(A) Responsibility for enforcement: The Zoning Administrator has the primary responsibility of enforcing this Subdivision Ordinance.
(B) Unless otherwise expressly allowed by this Subdivision Ordinance, state law, or federal law, any violation of a provision of this Subdivision Ordinance-including but not limited to all of the following-may be subject to the remedies and penalties provided for in this Subdivision Ordinance.
1. To subdivide, resubdivide, consolidate, or otherwise adjust lot lines of a parcel in any way not consistent with the requirements of this Subdivision Ordinance:
2. To violate the terms of any permit or approval granted under this Subdivision Ordinance or any condition imposed on the permit or approval;
3. To violate any lawful order issued by any person or entity under this Subdivision Ordinance; or
4. To continue any violation after receipt of notice of a violation.
(C) Continuing Violations: A separate offense shall be deemed committed for each and every day during which a violation continues or is permitted to exist.
(D) Remedies and Enforcement Powers: The Village has all remedies and enforcement powers allowed by Illinois law, including the following:
1. Stop Work: With or without revoking permits, the Zoning Administrator may stop work on any structure on any land on which there is an uncorrected violation of a provision of this Subdivision Ordinance or of a permit or other form of authorization issued under this Subdivision Ordinance.
2. Injunctive Relief: The Village may seek an injunction or other equitable relief before a court of competent jurisdiction to stop any violation of this Subdivision Ordinance or of a permit, certificate or other form of authorization granted under this Subdivision Ordinance.
3. Abatement: The Village may seek a court order in the nature of mandamus, abatement, injunction or other action or proceeding to abate or remove a violation or to otherwise restore the premises in question to the condition that existed prior to the violation.
4. Penalties: Any person violating the provisions of this Subdivision Ordinance shall be fined as established by Title 1, Chapter 20, "Fees, Fines, Insurance, Guarantees, and Regulatory Measures" for each offense, and a separate offense shall be deemed committed for each and every day during which a violation continues or is permitted to exist.
(E) Cumulative Remedies: The remedies and enforcement powers established in this Subdivision Ordinance are cumulative, and the Village may exercise them in any combination or order.
(F) Enforcement Procedures:
1. Non-Emergency Matters: In the case of violations of this Subdivision Ordinance that do not constitute an emergency or require immediate attention, the Zoning Administrator must give notice of the nature of the violation to the property owner or to any other person who is party to the agreement, or to any applicant for any relevant permit, after which the persons receiving notice have 21 days form the postmark date to correct the violation before further enforcement action may be taken. Notice must be given in person, by US Mail, or by posting notice on the premises. Notices of violation must state the nature of the violation and the time period for compliance and may state the corrective steps necessary and the nature of subsequent penalties and enforcement actions should the situation not be corrected.
2. Emergency Matters: In the case of violations of this Subdivision Ordinance that constitute an emergency situation as a result of public health or safety concerns or violations that will create increased problems or costs if not remedied immediately, the Village may use the enforcement powers available under this Subdivision Ordinance without prior notice, but the Zoning Administrator must attempt to give notice simultaneously with beginning enforcement action. Notice may be provided to the property owner, to any other person who is party to the agreement, and to applicants for any relevant permit.
(Ord. 2024-5096, 10-7-2024)