1-20-1: FEES:
Code Section
Code Section
Title 1: Administration
Petition for annexation
Annexation agreements and annexation agreement amendments
Ordinance recording fee
Public hearing legal publication fee
Reimbursement of professional fees associated with zoning change, special use, planned unit development, variation from village code, subdivision or other improvement or development upon real property
100% Village incurred expenses
Title 3: Business Regulations
Annual license late fee
Annual license fee
Billiard halls
Bowling alleys
$15.00 per lane
Circuses and carnivals
Juke box
Exhibition boxing and wrestling
3% gross revenue
Golf driving ranges
Miniature golf course
Psychics, fortune-tellers, palm readers, and similar businesses and occupations
Skating rinks
Movie theaters
All exhibitions, shows, performances, or entertainments
Food Dealers:
Bakery shop
Preparation and/or serving of food at a location other than the principal place of business
Food processing and manufacturing, including any preparation, processing, manufacturing, or packaging of foodstuffs, fruit or meats or meat products
Fruit store
Grocery stores, meat markets and delicatessens
Ice cream, frozen yogurt, or frozen custard parlor; soda fountain
Milk and milk products delivery service
Restaurants; carry out only
Restaurants - Dine In Only:
   1 to 50 seats
   51 to 100 seats
   101 to 200 seats
   201 to 300 seats
   301 seats and over
      Banquet facility (stand alone)
Drive-in restaurants - minimum - $100.00
Vending concessions truck, food or drink
Vending machine
Other Businesses And Occupations:
Advertisers (outdoor)
Antique dealers (see cross-reference to Sec. 3-2-2 of this code)
Per day, not exceeding 20 days
Dry cleaners:
Outlet or receiving station
Dog kennels
Electrical contractor
Feed/seed stores
Florist or greenhouse
Garage or auto repair
Gasoline service station
Handbill distributors (per person)
House movers
Itinerant merchants; per day
In addition, for a period greater than one month, but less than 120 days
Lisle commuter parking lot mobile concessionaires
Merchandiser (see cross-reference to Sec. 7-8-2(C) of this code) - $2,400.00
$200.00 per month
Livery service (see cross-reference to Sec. 3-8-14 of this code)
Lodging and rooming houses
Lumberyards or sales establishments
Machine shops
Motels or hotels
Nursing and convalescent homes
Paint store
Petroleum and petroleum product dealers
Printing shop
Septic tank cleaners
Tanning salon
Tobacco, alternative nicotine, electronic cigarette, and vape dealers
Primary Tobacco Dealer
Accessory Tobacco Dealer
Tobacco vending; per machine
Undertaking establishments
Initial first year non-refundable application fee (all classes except Class 7)
New Manager Application
Annual Liquor License Fees:
   First Application
   First BYO Application
   Class 1
   Class 2
   Class 3
   Class 4
   Class 5
   Class 6
   Class 7
   Class 8
   Class 9
   Class 10
New Manager Application
New officer/owner application fee
Antique, secondhand, or junk dealers
Late fee; additional late fee
Commercial solicitation application fee
Non commercial solicitation
No fee
Solicitation on highways per occurrence
Solicitation at train station per occurrence
Peddlers of foodstuffs, annual license fee
Scavengers, license and franchise fees
   Commercial- recycling only
Junk removal service license fee
Taxi, limousine companies; initial and annual
Automatic dry-cleaning machines, annual license fee
   Fee per machine in excess of 5
Electric utility tax imposed
   Per kilowatt hour for first 2,000 kilowatt hours used or consumed in a month
   Per kilowatt hour for next 48,000 kilowatt hours used or consumed in a month
   Per kilowatt hour for next 50,000 kilowatt hours used or consumed in a month
   Per kilowatt hour for next 400,000 kilowatt hours used or consumed in a month
   Per kilowatt hour for next 500,000 kilowatt hours used or consumed in a month
   Per kilowatt hour for next 2,000,000 kilowatt hours used or consumed in a month
   Per kilowatt hour for next 5,000,000 kilowatt hours used or consumed in a month
   Per kilowatt hour for next 10,000,000 kilowatt hours used or consumed in a month
   Per kilowatt hour for all electricity used or consumed in excess of 20,000,000 kilowatt hours in a month
Coin-operated amusement devices, annual license fee per proprietor and operator
License fee per coin-operated device or machine
Raffle license fee
Going out of business or removal sales, license fee
Renewal license fee
Tattooing and body piercing establishments, annual license fee
Sexually oriented business
   Initial and renewal application for sexually-oriented business license
   Business license fee
   Initial and renewal application fee for sexually- oriented business employee license
New certificate of registration
Late registration
Commercial filming
Special events
Vending devices (per device)
Newspaper dispensing device
   Late fee
Lisle commuter rail station concession license (per month)
Title 4: Building Regulations
The building permit fees listed below are applicable to Title 4, Chapters 1-12.
Minimum Building Permit Fee
Construction of a building, structure, or addition. Per $1,000 of stated cost of construction or per square foot per floor, whichever is greater.
   Per $1,000 stated cost of construction
   One and Two Family Accessory (shed, attached and detached garage, utility); per square foot.
   One and Two Family, per floor; per square foot
   One and Two Family Unfinished Basement; per square foot
   Multi-Family, per floor; per square foot
   Commercial, per floor; per square foot
   Commercial Shell Only Deduction
New or Replacement Windows, Doors and/or Siding
New or Replacement Water Heater
New or Replacement Furnace and/or Air Conditioner
   One and Two Family Residential; per unit
   All other
Installation Deck
Installation Patio
Installation Fence
   One and Two Family Residential
   All Other (per $1,000 cost of construction)
Alterations or Remodeling of Building or Structure - One and Two Family (per $1,000 cost of construction)
Alterations or Remodeling of Building or Structure - All other (per $1,000 cost of construction)
Interior Demolition (per square foot)
Parking Lot Sealcoating and Striping
Parking Lot Repair and Resurfacing (base plus per square foot)
   Per square foot
Low voltage(voice date) systems non-residential (per device; $150 minimum)
Modular Furniture Systems
   1-100 work stations (per station)
   101 or more work stations (per station)
Electrical Service Upgrade
Lawn Irrigation (per $1,000 cost of construction)
Installation of Driveway and / or Driveway Approach
Occupancy Permit - Life Safety Review & Inspection (base plus per sq. foot)
   Per Square foot
In-ground Swimming pool (per $1,000 cost of construction)
Above ground Swimming Pool
Tent or Canopy (per tent or canopy)
1st and 2nd Review
10% Building permit fee
Each Additional Plan Review
5% building permit fee
Minimum Plan Review Fee
Re-review and approved plan alterations (per sheet)
Elevator - New (per elevator)
Elevator - Repair or alteration work (per elevator)
Elevator - Annual Inspection fee (per elevator)
Permit Fee
Fire Sprinkler - NFPA 13 and 13R Plan Review and Inspection Fees
   a. 1 - 20 Sprinkler Heads (minimum fee) (2 inspections)
   b. 21 - 50 Sprinkler Heads (3 inspections)
   c. 51 - 100 Sprinkler Heads (3 inspections)
   d. 101 - 150 Sprinkler Heads (3 inspections)
   e. 151 - 200 Sprinkler Heads (3 inspections)
   f. 201 - 300 Sprinkler Heads (3 inspections)
   g. 301 - 400 Sprinkler Heads (3 inspections)
   h. 401 - 500 Sprinkler Heads (3 inspections)
   i. Additional fee for each sprinkler over 500 Ea. (3 inspections)
      Per Sprinkler Head
   j. Sprinkler As-Built Drawings
Fire Sprinkler - NFPA 13D Plan Review and Inspection Fees
   a. 1 - 20 Sprinkler Heads (minimum fee) (2 inspections)
   b. 21 - 40 Sprinkler Heads (2 inspections)
   c. 41 - 60 Sprinkler Heads (2 inspections)
   d. 61 - 80 Sprinkler Heads (2 inspections)
   e. 81 - 100 Sprinkler Heads (2 inspections)
   f. Additional fee for each sprinkler over 100 Ea. (2 inspections)
      Per Sprinkler Head
   g. Sprinkler As-Built Drawings
Restaurant Mechanical Hood and Duct and Paint Spray Booth Systems Plan Review and Inspection Fees (per exhaust hood)
   a. Restaurant Mechanical Hood and Duct (per hood) (4 inspections)
   b. Each additional hood reviewed at the same time and in the same building
   c. Restaurant Mechanical Hood and Duct and Paint Spray Booth Systems As-Built Drawings
Smoke Control, Management, Exhaust Systems Plan Review and Inspection Fees (per system)
   a. Minimum Fee
   b. Smoke Control, Management, Exhaust Systems As- Built Drawings
Dry Chemical/Clean Agents Plan Review and Inspection Fees
   a. Less than 5,000 Cubic Feet (2 inspections)
   b. 5,001 to 10,000 Cubic Feet (2 inspections)
   c. Over 10,000 Cubic Feet (2 inspections)
      Per Cubic Foot
      Dry Chemical or Clean Agent As-Built Drawings
Wet Chemical Systems Plan Review and Inspection Fees
   a. 1 - 10 Nozzles (2 inspections)
   b. 11 - 20 Nozzles (2 inspections)
   c. 21 - 30 Nozzles (2 inspection)
   d. Over 30 Nozzles (2 inspections)
      Per Nozzle
Wet Chemical System As-Built Drawings
Standpipe, Fire Pumps and Underground Water Main Systems Plan Review and Inspection Fees
Standpipe Systems (per standpipe) (2 inspections)
Fire Pumps (per fire pump) (1 inspection)
Fire Protection Water Tanks (2 inspections)
Underground Fire Protection Water Main; per hydrant or lead-in
   a. Up to 5 hydrants or lead-ins at same complex (2 inspections)
   b. 6 to 10 hydrants or lead- ins at same complex (2 inspections)
   c. 11 or more hydrants or lead-ins at same complex (2 inspections)
   d. Standpipe, Fire Pumps and Underground Water Main System As-built Drawings
Fire Detection and Alarm Systems - Plan Review and Inspection Fees
   a. 1 - 20 Devices (2 inspections)
   b. 21 - 40 Devices (3 inspections)
   c. 41 - 60 Devices (3 inspections)
   d. 61 - 80 Devices (3 inspections)
   e. 81 - 100 Devices (3 inspections)
   f. Over 100 Devices (3 inspections)
      Per Device
   g. Alarm As-Built Drawings
All signs requiring a permit (the greater of $100 per sign or 1.5% cost of construction)
$100.00 per sign face or 1.5% of cost of construction
Temporary Signs
Title 5: Zoning Regulations
Tree preservation fee-in-lieu (per tree)
Public Hearing Sign Fee
Public Hearing Mail Notification Fee
Public Hearing Legal Publication Fee
Ordinance Recording Fee
Text Amendment
Map Amendment (per map amendment)
Special Use Permit (per special use permit)
PUD and Major Changes to PUD
Minor Changes to PUD
Administrative Variance (per variance)
Variance (Residential; per variance)
Variance (Nonresidential; per variance)
Zoning Verification Letter
Title 6: Subdivision Regulations
Preliminary plat of subdivision
Final plat of subdivision
Preliminarily and final plat of subdivision
Plat of consolidation
Waivers and modifications
Dedication or vacation of village easement
Dedication or vacation of village right-of-way
Village easement encroachment license
Text amendment
Public hearing legal publication
Ordinance recording fee
Plat recording fee
Fair market value (per acre)
   Library contribution fees
Detached single family dwelling
   3 bedrooms or less
   4 bedrooms
   5 bedrooms or more
   1 bedroom or studio
   2 bedroom
   3 bedroom or more
Attached single family dwelling
   1 bedroom
   2 bedroom
   3 bedroom or more
Title 7: Public Ways And Property
Right-of-Way Permit Fee
Application fee for up to 5 small wireless facilities
Each small wireless facility over 5
New pole (i.e. not a co-location) installation application for small wireless facility
Annual recurring rental rate per small wireless facility (per facility)
Mailbox reimbursement
Inspection Fees:
   Per connection
   Per dwelling unit in a multifamily structure
Connection fees:
   Meter size (in inches and not including cost of meter and outside reading device):
      Per inch greater than 6
Multi-family and commercial connection fees. Cost per additional unit serviced by meter connection
Lot front frontage connection fee (per foot of lot frontage)
Connection fees for sprinklers (per inch of water line)
Annual sprinkler service charge
Woodridge Estates special lot connection fees (per lot)
Residential in-village water rates:
   Meter size:
Bi-monthly fixed scaled meter charge
   < = 1" meter
   1.5" meter
   2" meter
   3" meter
   > = 4" meter
   Volumetric water rate (per 1,000 gallons)
Residential out-of-village water rates:
   Meter size:
Bi-monthly fixed scaled meter charge
   < = 1" meter
   1.5" meter
   2" meter
   3" meter
   > = 4" meter
   Volumetric water rate (per 1,000 gallons)
Public ways and property. Village waterworks system, temporary construction contractors water rates
Rate established in Sec. 7-4-6(A) shall be increased 200%, plus administrative fee of $5.00 per full up
Reconnection fee after water cut- off
   Outside of business hours/holidays
Water meter charges:
   3/4" meter
   1" meter
   1-1/2" single family meter
   1-1/2" commercial/multi- family meter
   2" single family meter
   2" commercial/multi-family meter
   3" meter
   4" meter
   6" meter
Water meter installation fee
Violations of water use restrictions
Inspection fees:
   Per connection
   Per dwelling unit in a multifamily structure
Connection fees:
   In-village connection fee
   Out-of-village connection fee
Lot front frontage connection fee (per foot of lot frontage)
DuPage County maximum sewer connection fee (per residential equivalent)
Residential in-village sanitary sewer rates:
Non-metered per unit
Bi-monthly flat rate: $6.00
   Meter size:
Bi-monthly fixed scaled meter charge
   < = 1" meter
   1.5" meter
   2" meter
   3" meter
   > = 4" meter
   Volumetric water rate (per 1,000 gallons)
Residential out-of-village sanitary sewer rates:
   Meter size:
Bi-monthly fixed scaled meter charge: $10.00
   < = 1" meter
   1.5" meter
   2" meter
   3" meter
   > = 4" meter
   Volumetric water rate (per 1,000 gallons)
Village sanitary sewer system, billing single-family users:
   Reconnection fee after service cut-off
Village sanitary sewer system, all other uses:
   Reconnection fee after service cut-off
Plan review
2.0% engineer's estimated probable cost
Construction oversight
1.0% engineer's estimated probable cost
Title 9: Police Regulations
Keeping of backyard chickens; permit fee
Impoundment fee (per day plus 100% costs incurred)
Motor Vehicle Towing Rates:
   Light duty tow
   Heavy duty tow
   Heavy duty extended service tow-per hour
   Service call
Winching/Uprighting Vehicle:
   First half hour
   Each additional half hour
   Light duty tow/half hour on scene - included, each additional half hour
   Heavy duty/truck
Clean Up Fee:
   Per accident
   First 24 hours
   After 24 hours:
      Light duty
      Light duty after hours release
   Within village limits or to designated storage facility:
      First 10 miles
      Light duty
$4.00 mile
      Heavy duty
$5.00 mile
Extra Manpower For Offloading, Etc.
   Heavy duty
$40.00 hour
Title 10: Traffic Regulations
EV Charging Stations (Public)
   First two hours
   After two hours
Traffic regulations, parking meter zone fees
Zone I - No fee 2:00 p.m. to midnight - Monday - Friday - all day Saturday and Sunday (per hour)
Zone II - No fee 2:00 p.m. to midnight - Monday - Friday - all day Saturday and Sunday (per hour)
Municipal parking lots, parking permit fees, due dates, late fees
Category 1 (Lots A through E)
   Per quarter
   Per month
   Per day during day
   Overnight (Monday - Friday)
Category 4 (Lot G) - $22.50 per permit per quarter year for central business district owners, operators, employees and residents of central business district; Category 1 permit fees shall apply to all others
Nonrefundable administration fee
Municipal parking lots, cancellation and refund of parking permits fee
Title 11: Telecomm-
Telecommunications, registration fee as telecommunication carrier or provider
Cable franchise fee - derived from the provision of cable service within the village
5% of annual gross revenues
Cable franchise fee - recomputed amounts
Recomputed amounts plus 12% interest per annum
Cable/video service provider fee
5% of the holders gross revenues
Telecommunications, applications fee for license or franchise
$1,500.00 or % of the applicant's telecommunications facilities, whichever is greater
Telecommunications, withdrawal, abandonment, or denial of applications, refund fees
Refund of fee, less $500.00 and all costs/expenses incurred by village
Telecommunications other village costs due within 30 day
Reimbursement for direct and indirect cost and expenses
Telecommunications construction permit
$250.00 or 8/10 of 1% of the estimated construction costs, whichever is greater
Telecommunications annual license fee
Telecommunications OVS fees
5% annual gross revenue
Title 12: Stormwater And Floodplain Regulations
Use of Garfield Basin for Detention or Compensatory Storage 15-72.E10 (per acre foot)
Site Runoff Storage Variance Fee 15-97.B.1.b (per acre foot)
PCBMP Fee-in Lieu 15-98.B.1 (per 100 sq. ft. of new impervious surface)
Stormwater variance petition 15-117.E (per variance)
Floodplain verification/impact review
PCBMP review and inspection
PCBMP, floodplain, wetland, buffer recording fee
Engineering inspection fee; per inspection
Engineering spot survey review
Engineering as-built plan review
Single family plan review (individual parcel)
   Grading with disturbed area:
   Less than 500 sq. ft.
   Between 501 and 1000 sq. ft.
   Between 1001 and 2000 sq. ft.
   greater than 2000 sq. ft.
New construction (other than an individual single family parcel); including subdivisions, stormwater, and public improvements
   Plan review
2.0% engineer's estimated probable cost
   Construction oversight
1.0% engineer's estimated probable cost
(Ord. 2021-4921, 9-21-2021; amd. Ord. 2021-4936, 12-6-2021; Ord. 2021-4944, 1-17-2022; Ord. 2022-4950, 3-21-2022; Ord. 2022-4954, 4-18-2022, eff. 5-1-2022; Ord. 2022-4978, 9-19-2022; Ord. 2022-4984, 11-7-2022; Ord. 2023-4997, 2-6-2023; Ord. 2023-5009, 4-17-2023; Ord. 2023-5011, 5-15-2023; Ord. 2023-5040, 12-18-2023; Ord. 2024-5067, 4-15-2024; Ord. 2024-5068, 4-15- 2024; Ord. 2024-5083, 7-15-2024; Ord. 2024-5106, 10-21-2024)