The keeping of chickens shall comply with the following requirements:
(A) No person shall house, keep, or maintain chickens on any property within the Village, without first obtaining a permit from the Village.
(B) Roosters are prohibited.
(C) No person shall house, keep, or maintain more than four (4) hens on any lot, tract, or parcel of land.
(D) All hens shall be confined in a pen, coop, building, or other confinement enclosure at all times.
1. Confinement enclosures are prohibited within all front, street, or side yard areas.
2. Confinement enclosures shall be located ten feet (10') from all property lines.
(E) All feed shall be maintained in rodent-proof containers.
(F) All confinement enclosures and yards shall be kept clean and sanitary. (Ord. 2022-4950, 3-21-2022)