(A)   Regular Meetings:
      1.   The regular meetings of the corporate authorities of the village shall be held at the village hall on each and every first and third Monday of every calendar month, except when the date for such meeting may fall on a public holiday, in which case the meeting shall be held on an alternate date as determined by the corporate authorities. All regular meetings of the corporate authorities shall convene at seven o'clock (7:00) P.M. unless otherwise ordered by said corporate authorities. (Ord. 2011-4389, 6-6-2011)
      2.   Annual notice of the time and place of the regular meetings of the corporate authorities or any formally created advisory groups shall be posted in the village hall and sent to any registered news media.
      3.   Notice of any permanent change in the meeting date of the corporate authorities, committees, subcommittees or advisory groups will be published in a newspaper of general circulation at least ten (10) days before such change. Notice of such change will also be posted in the village hall and sent to any registered news media.
   (B)   Reconvened Meetings:
      1.   Any reconvened meeting may be held for the purpose of completing the unfinished business of a regular meeting at such time or times as may be determined by the corporate authorities.
      2.   No notice of a reconvened meeting will be given if the original meeting is open to the public and is to be reconvened within twenty four (24) hours; or if an announcement of the time and place of the reconvened meeting is made at the original meeting and there is no change in the agenda. (Ord. 86-1483, 10-6-1986)
      3.   If the reconvened meeting does not meet the above requirements then notice of the time and place and an agenda of such meeting will be posted at the village hall and given to any registered news media at least forty eight (48) hours before the reconvened meeting.
   (C)   Rescheduled Meeting: Notice of the time and place and an agenda of any rescheduled meeting will be posted at the village hall and sent to any registered news media at least forty eight (48) hours before the rescheduled meeting. (Ord. 2011-4389, 6-6-2011)
   (D)   Special And Emergency Meetings:
      1.   Special meetings of the corporate authorities may be called by the president or any three (3) members of the board of trustees by submitting to the village clerk or village manager a written or oral request for such special meeting stating the time, place, nature and subject matter of such meeting. Emergency meetings may also be called in the same manner. (Ord. 86-1483, 10-6-1986)
      2.   Notice of the time and place and an agenda of the special meeting shall be sent to the president and board of trustees, posted at the village hall and furnished to any registered news media at least forty eight (48) hours before the special meeting. Notice of the time and place of an emergency meeting will be given to the president and board of trustees, to any registered media and by posting such notice at the village hall as soon as practicable, but in any event prior to the holding of such meeting. (Ord. 2011-4389, 6-6-2011)
      3.   The provisions hereof requiring notice to the president and board of trustees may be waived should all members of said board and the president be present at such emergency or special meeting; provided however, that nothing herein shall be construed to prevent the holding of a meeting by unanimous consent of the president and board of trustees.
   (E)   Minutes Of Meetings:
      1.   Written minutes of all executive committee meetings shall be taken. Such minutes will include the date, time and place of such meeting; the members of the public body recorded as either present or absent; and a general description of all matters proposed, discussed, or decided, and a record of any votes taken.
      2.   The minutes of meetings open to the public shall be available for public inspection within seven (7) days of the approval of such minutes by the Corporate Authorities.
      3.   The minutes of meetings closed to the public will be available only after the Corporate Authorities determine that it is no longer necessary to protect the public interest or the privacy of the individual by keeping them confidential.
   (F)   Open Meetings: Meetings of the Corporate Authorities of every kind and nature shall be open to the public, except where specifically exempted by State law 1 .
   (G)   Rules and Procedures
       1.   Village Board Meeting
         (a)   Parliamentary Procedure: Meetings will be conducted following these rules of Protocols and Procedures. For all matters not governed by these rules, matters of the Village Board of Trustees will be governed by the most recent edition of Robert's Rules of Order. In the case of an inconsistency or conflict between these rules and Robert's Rules of Order, these rules will apply and control. If a matter is not covered by these rules, then Robert's Rules of Order will apply and control.
          (b)   Questions of Order, Decisions: All questions of order will be addressed to, and decided by, the Mayor. The Mayor will decide all questions of parliamentary procedure without debate. The decision of the Mayor may be appealed to the Village Board of Trustees by motion stating the question be appealed.
          (c)   Agenda Items or New Initiatives: The agenda is prepared by the Village Manager at the direction of the Mayor. If a Trustee is interested in having the Board of Trustees consider a new initiative (which may or may not require the expenditure of staff time) placed on the agenda, the matter must first be presented at a regular Committee of the Whole meeting per Rule 2d.
      When a Trustee raises a topic at the Village Board of Trustees meeting, the Mayor may choose to discuss it and general next steps, acknowledge the request and take it under advisement for a future agenda item, or direct that the item be placed on a Committee of the Whole meeting agenda.
          (d)   The Floor: A Trustee will not speak until recognized by the Mayor, who will decide who has the floor. Trustees always should act to ensure the meeting is conducted in a smooth and orderly manner. Trustees will address all comments and discussions through the Mayor. All remarks should be addressed to the merits of the pending matter. No trustee shall speak more than twice on the same question without majority consent of the Village Board; nor more than once until every member wishing to speak shall have spoken.
          (e)   Roll Call Votes: A roll call vote of "ayes" and "nays" will be taken and recorded in the minutes of proceedings for all ordinances and for all resolutions or motions that create any liability against or obligation on the part of the Village, or for the expenditure or appropriation of Village money, or for approval of expenses for travel, meals, and lodging of any member of the corporate authorities, and in all other instances where requests therefore are made by any Trustee.
      The mayor can vote on an ordinance, resolution, or motion: 1. when needed to break a tie; 2. when three of the trustees have voted in favor of an ordinance, resolution, or motion, even absent a tie vote; or 3. when the Municipal Code requires a vote of greater than a majority of the corporate authorities to adopt an ordinance, resolution, or motion.
          (f)   Subsidiary Motions: When a motion is pending before the Village Board of Trustees, no other motion will be considered except one of the following motions:
            (1)   To adjourn
            (2)   To lay on the table
            (3)   To call the previous question, which, if seconded and approved by a 2/3 vote, will end debate on a topic
            (4)   To postpone indefinitely
            (5)   To postpone to a definite time
            (6)   To amend the motion
            (7)   To Adjourn: A motion to adjourn is always in order except when:
               a.   A member is in possession of the floor
               b.   A motion on the main question is pending
               c.   A motion to reconsider is pending
         (g)   Confidentiality: The Mayor, Trustees and any staff present will keep confidential all matters and documents discussed in Executive Session or otherwise designated as confidential. That confidentiality will be kept until the Village Board of Trustees has officially declared the matter or document no longer is confidential. To this end, minutes of Executive Sessions should be reviewed regularly to determine if they should be released to the public.
         (h)   Village board and Village Clerk comments will be included on the agenda.
       2.   Committee of the Whole Meetings
         (a)   Time of Meeting: The Committee of the Whole meeting shall be held at a time and place approved in the annual Board meeting schedule, or as otherwise approved by the Board of Trustees.
          (b)   Conduct of Committee of the Whole: The atmosphere in these meetings is intended to be more informal, and public comment shall be allowed for each agenda item. To the extent practicable, the rules set forth in Section 1-5-1 (G) Rules and Procedures for Village Board meetings, shall be followed for the Committee of the Whole.
         (c)   Items Before Committee of the Whole: Matters coming before the committee from an advisory body, such as the plan commission, or village manager shall may be presented to the committee of the whole prior to being considered by the village board. A representative of the advisory body shall attend the committee of the whole meeting at such time as the recommendation of the body is discussed. The representative may be a Village staff member. This representative should be prepared to present the recommendation and answer questions.
         (d)   Agenda: Order of the Agenda:
            (1)   Agenda items. Public comment shall be permitted on agenda items. Comments are limited to five (5) minutes per speaker unless the mayor grants leave for additional time.
            (2)   Request for future committee of the whole agenda items from trustees. An item will be placed on the next Committee of the Whole if three trustees concur with the request. An item will be placed on the next Committee of the Whole if two trustees concur with the request if no staff report is required.
            (3)   Village board and Village Clerk comments.
         Trustees may speak only once unless granted leave from the village president.
         The agenda is prepared by the Village Manager at the direction of the Mayor.
      (H)   Smoking Prohibited: Henceforth, it shall be unlawful for any person to use or ignite any smoking materials such as, but not limited to, cigarettes, cigars, pipes and other smoking paraphernalia which give off by combustion, smoke of any kind or nature whatsoever in or about rooms and hallways adjoining rooms wherein regular and special meetings or public hearings of the Corporate Authorities, Plan Commission and Zoning Board of Appeals are being conducted. It shall be the duty of the Village Manager to cause to be printed and to post in conspicuous places, within and about rooms wherein such meetings are normally conducted, adequate "No Smoking" signs indicating the existence of this regulation, the fact that smoking is prohibited and warning as to the nature of the possible penalty for violation of this provision.
Any person found to have violated the provisions of this subsection shall be fined as established by Title 1, Chapter 20, “Fees, Fines, Insurance, Guarantees, and Regulatory Measures” for each violation.
      (I)   Public Participation: Public participation at Village meetings is encouraged. A period of time at each meeting of the Village Board shall be made available for public comments. Public participation is subject to the following rules:
         1.   Comments related to a specific agenda item shall occur during discussion of the item rather than the time allotted for public comment, provided that comment is allowed during the time of discussion of the item or in the course of a duly convened public hearing. If no public comment will be allowed during the specific agenda item discussion, then individuals will be allowed to speak about the item during the time allotted for public comment.
         2.   For speakers desiring to use audio or visual equipment in connection with a presentation, arrangements for such use must be made with the Village Manager's Office in advance of the meeting.
         3.   In the interest of promoting the efficient conduct of public business, speakers should refrain from repeating their own testimony and comments, and should refrain from repeating testimony and comments that have previously been provided to the Village Board by other individuals.
         4.   Time allotted to public comment may be used to present questions to the Village Board; however, responses to questions will be addressed after the meeting has concluded.
         5.   A person shall be permitted to speak once upon being recognized by the Chairperson. The person shall stand (if possible) at the designated podium, and state his/her name prior to making comments.
         6.   Individual comments are limited to five (5) minutes per person, unless the Mayor reduces the allotted time if numerous people wish to speak. If individuals are attending the meeting as a group, a spokesperson for the group should be appointed to speak to avoid repetitive comments. Speaker time limits may be enforced by the Mayor.
         7.   Each speaker must maintain civility and cannot disrupt an orderly meeting by using obscene or threatening language or gestures. Statements made to the Village Board shall be directed to entire Village Board and not any one member of the Village Board. Any person who poses a threat to public safety will be removed from the meeting.
         8.   Any person shall be permitted to address the Village Board at any time via mail to Village Board, c/o Village Manager's Office, 925 Burlington Avenue, Lisle, IL 60532-1838, or by email correspondence to the Village Manager's Office. (Ord. 86-1483, 10-6-1986; amd. Ord. 89-1785, 1-3-1989; Ord. 2018-4796, 10-15-2018; Ord. 2021-4903, 5-3-2021; Ord. 2021-4921, 9-20-2021; Ord. 2021-4928, 11-15-2021; Ord. 2023-5014, 6-5-2023)



1. 5 ILCS 120/1.01 et seq.