The several ranks or positions in the Fire Department shall be: Chief of Department; assistant chiefs of department; battalion chiefs; captains; lieutenants; engineers; chiefs operators; firefighters; pilots of fireboats and marine engineers of fireboats; captain, bureau of fire prevention and public safety; lieutenant, Bureau of Fire Prevention and Public Safety; lieutenant, Bureau of Fire Investigation; inspector, Bureau of Fire Prevention and Public Safety; and investigator, Bureau of Fire Investigation, and such other ranks or positions as the Fire Commission may from time to time create as provided for in Section 2A.90.
(Added by Ord. 320-96, App. 8/8/96)
The Chief of the Fire Department shall have the power to appoint and to remove, at the Chief’s pleasure, two Deputy Chiefs from among the members of the Department having the rank of Assistant Chief of Department or Battalion Chief,;1
one Deputy Chief from among the Emergency Medical Services or Community Paramedicine members of the Department with a rank of Captain, Section Chief, or above; and a Secretary to the Chief of the Department.
(Added by Ord. 320-96, App. 8/8/96; amended by Ord. 179-22, File No. 220679, App. 8/4/2022, Eff. 9/4/2022)
The Chief of the Fire Department, with the approval of the Fire Commission, may appoint a Fire Marshal and assistants. The Board of Supervisors may empower the Fire Marshal to sell property saved or salvaged from any fire and for which no owner can be found. The Fire Marshal may call upon police officers to assist in the protection or salvaging of property and shall have such other powers and duties as by ordinance may be prescribed relative to the protection of property at fires and the storage of property salvaged therefrom. The Fire Marshal shall have such duties appertaining to the enforcement of laws relative to the storage, sale and use of flammable and combustible liquids, combustible materials and explosives as the Fire Commission by rule, or the Supervisors by ordinance, may prescribe.
(Added by Ord. 320-96, App. 8/8/96)
The Chief of Department shall have jurisdiction, under the supervision of the Fire Commission, of the Division of Fire Prevention and Investigation consisting of the Bureau of Fire Prevention and Public Safety and the Bureau of Fire Investigation. The Chief of Department shall hold the Assistant Chief of Department, Division of Fire Prevention and Investigation, to the responsibility and authority for enforcement of laws and statutes of the State of California, and the Charter and ordinances of the City and County of San Francisco, pertaining to matters of fire prevention and fire investigation.
The Bureau of Fire Prevention and Public Safety shall inspect all hospitals, schools, places of public assemblage, and other premises regulated by Title 19 of the California Administrative Code, flammable liquid storage facilities, other hazardous occupancies as defined by the Building Code, and all occupied or vacated structures and premises to determine whether or not compliance is being had with statutes, regulations, and ordinances relative to fire prevention, fire protection and firespread control, and the protection of persons and property from fire. It shall enforce said statutes, regulations, and ordinances and shall report violations to other departments having jurisdiction.
The Bureau of Fire Prevention and Public Safety shall examine the application, plans and specifications for the erection, and for alterations or repairs estimated to exceed $1,000 in cost, of any hospital, school, place of public assemblage as defined in the Building Code, other premises regulated by Title 19 of the California Administrative Code, flammable liquid storage facility, or other hazardous occupancy as defined by the Building Code, subject to the statutes, regulations, and ordinances referred to in this Section, and shall also examine the applications, plans and specifications for all structures and premises insofar as they involve the location of standpipes. The Bureau of Fire Prevention and Public Safety shall by written report, filed with the Director of Public Works, approve such plans and specifications, or report to said Director of Public Works, the particulars wherein noncompliance exists, and upon modification of the application, plans and specifications to comply therewith, the Bureau shall inform said Director of its approval. No permit for alteration or repair exceeding $1,000 in cost of any hospital, school, place of public assemblage as defined in the Building Code, other premises regulated by Title 19 of the California Administrative Code, flammable liquid storage facility, or other hazardous occupancy as defined by the Building Code, or for the erection thereof, or involving the location of standpipes, shall be issued unless said approval is given.
Any structure or premises as provided in this Section wherein there exists any violation of statutes, regulations, or ordinances referred to in this Section, or which is maintained or used in such manner as to endanger persons or property by hazard or fire, explosion or panic and any structure or premises as provided in this Section hereafter constructed, altered or repaired in violation of said statutes, regulations, or ordinances, is hereby declared to be a public nuisance, and it shall be the duty of the Bureau of Fire Prevention and Public Safety to prosecute abatement proceedings.
The Bureau of Fire Prevention and Public Safety shall detail to the Department of Public Works such personnel as necessary to review and check plans relative to requirements of the Fire Code and shall report any particulars of noncompliance to the Director.
The Fire Department shall make recommendations to the Director of Public Works for possible revisions to the Building Code and Housing Code on matters of fire safety.
(Added by Ord. 320-96, App. 8/8/96)
In the event that the services of any pilot, marine engineer or marine fireman holding permanent civil service status as such, hereinafter referred to as the said member, are no longer required in connection with fireboat operation due to curtailment of such operation by the City and County of San Francisco or due to the conversion from steam fireboats to motorized fireboats, the said member on the basis of seniority in rank may be reassigned to duties of a position of some other rank in the Fire Department in which a vacancy in a permanent position exists and not carrying a higher compensation than the compensation of the rank previously held by said member, as the Chief of Department, with the approval of the Fire Commission, shall determine are within the said member's ability to perform, below the rank of lieutenant; provided, however, said member shall not be eligible for promotional examination in the Fire Department. Upon such reassignment the said member shall be declared to be permanently appointed to such new rank as if appointed thereto after examination and certification from a list of eligibles under the civil service provisions of the Charter, and said member shall have seniority therein from date of such reassignment and he or she shall receive the same rate of pay as would be applicable to any other member of such new rank having the same number of years of service in the Department. If no vacancy in a permanent position exists to which immediate reassignment may be made as indicated above, then such member shall be laid off from his or her position subject to reassignment as indicated above when such a vacancy does occur.
If at any time after such reassignment the said member's original position, or a similar position becomes available on fireboats under jurisdiction of the San Francisco Fire Department, the said member shall be assigned to such position in accordance with his or her seniority in rank in the Department, preference in such assignment being given to the said member having the greatest seniority. Upon such assignment the said member shall be declared to be reappointed to the rank said member held at the time he or she was transferred from such fireboat service and shall be restored to all the civil services rights and privileges appurtenant thereto, including such additional rights and privileges as may have accrued by reason of added seniority.
Nothing in this Section shall affect the said members pension and retirement rights and privileges.
(Added by Ord. 320-96, App. 8/8/96)
Notwithstanding any other provision of law, the Fire Department shall maintain and operate neighborhood firehouses and emergency apparatus at the same location and to the same extent as existed on January 1, 2004, as is listed below.
Stations | Location | Emergency Apparatus | Neighborhoods Served |
Stations | Location | Emergency Apparatus | Neighborhoods Served |
Station 1 | 676 Howard | Engine/Truck/Rescue Squad | Downtown, Tenderloin, SoMa |
Station 2 | 1340 Powell | Engine/Truck/Battalion | Chinatown, North Beach, Nob Hill |
Station 3 | 1067 Post | Engine/Truck | Tenderloin, SoMa, Civic Center, Polk Gulch |
Station 5 | 1301 Turk | Engine/Truck/Division | Fillmore, Western Addition, Japantown |
Station 6 | 135 Sanchez | Engine/Truck | Castro, Lower Haight, Mission, Duboce Triangle |
Station 7 | 2300 Folsom | Engine/Truck/Rescue Squad/Division | Mission District, Bernal Heights |
Station 8 | 36 Bluxome | Engine/Truck/Battalion | SoMa, South Beach, Mission Bay |
Station 9 | 2245 Jerrold | Engine/Truck/Battalion | Potrero Hill, Bernal Heights |
Station 10 | 655 Presidio | Engine/Truck | Presidio Heights, Laurel Heights, Western Addition |
Station 11 | 3880 26th Street | Engine/Truck/Battalion | Noe Valley, Mission District, Castro |
Station 12 | 1145 Stanyan | Engine/Truck | Haight Ashbury, Cole Valley |
Station 13 | 530 Sansome | Engine/Truck | Financial District, North Beach, Chinatown |
Station 14 | 551 26th Avenue | Engine/Truck | Richmond, Presidio |
Station 15 | 1000 Ocean | Engine/Truck/Battalion | Ingleside |
Station 16 | 2251 Greenwich | Engine/Truck | Marina, Cow Hollow, Presidio |
Station 17 | 1295 Shafter | Engine/Truck | Bayview/Hunters Point |
Station 18 | 1933 32nd Avenue | Engine/Truck | Sunset |
Station 19 | 390 Buckingham | Engine/Truck | Park Merced, Stonestown, Lake Merced |
Station 20 | 285 Olympia | Engine/Mobile Air Unit | Forest Hill, Inner Sunset |
Station 21 | 1443 Grove | Engine | Fillmore, Western Addition, Haight |
Station 22 | 1290 16th Avenue | Engine | Inner Sunset |
Station 23 | 1348 45th Avenue | Engine | Sunset |
Station 24 | 100 Hoffman | Engine | Noe Valley, Castro, Twin Peaks |
Station 25 | 3305 3rd Street | Engine | Potrero Hill, Bayview/Hunters Point |
Station 26 | 80 Digby | Engine | Glen Park, Diamond Heights |
Station 28 | 1814 Stockton | Engine | North Beach, Telegraph Hill |
Station 29 | 299 Vermont | Engine | Potrero Hill, Mission District |
Station 31 | 441 12th Avenue | Engine/Battalion | Richmond |
Station 32 | 194 Park | Engine | Bernal Heights, Mission District |
Station 33 | 8 Capitol | Engine | OceanView, Merced Heights |
Station 34 | 499 41st Avenue | Engine | Outer Richmond |
Station 35 | Pier 22½ | Engine/Fireboat | Embarcadero, Downtown, South Beach |
Station 36 | 109 Oak Street | Engine/Battalion | Civic Center, Hayes Valley |
Station 37 | 798 Wisconsin | Engine | Potrero Hill, Dog Patch |
Station 38 | 2150 California | Engine/Battalion | Pacific Heights, Marina, Upper Fillmore |
Station 39 | 1091 Portola | Engine | Miraloma, St. Francis Wood, West Portal |
Station 40 | 2155 18th Avenue | Engine/Battalion | Parkside, Forest Hill |
Station 41 | 1325 Leavenworth | Engine | Russian Hill, Nob Hill |
Station 42 | 2430 San Bruno Avenue | Engine | Portola, Silver Terrace |
Station 43 | 720 Moscow | Engine | Excelsior, Outer Mission, Crocker Amazon |
Station 44 | 1298 Girard | Engine | Visitacion Valley, Sunnydale |
Station 48 | Treasure Island | Engine/Truck/Hose Tender | Treasure Island |
Each such firehouse shall remain open 24 hours a day, and the emergency apparatus located at each firehouse shall be adequately staffed so as to be able to respond to a fire, medical or other emergency 24 hours a day. The Fire Department shall not close, abandon or consolidate any existing firehouse, or provide a level of service at that firehouse or for the apparatus within that firehouse, lower than that existing as of January 1, 2004, except as specified below.
In addition to the apparatus housed within each neighborhood firehouse as of January 1, 2004, as listed above, the Fire Department shall maintain and operate 24 hours per day the following: an arson/fire investigation unit; no fewer than four ambulances; and four Rescue Captains (Medical Supervisors). The Chief of the Department shall determine which station will house those units.
The Fire Department, with the concurrence of the Fire Commission and subject to approval by the Board of Supervisors, may establish such additional firehouses as it deems necessary to meet the safety needs of the residents of the City and County of San Francisco. The Fire Department may relocate apparatus from one neighborhood firehouse to another only if the Chief, with the concurrence of the Fire Commission and approval by the Board of Supervisors, declares doing so is necessary to meet the safety needs of the citizenry and will not prevent servicing that neighborhood 24 hours a day. In no event may the Fire Department remove apparatus from a neighborhood firehouse if doing so prevents that firehouse from responding to fires and medical emergency calls from that location 24 hours a day.
A neighborhood firehouse listed above may be closed only for unsafe structural conditions, or if necessary to retrofit or renovate the building, or if it has been replaced by a new firehouse in that same neighborhood. Such closure must be recommended by the Fire Department, concurred in by the Fire Commission, and approved by the Board of Supervisors, and must be accompanied by a detailed plan for restoring adequate services to the neighborhood served by that firehouse as soon as possible.
Nothing in this Section shall prevent the Fire Department from temporarily closing a firehouse and moving the apparatus within it if that firehouse poses an immediate danger to public safety, provided that the Department shall seek the concurrence of the Fire Commission and the approval of the Board of Supervisors as soon as is reasonably possible.
(Added by Proposition F, 11/8/2005)
Director of Property. | |
Recreation and Park; New Facilities. |
The Director of Property shall have the charge of the purchase of real property and improvements required for all City and County purposes, and the sale and lease of real property and improvements thereon owned by the City and County, except as otherwise provided by the Charter. In the acquisition of property required for street opening, widening or other public improvements, the Director shall make preliminary appraisals of the value of the property sought to be condemned or otherwise acquired, and report thereon to the responsible officer. It shall be his or duty, in addition, to assist in such proceedings on the request of the responsible officer.
Except for the Convention Facilities Management Department, each department authorized by the approval of bond issues or by annual or supplemental appropriation ordinances to purchase or lease property or improvements needed for the purposes of such department shall make such purchases or leases through the Director of Property. The Director of Property shall make a preliminary valuation of the property to be acquired or leased and report the same to the department requiring such property. For such purposes the Director of Property may employ independent appraisers. The Director of Property shall conduct negotiations with the owner or owners thereof, at the conclusion of which the Director shall report the terms on which such sale or lease may be concluded, together with his or her recommendations thereon. The head of the department concerned may report to the Board of Supervisors and recommend acceptance or that proceedings in eminent domain be instituted for the acquisition of such property.
The Director of Property shall maintain complete records and maps of all real property owned by the City, which shall show the purchase price, if known, and the department in charge of each parcel, with reference to deeds or grants establishing the City's title.
The Director of Property shall annually report to the Mayor, the Controller, the Director of Administrative Services, and the Supervisors, the estimated value of each parcel and improvement. The Director of Property shall make recommendations to the Mayor and Director of Administrative Services relative to the advantageous use, disposition, or sale of real property not in use.
(Added by Ord. 277-96, App. 7/3/96)