Coverage Required
Code Section
Coverage Required
Code Section
Title 3: Business Regulations
Comprehensive general liability
General aggregate limit: $2,000,000; bodily injury and property damage combined single limit each occurrence: $1,000,000
Special events
Comprehensive general liability
General aggregate limit: $2,000,000; bodily injury and property damage combined single limit each occurrence: $1,000,000
Lisle commuter rail station concession license
Worker's compensation coverage
In accordance with worker's compensation act and occupational diseases act
Comprehensive general liability
General aggregate limit: $2,000,000; bodily injury and property damage combined single limit each occurrence: $1,000,000
Title 7: Public Ways And Property
Excavation and construction rights-of-way
Worker's compensation coverage
In accordance with worker's compensation act and occupational diseases act
Employers liability
$1,000.000 per injury, per occurrence; $500.00 per disease per employee and $1,000,000 per disease
Comprehensive general liability
General aggregate limit: $2,000,000; bodily injury and property damage combined single limit each occurrence: $1,000,000
Automobile liability insurance
Each occurrence limit: $1,000,000
Umbrella coverage
Small wireless facilities
Worker s compensation coverage
In accordance with Worker's Compensation Act and Occupational Diseases Act
Comprehensiv e general liability
General aggregate limit: $5,000,000; bodily injury and property damage
Automobile liability insurance
Each occurrence limit: $1,000,000
Vestibule right-of-way encroachment
Comprehensive general liability
General aggregate limit: $1,000,000; bodily injury and property damage combined single limit each occurrence: $1,000,000
Outdoor eating and drinking on public right-of-way
Comprehensive general liability
General aggregate limit: $1,000,000; bodily injury and property damage combined single limit each occurrence: $1,000,000
Outdoor retail display on public right-of-way
Comprehensive general liability
General aggregate limit: $1,000,000; bodily injury and property damage combined single limit each occurrence: $1,000,000
Public improvements
Worker's compensation coverage
In accordance with Worker s Compensation Act and Occupational Diseases Act
Employers liability
$1,000,000 per injury, per occurrence; $500,000 per disease per employee and $1,000,000 per disease
Comprehensive general liability
General aggregate limit: $2,000,000; bodily injury and property damage combined single limit each occurrence: $1,000,000
Automobile liability insurance
Each occurrence limit: $1,000,000
Umbrella coverage
Title 9: Police Regulations
Tow operator
Comprehensive general liability, garage keepers, and workers compensation insurance requirements
General liability for each truck - $250,000.00/person
Comprehensive general liability - $500,000.00 combined single limit, or $500,000.00 bodily injury and $250,000.00 property damage
Comprehensive auto liability - $50,000.00 on hook liability
Minimum garage keepers legal liability or motor truck cargo - $50,000.00
Workers compensation and employers liability - Statutory limits plus $100,000.00
Employers liability limit - $100,000.00
Minimum umbrella liability - $1M
(Ord. 2021-4921, 9-20-2021; amd. Ord. 2021-4944, 1-17-2022; Ord. 2024-5106, 10-21-2024)