(a) Establishment of Fee. Pursuant to Section 27388 of the California Government Code, there is hereby established a fee of $3.00 that shall be paid to the Recorder at the time of recording every real estate instrument, paper, or notice required or permitted by law. This fee may be adjusted by the Controller, upon notice from the District Attorney, that the allowable recordation fee has been increased. Such fee shall be collected, administered, and expended in accordance with Section 27388 of the California Government Code. Money collected pursuant to this Section shall be used to fund programs to enhance the capacity of local police and prosecutors to deter, investigate, and prosecute real estate fraud crimes and other purposes hereafter authorized by State law.
(b) Real Estate Fraud Prosecution Trust Fund Committee. There is hereby established a Real Estate Fraud Prosecution Trust Fund Committee ("Committee") composed of the District Attorney, City Administrator, and City Attorney, each of whom may appoint an appropriate representative to serve on the committee. The Committee shall review applications and make determinations by majority vote as to the award of funds using the procedures and criteria required by Section 27388 of the California Government Code.
(c) Annual Review. The Board of Supervisors shall annually review the effectiveness of the District Attorney in deterring, investigating, and prosecuting real estate fraud crimes based upon information provided by the District Attorney in an annual report submitted to the Board of Supervisors in accordance with Section 27388(d) of the Government Code.
(d) Administration of Funds. Pursuant to Section 27388(g) of the Government Code, no money collected pursuant to this Section shall be expended to offset a reduction in any other source of funds. Funds from the Real Estate Fraud Prosecution Trust Fund shall be used only in connection with criminal investigations or prosecutions involving recorded real estate documents.
(e) Monies in this fund, including all interest earned, shall be deemed provided for specific purposes, as stated in this ordinance, and shall be carried forward at the end of each fiscal year, consistent with the provisions of the City Charter.
(Added by Ord. 413-97, App. 10/31/97; amended by Ord. 70-10, File No. 100045, App. 4/8/2010)
(a) Pursuant to California Government Code Sections 27584 and 27585, the Assessor-Recorder of the City and County of San Francisco is hereby authorized to collect a ten dollar ($10.00) user fee over and above any other fees required by law at the time of recording any grant deed subject to a documentary transfer tax for the conveyance of real property within the City and County of San Francisco.
(b) Grant deeds subject to the user fee shall include but not be limited to the following: parcels or lots created by Records of Survey; parcels or lots created by Official Maps; parcels or lots created by government surveys; and, parcels, lots, condominium units, or easements created by metes and bounds, exception, portion, or acreage descriptions, except those metes and bounds descriptions describing an entire lot or lots created by a recorded Parcel Map or Final Map. Grant deeds excluded from payment of the fee shall include the following: trust deeds; deeds conveying easements of oil or mineral rights only; deeds to or from government entities or agencies or officers thereof acting in their official capacities; deeds recorded or recorded solely for the purpose of correcting an error in a previously recorded document; and, deeds which describe the property conveyed as an entire lot or lots created by a recorded Parcel Map or Final Map.
(Added by Ord. 258-05, File No. 051461, App. 11/17/2005)
(a) Pursuant to Government Code section 27301, the Assessor-Recorder of the City and County of San Francisco is hereby authorized to collect an additional recording fee of one dollar ($1.00) for recording the first page of every instrument, paper, or notice required or permitted by law to be recorded to be used solely for the implementation and ongoing operation of a Social Security Number Truncation Program.
(b) The fee authorized pursuant to this resolution shall discontinue after December 31, 2017 unless reauthorized by the Board of Supervisors;
(c) The Controller of the City and County of San Francisco shall conduct two reviews to verify that the funds generated by this fee are used only for the purpose of the Social Security Number Truncation Program within the timeframes provided under Section 27361(d)(4).
(Added by Ord. 163-08, File No. 080708, App. 7/30/2008)
Notwithstanding the provisions of any other ordinance or resolution relating to the copying and retention of records under its control, the Police Commission of the City and County of San Francisco is empowered to destroy criminal history records maintained or in the possession of the San Francisco Police Department in accordance with the current schedule of destruction of criminal history records of the Office of the Attorney General of the State of California.
If there be no current schedule of destruction of criminal history records of the Attorney General, the Police Commission may establish such a schedule which in its good judgment will not adversely affect law enforcement.
The Police Commission shall have full authority to adopt such rules, regulations and procedures as it deems necessary and properly relating to the destruction of criminal history records.
(Added by Ord. 63-75, App. 2/26/75)
Following posting of a tentative list of eligibles, the examination papers of anyone eligible shall be available for inspection for a fee of five dollars, which fee is waived for eligibles who wish to inspect their own papers.
Notwithstanding the provisions of any other ordinance or resolution relating to fees, the Civil Service Commission of the City and County of San Francisco shall from time to time when necessary fix the fees to be charged by the Civil Service Commission when furnishing reproductions of reports, records, documents, data, other material and for the imprinting and processing of fingerprints.
Such fees shall not be less than the cost to the Civil Service Commission for the reproducing, processing and furnishing of such reports, records, documents, data, other material and for the imprinting and processing of fingerprints.
The Civil Service Commission shall have full authority to adopt such rules, regulations and procedures as it deems necessary and properly related to the reproducing, furnishing and processing of said reproductions. It shall have full authority to adopt rules, regulations and procedures for the imprinting and processing of fingerprints and the terms and conditions upon which said reproducing and furnishing of reports, records, documents, data, other material and the imprinting and processing of fingerprints shall be accomplished.
(Amended by Ord. 66-79, App. 2/9/79)
Notwithstanding the provisions of any other ordinance or resolution relating to application fees payable to secure any permit or license, the Sheriff of the City and County of San Francisco shall from time to time when necessary, with the concurrence of the Controller and the Board of Supervisors, fix the fees to be charged by the Sheriff's Department for the care and maintenance of prisoners from other jurisdictions; for the furnishing of reproductions of reports, records, documents, data, other materials; and for the imprinting and processing of fingerprints.
Such fees shall be not less than the cost to the Sheriff's Department for the care and maintenance of such prisoners; the reproducing, processing and furnishing of such reports, records, documents, data and other materials; and for the imprinting and processing of fingerprints.
There shall be no charge to governmental agencies or other institutions affected with a public interest and which in the opinion of the Sheriff are entitled to such reproductions of reports, records, documents, data, other material and for the imprinting and processing of fingerprints, by reason of policy or reciprocation and for which the Sheriff's Department is not required to incur expenses in the reproducing, furnishing, imprinting or processing of such reports, records, documents, data, other material or fingerprints.
The Sheriff shall have full authority to adopt such rules, regulations and procedures as he or she deems necessary and properly related to the care and maintenance of prisoners from other jurisdictions and for the reproducing, furnishing and processing of said reproductions. The Sheriff shall have full authority to adopt rules, regulations and procedures for the imprinting and processing of fingerprints and the terms and conditions.
(Amended by Ord. 520-79, App. 10/19/79)
If the State enacts booking fee legislation and budgets reimbursement funding for local governments, the Sheriff and Police Departments shall implement a booking fee and file for reimbursement from the State of California. If such a fee is implemented, the Controller shall establish a work order authorization between the Sheriff and Police Departments covering the full costs of the activity and revise each department's budget accordingly.
(Added by Ord. 201-05, File No. 051139, App. 7/29/2005)