(A) Unlawful Possession And Consumption By Persons Underage:
1. No person under the age of twenty one (21) years shall consume, purchase or accept delivery of alcoholic liquor or have alcoholic liquor in his or her possession within the village; provided the possession and dispensing, or consumption by a person under the age of twenty one (21) years, of alcoholic liquor in the performance of a religious service or ceremony, the consumption by a person under the age of twenty one (21) years, under the direct supervision and approval of the parent(s) or guardian(s) of such underage person in the privacy of the parent's or guardian's home, or the possession and delivery of alcoholic liquors in the course of a person's employment when otherwise authorized by this code or by the Illinois municipal code is not prohibited.
2. No person after purchasing or otherwise obtaining alcoholic liquor shall sell, give or deliver such alcoholic liquor to another person under the age of twenty one (21) years, except as otherwise allowed in this code and the Illinois municipal code.
(B) Parental Responsibility: It shall be unlawful for any parent or guardian to knowingly suffer or permit any minor child of which he or she may be the parent or guardian to violate any provision of this chapter.
(C) Responsibility Of The Owner Or Occupant Of Premises: No person shall knowingly permit a gathering at a residence which he or she occupies of two (2) or more persons where any one or more of the person(s) is under twenty one (21) years of age and the following factors also apply:
1. The person occupying the residence knows that any such person under the age of twenty one (21) is in possession of or is consuming any alcoholic beverage; and
2. The possession or consumption of the alcohol by the person under twenty one (21) is not otherwise permitted by this act.
For the purposes of this subsection where the residence has an owner and a tenant or lessee, there is a rebuttable presumption that the residence is occupied only by the tenant or lessee.
(D) False Identification:
1. No person shall transfer, alter or deface any identification card issued by a public officer in the performance of his official duties; or use the identification card of another; carry or use a false or forged identification card; or obtain an identification card by means of false information.
2. No person shall purchase, accept delivery or have possession of alcoholic liquor by the use of an altered, forged or defaced identification card or by the use of an identification card of another person.
3. No person shall misrepresent his or her age for the purpose of purchasing or obtaining alcoholic liquor.
(E) Hotel And Motel Room Rental: No person shall rent a hotel or motel room from the proprietor or agent thereof for the purpose of or with the knowledge that such room shall be used for the consumption of alcoholic liquor by a person or persons under the age of twenty one (21) years. (Ord. 92-2239, 1-20-1992)
(F) Possession; Presence Of Alcohol Within Body: For the purpose of this section, "possession" shall include, but not be limited to, the presence of any amount of alcohol within the body of a person. (Ord. 95-2616, 2-20-1995)