Courts, see Ch. 10
Department of aviation and aviation advisory board, see §§ 3-16 et seq.
Department of public health, see §§ 16-31 et seq.
Department of public libraries, see §§ 19-16 et seq.
Emergency management, see Ch. 11.5
Fire department, see §§ 13-21 et seq.
Human relations commission, see §§ 17-16 et seq.
Office of utilities supervision, see §§ 28-16 et seq.
Park and recreation department, see §§ 24-36 et seq.
Planning and development department, see §§ 2-310 et seq.
Police, see Ch. 27
Subdivision ordinance, see Ch. 31
Zoning regulations, see App. A
Article I. In General
2-1 City council—Special meetings
2-2 Same—Voting, rules of procedure
2-3 Inquiries into officers, employees—Authority of city
2-4 Same—Uncooperative witnesses
2-5 Same—Attachments and other appropriate writs
2-6 Disposition of collected money
2-7 Payment of city taxes
2-8 Tax certificates
2-9 Contract execution; amendments; change orders
2-10 Regulations applicable to certain appointed city officials and their departments
2-11 Reserved
2-12 Reimbursement of necessary expenses incurred by members of the city council in performance of their official duties
2-13 Conveyance of tax foreclosure property to eligible housing nonprofit organizations for the development of low income housing
2-14 Procedures for granting local preferences in purchasing and contracting for certain personal property and services
2-15 Former city officers
2-16—2-25 Reserved
Article II:
Appointed Officials
Division 1: City Manager
2-26 City manager
2-27 Divisions of the city manager
Division 2: City Attorney
2-28 City attorney
Division 3: City Secretary
2-29 City secretary
2-30 Copying, typing, materials, fee
2-31 Disposition of fees
2-32 Assistance city secretary and assistant to the city secretary—Offices created
2-33 Same—Duty in absence of city secretary
Division 4: City Auditor
2-34 Established
2-35 City internal auditor, appointment, qualification, compensation
2-36 Term; removal; absence or disability of city internal auditor
2-37 Administration, powers and duties of the department of internal audit
2-38 Appointment of employees
2-39—2-45 Reserved
Article III: Boards and Commissions
Division 1: Generally
2-46 Role of the city secretary’s office
2-47 Appointment process for boards and commissions that are structured utilizing by-district representation
2-48—2-55 Reserved
Division 2: Art Commission and Public Art Program
2-56 Purposes
2-57 Definitions
2-58 Fort Worth art commission created; composition; term
2-59 Powers and duties
2-60 Administration of the public art plan
2-61 Funding
Division 3: Composition and Role of By-District Boards and Commissions
2-62 Aviation advisory board—created; composition; appointment; compensation
2-63 Board of adjustment
2-64 Building Standards Commission
2-65 Community development council
2-66 Historic and cultural landmarks commission
2-67 Library advisory board
2-68 Park and recreation advisory board
2-69 Pedestrian and bicycle advisory commission
2-70 Plan commission
2-71 Urban design commission
2-72 Zoning commission
2-73—2-79 Reserved
Division 4: Rules and Procedures for Certain City Boards
2-80 Sunset provisions
2-81 Absence rule
2-82 Reserved
2-83 Number of members and terms of service; establishment of places
Division 5: The Community Development Council
2-84 Reserved
2-85 Community development council
2-86 Administrative support
2-87 Power and duties
2-88—2-95 Reserved
Article IV:
Departments Under Control of the City Manager
Division 1: Information Technology Solutions
2-96 Establishment and supervision of department
2-97 Department employees
2-98 Department duties
2-99 Executive steering committee
Division 2: Department of Diversity and Inclusion
2-100 Establishment and supervision
2-101 Appointment of employees
2-102 Duties
Division 3: Department of Planning and Data Analytics
2-103 Establishment and supervision
2-104 Appointment of employees
2-105 Duties
Division 4: Department of Development Services
2-106 Establishment and supervision
2-107 Appointment of employees
2-108 Duties
2-109 Building official
2-110 Reserved
Division 5: Department of Financial Services
2-111 Establishment; duties
2-112 Director appointment; qualifications; compensation
2-113 Appointment of employees
2-114 General duties of the director
2-115, 2-116 Reserved
2-117 Returned check charge
2-118 Reserved
Division 6: Department of Human Resources
2-119 Establishment and supervision
2-120 Appointment of employees
2-121 Duties
Division 7: Department of Property Management
2-122 Establishment and supervision
2-123 Appointment of employees
2-124 Duties
Division 8: Department of Aviation
2-125 Establishment, supervision and funding
2-126 Appointment of employees
2-127 Duties
Division 9: Department of Municipal Court Services
2-128 Establishment and supervision
2-129 Appointment of employees
2-130 Duties
Division 10: Fire Department
2-131 Established
2-132 Appointment of employees
2-133 Duties
Division 11: Department of Public Libraries
2-134 Established; supervision
2-135 Duties
2-136 Appointment of employees
Division 12: Department of Park and Recreation
2-137 Established
2-138 Duties
2-139 Appointment of employees
Division 13: Police Department
2-140 Established
2-141 Duties
2-142 Executive assistance chief
Division 14: Department of Code Compliance
2-143 Established
2-144 Duties
2-145 Appointment of employees
Division 15: Department of Transportation and Public Works
2-146 Established
2-147 Director—Appointment; salary; qualifications
2-148 Same—Powers and duties
2-149 Appointment of employees
Division 16: Department of Water
2-150 Established
2-151 Duties
2-152 Appointment of employees
Division 17: Department of Communications and Public Engagement
2-153 Established
2-154 Duties
2-155 Appointment of employees
2-156—2-160 Reserved
Division 18: Department of Public Events
2-161 Established; director
2-162 Appointment of employees
2-163 Duties of director
Division 19: Department of Economic Development
2-164 Establishment and supervision of department
2-165 Department employees
2-166 Department duties
2-167—2-170 Reserved
Division 20: Department of Neighborhood Services
2-171 Establishment and supervision of department
2-172 Department employees
2-173 Department duties
Division 21: Department of Environmental Services
2-174 Creation and establishment of department of environmental services
2-175 Appointment of employees
2-176 Duties
Article V: Human Resources
2-177 Reserved
2-178 Merit system
2-179 Merit principles
2-180 Coverage of the system
2-181 Dismissal, suspension or demotion
2-182 Disciplinary appeal process
2-183 Designation of hearing officer
2-184 Personnel rules and regulations
2-185 Certification of payroll vouchers
2-186 Political activities
2-187 Unlawful acts
2-188 Penalties
2-189 Residency requirements for city employees; standards for response by certain city employees to civil emergencies
2-190 Retired employee health coverage
2-191—2-200 Reserved
Article VI: Reserved
2-201—2-235 Reserved
Article VII: Code of Ethics
Division 1: Generally
2-236 Declaration of policy
2-237 Definitions
2-238 Standards of conduct
2-239 Disclosure of interest
2-239.1 Effect of written opinion of city attorney
Division 2: Ethics Review Commission
2-240 Creation and organization
2-241 Jurisdiction and powers; meetings
2-242 Staffing
2-243 Reserved
Division 3: Hearing Officers
2-244 Appointments
2-245 Jurisdiction and powers
2-246 Reserved
Division 4: Disposition of Alleged Violations; Hearings
2-247 Complaints
2-248 Legal counsel
2-249 Reserved
2-250 Standards of conduct
2-251 Hearings
2-252 Sanctions to be imposed or recommended
2-253 Appeal of certain determinations
2-254 Criminal penalties
2-255 Subpoenas
2-256 Evidence of criminal conduct
2-257 Postponement of hearings in certain cases
2-258—2-260 Reserved
Division 5: Financial Disclosure by Officers and Candidates
2-261 Definitions
2-262 Personal financial statement
2-263 Forms for statements
2-264 Public records; inspection
2-265—2-275 Reserved
Article VIII: Records Management
2-276 Policy
2-277 Scope
2-278 Definitions
2-279 Records management program
2-280 Municipal archive
2-281 City records
2-282 Prohibitions on destruction of city records
2-283 Duties of the city council
2-284 Duties of the city manager
2-285 Records management officer
2-286 Records management policy committee
2-287 Records management plan
2-288 Department director duties
2-289 Departmental records liaison officers
2-289.1 Records control schedules
2-289.2 Destruction of city records
2-289.3 City right to city records
2-289.4 Criminal offense
Article IX: Personal Liability Indemnity Plan
2-290 Definitions
2-291 Coverage
2-292 Cooperation of plan member required
2-293 Limits of coverage
2-294 Exclusions
2-295 Subrogation
2-296 Defense and legal representation
2-297 No defenses waived
2-298 No creation of cause of action
2-299 City motor vehicle coverage
2-300 Reserved
Article X: Reserved
2-301—2-303 Reserved
Article XI: Reserved
2-310—2-320 Reserved
Article XII: Fee Schedules
2-321 Development application fees
2-322 Penalties and mitigation fees
The mayor, mayor pro tem or any three of the council members may call a special meeting of the city council to be held at such hour and date as may be specified in the notice calling such meeting, which notice must be given to each member of the council personally, if possible, after reasonable effort has been exerted; otherwise, notice for the purpose in this section shall be deemed sufficient if a written notice calling such meeting is left at either the business or residence address of each member prior to the time such meeting is held.
(1964 Code, § 2-2)
Charter reference:
Meetings, see Ch. III, § 5
Nominating and electing members of council, see Ch. IV, §§ 1 through 3