All moneys received from the sale of documents or printed publications shall be paid as revenue into the City and County treasury to the credit of the fund from which the cost of the printing of the manuals, documents, pamphlets or other publications sold shall have been paid.
(Added by Ord. 259-73, App. 7/3/73)
Copies of publications of the Board of Supervisors required for the use of a City and County department shall be furnished upon issuance of a proper requisition supported by available funds of the requisitioning department. Subject to the requirements of Section 8.12.5, the Purchaser of Supplies shall, upon requisition from the Clerk of the Board of Supervisors, furnish, free of charge, copies of publications for distribution to such governmental agencies, persons or institutions affected with a public interest outside the City and County as request them, and which, in the opinion of the Clerk, are entitled to them by reason either of reciprocation or policy.
(Added by Ord. 259-73, App. 7/3/73; amended by Ord. 316-10, File No. 101098, App. 12/21/2010)
(a) Subject to the provisions of subsection (b), no City officer, department, or agency shall publish, print or otherwise reproduce on paper multiple copies of any report, memorandum, study, form, or other document for general distribution, including an annual report required under Section 1.56, where the document is more than 10 pages in length. The officer, department, or agency shall instead distribute copies of such documents electronically. Transmission of an electronic copy of the document to the appropriate person shall satisfy any requirement of the Municipal Code that a City officer, department, or agency submit or file the document.
(b) The City Administrator may waive the requirements of subsection (a) in whole or in part where an officer, department, or agency demonstrates that the use of paper copies is required by law or standard business practice, or that the use of paper copies will best inform members of the public.
(c) The City Administrator may adopt regulations to implement this Section, including regulations addressing the publication of particular classes of documents. Nothing in this Section shall prohibit a City officer or employee from printing a copy of any document for individual use, or upon request from a member of the public.
(d) Notwithstanding the provisions of subsection (a), boards, commissions, committees or other meeting bodies subject to the Brown Act or the Sunshine Ordinance may provide paper copies of their agenda and related materials to the general public, as well as provide paper copies of their agenda and related materials to their members upon request.
(e) It shall be City policy that where a City officer, department, or agency does publish, print or otherwise reproduce on paper multiple copies of any report, memorandum, study, form, or other document for general distribution under subsections (b), (c), or (d), the officer, department, or agency shall use the City's central print facility to reproduce the document.
(Added by Ord. 316-10, File No. 101098, App. 12/21/2010)
The Purchaser of Supplies, with the approval of the Director of Telecommunications and Information Services, and the recommendation of the Controller, is authorized to enter into agreements to sell systems time and programming time at rates established by the Purchaser and the Controller.
(Added by Ord. 364-68, App. 12/26/68; amended by Ord. 278-96, App. 7/3/96; Ord. 316-10, File No. 101098, App. 12/21/2010)
(a) The Office of the Chief Medical Examiner is hereby authorized to charge the following fees to any persons or government agencies, including departments or agencies of the City and County of San Francisco, that request or require such documents or services:
Proof of death letter |
$10 |
Statement of non-contagion |
10 |
Certified copy of Medical Examiner’s report |
47 |
Disaster bag |
67 |
Copies of X-rays, per film |
33 |
Re-cut microscopic slides, per slide |
33 |
Storage of remains, per day |
77 |
Removal of remains from place of death to OCME facility, Medical Examiner’s cases |
632 |
Cremation of remains by request with approval of OCME |
1,196 |
Certified forensic toxicology report |
16 |
Certified supporting documentation for results of forensic toxicology report, per page |
1 |
Packaging and delivery of subpoenaed records to court |
23 |
Specimen storage, per month |
38 |
Expert testimony or consultation by OCME toxicologist (non-Ph.D.), per hour |
386/hour* * |
Expert testimony or consultation by OCME toxicologist (Ph.D.), per hour |
548** |
Expert testimony or consultation by OCME forensic pathologist, per hour |
800** |
Expert testimony or consultation by OCME investigator, per hour |
386** |
Drug screening in blood or urine by GC/MS (gas chromatography with mass spectrometry) |
1,644 |
Drug confirmation in urine, per drug |
411 |
Drug confirmation and quantitation in blood, per drug |
411 |
Drug screening in gastric contents or tissue by GC/MS |
2,056 |
Drug confirmation in gastric contents or tissue, per drug |
548 |
Date rape drug screening in urine |
1,644 |
Date rape drug confirmation in urine, per drug |
411 |
Drug screening and confirmation in hair, per hair specimen |
5,481 |
Decedent’s property mailing fee |
55 |
Histology service, including embedding, cutting, routine H & E staining and coverslipping, per 4 cassettes |
164 |
Forensic alcohol analysis, per case |
100 |
Drug screening and confirmation in nails, per nail specimen |
1,566 |
Preparation of specimen for shipment or release |
75 |
Postmortem Comprehensive Drug Analysis |
360 |
Postmortem Comprehensive Expanded Drug Analysis |
525 |
Postmortem Comprehensive Drug and Alcohol Analysis |
400 |
Postmortem Comprehensive Expanded Drug and Alcohol Analysis |
525 |
Postmortem Carbon Monoxide Analysis |
95 |
Postmortem Biochemistry (Electrolytes) Analysis |
95 |
** Travel and accommodation charges will be the responsibility of the requesting party.
Except as otherwise provided by law, the Office of the Chief Medical Examiner is authorized to charge a fee on a time-and-materials basis to issue documents or perform services other than those specified above. The fee charged shall not exceed the actual cost that the OCME incurs in providing the document or service to the requesting party.
(b) All cases brought into the Medical Examiner’s Office facility shall be billed for transportation, personnel handling, and storage costs, except for the following categories of cases:
(1) Decedents under 14 years of age;
(2) Homicides;
(3) In custody or police-involved cases;
(4) Indigents (County disposition);
(5) Cases in which private charitable funds available to pay funeral costs would thereby be reduced so as to preclude payment;
(6) Cases specifically exempted by the Chief Medical Examiner or his or her designee.
(c) Beginning with fiscal year 2003-2004, fees set in this Section 8.14 may be adjusted each year, without further action by the Board of Supervisors, to reflect changes in the relevant Consumer Price Index, as determined by the Controller.
No later than April 15 of each year, the Medical Examiner’s Office shall submit its current fee schedule to the Controller, who shall apply the price index adjustment to produce a new fee schedule for the following year. The adjusted rates shall become operative on July 1.
(d) All fees received for documents and services mentioned in this Section 8.14 shall be deposited with the Treasurer and shall be used to defray the costs incurred by the Medical Examiner in issuing such documents or providing such services.
(Amended by Ord. 231-82, App. 5/13/82; Ord. 120-87, App. 4/17/87; Ord. 222-92, App. 7/14/92; Ord. 169-95, App. 5/26/95; Ord. 384-96, App. 10/16/96; Ord. 156-02, File No. 021080, App. 7/12/2002; Ord. 163-04, File No. 040750, App. 7/22/2004; Ord. 177-05, File No. 050984, App. 7/29/2005; Ord. 182-07, File No. 070808, App. 8/3/2007; Ord. 167-09, File No. 090721, App. 7/21/2009; Ord. 168-13; File No. 130543, App. 8/2/2013, Eff. 9/1/2013; Ord. 45-17, File No. 161316, App. 2/24/2017, Eff. 3/26/2017; Ord. 175-20, File No. 200839, App. 10/1/2020, Eff. 11/1/2020)
(Added by Ord. 182-09, File No. 090837, 7/27/2009; repealed by Ord. 131-18, File No. 180132, App. 6/14/2018, Eff. 7/15/2018, Retro. 7/1/2018)