The Property Maintenance Code of the Village, as hereinabove adopted, is amended in the following respects:
   (A)   Chapter 1, Administration, is amended to:
      1.   Section 101.1. Insert: Village of Lisle
      2.   Section 103.1. Insert: Development Services Department
      3.   Delete Section 104.1 and replace with:
      104.1 Fees. The fees for activities and services performed by the department in carrying out its responsibilities under this code shall be as established by Title 1, Chapter 20, of the Lisle Village Code.
      4.   Delete Section 107.3.
      5.   Delete Section 108.1.
      6.   Delete Section 110.4 and replace with:
      110.4 Failure to comply: Any person who shall continue any work after having been served a stop work order, except such work as that person is directed to perform to remove a violation or unsafe condition, shall be liable to a fine as established by Title 1, Chapter 20, of the Lisle Village Code.
   (B)   Chapter 2, Definitions, is amended to:
      1.   Add or amend the following definitions:
      Board of appeals: The Mayor and Village Board of Trustees
      Code Official: the Development Services Director or individual designated by the Development Services Director.
   (C)   Chapter 3, General Requirements, is amended to:
      1.   Delete Section 302.4.
      2.   Section 304.14. Insert: May 1st to October 31st.
   (D)   Chapter 6, Mechanical And Electrical Requirements, is amended to:
      1.   Section 602.3. Insert: October 1st to May 1st
      2.   Section 602.4. Insert: October 1st to May 1st
      4.   Delete Section 606.
   (E)   Appendix A, Boarding Standard, is hereby adopted and amended to:
      1.   Add exception to section A101:
      Exception. Section A101 shall not apply when board-up is ordered by the Village of Lisle or Lisle Woodridge Fire District as an emergency measure.
      2.   Add exception to section A102:
      Exception. Section A102 shall not apply when board-up is ordered by the Village of Lisle or Lisle Woodridge Fire District as an emergency measure.
      3.   Add exception to section A103:
      Exception. Section A103 shall not apply when board-up is ordered by the Village of Lisle or Lisle Woodridge Fire District as an emergency measure. (Ord. 2022-4942, 1-3-2022)