof.
The Police Commission may in their discretion designate the rank or ranks from which appointments to such exempt ranks or positions shall be made. The Chief of Police may appoint to any non-civil service rank or position above the rank of captain as may be created hereunder Department or any member of the Police Department who has had supervisory experience over other sworn law enforcement officers. If any new or additional rank or position is created pursuant hereto pending the adoption of salary standards for such rank or position, the Police Commission shall have power to recommend the basic rate of compensation therefor to the Board of Supervisors who shall have the power to fix the rate of compensation for said new rank or position and it shall have the power, and it shall be its duty without reference or amendment to the annual budget, to amend the annual appropriation ordinance and the annual salary ordinance to include the provisions necessary for paying the basic rate of compensation fixed by said Board of Supervisors for said new rank or position for the then current fiscal year.
The Police Commission shall also have power to establish and from time to time change the order or rank of the non-civil service ranks in the Police Department.
(Added by Ord. 320-96, App. 8/8/96; amended by Ord. 44-99, App. 3/26/99; Ord. 218-09, File No. 091031, App. 10/29/2009)
Notwithstanding the requirements in Section 2A.76. the Chief of Police may appoint to any non-civil service rank above the rank of captain any sworn law enforcement officer who has had supervisory experience over other sworn law enforcement officers in any federal, state or local agency that employs sworn law enforcement officers, provided however that no more than one such officer may hold an appointment at any one time.
The authority to make appointments under this Section 2A.76-1 shall expire five years from the effective date of this ordinance. The expiration of the authority that this Section creates shall not terminate or otherwise affect any appointment that the Chief of Police made under this Section.
(Added by Ord. 218-09, File No. 091031, App. 10/29/2009)
Subject to the provisions of the Charter governing the appointment and removal of non-civil service appointees, and without competitive examination, the Chief of Police shall have power to appoint a police surgeon; to appoint any person who meets the qualification in Section 2A.76 or 2A.76-1 to any non-civil service rank above the rank of captain as may be created by the Police Commission pursuant to the provisions of Section 2A.76 of this Code; and to appoint a member to any non-civil service rank below the rank of captain as may be created by the Police Commission pursuant to the provisions of Section 2A.76 from among the members of the Department holding the rank or ranks designated by said commission pursuant to the provisions of Section 2A.76 of this Code. When any member of the Department, detailed to any of the positions above mentioned, shall be removed from said detail or position, he or she shall be returned to his or her civil service rank and position, unless removed from the Department pursuant to the provisions of Section A8.343 of the Charter.
(Added by Ord. 320-96, App. 8/8/96; amended by Ord. 45-99, App. 3/26/99; Ord. 218-09, File No. 091031, App. 10/29/2009)
Assignment to the ranks of assistant inspector and inspector in the Police Department shall be made by the Chief of Police from among those members of said Department holding the ranks of sergeant or police officer who have qualified in the following manner; any of the aforesaid members of the Police Department who has served in the Department not less than three years shall be eligible to participate in a competitive examination for the rank of assistant inspector which shall be administered by the Civil Service Commission. The Chief of Police shall appoint assistant inspectors to fill vacancies in the rank of assistant inspector from the certified list of qualified candidates as provided for under the Civil Service Rules pertaining to uniformed personnel of the Police Department. If any member of the Department appointed as an assistant inspector is a sergeant at the time of the appointment or is appointed a sergeant thereafter, that member shall receive the rate of compensation attached to the rank of sergeant.
Assistant inspectors shall serve a six-month probationary period. Appointment as inspector shall not be subject to competitive examination. In case of vacancy in said rank of inspector the appointment shall be made by the Chief of Police from among those holding the rank of assistant inspector who have actually served as assistant inspector for at least two years prior to such appointment; provided, however, that in the event there are no assistant inspectors who have actually served as such for at least two years prior to such appointment, the appointment may be made by the Chief of Police from among those holding the rank of assistant inspector who have completed their six months' probationary period prior to such appointment. The Chief of Police may, from time to time, detail members of the Department for performance of duty, without change in rank, in the various units and bureaus of the Department.
Inspectors and assistant inspectors shall have the same rights as other members of the Department to take competitive examinations from their respective civil service ranks; provided, however, that any member of the Department holding the rank of inspector, assistant inspector or police officer may take the competitive examination for the rank of sergeant. An inspector or assistant inspector guilty of any offense or violation of the rules and procedures of the Police Department shall be subject to punishment as provided in Charter Section A8.343; provided, however, that in addition to the punishments set forth in Section A8.343, an inspector may be demoted to his or her civil service rank for any offense or violation set forth in said section and after trial and hearing before the Police Commission as set forth therein.
(Added by Ord. 320-96, App. 8/8/96; amended by Ord. 202-01, File No. 010762, App. 9/28/2001)