The Building Code of the Village of Lisle, as hereinbefore adopted, is amended in the following respects:
   (A)   Chapter 1, Scope and Administration, is amended to:
      1.   Section 101.1. Insert: Village of Lisle
      2.   Section 103.1. Insert: Development Services Department
      3.   Delete building exemptions of Section 105.2 and replace with:
         (a)   Building:
            (1)   Retaining walls that do not exceed 2 feet in height above existing grade.
            (2)   Painting, papering, tiling, carpeting, wall cabinets, and similar finish work. All materials shall comply with required flame spread and smoke development ratings.
            (3)   Prefabricated swimming pools accessory to an R-3 occupancy that are less than 24 inches deep and not designed to have a circulation system.
            (4)   Swings and other playground equipment accessory to an R-3 occupancy.
      4.   Delete plumbing exemptions of Section 105.2.
      5.   Delete Section 105.5 and replace with:
      105.5 Expiration. Every permit issued shall become invalid unless the work on the site authorized by such permit is commenced within 90 days after its issuance, or if the work authorized on the site by such permit is suspended or abandoned for a period of 90 days after the time the work is commenced. If the work on site authorized by such permit is not completed within one (1) year from the date of issuance, the permit shall become invalid. The building official is authorized to grant, in writing, one or more extensions of time, for periods not more than 90 days each. The extension shall be requested in writing and justifiable cause demonstrated.
      6.   Delete Section 107.2.6 and replace with:
      107.2.6 Plat of survey. The construction documents submitted with the application for permit shall be accompanied by a recent plat of survey drawn to scale, signed and sealed by an Illinois licensed Professional Land Survey, showing the size and location of new construction and existing structures on the site and distance from lot lines. In the case of demolition, the plat of survey shall show construction to be demolished and the location and size of existing structures and construction that is to remain on the site. The building official is authorized to waive or modify the requirements for a plat of survey where the application for permit is for repair or where otherwise warranted.
      7.   Delete Section 109.2 and replace with:
      109.2 Schedule of permit fees. Where a permit is required, a fee for each permit shall be paid in accordance with Title 1, Chapter 20, of the Lisle Village Code.
      8.   Delete Section 109.4 and replace with:
      109.4 Work commencing before permit issuance. Permit fees shall double for any person who commences any work before obtaining the necessary permits.
      9.   Delete Section 109.6 and replace with:
      109.6 Refunds. Plan review fees are nonrefundable. 50% of building permit fees may be refunded if the permit is cancelled and no work has been performed. Building permit fees are nonrefundable if the permit has expired (90 days or more from the date of permit issuance). Building permit fees are nonrefundable when work has been performed.
      10.   Delete Section 113.3
      11.   Delete Section 114.4 and replace with:
      114.4 Violation penalties. Any person who violates a provision of this code or fails to comply with any of the requirements thereof or who erects, constructs, alters or repairs a building or structure in violation of the approved construction documents or directive of the building official, or of a permit or certificate issued under the provisions of this code shall be subject to penalties as prescribed by law and punishable by a fine as established by Title 1, Chapter 20, of the Lisle Village Code. Each day that a violation continues after due notice has been served shall be deemed a separate offense.
   (B)   Chapter 2, Definitions, is amended to:
      1.   Add or amend the following definitions:
      Board of appeals: The Mayor and Village Board of Trustees
      Building official: The Development Services Director or individual designated by the Development Services Director.
      Change of occupancy: Any of the following shall be considered as a change of occupancy where this code requires a greater degree of safety, accessibility, structural strength, fire protection, means of egress, ventilation, or sanitation than is existing in the current building or structure:
         (a)   Any change in the occupancy classification of a building or structure.
         (b)   Any change in the purpose of, or a change in the level of activity within, a building or structure.
         (c)   Any change of tenant, in which case, compliance with the Life Safety Code (NFPA 101) is required.
   (C)   Chapter 4, Special Detailed Requirements Based on Occupancy and Use, is amended to:
      1.   Delete Section 403.5.1 and replace with:
      403.5.1 Remoteness of interior exit stairways. Required interior exit stairways shall be separated by a distance not less than one-third of the length of the maximum overall diagonal dimension of the building or area to be served. The distance shall be measured in a straight line between the nearest points of the enclosure surrounding the interior exit stairways. In buildings with three or more interior exit stairways, no fewer than two of the interior exit stairways shall comply with this section. Interlocking or scissor stairs shall be counted as one interior exit stairway.
      2.   Section 404.6. Delete: Exception #3
   (D)   Chapter 7, Fire and Smoke Protection Features, is amended to:
      1.   Section 708.3. Delete: Exception #2
   (E)   Chapter 9, Fire Protection and Life Safety Systems, is amended to:
      1.   Section 903.2. Delete exception.
      2.   Modify condition 1 of Section 903.2.1.1 as follows:
      An automatic sprinkler system shall be provided for all fire areas containing group A-1 occupancies exceeding 5,000 square feet in area.
      3.   Modify condition 1 of Section 903.2.1.3 as follows:
      An automatic sprinkler system shall be provided for all fire areas containing group A-3 occupancies exceeding 5,000 square feet in area.
      4.   Modify condition 1 of Section 903.2.1.4 as follows:
      An automatic sprinkler system shall be provided for all fire areas containing group A-4 occupancies exceeding 5,000 square feet in area.
      5.   Modify condition 1 of Section 903.2.3 as follows:
      An automatic sprinkler system shall be provided for all fire areas containing group E occupancies.
      6.   Section 903.2.3. Delete exception.
      7.   Modify condition 1 of Section 903.2.4 as follows:
      An automatic sprinkler system shall be provided for all fire areas containing group F-1 and F-2 occupancies exceeding 5,000 square feet in area.
      8.   Section 903.2.6. Delete exceptions.
      9.   Modify condition 1 of Section 903.2.7 as follows:
      An automatic sprinkler system shall be provided for all fire areas containing group M occupancies exceeding 5,000 square feet in area.
      10.   Delete Section 903.2.9 and replace with:
      An automatic sprinkler system shall be provided for all fire areas containing group S-1 occupancies.
      11.   Delete Section 903.2.9.1 and replace with:
      An automatic sprinkler system shall be provided for all fire areas used as repair garages.
      12.   Delete Section 903.2.10 and replace with:
      An automatic sprinkler system shall be provided for all fire areas containing group S-2 occupancies exceeding 5,000 square feet in area. All parking garages, open or enclosed, shall be equipped with an automatic fire sprinkler system.
      13.   Delete Section 903.2.10.1 and replace with:
      An automatic sprinkler system shall be provided for all fire areas used as commercial parking garages.
      14.   Section 903.2.11.3. Delete exception.
      15.   Insert Section 903.2.13 as follows:
      Group B. An automatic sprinkler system shall be provided for all fire areas containing group B occupancies exceeding 5,000 square feet in area.
      16.   Section 903. Delete exemptions #3 and #4.
      17.   Delete Section 907.2.1 and replace with:
      An approved automatic fire alarm system shall be installed in all group A occupancies. Delete exception.
      18.   Delete Section 907.2.2 and replace with:
      An approved automatic fire alarm system shall be installed in all group B occupancies. Delete exception.
      19.   Delete Section 907.2.3 and replace with:
      An approved automatic fire alarm system shall be installed in all group E occupancies. Delete exception #1, #3, and #4.
      20.   Delete Section 907.2.4 and replace with:
      An approved automatic fire alarm system shall be installed in all group F occupancies. Delete exception.
      21.   Delete Section 907.2.5 and replace with:
      An approved automatic fire alarm system shall be installed in all group H occupancies.
      22.   Delete Section 907.2.6 and replace with:
      An approved automatic fire alarm system shall be installed in all group I occupancies.
      23.   Delete Section 907.2.7 and replace with:
      An approved automatic fire alarm system shall be installed in all group M occupancies. Delete exception #2.
      24.   Delete Section 907.2.8 and replace with:
      An approved automatic fire alarm system shall be installed in all group R-1 occupancies.
      25.   Delete Section 907.2.9 and replace with:
      An approved automatic fire alarm system shall be installed in all group R-2, R-3, and R-4 occupancies.
      26.   Delete Section 907.2.10 and replace with:
      An approved automatic fire alarm system shall be installed in all group S occupancies. Delete exception.
      27.   Delete Section 907.2.11 and replace with:
      907.2.11 Single - and Multiple-station alarms. Smoke detection devices of a type approved by the fire inspector shall be provided in all buildings equipped with an automatic fire alarm system. Devices shall be located as determined necessary to provide early fire detection based upon the use and as required under applicable provisions of NFPA 72. All smoke detectors shall be connected to and supervised by the fire alarm control panel where one is required.
   (F)   Chapter 15, Roof Assemblies and Rooftop Structures, is amended to
      1.   Insert Section 1502.4.1 as follows:
      1502.4.1 Rain gutter discharge. All rain gutter systems installed on commercial use buildings shall be directly connected to an on-site stormwater control system using approved materials. The discharge of rain gutters to grade is not permitted.
   (G)   Chapter 18, Soils and Foundations, is amended to:
      1.   Delete Section 1807.1.4 in its entirety.
      2.   Delete Section 1808.8.5 and replace with:
      1808.8.5 Forming of concrete. All concrete footings shall be placed by use of proper forming installed in accordance with chapter 6 of ACI 318. The earth may not be used as a form.
      3.   Insert Section 1808.10 as follows:
      1808.10 Frost protection. Foundation walls, piers and other permanent supports of buildings and structures shall be constructed not less than 42 inches below grade. Footings shall not bear on frozen ground.
      Exception: Free standing non-occupiable single story accessory use structures not to exceed 600 square feet in area may be constructed on slab-on-grade foundations. Slab foundations shall be designed and constructed to support and distribute the imposed loads and shall be no less than 16 inches wide x 18 inches deep (12 inches below grade and 6 inches above grade) with 2-#5 bars around the entire perimeter. The slab shall be poured monolithically with the footing and shall be no less than 5 inches thick reinforced with 6 inch by 6 in /10 gage welded wire fabric supported on a minimum 6 inch compacted stone base.
   (H)   Chapter 33, Safeguarding During Construction, is amended to:
      1.   Delete Section 3302.2 and replace with:
      3302.2 Waste removal. Debris and trash shall be controlled and contained within a dumpster at all times. The permit holder shall be responsible for this provision and shall specify the location of the dumpster on the building plans.
      2.   Insert Section 3302.4 as follows:
      3302.4 Security fence. A chain-link security fence a minimum of 6 feet in height shall be erected around the perimeter a construction area when:
         (a)   The construction area is adjacent to a residential use, or
         (b)   As ordered by the Code Official.
      3.   Insert Section 3302.5 as follows:
      3302.5 Sanitation facilities: The permit holder shall provide a portable toilet on the construction site. The location of the portable toilet shall be approved by the code official.
      4.   Insert Section 3302.6 as follows:
      3302.6 Construction traffic: Construction site parking shall be only on one side of the street and shall not interfere or obstruct through traffic.
      5.   Delete Section 3303.4 and replace with:
      3303.4 Vacant lot. Demolition of a structure shall include demolition of all below and at grade improvements. The lot shall be filled, seeded and restored to existing grade.
      6.   Delete Section 3303.6 and replace with:
      3303.6 Utility connections. Service utility connections shall be discontinued and capped in accordance with the approval rules and the requirements of the applicable governing authority. No permit shall be issued for demolition or removal of a building, where served by a private well, until a written verification is received from the DuPage County Health Department that said well has been sealed and capped except when said well is to be used for new construction when a public water supply system is not available. (Ord 2022-4942, 1-3-2022)