"Records" Defined. | |
Responsibility for Preservation and Filing of Records. | |
Retention and Destruction of Records Generally. | |
Sound Recordings. | |
Records Classifications. | |
Establishment, Use, Etc., of Records Center. | |
Prerequisites to Destruction of Records; Sale in Lieu of Destruction. | |
Disposal of Obsolete Law Books. | |
Preservation of Essential Records. | |
Cost of Publication, Etc. | |
Disposition of Money. | |
Free Publications. | |
Electronic Distribution of Multi-Page Documents. | |
Sale of Systems Time and Programming Time. | |
Medical Examiner's Fees for Copies of Documents and Certain Services. | |
Filing or Posting of Departmental Rules and Regulations. | |
Filing of Annual Reports and Official Documents with San Francisco Public Library. | |
Mailing of Documents. | |
Library Commission – Note Cards. | |
Establishment of a Library Publication Fund. | |
Library Fines and Fees. | |
Library Fee Amnesty Program. | |
Registrar's Fees. | |
Police Department Fees. | |
Recorder's Fees. | |
Establishment of a Recorder's Fund. | |
Establishment of a Recorder's Modernization Fund. | |
Additional Fee for Filing of Preliminary 20-Day Notices. | |
Recorder's Access and Indexing Fees and Fund. | |
Real Estate Fraud Prosecution Recordation Fee. | |
Survey Monument Preservation Fee. | |
Social Security Number Truncation Program Fee. | |
Destruction of Criminal History Records. | |
Civil Service Commission Inspection and Fingerprint Fees. | |
Sheriff's Department Fees. | |
Booking Fee; Sheriff and Police Departments. | |
City Planning Fees. | |
No Authorization to Collect Fees for Probation Costs. | |
Adult Probation Department – Project 20 Administrative Fee. | |
Small Claims Court Judgment Debtor Fee. | |
County Clerk's Fees. | |
County Assessor-Recorder's Fees. | |
Tax Collector Fees. | |
Tax Billing – Administrative Fees. | |
Credit and Debit Card Transaction Fees. | |
Juvenile Probation Department – Stepparent Adoptions. | |
Clerk of the Board of Supervisors – Fees. | |
Regional Transit Discount Identification Card Fees. | |
Department of Public Works ("DPW") Geographic Information System ("GIS") Data License Agreements; Ratification of Prior Fees. | |
Controller's Fees. | |
Department of Administrative Services Reproduction and Notary Fees. | |
"Records," as used in this Chapter, shall mean such paper, book, photograph, film, sound recording, map, drawing or other document, or any copy thereof, as has been made or received by the department in connection with the transaction of public business and may have been retained by the department as evidence of the department's activities, for the information contained therein, or to protect the legal or financial rights of the City and County or of persons directly affected by the activities of the City and County.
(Ord. No. 7070(1939), Sec. 1)
The head of every department shall be responsible for the preservation and proper filing of papers, film or other records of the department and the ultimate disposition of the same in accordance with the applicable law.
(Ord No. 7070(1939), Sec. 1; amended by Ord. 530-88, App. 12/16/88)
It shall be the duty of each department head to classify the department's records, using the classifications set forth in Section 8.4 of this Code, and to prepare a schedule for the systematic retention and destruction of such records, which schedule shall comply with the provisions of this Section and of Sections 8.4 and 8.9 of this Code and will be effective only upon approval by the officers and boards specified below.
Current records and storage records, as defined in Section 8.4 of this Code, may be destroyed five years after they were created if they have served their purpose and are no longer required for any public business or other public purpose, except that records pertaining to financial matters shall be destroyed only after approval by the Controller; those having legal significance only after approval by the City Attorney; and payroll checks, time cards and related documents only after approval by the Retirement Board.
If requested by the Retirement Board, payroll checks, time cards and related documents shall be delivered to the Retirement Board instead of being destroyed. Current records and storage records less than five years old may be destroyed or otherwise disposed of if their destruction or other disposition within a shorter length of time will not be detrimental to the City and County or defeat any public purpose and if a definitive description of such records and the retention period applicable to them are set forth in a schedule for the systematic retention and destruction of records that is prepared by the department head, approved by the Mayor or the Mayor’s designee (provided that the designee is not department head of the department concerned), or the board or commission concerned, and approved by the City Attorney as to records of legal significance, by the Controller as to records relating to financial matters, by the Retirement Board as to time rolls, time cards, payroll checks and related matters.
The provisions of this Section do not apply to sound recordings of radio or telephone communications as described in Section 8.3-1.
Nothing in this Section shall be deemed to apply to or authorize the destruction of any records that are required to be retained by local, State or federal law.
(Amended by Ord. 583-81, App. 12/10/81; Ord. 530-88, App. 12/16/88; Ord. 278-96, App. 7/3/96; Ord. 220-20, File No. 200949, App. 11/6/2020, Eff. 12/7/2020)